Siena Logo

     This school LOGO was created to commemorate the Golden Jubilee Celebration of SIENA COLLEGE, QUEZON CITY hence the golden color of the crest.

      The HIGH and POINTED art is symbolic of the supremacy of our FAITH, HOPE & LOVE in the Triune God and our quest for ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AND COMPETENCE THROUGH A GOSPEL-CENTERED CURRICULUM.

      The CREST represents the strong UNITY fostered in Siena College, QC as a family and community, and our steadfast spirit of NATIONALISM.

      The BLACK and WHITE color scheme at the center and the CONGREGATIONAL LOGO on top announce that Siena College is a Dominican school run by the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, carrying the motto: PASSION FOR TRUTH & COMPASSION FOR HUMANITY.

      The inscription of the name of VENERABLE MOTHER FRANCISCA DEL ESPIRITU DE FUENTES in a scroll is to honor her as the foundress of the Congregation and its first school, the Beaterio-Colegio and from then on all the other schools including Siena College, QC which was established in 1959. 

      The STRETCHED LAUREL LEAVES and CLOUDS represent Mother Francisca’s greatness and state of HOLINESS and the school’s advocacy for INTEGRITY OF CREATION.

      This institution has for its patroness, ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA who is symbolized by the inverted RED LILY.  Red is a life-giving color and is also the color scheme of Siena, Italy, her birthplace.  The LILY represents the PURITY of St. Catherine.

      The infinity symbols on both sides of the crest represent our INFINITE LOVE & LOYALTY for our beloved ALMA MATER, SIENA COLLEGE, QC.

Explanation by:
Sr. Ma. Sofia Taguinod, OP (President) &
Leilani Bamba (BSBA – II)

Siena Hand Wave

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