Science Department

Mission: The mission of the Jefferson Academy Science Department is to foster responsibility and critical thinking through inquiry, investigation and discovery using scientific reasoning.

Science Core Classes

Junior High: 7th and 8th grade Integrated Science (topics: Earth/Moon, Chemistry, Physics, Biology)

High School: Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, College Biology 111, College Biology 112, AP Physics, AP Enviromental Science

Science Electives

Junior High: Disease Studies, Pre Anatomy, Medical Mysteries, Sustainable Engineering, Marine Biology, Animal Behavior

High School: STEAM, Engineering I, Anatomy/Physiology, Astronomy, Entomology, Forensics, Genetics, Science in Movies, Comparative Anatomy

Science Academic Pathways

Click here for a PDF of the above image

Science Department Members

Babcock photo

Ms. Ember Babcock

[email protected]

Bilinski photo

Mr. Greg Bilinski

[email protected]

Kirkley photo

Mr. Nathan Kirkley

[email protected]

Mellott photo

Mr. Ryan Mellott

[email protected]

Swaney photo

Ms. Addison Swaney

[email protected]

Thimson photo

Mrs. Leslie Thimsen

[email protected]