Accepting defeat.I finally made my mind up to end it. Half of my life has been spent trying to fix what was never right to begin with. I can’t stand the thought of looking back another five, ten, twenty years from now, wishing I had been strong enough to do what... (...)
Will Never Stop Loving My ChildBut,that doesn't mean I'll take verbal abuse or let my daughter be disrespected. Boundaries are not hate they are necessary and should be respected My door will be open if that simple request can be accommodated. Parents don't have to be treated... (...)
I was today years oldwhen I learned that Mexican wrestlers wear masks. Also, for the first time, I used the expression "today years old." That is probably for the last time.
Does anyone know what happened to Oster1?He was the nicest man. I think everyone loved him and then he just disappeared. It's been a long long time since he's been on here. I wish I knew what happened to him and if he's okay. If you know, please let us know.
Cats know when its dinnertime And demand their fair share, especially if its fish! True story When growing up, my mom was cleaning and cutting fish for our dinner. Our cat suddenly jumped on the sink and took off running with ! From then on, she always gave him his... (...)
Getting my smile backIts been a lonlely road i have traveled, a rough and tough time..but i am here to tell you this, my smile is only mine! Its been taken for granted, used, abused, destroyed..hurt in many hurtful moments by an ignorance of man who once was a boy. I... (...)
Anyone care to join me ..People watching at my airport gate .. We can spread rumours about the lady in the spandex that's 20 years shy of her hubby's bday having a secret affair with her husbands bestie who appears to be 3rd wheeling on their vacay ... Then we can check out... (...)
My thoughts on Microplastics:🤮🤮🤮 Here's a quick definition from Stanford University: "Microplastics are small plastic particles less than 5 millimeters in size, which can originate from various sources, including the breakdown of larger plastic items and the shedding of... (...)
Pizza is ordered! 🍕I have been craving pizza for the past week, so when my hubby mentioned last night that we should do pizza tonight for dinner, I immediately agreed. Now we wait for it to be delivered. Also… is it just me, or does it totally feel like a Sunday?... (...)
Is Musk destroying democracy?From Seattle to Miami, anti-Musk protesters gather at hundreds of Tesla locations. At a "Tesla Takedown" rally in Los Angeles on Saturday, a protestor, aged 65, said he felt compelled to join because he believes President Trump and Musk pose a... (...)
I miss my tattoo guy...I miss the pain. I miss laying on my stomach staring at his crotch while he sang in my ear. Smoking him out and talking about deep stuff for hours. Turning my body into art, his canvas just for a little while. He was of course taken even though one... (...)
I like to go outside and face the night Hear the strange noises Feel the eyes I can't see on my bare skin It gives me a fright It makes my heart thump Like I was with a passionate lover I shudder with delight
The Watermelon Miracle In a small village nestled in the countryside there lived an elderly man who tended to a lush watermelon garden. The garden was his pride and joy with rows of watermelon vines stretching as far as the eye could see. One day a young stranger arrived... (...)
Black Clouds ⛈☁⛈I guess I'm mourning thoughts,hopes and wishes... The words above are what came to mind when I thought about where I am ,now, from how I envisioned life would be as I held my new born son all those years ago and thought about the future Don't get... (...)
A Clear and Present DangerIt is quite apparent what Trump and co. have been doing is nothing more than a hostile take-over of our federal government. Our democratic republic is clearly under assault. The United States faces a clear and present danger the longer Trump remains... (...)
Due date is May 16th!😇This is my first ever child (also my first ever post here, hiii hi hi I’m new!) & while I am so ready to hold my baby in my arms, I am also SO nervous. Absolutely terrified of childbirth 🤣 but am so thankful for my amazing support system…idk how I’d... (...)