Nintendo 3DS Themes

In October 2014, a system update came to the Nintendo 3DS that allowed for customised themes. These themes could be purchased in a special Theme Shop accessed on the home menu and then adorn the Nintendo 3DS console with certain aesthetics. Music based on the theme will play in the background and the folder icons will change to match the theme. They also feature a Pok�mon sound effect when you bring the console out of sleep mode.

In addition to that, you can set a random 10 themes to be put in rotation whenever you load up your home screen.

Nintendo 3DS Themes

Icon Image Name Theme Music Notes Price Release
Icon Pok�mon - Primal Groudon/Kyogre Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Theme As you scroll from left to right, you will change from Primal Groudon to Primal Kyogre and back again 200¥
November 21st 2014 International
Icon Pok�mon - Onemuri Pikachu Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Pok�mon Center As you scroll from left to right, Pikachu will sleep and wake up next to a Chesto Berry 200¥
November 21st 2014 International
Icon Pok�mon - Slowpoke Do naiya nen Yadon As you scroll from left to right, you will see different art of Slowpoke and Slowpoke on the bottom screen will sleep
Every click you make has the "Yan~" sound
November 21st 2014 Japan
January 1st 2015 Europe/NA
Icon Pok�mon - Groudon Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Theme As you scroll, the image changes from Groudon to Primal Groudon, matching image on 3DS faceplate Free with special 3DS November 21st 2014 Japan
Icon Pok�mon - Kyogre Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Theme As you scroll, the image changes from Kyogre to Primal Kyogre, matching image on 3DS faceplate Free with special 3DS November 21st 2014 Japan
Icon Pok�mon - Pikachu Party Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Pok�Mart As you scroll from left to right, you will see different art of Pikachu frolicking, playing and Sleeping 200¥
February 14th 2015 Japan
February 14th 2015 North America
February 14th 2015 Europe
Icon Pok�mon - Mega Rayquaza Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Battle! Super Ancient Pok�mon As you scroll from left to right, the image changes from Rayquaza to Mega Rayquaza 200¥
March 11th 2015 Japan
March 12th 2015 North America
March 13th 2015 Europe
Icon Pok�mon Friends Pok�mon Black & White - Let's Go Together As you scroll from left to right, the characters on the touch screen shake from left to right 200¥
March 11th 2015 Japan
March 12th 2015 North America
March 13th 2015 Europe
Icon Pok�mon Hanafuda Pok�mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - Kimono Girls As you scroll from left to right, you scroll through various hanafua card designs 200¥
March 11th 2015 Japan
March 12th 2015 North America
March 13th 2015 Europe
Icon Pok�mon Eevee Collection Pok�mon X & Y - PR Video Studio As you scroll from left to right, the bottom screen scrolls through an image of Eevee and its 8 evolutions. 200¥
May 27th 2015 Japan
May 28th 2015 North America
May 29th 2015 Europe
Icon Pok�mon Shuffle Pok�mon Shuffle - "I Dance In The Breeze" As you scroll from left to right, the top screen features various Pok�mon while the Pok�mon on the bottom screen rotate between the Kanto, Hoenn and Kalos Starters 200¥
May 27th 2015 Japan
May 28th 2015 North America
May 29th 2015 Europe
Icon Pok�mon: Mega Charizard X Pok�mon X & Y - Pok�mon Gym As you scroll from left to right, you scroll through various an image of Mega Charizard X in a blue firestorm 200¥
May 27th 2015 Japan
May 28th 2015 North America
May 29th 2015 Europe
Icon Pok�mon: Mega Charizard Y & Mega Rayquaza Pok�mon X & Y - Pok�mon League As you scroll from left to right, the image of Mega Charizard Y will zoom in 200¥
June 24th 2015 Japan
July 2nd 2015 US
July 17th 2015 (Europe)
Icon Pok�mon: Eevee Collection - Espeon & Umbreon Pok�mon X & Y - Game Sync As you scroll from left to right, the image of Espeon & Umbreon changes through a pattern 200¥
June 24th 2015 Japan
July 2nd 2015 US
July 17th 2015 (Europe)
Icon Pok�mon: Dancing Pikachu! Pikachu Dance As you scroll from left to right, the top image of the Pikachu will scroll to show various dancing Pok�mon while the bottom image has five Pikachu dance. Pikachu makes noise as you scroll 200¥
August 19th 2015 Japan
September 18th 2015 Europe
September 17th 2015 America
