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Kai-Fu Yang
Authors "Kai-Fu Yang" (5)

Total number of authors: 5

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Department of Applied English, Chaoy...
Department of Applied English, Chaoy...
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Department of Applied English, Chaoy...
Department of Applied English, Chaoy...
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Department and Graduate Institute of...
Department and Graduate Institute of...
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Department of Business Administratio...
Department of Business Administratio...
90 publications with author Kai-Fu Yang
Journal Article
Computers in Biology and Medicine
Published: 01 June 2023 in Computers in Biology and Medicine
ACS Style

Yubo Tan; Shi-Xuan Zhao; Kai-Fu Yang; Yong-Jie Li. A lightweight network guided with differential matched filtering for retinal vessel segmentation. Computers in Biology and Medicine 2023, 160, 106924 .

AMA Style

Yubo Tan, Shi-Xuan Zhao, Kai-Fu Yang, Yong-Jie Li. A lightweight network guided with differential matched filtering for retinal vessel segmentation. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2023; 160 ():106924.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Yubo Tan; Shi-Xuan Zhao; Kai-Fu Yang; Yong-Jie Li. 2023. "A lightweight network guided with differential matched filtering for retinal vessel segmentation." Computers in Biology and Medicine 160, no. : 106924.

Journal Article
Oncology Letters
Published: 14 July 2014 in Oncology Letters

Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common type of cancer in males in the USA and the incidence is increasing. For castration-resistant PCa (CRPC), previous studies have identified docetaxel-based chemotherapy as the first-line therapy. In the present study, the efficacy of docetaxel-based chemotherapy was investigated in a population of patients with CRPC. This study included 26 individuals (mean age, 73 years) with CRPC who were patients between July 2007 and October 2012 at the Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital (Kaohsiung, Taiwan). The regimen consisted of intravenous docetaxel (70 mg/m(2)) once every four weeks plus oral prednisolone (5 mg) twice daily for five days. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) response (defined as a PSA decrease of >50% over four weeks), time to PSA progression, PCa-specific survival and overall survival (OS) were evaluated. For these 26 patients, the mean PSA level prior to chemotherapy treatment was 335.58 ng/ml. During follow-up, the average number of cycles of chemotherapy was approximately seven and 15 patients (58%) achieved a PSA response. PSA response was found to significantly correlate with OS and PCa-specific survival (P=0.014 and P=0.028, respectively). The mean value of tilt PSA nadir level was 89.97 ng/ml and time to PSA nadir was five months. The most common adverse event was leucopenia, which affected 88% of the patients. The results indicated that the length of time to PSA nadir and the occurrence of leucopenia may impact the PSA response. The docetaxel-based chemotherapy was a feasible and effective treatment regimen in patients with CRPC. However, the occurrence of adverse events, particularly the high incidence of leucopenia, may be cause for concern.

ACS Style

Hsiang-Ying Lee; Wen-Jeng Wu; Chun-Hsiung Huang; Yii-Her Chou; Yung-Chin Lee; Kai-Fu Yang; Mei-Hui Lee; Shu-Pin Huang. Clinical predictor of survival following docetaxel-based chemotherapy. Oncology Letters 2014, 8, 1788 -1792.

AMA Style

Hsiang-Ying Lee, Wen-Jeng Wu, Chun-Hsiung Huang, Yii-Her Chou, Yung-Chin Lee, Kai-Fu Yang, Mei-Hui Lee, Shu-Pin Huang. Clinical predictor of survival following docetaxel-based chemotherapy. Oncology Letters. 2014; 8 (4):1788-1792.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Hsiang-Ying Lee; Wen-Jeng Wu; Chun-Hsiung Huang; Yii-Her Chou; Yung-Chin Lee; Kai-Fu Yang; Mei-Hui Lee; Shu-Pin Huang. 2014. "Clinical predictor of survival following docetaxel-based chemotherapy." Oncology Letters 8, no. 4: 1788-1792.

