Localized, Non-parametric Detection of RNA Structural Modification using Nanopore Basecalling.
J White Bear, G De Bisschop, É Lécuyer… - Proceedings of the 14th …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Recently, much work has been done on chemical probing strategies with nanopore
sequencing to identify RNA modifications at the single nucleotide level. Here, we examine
the use of Oxford Nanopore's Guppy basecalling to identify structural modifications using
localized, non-parametric peak detection. In a novel experiment, we evaluate whether
detection of structural modifications is possible using the Guppy's basecalling error and
determine the accuracy of our approach for selected RNA control sequences. Next, we use …
sequencing to identify RNA modifications at the single nucleotide level. Here, we examine
the use of Oxford Nanopore's Guppy basecalling to identify structural modifications using
localized, non-parametric peak detection. In a novel experiment, we evaluate whether
detection of structural modifications is possible using the Guppy's basecalling error and
determine the accuracy of our approach for selected RNA control sequences. Next, we use …
[PDF][PDF] Localized, Non-parametric Detection of RNA Structural Modification using Nanopore Basecalling.
JW Bear, G De Bisschop, E Lécuyer, J Waldispühl - BCB, 2023 - csb.cs.mcgill.ca
Recently, much work has been done on chemical probing strategies with nanopore
sequencing to identify RNA modifications at the single nucleotide level. Here, we examine
the use of Oxford Nanopore's Guppy basecalling to identify structural modifications using
localized, non-parametric peak detection. In a novel experiment, we evaluate whether
detection of structural modifications is possible using the Guppy's basecalling error and
determine the accuracy of our approach for selected RNA control sequences. Next, we use …
sequencing to identify RNA modifications at the single nucleotide level. Here, we examine
the use of Oxford Nanopore's Guppy basecalling to identify structural modifications using
localized, non-parametric peak detection. In a novel experiment, we evaluate whether
detection of structural modifications is possible using the Guppy's basecalling error and
determine the accuracy of our approach for selected RNA control sequences. Next, we use …
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