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Artificial Intelligence

What Is AI?

Artificial intelligence is transforming scientific research as well as everyday life, from communications to transportation to health care and more. Explore what defines AI, how it has evolved since the Turing Test, and the future of artificial intelligence.

What Is the Difference Between "Artificial Intelligence" and "Machine Learning"?

The term "artificial intelligence" is older and broader than "machine learning." Learn how the terms relate to each other and to the concepts of "neural networks" and "deep learning."

How Do Computers Learn?

Machine learning applications power many features of modern life, including search engines, social media, and self-driving cars. Discover how computers learn to make decisions and predictions in this illustration of two key machine learning models.

How Is AI Applied in Everyday Life?

While scientists and engineers explore AI's potential to advance discovery and technology, smart technologies also directly influence our daily lives. Explore the sometimes surprising examples of AI applications.

What Is Big Data?

The increase in available data has fueled the rise of artificial intelligence. Find out what characterizes big data, where big data comes from, and how it is used.

Will Machines Become More Intelligent Than Humans?

Whether or not artificial intelligence will be able to outperform human intelligence—and how soon that could happen—is a common question fueled by depictions of AI in movies and other forms of popular culture. Learn the definition of "singularity" and see a timeline of advances in AI over the past 75 years.

How Does AI Drive Autonomous Systems?

Learn the difference between automation and autonomy, and hear from Caltech faculty who are pushing the limits of AI to create autonomous technology, from self-driving cars to ambulance drones to prosthetic devices.

Can We Trust AI?

As AI is further incorporated into everyday life, more scholars, industries, and ordinary users are examining its effects on society. The Caltech Science Exchange spoke with AI researchers at Caltech about what it might take to trust current and future technologies.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI applications such as ChatGPT, a chatbot that answers questions with detailed written responses; and DALL-E, which creates realistic images and art based on text prompts; became widely popular beginning in 2022 when companies released versions of their applications that members of the public, not just experts, could easily use.

Ask a Caltech Expert

Where can you find machine learning in finance? Could AI help nature conservation efforts? How is AI transforming astronomy, biology, and other fields? What does an autonomous underwater vehicle have to do with sustainability? Find answers from Caltech researchers.

Terms to Know

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