Icon |
Image |
Name |
Theme Music |
Notes |
Price |
Release |
Pok�mon - Primal Groudon/Kyogre |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Theme |
As you scroll from left to right, you will change from Primal Groudon to Primal Kyogre and back again |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
November 21st 2014 International |
Pok�mon - Onemuri Pikachu |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Pok�mon Center |
As you scroll from left to right, Pikachu will sleep and wake up next to a Chesto Berry |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
November 21st 2014 International |
Pok�mon - Slowpoke |
Do naiya nen Yadon |
As you scroll from left to right, you will see different art of Slowpoke and Slowpoke on the bottom screen will sleep Every click you make has the "Yan~" sound |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
November 21st 2014 Japan January 1st 2015 Europe/NA |
Pok�mon - Groudon |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Theme |
As you scroll, the image changes from Groudon to Primal Groudon, matching image on 3DS faceplate |
Free with special 3DS |
November 21st 2014 Japan |
Pok�mon - Kyogre |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Theme |
As you scroll, the image changes from Kyogre to Primal Kyogre, matching image on 3DS faceplate |
Free with special 3DS |
November 21st 2014 Japan |
Pok�mon - Pikachu Party |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Pok�Mart |
As you scroll from left to right, you will see different art of Pikachu frolicking, playing and Sleeping |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
February 14th 2015 Japan February 14th 2015 North America February 14th 2015 Europe |
Pok�mon - Mega Rayquaza |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Battle! Super Ancient Pok�mon |
As you scroll from left to right, the image changes from Rayquaza to Mega Rayquaza |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
March 11th 2015 Japan March 12th 2015 North America March 13th 2015 Europe |
Pok�mon Friends |
Pok�mon Black & White - Let's Go Together |
As you scroll from left to right, the characters on the touch screen shake from left to right |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
March 11th 2015 Japan March 12th 2015 North America March 13th 2015 Europe |
Pok�mon Hanafuda |
Pok�mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - Kimono Girls |
As you scroll from left to right, you scroll through various hanafua card designs |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
March 11th 2015 Japan March 12th 2015 North America March 13th 2015 Europe |
Pok�mon Eevee Collection |
Pok�mon X & Y - PR Video Studio |
As you scroll from left to right, the bottom screen scrolls through an image of Eevee and its 8 evolutions. |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
May 27th 2015 Japan May 28th 2015 North America May 29th 2015 Europe |
Pok�mon Shuffle |
Pok�mon Shuffle - "I Dance In The Breeze" |
As you scroll from left to right, the top screen features various Pok�mon while the Pok�mon on the bottom screen rotate between the Kanto, Hoenn and Kalos Starters |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
May 27th 2015 Japan May 28th 2015 North America May 29th 2015 Europe |
Pok�mon: Mega Charizard X |
Pok�mon X & Y - Pok�mon Gym |
As you scroll from left to right, you scroll through various an image of Mega Charizard X in a blue firestorm |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
May 27th 2015 Japan May 28th 2015 North America May 29th 2015 Europe |
Pok�mon: Mega Charizard Y & Mega Rayquaza |
Pok�mon X & Y - Pok�mon League |
As you scroll from left to right, the image of Mega Charizard Y will zoom in |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
June 24th 2015 Japan July 2nd 2015 US July 17th 2015 (Europe) |
Pok�mon: Eevee Collection - Espeon & Umbreon |
Pok�mon X & Y - Game Sync |
As you scroll from left to right, the image of Espeon & Umbreon changes through a pattern |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
June 24th 2015 Japan July 2nd 2015 US July 17th 2015 (Europe) |
Pok�mon: Dancing Pikachu! |
Pikachu Dance |
As you scroll from left to right, the top image of the Pikachu will scroll to show various dancing Pok�mon while the bottom image has five Pikachu dance. Pikachu makes noise as you scroll |
200¥ �2.49 �2.29 $1.99 |
August 19th 2015 Japan September 18th 2015 Europe September 17th 2015 America |
Pok�mon: Pikachu's Cry |
Pok�mon X & Y - Route 1 |
As you scroll from left to right, the bottom image of the Pikachu animates to show the Pikachu talking. Pikachu makes noise as you scroll |
250¥ �2.49 �2.29 $1.99 |
August 19th 2015 Japan September 18th 2015 Europe September 17th 2015 America |
Pok�mon 151 - Mewtwo |
Pok�mon X & Y - Tower of Mastery |
