Use of abstracted characteristics of data in relational databases

C Le Viet, Y Kambayashi, K Tanaka… - … Applications …, 1979 -
databases and relational databases which use abstracted characteristics. Fig.l(a) … a
simplified diagram of the usage of constraints in conventional relational databases. In the …

[PDF][PDF] Design patterns for relational databases

E Stathopoulou, P Vassiliadis - Citeseer, 2009 -
… , providing a mathematical abstraction for the construction of applications in terms of the …
a relation ABSTRACT with all the attributes capturing recurring information and a relation

Database abstractions: Aggregation and generalization

JM Smith, DCP Smith - ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), 1977 -
… for the organization of relational databases. In particular this … We wilt use the term “generalization”
in the folIowing way: A … a Codd relation, we must select a set of attributes which are …

[BOOK][B] Theory and practice of relational databases

S Stanczyk, B Champion, R Leyton - 2003 -
… In short, the book is meant to retain those features that made the … data structures (at the
slightly higher level of abstraction than procedural languages used at that time), much of the data


T Brinkhoff, W Kresse - Springer handbook of geographic information, 2012 - Springer
… This section regards the relational database in the way it has … To state the obvious: A
database is always an abstracted … that is one of the databaseʼ properties as shown in the …

Providing approximate answers using a knowledge abstraction database

SY Huh, JW Lee - Journal of Database Management (JDM), 2001 -
… of the relational databases and … ABSTRACTION relation provides abstract values for
individual specialized values, it can be used as an intermediary between the two joined attributes

Relational concept discovery in structured datasets

M Huchard, MR Hacene, C Roume… - Annals of Mathematics and …, 2007 - Springer
data models such as the entity-relation diagrams, abstract from … with attributes and relational
links, called relational concept … -oriented or object-relational databases, the individuals to be …

Comparative analysis of model management and relational database management

YC Tsai - Omega, 2001 - Elsevier
… We use the term “model” to mean an abstract representation of some real-world problem…
data” and “models” use a different representation technique. This section examines the features

[BOOK][B] Understanding Databases: Concepts and Practice

SW Dietrich - 2021 -
… , the relationship named employees in the department di uses … to relational databases, which
use the value of attributes to link … Some systems have abstracted this to frameworks that use

Use of abstracted characteristics of data in relational databases

Y Kambayashi, C Le Viet, K Tanaka… - … International Applications …, 2005 -
… In the database field, the requirement of high level facilities for retrieval/… relational database
point of view for contribution to this problem is to provide 1) efficient processing of relational