Camera ITS tests

This page provides a comprehensive list of the tests under the Camera Image Test Suite (ITS), which is part of the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) Verifier. ITS tests are functional tests, meaning that they don't measure image quality, but that all of the advertised camera functions are working as expected. This document lets developers and testers understand what the individual tests do and how to debug test failures.

Camera ITS gates tests by required camera properties, API level, and media performance class (MPC) level. For API level, ITS uses ro.product.first_api_level to gate tests added in a specific API level that test for negative user experiences for functionality in lower API levels. ITS uses ro.vendor.api_level to gate tests for features added in a specific API level that require new hardware capability. If is defined for a device, ITS requires specific tests to be run depending on the MPC level.

Tests are grouped by scene as follows:

See individual sections for a description of each scene.


Scene0 tests require no specific scene information. However, the phone must be stationary for gyroscope and vibration testing.


Measures jitter in camera timestamps.

APIs tested:

Pass: There's at least a 30 ms delta between frames.


test_jitter_plot.png (Note the small y-axis range. Jitter is actually small in this plot.)


Tests the validity of metadata entries. Looks at capture results and at the camera characteristics objects. This test uses auto_capture_request exposure and gain values because image content isn't important.

APIs tested:

Pass: Hardware level, rollingShutterSkew, frameDuration tags, timestampSource, croppingType, blackLevelPattern, pixel_pitch, FoV, hyperfocal distance are present and have valid values.


Tests that the device writes the correct exposure and gain values by reading back the capture metadata.

APIs tested:

Pass: Request and capture metadata values match across all shots.


Tests that device queries and prints out sensor events for devices that advertise sensor fusion support. The sensors expected are accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer. This test only works if the screen is on, meaning the device isn't in standby mode.

APIs tested:

Pass: Events for each sensor are received.


Tests that solid color test patterns are generated properly for camera muting. If camera muting is supported, solid color test patterns must be supported. If camera muting is not supported, solid color test patterns are only tested if the capability is advertised.

If RAW images are supported, color assignment is tested as well. The colors tested are black, white, red, blue, and green. For cameras that don't support RAW images, only black is tested.

APIs tested:

Pass: Solid test patterns supported are the correct color and there is low variance in the image.


Tests the android.sensor.testPatternMode parameter to capture frames for each valid test pattern and checks that the frames are generated correctly for solid colors and color bars. This test includes the following steps:

  1. Captures images for all supported test patterns.
  2. Performs a simple correctness check for solid color test pattern and color bars.

APIs tested:

Pass: Supported test patterns are generated correctly.




Tests conversion of test pattern from RAW to YUV with linear tonemap. This test requires android.sensor.testPatternMode = 2 (COLOR_BARS) to generate a perfect image pattern for tonemap conversion. Ensures pipeline has proper color outputs with linear tonemap and ideal image input (relies on test_test_patterns).

APIs tested:

Pass: The YUV and the RAW look similar to each other.






Tests if image and motion sensor events are in the same time domain.

APIs tested:

Pass: Motion timestamps are between the two image timestamps.


Tests if the device's vibration is functioning as expected.

APIs tested:

Pass: The device doesn't vibrate when muted by the camera audio restriction API.


scene1 is a gray chart. The gray chart must cover the center 30% of the camera field of view. The gray chart is expected to challenge 3A (auto exposure, auto white balance, auto focus) moderately as the center region has no features. However, the capture request specifies the entire scene which includes sufficient features for 3A to converge.

RFoV cameras can be tested in the WFoV or the RFoV test rig. If a RFoV camera is tested in the WFoV test rig, the chart is scaled by ⅔ to ensure some boundaries for the gray chart in the FoV to help 3A converge. For more detailed descriptions of the camera test rigs, see Camera ITS-in-a-box.


scene1: Full size chart (left). ⅔ scaled chart (right).


Tests the AE state machine when using the precapture trigger. Captures five manual requests with AE disabled. The last request has an AE precapture trigger, which should be ignored because AE is disabled.