As you scroll from left to right, the image showcases the Pok�mon Mewtwo surrounding a crest. It plays Mewtwo's cry when you select an icon. |
250¥ �1.99 �1.79 $1.99 |
September 16th 2015 Japan September 18th 2015 Europe September 17th 2015 America |
Pok�mon - Mega Mewtwo & BREAK Evolution |
Pok�mon X & Y - Battle! Mewtwo |
As you scroll from left to right, lightning sparks around the golden BREAK evolutions. It plays a Pok�mon cry when you select an icon. |
250¥ �1.99 �1.79 $1.99 |
September 16th 2015 Japan November 6th 2015 Europe November 5th 2015 America |
Pok�mon Super Mystery Dungeon |
Pok�mon Super Mystery Dungeon - Main Theme |
Static image of the Pok�mon Super Mystery Dungeon box-art by Ken Sugimori |
Free when pre-ordering (Japan)
Free when purchasing the game through eShop or first retail run (America) |
September 17th 2015 Japan November 20th 2015 America |
Pok�mon Super Mystery Dungeon Download Version |
Pok�mon Super Mystery Dungeon - Partner's Theme! |
As you scroll from left to right, both screens scroll with partner Pok�mon in the top screen and the supporting cast on the bottom screen. |
Free when downloaded off the eShop before September 30th Japan |
September 17th 2015 - September 30th 2015 Japan |
Pok�mon Picross |
Pok�mon Picross - Standard World Theme |
As you scroll from left to right, portraits of the Starter Pok�mon will scroll past. Bottom screen contains the background image of Area 01. |
Free with 1000¥ Pok�mon Picross eShop Card Japan |
December 14th 2015 - January 31st 2017 Japan |
Pokemon: Poke Create & Kokeshi Dolls |
Pok�mon X & Y - Sushi Hi-Roller |
As you scroll from left to right, a panorama of special icons runs across the top while Pok�mon dolls dance at the bottom. |
200¥ �1.99 �1.79 $1.99 |
December 22nd 2015 Japan December 25th 2015 Europe December 24th 2015 North America |
Pokemon: Peeking Pokemon Friends |
Pok�mon Black & White - Dressing Up |
As you scroll from left to right, artwork on the bottom screen of Croagunk, Pikachu, Eevee, Vulpix, Banette and Ditto scrolls by |
200¥ �1.99 �1.79 $1.99 |
December 22nd 2015 Japan December 25th 2015 Europe December 24th 2015 North America |
Pokemon: Radiant Collection |
Pok�mon X & Y: Friends Theme "Reunited" |
As you scroll from left to right, the Jirachi and Floette on the bottom screen dance to the music |
200¥ $1.99 �1.99 �1.79< |
December 22nd 2015 Japan May 12th 2016 US May 13th 2016 EU |
Pokemon: Champion Steven |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Battle! (Steven) |
As you scroll from left to right, images of Steven in the Pok�mon Adventures manga appear |
200¥ �1.99 �1.79 |
February 17th 2016 Japan February 19th 2016 Europe |
Pokemon: Heroine |
Pok�mon X & Y - Wonder Trade |
As you scroll from left to right, images of the female protagonist and the Battle Chatelaines |
200¥ |
February 17th 2016 Japan |
Pokemon: Red |
Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 |
As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll |
Free with 2DS Bundle |
February 27th 2016 Japan |
Pokemon: Green |
Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 |
As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll |
Free with 2DS Bundle |
February 27th 2016 Japan |
Pokemon: Blue |
Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 |
As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll |
Free with 2DS Bundle |
February 27th 2016 Japan |
Pokemon: Pikachu |
Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 |
As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll |
Free with 2DS Bundle |
February 27th 2016 Japan |
Pokemon: Red |
Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 |
As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll |
Free with New 3DS Bundle Free with 2DS Bundle (Europe) |
February 27th 2016 US February 27th 2016 Europe |
Pokemon: Blue |
Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 |
As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll |
Free with New 3DS Bundle (US) Free with 2DS Bundle (Europe) |
February 27th 2016 US February 27th 2016 Europe |
Pokemon: Yellow |
Pok�mon Red & Blue - Route 1 |
As you scroll from left to right, the images on the top scroll |
Free with 2DS Bundle (Europe) |
February 27th 2016 Europe |
Anime: Pok�mon XY&Z |
No music |
As you scroll from left to right, the image changes from the anime to one of Volcanion |
Free at various stores until April 8th |
March 18th 2016 Japan |
Pok�mon Movie Election Present |
No music |
As you scroll from left to right, the image changes from the anime to one of Volcanion |
Free at 7-11 until May 5th |
April 25th 2016 Japan |
Pokemon: Red & Blue |
Pok�mon Red & Blue: Rival Battle |
As you scroll from left to right, images of the Kanto starters scroll on the bottom |
200¥ $1.99 �1.99 �1.79< |
April 27th 2016 Japan May 12th 2016 US May 13th 2016 EU |
Pokemon: Here Comes Ash-Greninja |
Pok�mon X & Y: Furisode Girl Appears |
