Enabling multi-core based monitoring and fault tolerance in C++/Java
Monitoring and fault tolerance are important approaches to give high confidence in long-
running online software systems. But these approaches will certainly cause high overhead
cost, ie the loss of efficiency. Multi-core platforms can make such cost acceptable because of
the parallel performance advantage. For allowing ordinary software developers without any
knowledge of multi-core platforms to handle such programming tasks more efficiently, we
propose an approach to enable multi-core based monitoring and fault tolerance in …
running online software systems. But these approaches will certainly cause high overhead
cost, ie the loss of efficiency. Multi-core platforms can make such cost acceptable because of
the parallel performance advantage. For allowing ordinary software developers without any
knowledge of multi-core platforms to handle such programming tasks more efficiently, we
propose an approach to enable multi-core based monitoring and fault tolerance in …
McC++/Java: enabling multi-core based monitoring and fault tolerance in C++/Java
Monitoring and fault tolerance are important approaches to give high confidence that long-
running online software systems run correctly. But these approaches will certainly cause
high overhead cost, ie the loss of efficiency. Multi-core platforms can make such cost
acceptable because of the advantage of the parallel performance. For allowing ordinary
software developers without any knowledge of multi-core platforms to handle such
programming tasks more efficiently, we propose an approach to enable multi-core based …
running online software systems run correctly. But these approaches will certainly cause
high overhead cost, ie the loss of efficiency. Multi-core platforms can make such cost
acceptable because of the advantage of the parallel performance. For allowing ordinary
software developers without any knowledge of multi-core platforms to handle such
programming tasks more efficiently, we propose an approach to enable multi-core based …