APIs tested:

Pass: AE converges.


Tests that captured auto and manual shots look the same.

APIs tested:

Pass: Manual white balance gains and transform reported in each capture result match with the auto white balance estimate from camera's 3A algorithm.








Tests that the device produces full black and white images. Takes two captures, the first with extremely low gain and short exposure, which results in a black photo, and the second with extremely high gain and long exposure, which results in a white photo.

APIs tested:

Pass: Produces black and white images. Saturated channels of white images have RGB values of [255, 255, 255] with a margin of error of less than 1% difference.

test_black_white_black test_black_white_black
test_black_white_black.jpg test_black_white_white.jpg




Verifies that the entire capture pipeline can keep up with the speed of fullsize capture and CPU time.

APIs tested:

Pass: Captures a burst of full size images, checks for frame drops and image brightness.


Takes 5 bursts of 50 images with manual capture setting and checks that they're all identical. This test can be used to identify if there are sporadic frames that are processed differently or have artifacts.

APIs tested:

Pass: Images are identical visually and in RGB values.

Fail: Shows a spike or drop of the RGB average chart at the beginning of each burst

  • Tolerance is 3% for first_API_level < 30
  • Tolerance is 2% for first_API_level >= 30






Tests that valid data comes back in CaptureResult objects. Does an auto, manual, and auto capture.

APIs tested:

Pass: Metadata is valid for all captures and the manual settings don't leak into the second auto capture. Plots out the lens shading correction for the captures.




Tests that the RAW streams aren't croppable.

APIs tested:

Pass: YUV images get center-cropped but not RAW images.










Tests that crop regions work. Takes a full image and creates patches of 5 different regions (corners and center.) Takes images with crop set for the 5 regions. Compares the patch and the crop image values.

APIs tested:

Pass: Image of the cropped region matches the patch that corresponds to the crop image.


Verifies that the DNG raw model parameters are correct. The plot depicts the measured variance of a center patch of the grey card in raw shots captured over a range of sensitivities, and compares these values with the variance that is expected at each sensitivity by the DNG noise model in the camera HAL (based on the O,S parameters returned in the capture result objects). For a more details on the DNG noise model, download the following document on the DNG Noise Model.

APIs tested:

Pass: DNG raw model parameters are correct. Expected RGB values match that of the actual RGB values measured.




Tests that the exposure value (EV) compensation is applied. The test increases exposure in eight steps, and checks measured brightness versus expected brightness. Expected values are calculated from image brightness of image with no EV compensation applied and the expected value will saturate if the calculated values exceed the actual image value range. Test fails if the expected values and measured values don't match or images overexpose within five steps.

APIs tested:

Pass: Images show increasing exposure without overexposing within five steps.




Tests that the EV compensation is applied using a range created with CONTROL_AE_COMPENSATION_STEP. Eight frames are captured at each compensation value.

APIs tested:

Pass: Captures increase in luma with increased EV compensation setting, and the eight frames captured for each EV compensation setting have stable luma values.




Tests that a constant exposure is achieved as ISO and exposure time vary. Takes a series of shots that have ISO and exposure time chosen to balance each other. Results should have the same brightness, but over the sequence the image should get noisier. Verifies sample pixel mean values are close to each other. Ensures that the images aren't clamped to 0 or 1 (which would make them look like flat lines). The test can also be run with RAW images by setting the debug flag in your configuration file.

APIs tested:

Pass: Images have the same brightness, but get noisier with higher ISO. RGB planes are flat when the value of ISO*exposure is constant over the tested gain space.

Fail mechanism:

  • In test_exposure_plot_means.png, as the gain multiplier values (x-axis) increase, the normalized RGB plane average values (y-axis) start to deviate from the low gain multiplier values.



test_exposure_mult=1.00 test_exposure_mult=64.00
test_exposure_mult=1.00.jpg test_exposure_mult=64.00.jpg


Tests that converted YUV images and device JPEG images look the same. Test takes the center 10% of the image and calculates the RGB value, and verifies that they match.

