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လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ဢၼ်လွတ်ႈလႅဝ်းထၢင်ႇႁၢင်ႈ ၼၼ်ႉမႃး

This template does nothing visually. Technically, it throws away its parameters and outputs the null string.

It is useful for programming advanced templates, and is often used within a template to the right of an equals sign. It may also be used in a template to disambiguate parsing of braces.

It can also be used to temporarily disable code. Unlike "commenting out" using HTML <!-- -->, it nests. This means that {{void|foo {{void|bar}} baz}} is valid, whereas <!-- foo <!-- bar --> baz --> will produce baz -->.

It provides a particularly concise way of temporarily disabling templates, by prefixing the template name with ^|, making the template name becomes the (ignored) first unnamed parameter. For example, suppose you have a page {{Under construction}} for several days, and wish to change that to {{In use}} during active editing sessions. Rather than delete the unused template, you can leave both templates in the wikitext and change from {{^|In use|...}}{{Under construction|...}} to {{In use|...}}{{^|Under construction|...}}.

Another possible application would be to temporarily disable an infobox on an article page while a problem with the infobox template itself is resolved.

A deeper no-op is {{subst:void|foobar}} or {{subst:^|foobar}}. It disappears completely upon saving.

{{Null}} also redirects here. It is also possible to use {{ns:0}}, the empty/void/null string for the main namespace.

It can be used in place of <nowiki/> to break character sequence parsing, for example {{nowrap|{''a''}{{null}}}} to force the first closing brace to be treated as part of the template parameter instead of as the end of the template expression.


ၶေႃႈမုၼ်းၸိူဝ်းၽၢႆႇတႂ်ႈၼႆႉ ပဵၼ် တူဝ်ထတ်းတႃႁၼ်(VisualEditor) ဢၼ်မီးတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃးၼၼ်ႉ ယိူင်းဢၢၼ်း တႃႇဢဝ် ၶိူင်ႈၸိူဝ်းၼၼ်ႉ ၸႂ်ႉလႆႈတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃးတႆးသေ ၸင်ႇလႆႈဢဝ် ပိူင် ၶေႃႈမုၼ်းထႅမ်းပလဵၵ်ႉ (TemplateData) ဢၼ်မီးတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ဢိင်းၵလဵတ်ႈၼၼ်ႉ ႁဵတ်းဝႆႉပဵၼ် တီႈမၢႆတီႈတွင်းယဝ်ႉ။ ႁူမ်ႈဝႃႈ ပႆႇၸႂ်ႉၶိူင်ႈၸိူဝ်းၼၼ်ႉသေတႃႉ ပေႃးပဵၼ် ၵူၼ်းႁူႉလွင်ႈတႅမ်ႈပရူဝ်ႇၵရႅမ်ႇ (computer programming) ဢိတ်းဢွတ်းၵေႃႈ ႁႂ်ႈပေႃးႁၼ်လႆႈၸႅင်ႈလႅင်းလီၼႆသေ ၸၢင်ႈဢဝ်ၸႂ်ႉလႆႈ သၽေႃးတီႈၵႅပ်ႈမၼ်းလႆႈယူႇ။


A template to show the null string, i.e. nothing. Any parameters are accepted and ignored.

Template parameters

No parameters specified