As you scroll from left to right, images of the Ash-Greninja scroll on the bottom |
200¥ $1.99 �1.99 �1.79< |
April 27th 2016 Japan May 12th 2016 US May 13th 2016 EU |
Pokemon: Pair Art Gardevoir & Gallade |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: Wally's Theme |
The bottom screen background scrolls as you scroll |
300¥ �3.19 $3.49 �3.49 |
July 27th 2016 Japan August 4th 2016 America August 5th 2016 Europe |
Pokemon: Pair Art Latios & Latias |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: Soaring at Night |
The bottom screen background scrolls as you scroll |
300¥ �3.19 $3.49 �3.49 |
July 27th 2016 Japan August 4th 2016 America August 5th 2016 Europe |
Pokemon: Pok�mon Amie Substitute |
Pok�mon X & Y: Berry Picker |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama while the bottom image switches angles of the Substitute |
200¥ �1.79 $1.99 �1.99 |
July 27th 2016 Japan August 4th 2016 America August 5th 2016 Europe |
Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Rocket |
Pok�mon Red & Green - Team Rocket Hideout |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of Giovanni, Archer, Aliana, Proton & Petrel while the bottom has the grunts walk |
200¥ $1.99 |
September 28th 2016 Japan September 29th 2016 US |
Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Galactic |
Pok�mon Diamond & Pearl - Battle! Team Galactic Commander |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of Saturn, Cyrus, Jupiter, Mars & Charon, while the bottom has the grunts walk |
200¥ $1.99 |
September 28th 2016 Japan September 29th 2016 US |
Pokemon: Solgaleo & Lunala Black |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Title Screen |
As you scroll through the theme, the image will shift from Solgaleo to Lunala |
Bundled with Special New Nintendo 3DS LL |
November 18th 2016 Japan |
Pokemon: Pikachu Yellow |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Pok�mon Center |
As you scroll through the theme, the image on the bottom will change |
Bundled with Special New Nintendo 3DS LL |
November 18th 2016 Japan |
Pokemon Sun-Moon - 7-Eleven Limited |
?? |
As you scroll through the theme, the image will change |
Bundled with games from 7-11 stores |
November 18th 2016 Japan |
Pokemon: Solgaleo & Lunala |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Adventure Begins |
As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image will sparkle |
200¥ $1.99 �1.79 �1.99 |
November 18th 2016 Japan November 18th 2016 US November 23rd 2016 Europe |
Pokemon: Tropical |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Melemele Route 1 |
As you scroll through the theme, the Pok�mon in the bottom image will move slightly |
200¥ $1.99 �1.79 �1.99 |
November 18th 2016 Japan November 18th 2016 US November 23rd 2016 Europe |
Pokemon: New Partner |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Your Home |
As you scroll through the theme, the Pok�mon in the bottom image will move slightly |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
December 28th 2016 Japan December 30th 2016 Europe December 29th 2016 US |
Pok�mon: Full Power Z-Moves |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Battle Royal |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
December 28th 2016 Japan December 30th 2016 Europe December 29th 2016 US |
Pok�mon: Shiny Tapu Koko |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Battle! Guardian Diety |
As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image scrolls of Lycanroc, Golisopod and Kommo-o |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
March 22nd 2017 Japanbr />March 23rd 2017 US April 14th 2017 Europe |
Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Skull |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Battle! Team Skull Boss |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of Guzma, Plumeria and various Pok�mon, while the bottom has the grunts walk |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
March 22nd 2017 Japan March 23rd 2017 US April 14th 2017 Europe |
Pokemon: Look Upon The Stars |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Heahea City (Night) |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change to give various panoramas of constellations based around various Pok�mon |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
June 28th 2017 Japan June 29th 2017 US July 7th 2017 Europe |
Pokemon: POP |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Mission in Festival Plaza) |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The bottom changes between three different colours while the top has a panorama of various cute Pok�mon. |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
June 28th 2017 Japan June 29th 2017 US July 7th 2017 Europe |
Pokemon Gold |
Pok�mon Gold & Silver - Title |
As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image shows the artwork of various Johto Pok�mon. |