APIs tested:

Pass: The average RGB difference between each image is less than 3%.

test_jpeg_fmt=jpg.jpg test_jpeg=fmt=yuv.jpg
test_jpeg_fmt=jpg.jpg test_jpeg=fmt=yuv.jpg


Tests that settings (exposure and gain) latch on the right frame for FULL and LEVEL_3 cameras. Takes a series of shots using back-to-back requests, varying the capture request parameters between shots. Checks that the images have the expected properties.

APIs tested:

Pass: Images [2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13] have increased ISO or exposure and show up with higher RGB means on test_latching_plot_means.png.

test_latching_i=00.jpg test_latching_i=01.jpg test_latching_i=02.jpg
test_latching_i=00.jpg test_latching_i=01.jpg test_latching_i=02.jpg
test_latching_i=03.jpg test_latching_i=04.jpg test_latching_i=05.jpg
test_latching_i=03.jpg test_latching_i=04.jpg test_latching_i=05.jpg
test_latching_i=06.jpg test_latching_i=07.jpg test_latching_i=08.jpg
test_latching_i=06.jpg test_latching_i=07.jpg test_latching_i=08.jpg
test_latching_i=09.jpg test_latching_i=10.jpg test_latching_i=11.jpg
test_latching_i=09.jpg test_latching_i=10.jpg test_latching_i=11.jpg




Tests that device processing can be inverted to linear pixels. Captures a sequence of shots with the device pointed at a uniform target.

APIs tested:

Pass: R, G, B values must increase linearly with increased sensitivity.




Tests 3A lock and YUV burst (using auto setting). This test is designed to pass even on limited devices that don't have MANUAL_SENSOR or PER_FRAME_CONTROLS. The test checks YUV image consistency while the frame rate check is in CTS.

APIs tested:

Pass: Captures look consistent.








Tests that the android.colorCorrection.* parameters are applied when set. Takes shots with different transform and gain values, and tests that they look correspondingly different. The transform and gains are chosen to make the output increasingly red or blue. Uses a linear tonemap. Tone mapping is a technique used in image processing to map one set of colors to another to approximate the appearance of high-dynamic-range images in a medium that has a more limited dynamic range.

APIs tested:

Pass: R and B values boost according to transformation.



*The x-axis is the capture requests: 0 = unity, 1=red boost, 2= blue boost




test_param_color_correctness_req=1.jpg (R boost)


test_param_color_correction_req=2.jpg (B boost)


Tests that the android.flash.mode parameter is applied. Manually sets the exposure to be on the dark side, so that it is obvious whether the flash fired or not, and uses a linear tonemap. Checks the center with the tile image to see if there's a large gradient that's created to verify whether the flash fired.

APIs tested:

Pass: The center of the tile image has a large gradient meaning that the flash fired.










Tests that the android.noiseReduction.mode parameter is applied correctly when set. Captures images with the camera dimly lit. Uses a high analog gain to ensure the captured image is noisy. Captures three images, for NR off, "fast", and "high quality". Also captures an image with low gain and NR off, and uses the variance of this as the baseline. The higher the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio), the better the image quality.

APIs tested:

Pass: SNR varies with different noise reduction modes and behaves similarly as the graph below.



0: OFF, 1: FAST, 2: HQ, 3: MIN , 4: ZSL












Tests that the android.shading.mode parameter is applied.

APIs tested:

Pass: Shading modes are switched and the lens shading maps are modified as expected.








Tests that the android.tonemap.mode parameter is applied. Applies different tonemap curves to each R, G, B channel, and checks that the output images are modified as expected. This test consists of two tests, test1 and test2.

