(503) 657-5030

The South Fork Water Board is a proud member of the Regional Water Providers Consortium and the Clackamas River Water Providers. We are working together with other utilities to eliminate redundancy and to improve the planning and management of municipal water supplies in an ongoing effort to reduce costs for our ratepayers.

Serving Water to Oregon City and West Linn

Since 1915, the Clackamas River has supplied clean, safe, quality drinking water to Oregon City and West Linn. They hold equal ownership and representation on the South Fork Water Board. The cities enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that their water will be treated and delivered within the highest standards.   Please check these links to Oregon City and West Linn for more information.


South Fork Water Board (SFWB) is a wholesale water provider to the cities of Oregon City and West Linn.

SFWB is jointly owned by the two cities and is governed by a six-member Board consisting of the Mayors and two elected officials from each city. In addition, South Fork has one wholesale customer, Clackamas River Water, and provides water to the CRW-South side service area. South Fork treats water from the lower Clackamas River to produce a high quality, soft water for domestic and industrial purposes for approximately 67,000 people in Clackamas County.


SFWB Participates in PGE’s Energy Partner Program



South Fork Water Board meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month starting at 7:05pm.  Meetings are typically not held in July, August, or December.

For special assistance due to disability, or to attend virtually, please contact Christa Britton at (503) 657-5030 or [email protected] 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

15962 S. HUNTER AVE.