Icon Pok�mon: Pikachu's Cry Pok�mon X & Y - Route 1 As you scroll from left to right, the bottom image of the Pikachu animates to show the Pikachu talking. Pikachu makes noise as you scroll 250¥
August 19th 2015 Japan
September 18th 2015 Europe
September 17th 2015 America
Icon Pok�mon 151 - Mewtwo Pok�mon X & Y - Tower of Mastery As you scroll from left to right, the image showcases the Pok�mon Mewtwo surrounding a crest. It plays Mewtwo's cry when you select an icon. 250¥
September 16th 2015 Japan
September 18th 2015 Europe
September 17th 2015 America
Icon Pok�mon - Mega Mewtwo & BREAK Evolution Pok�mon X & Y - Battle! Mewtwo As you scroll from left to right, lightning sparks around the golden BREAK evolutions. It plays a Pok�mon cry when you select an icon. 250¥
September 16th 2015 Japan
November 6th 2015 Europe
November 5th 2015 America
Icon Pok�mon Super Mystery Dungeon Pok�mon Super Mystery Dungeon - Main Theme Static image of the Pok�mon Super Mystery Dungeon box-art by Ken Sugimori Free when pre-ordering (Japan)
Free when purchasing the game through eShop or first retail run (America)
September 17th 2015 Japan
November 20th 2015 America
Icon Pok�mon Super Mystery Dungeon Download Version Pok�mon Super Mystery Dungeon - Partner's Theme! As you scroll from left to right, both screens scroll with partner Pok�mon in the top screen and the supporting cast on the bottom screen. Free when downloaded off the eShop before September 30th Japan September 17th 2015 - September 30th 2015 Japan
Icon Pok�mon Picross Pok�mon Picross - Standard World Theme As you scroll from left to right, portraits of the Starter Pok�mon will scroll past. Bottom screen contains the background image of Area 01. Free with 1000¥ Pok�mon Picross eShop Card Japan December 14th 2015 - January 31st 2017 Japan
Icon Pokemon: Poke Create & Kokeshi Dolls Pok�mon X & Y - Sushi Hi-Roller As you scroll from left to right, a panorama of special icons runs across the top while Pok�mon dolls dance at the bottom. 200¥
December 22nd 2015 Japan
December 25th 2015 Europe
December 24th 2015 North America
Icon Pokemon: Peeking Pokemon Friends Pok�mon Black & White - Dressing Up As you scroll from left to right, artwork on the bottom screen of Croagunk, Pikachu, Eevee, Vulpix, Banette and Ditto scrolls by 200¥
December 22nd 2015 Japan
December 25th 2015 Europe
December 24th 2015 North America
Icon Pokemon: Radiant Collection Pok�mon X & Y: Friends Theme "Reunited" As you scroll from left to right, the Jirachi and Floette on the bottom screen dance to the music 200¥
December 22nd 2015 Japan
May 12th 2016 US
May 13th 2016 EU
Icon Pokemon: Champion Steven Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Battle! (Steven) As you scroll from left to right, images of Steven in the Pok�mon Adventures manga appear 200¥
February 17th 2016 Japan
February 19th 2016 Europe
Icon Pokemon: Heroine Pok�mon X & Y - Wonder Trade As you scroll from left to right, images of the female protagonist and the Battle Chatelaines 200¥ February 17th 2016 Japan
Icon Pokemon: Red Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll Free with 2DS Bundle February 27th 2016 Japan
Icon Pokemon: Green Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll Free with 2DS Bundle February 27th 2016 Japan
Icon Pokemon: Blue Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll Free with 2DS Bundle February 27th 2016 Japan
Icon Pokemon: Pikachu Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll Free with 2DS Bundle February 27th 2016 Japan
Icon Pokemon: Red Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll Free with New 3DS Bundle
Free with 2DS Bundle (Europe)
February 27th 2016 US
February 27th 2016 Europe
Icon Pokemon: Blue Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll Free with New 3DS Bundle (US)
Free with 2DS Bundle (Europe)
February 27th 2016 US
February 27th 2016 Europe
Icon Pokemon: Yellow Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll Free with 2DS Bundle (Europe) February 27th 2016 Europe
Icon Anime: Pok�mon XY&Z No music As you scroll from left to right, the image changes from the anime to one of Volcanion Free at various stores until April 8th March 18th 2016 Japan
Icon Pok�mon Movie Election Present No music As you scroll from left to right, the image changes from the anime to one of Volcanion Free at 7-11 until May 5th April 25th 2016 Japan
Icon Pokemon: Red & Blue Pok�mon Red & Blue: Rival Battle As you scroll from left to right, images of the Kanto starters scroll on the bottom 200¥
April 27th 2016 Japan
May 12th 2016 US
May 13th 2016 EU