APIs tested:


  • test1: Both images have a linear tonemap, but n=1 has a steeper gradient. The G (green) channel is brighter for the n=1 image.
  • test2: Same tonemap, but different length. Images are the same.
test_param_tonemap_mode_n=0.jpg test_param_tonemap_mode_n=1.jpg
test_param_tonemap_mode_n=0.jpg test_param_tonemap_mode_n=1.jpg


Checks post RAW sensitivity boost. Captures a set of RAW and YUV images with different sensitivity, posts RAW sensitivity boost combination and checks if the output pixel mean matches request settings.

APIs tested:

Pass: RAW images get darker as boost increases while YUV images stay constant in brightness




























Captures a set of raw images with increasing gains and measures the noise. Captures raw-only, in a burst.

APIs tested:

Pass: Each shot is noisier than the previous shot, as the gain is increasing.

Uses the variance of the center stats grid cell.




Captures a set of raw images with increasing exposure time and measures the pixel values.

APIs tested:

Pass: Increasing the ISO (gain) makes the pixels more sensitive to light, so the plot moves towards the left.



(10⁰ is 1 ms, 10¹ is 10 ms, 10⁻¹ is 0.1 ms)












Captures a set of raw images with increasing sensitivities and measures the noise (variance) in the center 10% of image. Tests that each shot is noisier than the previous one.

APIs tested:

Pass: Variance increases with each shot.




Tests that android.noiseReduction.mode is applied for reprocessing requests. Captures reprocessed images with the camera dimly lit. Uses a high analog gain to ensure the capture image is noisy. Captures three reprocessed images, for NR off, "fast", and "high quality". Captures a reprocessed image with low gain and NR off, and uses the variance of this as the baseline.

APIs tested:

Pass: FAST >= OFF, HQ >= FAST, HQ >> OFF

Typical SNR vs NR_MODE plot

Typical SNR vs NR_MODE plot


Tests a sequence of shots with different tonemap curves. Captures 3 manual shots with a linear tonemap. Captures 3 manual shots with default tonemap. Computes the delta between each consecutive frame pair.

APIs tested:

Pass: There are 3 identical frames followed by a different set of 3 identical frames.














Tests that all reported sizes and formats for image capture work. Uses a manual request with a linear tonemap so that the YUV and JPEG look the same when converted by the image_processing_utils module. Images aren't saved by default, but can be saved by enabling debug_mode.

APIs tested:

Pass: All image centers have a max RMS (root-mean-square value of a signal) difference in RGB converted images with 3% of highest resolution YUV image.




Tests that the reported sizes and formats for image capture work.

APIs tested:

Pass: Test completes and returns the images requested.




Tests capturing a single frame as both YUV and JPEG outputs. Uses a manual request with a linear tonemap so that the YUV and JPEG look the same when converted by the image_processing_utils module.

APIs tested:

Pass: YUV and JPEG images are similar and have less than 1% RMS (root-mean-square value of a signal) difference.

test_yuv_plus_jpg_jpg.jpg test_yuv_plus_jpeg_yuv.jpg
test_yuv_plus_jpg_jpg.jpg test_yuv_plus_jpeg_yuv.jpg


Tests capturing a single frame as both RAW/RAW10/RAW12 and YUV outputs if supported. Uses a manual request with linear tonemap so raw and YUV are expected to be the same. Compares RGB converted images' center 10% RGB values. Logsandroid.shading.mode.

APIs tested:

Pass: YUV and raw images are similar and have less than 3.5% RMS (root-mean-square value of a signal) difference.

test_yuv_plus_raw_shading=1_raw.jpg test_yuv_plus_raw_shading=1_yuv.jpg
test_yuv_plus_raw_shading=1_raw.jpg test_yuv_plus_raw_shading=1_yuv.jpg


scene2_a has three faces with a gray background and neutral clothing. The faces are chosen to have a wide range of skin tones. The chart must have the correct orientation for face detection to work optimally.




Tests the camera device's autoframing behavior. Performs a large zoom such that none of the faces in the scene are visible, enables the autoframing mode by setting AUTOFRAMING in CaptureRequest to True, and verifies whether all the faces in the original scene can be detected when the state converges (that is, when AUTOFRAMING_STATE in CaptureResult is set to AUTOFRAMING_STATE_CONVERGED).