Engineering Proceedings
Published: 29 August 2024 in Engineering Proceedings

In recent years, environmental pollution has become a global concern, but most of the attention has been paid to the impact of garbage pollution on the oceans, and the pollution of mountain areas has rarely been a concern. However, the amount of garbage in the mountains is also considerable. Therefore, in order to make students pay more attention to the issue of environmental protection, we promoted environmental education and increased environmental awareness to encourage green behavior for the goal of environmental sustainability. Foreign students have a better understanding of environmental protection through mountain cleaning, improve their knowledge of garbage sorting, and work together to protect our environment.

ACS Style

Kai-Fu Yang; Pei-Rong Liu; Yu-Han Zheng; Yu-Jie Peng; Hai-Yan Wang; Yi-Fang Huang. Environmental Movement Regardless of Nationality: International Students’ Attitude toward Environmental Protection and Environmental Awareness in Taiwan. Engineering Proceedings 2024, 74, 26 .

AMA Style

Kai-Fu Yang, Pei-Rong Liu, Yu-Han Zheng, Yu-Jie Peng, Hai-Yan Wang, Yi-Fang Huang. Environmental Movement Regardless of Nationality: International Students’ Attitude toward Environmental Protection and Environmental Awareness in Taiwan. Engineering Proceedings. 2024; 74 (1):26.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kai-Fu Yang; Pei-Rong Liu; Yu-Han Zheng; Yu-Jie Peng; Hai-Yan Wang; Yi-Fang Huang. 2024. "Environmental Movement Regardless of Nationality: International Students’ Attitude toward Environmental Protection and Environmental Awareness in Taiwan." Engineering Proceedings 74, no. 1: 26.

Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
Published: 27 February 2018 in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

In this paper, we relate the operation of image dynamic range adjustment to the following two tasks: (1) for a high dynamic range (HDR) image, its dynamic range will be mapped to the available dynamic range of display devices, and (2) for a low dynamic range (LDR) image, its distribution of intensity will be extended to adequately utilize the full dynamic range of display devices. The common goal of the both tasks is to preserve or even enhance the details and improve the visibility of scenes when being matched to the available dynamic range of a display device. In this study, we propose an efficient method for image dynamic range adjustment with three adaptive steps. Firstly, according to the histogram of the luminance map separated from the given RGB image, two suitable Gamma functions are adaptively selected to separately adjust the luminance of the dark and bright components. Secondly, an adaptive fusion strategy is proposed to combine the two adjusted luminance maps in order to balance the enhancement of the details in different regions. Thirdly, an adaptive luminance-dependant color restoration method is designed to combine the fused luminance map with the original color components to obtain more consistent color saturation between the images before and after dynamic range adjustment. Extensive experiments show that the proposed method can efficiently compress the dynamic range of HDR scenes with good contrast, clear details and high structural fidelity of the original image appearance. In addition, the proposed method can also obtain promising performance when being used to enhance LDR nighttime images and greatly facilitate the object (car) detection in nighttime traffic scenes.

ACS Style

Kai-Fu Yang; Hui Li; Hulin Kuang; Chao-Yi Li; Yong-Jie Li. An Adaptive Method for Image Dynamic Range Adjustment. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2018, 29, 640 -652.

AMA Style

Kai-Fu Yang, Hui Li, Hulin Kuang, Chao-Yi Li, Yong-Jie Li. An Adaptive Method for Image Dynamic Range Adjustment. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2018; 29 (3):640-652.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kai-Fu Yang; Hui Li; Hulin Kuang; Chao-Yi Li; Yong-Jie Li. 2018. "An Adaptive Method for Image Dynamic Range Adjustment." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 29, no. 3: 640-652.

Journal Article
Expert Systems with Applications
Published: 08 January 2022 in Expert Systems with Applications
ACS Style

De-Huai He; Kai-Fu Yang; Xue-Mei Wan; Fen Xiao; Hong-Mei Yan; Yong-Jie Li. A new representation of scene layout improves saliency detection in traffic scenes. Expert Systems with Applications 2022, 193, 116425 .

AMA Style

De-Huai He, Kai-Fu Yang, Xue-Mei Wan, Fen Xiao, Hong-Mei Yan, Yong-Jie Li. A new representation of scene layout improves saliency detection in traffic scenes. Expert Systems with Applications. 2022; 193 ():116425.