Icon Pokemon: Here Comes Ash-Greninja Pok�mon X & Y: Furisode Girl Appears As you scroll from left to right, images of the Ash-Greninja scroll on the bottom 200¥
April 27th 2016 Japan
May 12th 2016 US
May 13th 2016 EU
Icon Pokemon: Pair Art Gardevoir & Gallade Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: Wally's Theme The bottom screen background scrolls as you scroll 300¥
July 27th 2016 Japan
August 4th 2016 America
August 5th 2016 Europe
Icon Pokemon: Pair Art Latios & Latias Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: Soaring at Night The bottom screen background scrolls as you scroll 300¥
July 27th 2016 Japan
August 4th 2016 America
August 5th 2016 Europe
Icon Pokemon: Pok�mon Amie Substitute Pok�mon X & Y: Berry Picker As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama while the bottom image switches angles of the Substitute 200¥
July 27th 2016 Japan
August 4th 2016 America
August 5th 2016 Europe
Icon Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Rocket Pok�mon Red & Green - Team Rocket Hideout As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of Giovanni, Archer, Aliana, Proton & Petrel while the bottom has the grunts walk 200¥
September 28th 2016 Japan
September 29th 2016 US
Icon Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Galactic Pok�mon Diamond & Pearl - Battle! Team Galactic Commander As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of Saturn, Cyrus, Jupiter, Mars & Charon, while the bottom has the grunts walk 200¥
September 28th 2016 Japan
September 29th 2016 US
Icon Pokemon: Solgaleo & Lunala Black Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Title Screen As you scroll through the theme, the image will shift from Solgaleo to Lunala Bundled with Special New Nintendo 3DS LL November 18th 2016 Japan
Icon Pokemon: Pikachu Yellow Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Pok�mon Center As you scroll through the theme, the image on the bottom will change Bundled with Special New Nintendo 3DS LL November 18th 2016 Japan
Icon Pokemon Sun-Moon - 7-Eleven Limited ?? As you scroll through the theme, the image will change Bundled with games from 7-11 stores November 18th 2016 Japan
Icon Pokemon: Solgaleo & Lunala Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Adventure Begins As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image will sparkle 200¥
November 18th 2016 Japan
November 18th 2016 US
November 23rd 2016 Europe
Icon Pokemon: Tropical Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Melemele Route 1 As you scroll through the theme, the Pok�mon in the bottom image will move slightly 200¥
November 18th 2016 Japan
November 18th 2016 US
November 23rd 2016 Europe
Icon Pokemon: New Partner Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Your Home As you scroll through the theme, the Pok�mon in the bottom image will move slightly 200¥
December 28th 2016 Japan
December 30th 2016 Europe
December 29th 2016 US
Icon Pok�mon: Full Power Z-Moves Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Battle Royal As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change 200¥
December 28th 2016 Japan
December 30th 2016 Europe
December 29th 2016 US
Icon Pok�mon: Shiny Tapu Koko Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Battle! Guardian Diety As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image scrolls of Lycanroc, Golisopod and Kommo-o 200¥
March 22nd 2017 Japanbr />March 23rd 2017 US
April 14th 2017 Europe
Icon Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Skull Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Battle! Team Skull Boss As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of Guzma, Plumeria and various Pok�mon, while the bottom has the grunts walk 200¥
March 22nd 2017 Japan
March 23rd 2017 US
April 14th 2017 Europe
Icon Pokemon: Look Upon The Stars Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Heahea City (Night) As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change to give various panoramas of constellations based around various Pok�mon 200¥
June 28th 2017 Japan
June 29th 2017 US
July 7th 2017 Europe
Icon Pokemon: POP Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Mission in Festival Plaza) As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The bottom changes between three different colours while the top has a panorama of various cute Pok�mon. 200¥
June 28th 2017 Japan
June 29th 2017 US
July 7th 2017 Europe