APIs tested:

Pass: All three faces are detected.


Tests Display P3 capture in JPEG using the ColorSpaceProfiles API. Tests that the captured JPEG has an appropriate ICC profile in its header, and that the image contains colors outside of the sRGB gamut.

APIs tested:

Pass: The JPEG contains a Display P3 ICC profile and colors outside the sRGB gamut.


Captures frame for supported camera effects and checks if they are generated correctly. The test only checks effects OFF and MONO, but saves images for all supported effects.

APIs tested:

Pass: Captures the scene image with effects OFF and a monochrome image with effects set to MONO.




Tests different combinations of output formats.

APIs tested:

Pass: All the combinations are successfully captured.


Tests face detection.

APIs tested:

Pass: Finds three faces.




Tests that YUV reprocessing doesn't swap the U and V planes. This is detected by calculating the sum of absolute differences (SAD) between the reprocessed image and a non-reprocessed capture. If swapping the output U and V planes of the reprocessed capture results in an increased SAD, then the output is assumed to have the correct U and V planes.

APIs tested:

Pass: The U and V planes aren't swapped.





Tests face detection with increased skin tone diversity in face scenes.

APIs tested:

Pass: Finds 3 faces.




Captures two images using the largest common YUV and JPEG formats with the same aspect ratio as the largest JPEG format not exceeding a resolution of 1920x1440. Sets jpeg.quality to 100 and captures a dual surface request. Converts both images to RGB arrays and calculates the 3D root mean square (RMS) difference between the two images.

In addition, this test verifies that the YUV outputs for all supported stream use cases are reasonably similar to the YUV with the STILL_CAPTURE use case.

APIs tested:

Pass: YUV and JPEG images for the STILL_CAPTURE use case have less than 3% RMS (root-mean-square value of a signal) difference; YUV images for all supported use cases have less than 10% RMS difference from YUV images with the STILL_CAPTURE use case.



Tests face detection with increased skin tone diversity in face scenes.

APIs tested:

Pass: Finds 3 faces.




Tests JPEG capture latency for the S performance class as specified in section Camera in the CDD.

Pass: MUST have camera2 JPEG capture latency < 1000ms for 1080p resolution as measured by the CTS camera PerformanceTest under ITS lighting conditions (3000K) for both primary cameras.


Tests camera launch latency for the S performance class as specified section Camera in the CDD.

Pass: MUST have camera2 startup latency (open camera to first preview frame) < 600ms as measured by the CTS camera PerformanceTest under ITS lighting conditions (3000K) for both primary cameras.


Tests that default camera capture is Ultra HDR for performance class 15 as specified in section Camera of the CDD.

Pass: Default camera package capture MUST be Ultra HDR for a performance class 15 device.



Tests face detection with increased skin tone diversity in face scenes.

APIs tested:

Pass: Finds 3 faces.



50 VGA resolution frames are captured with the capture request first setting android.control.afMode = 4 (CONTINUOUS_PICTURE).

APIs tested:

Pass: 3A system settles by the end of a 50-frame capture.


Tests face detection with increased skin tone diversity in face scenes.

APIs tested:

Pass: Finds 3 faces.


scene2_f has three faces with a white background and white clothing. The faces have a wide range of skin tones and high contrast with the background.




Tests face detection with increased skin tone diversity in face scenes.

APIs tested:

Pass: Finds 3 faces.




Scene3 uses the ISO12233 chart, and most tests use a chart extractor method to find the chart in the scene. For this reason, most of the saved images don't have borders like the images for scenes 1, 2 or 4, but only the chart. The chart must be in the correct orientation for the chart finder to work optimally.


Tests that the android.edge.mode parameter is applied correctly. Captures non-reprocess images for each edge mode and returns sharpness of the output image and the capture result metadata. Processes a capture request with a given edge mode, sensitivity, exposure time, focus distance, and output surface parameter.