Chicago/Turabian Style

De-Huai He; Kai-Fu Yang; Xue-Mei Wan; Fen Xiao; Hong-Mei Yan; Yong-Jie Li. 2022. "A new representation of scene layout improves saliency detection in traffic scenes." Expert Systems with Applications 193, no. : 116425.

Conference Paper
Published: 27 September 2021

This study takes the multinational vehicle brands in Taiwan as the research object, and explores which aspects are the key success factors for vehicle brands. As the vehicle industry is becoming advanced nowadays, the competition among various salesperson is fiercer, and the key success factors may not be limited only to the product itself, even the salesperson's marketing strategy, brand are also important. Based on the literature analysis, this research has analyzed four principles of key success factors, there are service quality, brand equity, marketing strategy and e-commerce. And the sub-principles which are used as evaluation indicators to establish a hierarchical analysis structure. The purpose of this study is to: (1) Take three multinational brands as examples to explore their business strategies and key success factors; (2) Understand the sequence of key success factors for auto brands, and provide the data to car dealers for future development strategy. The weight of the results shows that both the salesperson and customers present the first place of the principle in this study is “service quality”. And for the sub-principles, the highest of the salesperson goes on “master demands of the market”; and the highest weight of the customers is to “price-quality”.

ACS Style

Kai-Fu Yang; Hao-Wei Yang; Chia Hui Hsieh. Rating Hierarchy Weight and Exploring Key Success Factor for Multinational Vehicle Brand. 2021 .

AMA Style

Kai-Fu Yang, Hao-Wei Yang, Chia Hui Hsieh. Rating Hierarchy Weight and Exploring Key Success Factor for Multinational Vehicle Brand. . 2021; ():.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kai-Fu Yang; Hao-Wei Yang; Chia Hui Hsieh. 2021. "Rating Hierarchy Weight and Exploring Key Success Factor for Multinational Vehicle Brand." , no. : .

Conference Paper
Published: 01 June 2021

Service quality, with its final effect on repurchasing by customers, appears to have received relatively large attention, especially in retailing literature. Facing the market competition in the retailing industry, service quality has become an important factor for improving companies’ profit. Therefore, this study was to examine the service quality of dried pork retailers and its impact on customer satisfaction. By using the SERVQUAL scale, approximately 350 data were collected from shoppers who continue supporting dried pork products. The findings demonstrated the use of Importance Performance Analysis to assist managers of food retail chains in improving their services.

ACS Style

Kai-Fu Yang; Hao-Wei Yang; Chao-Hung Huang; Yu-Wen Peng; Wei-Chen Chen. Adopting Importance Performance Analysis to Evaluate Service Quality of Dried Pork Industry. 2021, 71 -74.

AMA Style

Kai-Fu Yang, Hao-Wei Yang, Chao-Hung Huang, Yu-Wen Peng, Wei-Chen Chen. Adopting Importance Performance Analysis to Evaluate Service Quality of Dried Pork Industry. . 2021; ():71-74.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kai-Fu Yang; Hao-Wei Yang; Chao-Hung Huang; Yu-Wen Peng; Wei-Chen Chen. 2021. "Adopting Importance Performance Analysis to Evaluate Service Quality of Dried Pork Industry." , no. : 71-74.

Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Published: 02 June 2017 in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

Object proposal is one of the most key pre-processing steps for nighttime vehicle detection systems in intelligent transportation systems. However, most current object proposal methods are developed on daytime data sets, and these methods demonstrate unsatisfactory results when they are used on nighttime images. Therefore, this paper presents a novel Bayes saliency-based object proposal generator for nighttime RGB traffic images to generate a modest and accurate set of proposals, which are more likely to be vehicles for preceding vehicle detection. First, we propose a new Bayes saliency detection approach in which prior estimation, feature extraction, weight estimation, and Bayes rule are used to compute saliency maps. Then, we propose a simple but effective object proposal generator based on the Bayes saliency map. Multi-scale sliding window, proposal rejecting, scoring, and non-maximum suppression are combined to generate a modest and effective set of proposals. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach generates a modest set of proposals and outperforms some state-of-the-art methods on nighttime images in terms of various evaluation metrics. Furthermore, our proposed object proposal approach can improve the detection performance and the speed of several state-of-the-art vehicle detection approaches.

