University Senate
The next University Senate meeting will be Tuesday, March 11th at 3:00 pm in Goodwin Forum (NHE 102) and on Zoom. The agendas are available here.
Please direct questions about the University Senate to [email protected].
University Senate Norms and Expectations
Tune into the University Senate biweekly meetings. Log into your Zoom account and paste in the Senate Zoom Meeting ID: 818 1954 9462 Passcode: 011143. See our Guide to Virtual Meetings and gender inclusive zoom spaces.
The campus community is invited to participate in several ways:
- Sign Up before the meeting to speak on any topic for three minutes during our open forum from 3:15-3:30 p.m.
- Raise your zoom hand during the meeting to signal that you would like to join an active discussion
- Contribute to the Senate agenda itself!