Miracle Star Kiki Account for reuploads of deleted, obscure, and generally hard to find music. When I'm able to I try to put links in the desc for the original artist or archiver. (Also, if you're wondering about the account theme: idk I just really like Miracle Star lmao) Miracle Star’s tracks 【ころんば4号】untitled 0404【オリジナル曲】 by Miracle Star published on 2022-10-31T07:08:00Z F / 意味立て by Miracle Star published on 2022-08-31T22:37:28Z (Instrumental) 雨に濡れた透き通る残像 / 大口 by Miracle Star published on 2022-08-31T22:28:53Z 露草 / 鯡苦心 by Miracle Star published on 2022-08-31T22:04:49Z (Instrumental) アマドイヲツタウアメ / 大口 by Miracle Star published on 2022-08-31T21:50:58Z (Instrumental) 翠雨を眺めて / 大口 by Miracle Star published on 2022-08-31T21:47:55Z 翠雨を眺めて / 大口 by Miracle Star published on 2022-08-31T21:39:42Z 雨に濡れた透き通る残像 / 大口 by Miracle Star published on 2022-08-31T21:35:26Z 口 / 大口 by Miracle Star published on 2022-08-31T21:33:17Z