The Indigo Series. The Series set in the towns and cities of the Games Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. The Subsequent events of the Indigo League are as follows:
It all starts with one person named Ash Ketchum starting off with a disobedient Pok�mon: Pikachu:
He earns Pikachu's trust and gains 2 travelling companions the girl Misty and the Gym Leader Brock: The events happened in this order:
Team Rocket start to try and capture Pikachu
Ash catches a Caterpie
Ash catches Pidgeotto
Caterpie evolves into Metapod
Metapod evolves into Butterfree
Ash beats Brock in the Pewter Gym on the second Attempt. Brock Joins Ash. Ash gets the Boulder Badge
Brock catches Zubat
Ash gets to Cerulean City. He beats Misty in a battle (a close one at that). Ash gets the Cascade Badge
Ash gets given a Bulbasaur
Ash Catches a Charmander
Ash catches a Squirtle
Ash Catches a Krabby
Ash beats Lt. Surge on second attempt in The Vermillion Gym. He gets the Thunder Badge
Ash trades Butterfree for A Raticate and Back Again
Misty catches a Horsea
Ash releases Butterfree
Ash finds Sabrina. Loses to her 1st time round
Ash Catches a Haunter in Lavender Town
Ash gets to Sabrina and beats her (Not in Battle).
Ash gives Haunter to Sabrina
Ash catches a Primeape
Ash beats Erika in the Celadon Gym and gets the Rainbow Badge
Brock catches Vulpix
Ash gives Primeape away
Ash catches a Muk
Jesse and James evolve Ekans and Koffing into Arbok and Weezing
Ash beats Koga in the Fuschia Gym. He gets the Soul Badge
Misty catches Psyduck
Ash catches 30 Tauros (not seen in US)
Ash tries to release Pikachu and fails
Charmander evolves into Charmeleon
Jigglypuff starts to follow the gang
Ash sees all 5 extinct Pok�mon
Charmeleon evolves into Charizard
Ash finds a Togepi egg
We find out that James has a Growlithe
Togepi hatches. Everyone has a tournement. Ash wins but Togepi goes with Misty
Bulbasaur tries not to evolve and succeceds
Jesse Catches Lickitung
Snap joins the gang
Snap leaves the gang
James' Weepinbell evolves into Victreebel
Ash beats Blaine on the second attempt with Charizard in the Cinnabar gym. He gets the Volcano Badge
Misty gives away her Starmie and her Horsea
Giovanni employs Mewtwo
Giovanni tests out his Strongest Pok�mon (Mewtwo) against Gary
Ash beats Team Rocket in the Viridian Gym. He Gets the Earth Badge
Ash's Mom catches a Mr. Mime
Mewtwo breaks out of Giovanni's Lab
Ash Battles Mewtwo. Ash loses
Mewtwo forces all the Pok�mon to fight their clones. Ash stops Mew and Mewtwo fighting and gets killed in the process. All the Pok�mon's Tears bring him back to life
Ash goes to the Pok�mon League and beats all 4 fields
Richie joins the group
Ash loses to Richie
Richie loses the league aswell
Ash comes in the top 16 in the League
Richie leaves the group
Ash leaves to go to the Orange Islands to get the GS Ball from Proffessor Ivy