Pass: HQ mode (2) sharper than OFF mode (0). FAST mode (1) sharper than OFF mode. HQ mode sharper or equal to FAST mode.

APIs tested:

Impacted camera parameters:





test_edge_enhancement_edge=1.jpg (fast mode)


test_edge_enhancement_edge=2.jpg (high quality mode)


Tests if image is properly oriented as per CDD section 7.5.2 Front-Facing Camera [C-1-5].

Mirrored, flipped, or rotated images can be identified by the diamond feature near the center.

Pass: Image isn't flipped, mirrored or rotated.




Tests if the inertial measurement unit (IMU) has stable output for 30 seconds while the device is stationary and capturing a high definition preview.

APIs tested:


  • The drift of the gyro is less than 0.01 rad over the test time.
  • The variance of the gyro reading is less than 1E-7 rad2/s2/Hz over the test time.
  • The drift of the rotation vector is less than 0.01 rad over the test time.
  • (Not yet mandated) the drift of the gyro is less than 1 degree per second.






Tests if the landscape to portrait override functions correctly for landscape-oriented sensors.

APIs tested:

Pass: The test is able to locate a chart with the expected rotation (0 degrees when the landscape to portrait override is disabled, 90 degrees when enabled).




Tests if the lens movement flag is properly reported. Captures a burst of 24 images with the first 12 frames at the optimum focus distance (as found by 3A) and the last 12 frames at the minimum focus distance. Around frame 12, the lens moves causing the sharpness to drop. The sharpness eventually stabilizes as the lens moves to the final position. The lens movement flag should be asserted in all frames where the sharpness is intermediate to sharpness in the first few frames with the lens stationary at optimum focal distance, and the final few frames where the lens is stationary in the minimum focal distance. The exact frame the lens moves isn't important: what is checked is that the movement flag is asserted when the lens is moving.

APIs tested:

Pass: Lens movement flag is True in the frame with sharpness change.

Fail mechanisms:

  • lens_moving: True (android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult#LENS_STATE = 1) in test_log.DEBUG is asserted only in frames where sharpness isn't changing.
  • Frames with lens_moving: False (android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult#LENS_STATE = 0) in test_log.DEBUG has a sharpness difference compared to the first few frames at optimum focal distance or the last few frames at minimum focus distance.


Tests if supported reprocess methods for edge enhancement work properly. Processes a capture request with a given reprocess edge mode and compares different modes to capture with reprocess edge modes disabled.

APIs tested:

Pass: Sharpness for the different edge modes is correct. HQ (mode 2) is sharper than OFF (mode 0), and improvement between different modes is similar.




Scene4 consists of a black circle on a white background inside a square. Tests in scene4 can be sensitive to alignment, so starting in 15, you can use in the tools directory to enable a check of the DUT and chart alignment.




Tests that 30 FPS and 60 FPS preview videos have the same FoV. The test captures two videos, one with 30 FPS and another with 60 FPS. A representative frame is selected from each video and analyzed to ensure that the FoV changes in the two videos are within specifications. Tests that the circle's aspect ratio remains constant, the center of the circle remains stable, and the radius of the circle remains constant.

APIs tested:

Pass: Images aren't stretched, the center of images don't differ by more than 3%, and the maximum aspect ratio change between 30 FPS and 60 FPS videos is no more than 7.5%

Fail mechanisms:

  • The circle from the 30 FPS video is significantly different in size from the 60 FPS video.
  • The circle in the captured image is distorted by the processing pipeline.
  • The circle in the captured image is cropped due to an extreme aspect ratio capture request reducing the height or width of the image.
  • The circle in the captured image has a reflection in the center and doesn't appear fully filled.


Tests if images are distorted or cropped unexpectedly in the image pipeline. Takes pictures of a circle over all formats. Verifies the circle isn't distorted, the circle doesn't move from the center of image, and the circle doesn't change size incorrectly with different aspect ratios or resolutions.

