On folk theorems

D Harel - Communications of the ACM, 1980 - dl.acm.org
… conclude simply than a {blk theorem is a ,general conclusion … of or, rather, criteria fbr ~btk
theorems, followed by a detailed … show thal it is a theorem, or take a theorem and show that it …

Folk theorems on transmission access: Proofs and counterexamples

F Wu, P Varaiya, P Spiller, S Oren - Journal of Regulatory Economics, 1996 - Springer
… Underlying those claims are implicit assertions (folk theorems) concerning the regulation of
… We first formulate these folk theorems as explicit mathematical assertions. We then prove …

The myth of the folk theorem

C Borgs, J Chayes, N Immorlica, AT Kalai… - … on Theory of computing, 2008 - dl.acm.org
… of the fortieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing: The myth of the folk theorem
… In fact, repeated games and their Folk Theorem equilibria have been an arena of early …

On two folk theorems concerning the extraction of exhaustible resources

MC Kemp, N Van Long - Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1980 - JSTOR
folk theorems is confirmed. Perhaps the most general conclusion emerging from the analysis
of Sections 3 and 4, and from that of Solow and Wan, is that neither of the two folk theorems

Folk theorems in overlapping generations games

L Smith - Games and economic behavior, 1992 - Elsevier
… We prove two uniform folk theorems that admit arbitrarily long-lived players for a … folk
theorem obtains in which the discount factor must covary with the players’ lifespans. Our focus on

[PDF][PDF] ACM President's Letter: On folk theorems, and folk myths: on folk theorems, and folk myths

PJ Denning - Communications of the ACM, 1980 - dl.acm.org
… There is an extraordinary article, "On Folk Theorems," by … in the conventional wisdom deep
theorems which are simple, … of the formalist, a folk theorem is usually oversimplified. It is so …

[CITATION][C] A folk theorem in functional differential equations

BW Levinger - Journal of Differential Equations, 1968 - Elsevier
… bounded variation on [-T, 01. We are interested in solving the functional differential equation
… We will prove Theorem A’ and hence Theorem A. The idea of the proof is quite simple …

A folk theorem for stochastic games

PK Dutta - Journal of Economic Theory, 1995 - Elsevier
… In the next two sections the following (folk theorem) question is investigated: under what
conditions on the stochastic game will any strictly individually rational payoff (in the ex-post …

More on the “anti-folk theorem

J Masso, RW Rosenthal - Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1989 - Elsevier
… Our purpose here is to give another ‘anti-folk’ type … a version of the anti-folk theorem can be
obtained that is close in … -run-average versions of the anti-folk theorem, and the need for the …

On supergames and folk theorems: A conceptual discussion

W Güth, W Leininger, G Stephan - … Models II: Methods, Morals, and Markets, 1991 - Springer
… to elicit and comment on the view of "strategic relevance" underlying Folk Theorems and to
point to the … of Folk Theorems is important. We characterize the conceptional difficulties of the …