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Birdathon FAQs

  • Prizes are awarded to our top fundraising individuals. Winners get their choice from our prize list, in order of fundraising accomplishments.

  • There are three main types of Birdathon team: Photography, Traditional (the team birds together as a single group), and Distributed (the team birds on their own during their competition window and compiles a list of species afterwards). Teams are further divided into 4-hour, 10-hour, or 24-hour durations. Teams do not have to completely fulfill these durations (most don’t), but this allows 4-hour teams to have a friendly competition without pitting them against teams who will be spending sunup to sundown birding.

  • Birdathon is a fundraiser for SCVBA’s education programs. The money allows us to offer affordable programming for schools (including free programming for Title 1 schools), pay for bussing fees, and develop education materials in multiple languages. Birdathon participants are asked to contribute at least $50 towards this effort, but we also encourage you to ask for donations from friends, family, or matching donations from work! A moment of awkwardness can result in a school getting to take part in a field trip that would otherwise be out of reach.

Birdathon Campaign Progress


Goal: Beat last year's Birdathon Total: $63,000
Note: Thermometer updated approximately once per weekday

Banner photo: View of the Santa Clara Valley from Sierra Vista Open Space Preserve, by Barry Langdon-Lassagne