Icon Pokemon Gold Pok�mon Gold & Silver - Title As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image shows the artwork of various Johto Pok�mon. Free - Purchase Pok�mon Gold September 13th 2017 - January 15th 2018 US
September 13th 2017 - December 31st 2017 Europe
September 13th - September 28th 2018
Icon Pokemon Silver Pok�mon Gold & Silver - Title As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image shows the artwork of various Johto Pok�mon. Free - Purchase Pok�mon Silver September 13th 2017 - January 15th 2018 US
September 13th 2017 - December 31st 2017 Europe
September 13th - September 28th 2018
Icon Pokemon Gold & Silver - Cast Pok�mon Gold & Silver - Pok�mon Gym As you scroll through the theme, the top & bottom images scroll showing the Gym Leaders on the top screen and the protagonist, rival, Kurt, Professor Elm and other characters on the bottom, with the background being a map of the Johto region. Free - Purchase Pok�mon Gold/Silver on Amazon (Jp), Amazon/Best Buy/Gamestop (US)
100 Platinum Coins - My Nintendo (EU)
September 13th 2017
Icon Pokemon - Pikachu & Pok� Ball Pok�mon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Pok�mon Center As you scroll through the theme, the top & bottom images scroll showing more Pikachu on top while Pikachu animates on the bottom. Free - Preload Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon (EU)
100 Platinum Coins - My Nintendo (US/EU/JP)
November 17th 2017
Icon Pokemon - Necrozma Pok�mon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Welcome To Alola As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image has a glow around Necrozma. 200¥
November 17th 2017
Icon Pokemon - Winter Hide & Seek Pok�mon Diamond & Pearl - Jubilife City As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. 200¥
December 6th 2017 Japan
December 7th 2017 US
December 21st 2017 Europe
Icon Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Plasma Pok�mon Black & White - Battle! Team Plasma As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of N, Ghetsis, the Seven Sages & Genesect, while the bottom has the grunts walk 200¥
January 24th 2018 Japan
January 31st 2018 US
February 16th 2018 Europe
Icon Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Plasma (B2W2) Pok�mon Black 2 & White 2 - Battle! Team Plasma As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of N, Ghetsis, Colress, the Shadow Triad & Kyurem, while the bottom has the grunts walk 200¥
January 24th 2018 Japan
January 31st 2018 US
February 16th 2018 Europe
Icon Detective Pikachu Detective Pikachu - Hi-Hat Caf� As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image shows the artwork of Detective Pikachu. Free - Purchase Detective Pikachu on the eShop (Japan)
Purchase Detective Pikachu at Gamestop (US)
March 23rd 2018 US
March 7th 2018 - April 22nd 2018 (Japan)
Icon Pokemon: Riding Lapras Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Surfing As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through three images featuring Pikachu & Lapras while the bottom has different artwork of Pikachu & Lapras 200¥
September 19th 2018 Japan
September 20th 2018 US
September 21st 2018 EU
Icon Pokemon: Boss Disguise Pikachu Pok�mon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Battle! Giovanni As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image showcases Archie, Maxie, Cyrus, Ghetsis, Lysandre & Guzma Pikachu 200¥
September 19th 2018 Japan
September 20th 2018 US
September 21st 2018 EU
Icon Pokemon: Pok�night Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Malie City As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image scrolls through a panoramic artwork 200¥
October 31st 2018 Japan
November 1st 2018 US
November 2nd 2018 EU
Icon Pokemon: Ultra Beasts Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Ultra Beast Appears As you scroll through the theme, the top & bottom images scroll through a panoramic artwork 200¥
October 31st 2018 Japan
November 1st 2018 US
November 2nd 2018 EU
Icon Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Magma Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Battle! Team Magma As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of Maxie, Courtney & Tabitha, while the bottom has the grunts walk 200¥
December 5th 2018 Japan
Icon Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Aqua Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Battle! Team Aqua As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of Archie, Matt & Shelley, while the bottom has the grunts walk 200¥
December 5th 2018 Japan