Dr. Lund
Character Information
Dr. Lund is a therapist and scammer who worked at Messages rehab center.
Marge watched a video for Messages rehab center that starred Dr. Lund. In the video, Dr. Lund went over some of the activities they had at the rehab center and said that they only asked for your brain when you died.
Later, the Simpson family ended up going to Messages. Dr. Lund welcomed them and showed them around the facilities. During their rehab, Dr. Lund brought a computer to Marge so she could delete her social media accounts. He also brought Homer a deck of cards and ended up playing Solitaire for Homer as he was too lazy to do it himself, having only played it on the computer. When the Simpsons decided they didn't need to stay at Messages anymore, they went to see Dr. Lund and found out that he was an Internet scammer, using the email addresses of patients to send out spam email. Upon finding this out, Dr. Lund told the family they couldn't leave. The Simpsons then escaped and told the police, who arrested Dr. Lund.
As Dr. Lund was taken away in the police car, Chief Wiggum played the song "Reminiscing" by Little River Band. Dr. Lund asked Wiggum to put the siren on to drown the song out. At the police station, Dr. Lund told Wiggum that he could help with Wiggum's food addiction.