The CLEF 2001 interactive track

DW Oard, J Gonzalo - Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum …, 2001 - Springer
… The goal of the experimental interactive track at the 2001 Cross-… Interactive document
selection is essentially a manual … The main Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) track

The clef 2002 interactive track

J Gonzalo, DW Oard - Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum …, 2002 - Springer
… German and English are the two languages for which a) there were available pools from
CLEF 2001, and b) participants ran end-to-end interactive crosslanguage sessions to contribute …

The CLEF 2003 interactive track

DW Oard, J Gonzalo - Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum …, 2003 - Springer
… one of the hallmarks of CLEF, and we should not be … interactive task within the question-answering
track. If cross-language caption-based image retrieval works well, why not interactive

CLEF 2002—Overview of results

M Braschler - Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for …, 2002 - Springer
CLEF 2002 offered several different tracks and tasks, and this … In addition, CLEF 2002
featured an interactive track (… and 2001, the pool used in CLEF 2002 for the multilingual track is …

iCLEF 2004 track overview: pilot experiments in interactive cross-language question answering

J Gonzalo, DW Oard - Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum …, 2004 - Springer
CLEF 2004 CL-QA track on cases in which English documents were used. Results from 13
automatic systems were submitted to the CLEF-2004 CL-QA trackCLEF-2004 CL-QA track

CLEF 2003–Overview of results

M Braschler - Workshop of the cross-language evaluation forum for …, 2003 - Springer
tracks that have been offered since the beginnings of CLEF, … “main” tracks, CLEF 2003
featured an “interactive track” (first … While the first two CLEF campaigns in 2000 [2] and 2001 [3] …

The CLEF 2003 cross language image retrieval track

P Clough, M Sanderson - Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation …, 2003 - Springer
In this paper, we describe a pilot experiment run at CLEF 2003 for cross language image
retrieval, called ImageCLEF. The task is this: given a user need expressed in a language …

Overview of the CLEF 2004 multilingual question answering track

B Magnini, A Vallin, C Ayache, G Erbach… - Workshop of the Cross …, 2004 - Springer
… iCLEF, the interactive track. The main track included more European languages than CLEF
2003 and … They were first introduced at TREC 2001 and then proposed again in 2003, when …

GeoCLEF 2006: the CLEF 2006 cross-language geographic information retrieval track overview

F Gey, R Larson, M Sanderson, K Bischoff… - … Evaluation Forum, CLEF …, 2007 - Springer
… was made available to all organizing groups for interactive exploration of potential topics.
While the aim … This section will discuss the creation of the spatiallyaware topics for the track. …

The CLEF cross language image retrieval track (ImageCLEF) 2004

P Clough, M Sanderson, H Müller - … , CIVR 2004, Dublin, Ireland, July 21 …, 2004 - Springer
… We adopted the pooling method as used in TREC, CLEF and NTCIR where a set of … the
pooling method with manual interactive searches (also known as interactive search and judge or …