gowl: A fast ontology-mediated query answering
… In this poster, we have presented the gOWL system for ontology-mediated query answering. …
-on-shelf SPARQL query engines for supporting large-scale ontology query answering in an …
-on-shelf SPARQL query engines for supporting large-scale ontology query answering in an …
Query Optimization for Ontology-Mediated Query Answering
… Our goal is to devise an optimization framework for OMQA via FO-rewriting that enjoys the …
We chose Rapid since it is fast, although we do not consider query reformulation cost (hence …
We chose Rapid since it is fast, although we do not consider query reformulation cost (hence …
Large-scale ontology-mediated query answering over OWL 2 RL ontologies
Ontology-mediated query answering (OMQA) is an emerging paradigm at the basis of many
semantic-centric applications. In this setting, a conjunctive query has to be evaluated …
semantic-centric applications. In this setting, a conjunctive query has to be evaluated …
Ontology-Mediated Query Answering: Performance Challenges and Advances
… this is the goal of the new optimization we devise below. As the names of the state-of-the-art …
rapidly away from query reformulations such sub-CQs with no answer on the queried KB’s …
rapidly away from query reformulations such sub-CQs with no answer on the queried KB’s …
Inconsistency handling in ontology-mediated query answering
C Bourgaux - 2016 - theses.hal.science
… Chapter 2 This chapter introduces the framework of ontology-mediated query answering in
the setting of description logics, focusing on the lightweight description logic DL-LiteR that we …
the setting of description logics, focusing on the lightweight description logic DL-LiteR that we …
Ontology-mediated query answering with data-tractable description logics
M Bienvenu, M Ortiz - Reasoning Web. Web Logic Rules: 11th …, 2015 - Springer
… answers to queries), but it also makes the query answering task more difficult. In this chapter,
we give a brief introduction to ontology-mediated query answering … which query answering …
we give a brief introduction to ontology-mediated query answering … which query answering …
Answering metaqueries over hi (OWL 2 QL) ontologies
M Lenzerini, L Lepore, A Poggi - IJCAI, 2016 - iris.uniroma1.it
… ), which are unions of conjunctive queries with both ABox and … axioms, and show that query
answering in this case has the … Finally, we present an optimized query answering algorithm …
answering in this case has the … Finally, we present an optimized query answering algorithm …
[HTML][HTML] Graphol: A Graphical Language for Ontology Modeling Equivalent to OWL 2
… Graphol is suitable for quick adoption by conceptual modelers … GrOWL is a tool for visualizing
and editing ontologies, based on the underlying DL semantics of OWL ontologies. GrOWL …
and editing ontologies, based on the underlying DL semantics of OWL ontologies. GrOWL …
[PDF][PDF] Ontology-Mediated Queries from Examples: a Glimpse at the DL-Lite Case.
M Ortiz - GCAI, 2019 - gcai2019.inf.unibz.it
… also arises in AI, where learning from given data how to separate classes is the core goal
of … Ontology-mediated query answering with data-tractable description logics. In Reasoning …
of … Ontology-mediated query answering with data-tractable description logics. In Reasoning …
Comparative analysis of logic reasoning and graph neural networks for ontology-mediated query answering with a covering axiom
… to the ontology-mediated query answering task with a covering … answers to OMQ while
being faster than their logic-based … we achieved the main goal to query fully labelled networks. …
being faster than their logic-based … we achieved the main goal to query fully labelled networks. …