ACS Style

Hulin Kuang; Kai-Fu Yang; Long Chen; Yong-Jie Li; Leanne Lai Hang Chan; Hong Yan. Bayes Saliency-Based Object Proposal Generator for Nighttime Traffic Images. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2017, 19, 814 -825.

AMA Style

Hulin Kuang, Kai-Fu Yang, Long Chen, Yong-Jie Li, Leanne Lai Hang Chan, Hong Yan. Bayes Saliency-Based Object Proposal Generator for Nighttime Traffic Images. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2017; 19 (3):814-825.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Hulin Kuang; Kai-Fu Yang; Long Chen; Yong-Jie Li; Leanne Lai Hang Chan; Hong Yan. 2017. "Bayes Saliency-Based Object Proposal Generator for Nighttime Traffic Images." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19, no. 3: 814-825.

Published: 27 September 2019
ACS Style

Kai-Fu Yang; Hao-Wei Yang; Chao-Hung Huang; Jui-Yi Yang; Wen-Yu Chang. Research on the Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty-Taking Corporate Image as a Moderating Variable. 2019, 4, 117 -122.

AMA Style

Kai-Fu Yang, Hao-Wei Yang, Chao-Hung Huang, Jui-Yi Yang, Wen-Yu Chang. Research on the Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty-Taking Corporate Image as a Moderating Variable. . 2019; 4 ():117-122.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kai-Fu Yang; Hao-Wei Yang; Chao-Hung Huang; Jui-Yi Yang; Wen-Yu Chang. 2019. "Research on the Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty-Taking Corporate Image as a Moderating Variable." 4, no. : 117-122.

Published: 24 October 2023 in ArXiv

Stable imaging in adverse environments (e.g., total darkness) makes thermal infrared (TIR) cameras a prevalent option for night scene perception. However, the low contrast and lack of chromaticity of TIR images are detrimental to human interpretation and subsequent deployment of RGB-based vision algorithms. Therefore, it makes sense to colorize the nighttime TIR images by translating them into the corresponding daytime color images (NTIR2DC). Despite the impressive progress made in the NTIR2DC task, how to improve the translation performance of small object classes is under-explored. To address this problem, we propose a generative adversarial network incorporating feedback-based object appearance learning (FoalGAN). Specifically, an occlusion-aware mixup module and corresponding appearance consistency loss are proposed to reduce the context dependence of object translation. As a representative example of small objects in nighttime street scenes, we illustrate how to enhance the realism of traffic light by designing a traffic light appearance loss. To further improve the appearance learning of small objects, we devise a dual feedback learning strategy to selectively adjust the learning frequency of different samples. In addition, we provide pixel-level annotation for a subset of the Brno dataset, which can facilitate the research of NTIR image understanding under multiple weather conditions. Extensive experiments illustrate that the proposed FoalGAN is not only effective for appearance learning of small objects, but also outperforms other image translation methods in terms of semantic preservation and edge consistency for the NTIR2DC task.

ACS Style

Fu-Ya Luo; Shu-Lin Liu; Yi-Jun Cao; Kai-Fu Yang; Chang-Yong Xie; Yong Liu; Yong-Jie Li. Nighttime Thermal Infrared Image Colorization with Feedback-based Object Appearance Learning. ArXiv 2023 .

AMA Style

Fu-Ya Luo, Shu-Lin Liu, Yi-Jun Cao, Kai-Fu Yang, Chang-Yong Xie, Yong Liu, Yong-Jie Li. Nighttime Thermal Infrared Image Colorization with Feedback-based Object Appearance Learning. ArXiv. 2023; ():.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Fu-Ya Luo; Shu-Lin Liu; Yi-Jun Cao; Kai-Fu Yang; Chang-Yong Xie; Yong Liu; Yong-Jie Li. 2023. "Nighttime Thermal Infrared Image Colorization with Feedback-based Object Appearance Learning." ArXiv , no. : .