A run-through on oral cancer
Image source: lsusd.lsuhsc.edu
Image source: ricciortho.com
Oral cancer appears growth of abnormal cells in the oral cavity, the area that includes the lips, gums, cheeks, tongue, and throat. In the US alone, more than a million people are diagnosed with oral cancer every year. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the leading causes of oral-related deaths worldwide.
Poor oral hygiene, alcohol consumption, and tobacco use are among the factors that contribute to the growth of cancer cells in the oral cavity. It’s no secret that one’s dental health is the window to their overall wellbeing, explains Dr. Kami Hoss. With oral cancer having a high death rate, taking a regular trip to the dentist helps reduce a person’s risk of having the disease and ensures proper and prompt diagnosis should it be present in one’s oral cavity.
Heavy drinkers and smokers used to be the only ones at risk of oral cancer. Nowadays, the disease occurs in younger, non-smoking adults. The rise in cases in this demographic is due to the link between oral cancer and HPV-16, a sexually transmitted disease. Symptoms of the disease include freckled patches inside the mouth, stubborn bad breath, sudden weight loss, and pain in the ear and jaw.
According to Dr. Kami Hoss, individuals 18 and older are encouraged to undergo an annual oral cancer examination as part of their preventive health care. Surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are the known courses of treatment for oral cancer. There is no cure for the disease. Following proper oral health habits, including regular dental checkups, affords one the best chances of preventing abnormal cancer cell growth in their mouth.
Dr. Kami Hoss, CEO and co-founder of The Super Dentists, gives back to the community by organizing a free dental day for children who cannot afford to get regular dental treatment. Head over to this page for more updates.