- Orange - $10
- Chewbaka - $25
- White - $15
- Pink - $10
i’ll negotiate on prices 😭
(via funnyfurby-deactivated20240401)
“Public libraries are such important, lovely places!” Yes but do you GO there. Do you STUDY there. Do you meet friends and get coffee there. Do you borrow the FREE, ZERO SUBSCRIPTION, ZERO TRACKING books, audiobooks, ebooks, and films. Have you checked out their events and schemes. Do you sign up for the low cost courses in ASL or knitting or programming or writing your CV that they probably run. Do you know they probably have myriad of schemes to help low income families. Do you hire their low cost rooms if you need them. Have you joined their social groups. Do you use the FREE COMPUTERS. Do you even know what your library is trying to offer you. Listen, the library shouldn’t just exist for you as a nice idea. That’s why more libraries shut every year
If this post persuades even one person to get a free library account and use it, my time on this hellsite will not have been spent in vain
(via chorby-soul)
so i told my sisters boyfriend to please clean his v*mit out of the bathroom next time because we are all adults and he proceeded to call me every insult in the book, threaten me, and let the air out of the tires of every car here before he left. not even enough air to limp us to an air compressor, we have to get towed.
my venmo is @frogutopia if anyone wants to help me not lose my mind
edit: this is AFTER i cleaned it FOR HIM