Free - Purchase Pok�mon Gold |
September 13th 2017 - January 15th 2018 US September 13th 2017 - December 31st 2017 Europe September 13th - September 28th 2018 |
Pokemon Silver |
Pok�mon Gold & Silver - Title |
As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image shows the artwork of various Johto Pok�mon. |
Free - Purchase Pok�mon Silver |
September 13th 2017 - January 15th 2018 US September 13th 2017 - December 31st 2017 Europe September 13th - September 28th 2018 |
Pokemon Gold & Silver - Cast |
Pok�mon Gold & Silver - Pok�mon Gym |
As you scroll through the theme, the top & bottom images scroll showing the Gym Leaders on the top screen and the protagonist, rival, Kurt, Professor Elm and other characters on the bottom, with the background being a map of the Johto region. |
Free - Purchase Pok�mon Gold/Silver on Amazon (Jp), Amazon/Best Buy/Gamestop (US)
100 Platinum Coins - My Nintendo (EU) |
September 13th 2017 |
Pokemon - Pikachu & Pok� Ball |
Pok�mon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Pok�mon Center |
As you scroll through the theme, the top & bottom images scroll showing more Pikachu on top while Pikachu animates on the bottom. |
Free - Preload Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon (EU)
100 Platinum Coins - My Nintendo (US/EU/JP) |
November 17th 2017 |
Pokemon - Necrozma |
Pok�mon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Welcome To Alola |
As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image has a glow around Necrozma. |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
November 17th 2017 |
Pokemon - Winter Hide & Seek |
Pok�mon Diamond & Pearl - Jubilife City |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
December 6th 2017 Japan December 7th 2017 US December 21st 2017 Europe |
Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Plasma |
Pok�mon Black & White - Battle! Team Plasma |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of N, Ghetsis, the Seven Sages & Genesect, while the bottom has the grunts walk |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
January 24th 2018 Japan January 31st 2018 US February 16th 2018 Europe |
Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Plasma (B2W2) |
Pok�mon Black 2 & White 2 - Battle! Team Plasma |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of N, Ghetsis, Colress, the Shadow Triad & Kyurem, while the bottom has the grunts walk |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
January 24th 2018 Japan January 31st 2018 US February 16th 2018 Europe |
Detective Pikachu |
Detective Pikachu - Hi-Hat Caf� |
As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image shows the artwork of Detective Pikachu. |
Free - Purchase Detective Pikachu on the eShop (Japan) Purchase Detective Pikachu at Gamestop (US) |
March 23rd 2018 US March 7th 2018 - April 22nd 2018 (Japan) |
Pokemon: Riding Lapras |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Surfing |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through three images featuring Pikachu & Lapras while the bottom has different artwork of Pikachu & Lapras |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
September 19th 2018 Japan September 20th 2018 US September 21st 2018 EU |
Pokemon: Boss Disguise Pikachu |
Pok�mon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - Battle! Giovanni |
As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image showcases Archie, Maxie, Cyrus, Ghetsis, Lysandre & Guzma Pikachu |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
September 19th 2018 Japan September 20th 2018 US September 21st 2018 EU |
Pokemon: Pok�night |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Malie City |
As you scroll through the theme, the bottom image scrolls through a panoramic artwork |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
October 31st 2018 Japan November 1st 2018 US November 2nd 2018 EU |
Pokemon: Ultra Beasts |
Pok�mon Sun & Moon - Ultra Beast Appears |
As you scroll through the theme, the top & bottom images scroll through a panoramic artwork |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
October 31st 2018 Japan November 1st 2018 US November 2nd 2018 EU |
Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Magma |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Battle! Team Magma |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of Maxie, Courtney & Tabitha, while the bottom has the grunts walk |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
December 5th 2018 Japan |
Pokemon: A Sinister Organization - Team Aqua |
Pok�mon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Battle! Team Aqua |
As you scroll through the theme, the top and bottom images change. The top image scrolls through a panorama of Archie, Matt & Shelley, while the bottom has the grunts walk |
200¥ �1.79 �1.99 $1.99 |
December 5th 2018 Japan |