APIs tested:

Pass: Images aren't stretched, the center of images don't differ by more than 3%, and the maximum possible FoV (field of view) is preserved.

Fail mechanisms:

  • The camera isn't aligned with the circle displayed on the tablet in the center of the captured scene.
  • The circle in the captured image is distorted by the processing pipeline.
  • Lower resolution image is double cropped in the image pipeline creating different FoV between high and low resolution images.
  • The circle in the captured image is cropped due to an extreme aspect ratio capture request reducing the height or width of the image.
  • The circle in the captured image has a reflection in the center and doesn't appear fully filled.


Tests the camera calibration parameters related to camera positioning for multi-camera systems. Using the multi-camera physical sub-cameras, takes a picture with one of the physical cameras. Finds the circle center. Projects the circle center to the world coordinates for each camera. Compares the difference between the cameras' circle centers in world coordinates. Reprojects the world coordinate back to pixel coordinates and compares against originals as a validity check. Compares the circle sizes checking if the focal lengths of the cameras are different.

APIs tested:

Pass: Circle centers and sizes are as expected in projected images compared to captured images using camera calibration data and focal lengths.

Fail mechanisms:

  • LENS_INTRINSIC_CALIBRATION, LENS_POSE_TRANSLATION, or LENS_POSE_ROTATION are design values and not actual calibration data.
  • The camera system isn't appropriate for the test setup. For example, testing a wide and an ultra-wide camera system with the RFoV test rig. For more information, see Camera ITS-in-a-box FAQ1.


Similar to the test_aspect_ratio_and_crop test for still captures, this test checks the supported preview formats to ensure the preview frames aren't stretched or cropped inappropriately. Verifies that the aspect ratio of the circle doesn't change, the cropped images keep the circle in center of the frame, and the circle size doesn't change for a constant format or with different resolutions (field of view check).

APIs tested:

Pass: Images aren't stretched, the center of images don't differ by more than 3%, and the maximum possible FoV (field of view) is preserved.


Checks the supported preview sizes to ensure the FoV is cropped appropriately. The test captures two videos, one with preview stabilization ON, and another with preview stabilization OFF. A representative frame is selected from each video, and analyzed to ensure that the FoV changes in the two videos are within spec.

APIs tested:

Pass: The circle aspect ratio remains about constant, the center location of the circle remains stable, and the size of circle changes no more that 20%.


Takes videos of a circle inside of a square over all video formats. Extracts the key frames, and verifies the aspect ratio of the circle doesn't change, the cropped images keep the circle in center, and the circle size doesn't change for a constant format or with different resolution (field of view check).

APIs tested:

Pass: Video frames aren't stretched, the center of frames don't differ by more than 3%, and the maximum possible FoV (field of view) is preserved.


Scene5 requires a uniformly lit gray scene. This is accomplished by a diffuser placed over the camera lens. We recommend the following diffuser:

To prepare the scene, attach a diffuser in front of the camera and point the camera to a lighting source of around 2000 lux. Images captured for scene5 require diffuse lighting with no features evident. The following is a sample image:


scene5 capture


Tests that the lens shading correction is applied appropriately, and color of a monochrome uniform scene is evenly distributed. Performs this test on a YUV frame with auto 3A. Lens shading is evaluated based on the y channel. Measures the average y value for each sample block specified, and determines pass or fail by comparing with the center y value. The color uniformity test is evaluated in r/g and b/g space.

APIs tested:

Pass: At the specified radius of the image, the variance of r/g and b/g value must be less than 20% to pass the test.


Scene6 is a grid of small circles with a square in one corner to indicate orientation. The small circles are needed to test zoom function over a large range. Tests in scene6 can be sensitive to alignment, so starting in 15, you can use in the tools directory to enable a check of the DUT and chart alignment.




Tests the behavior of the camera in-sensor zoom feature, which produces cropped RAW images.

With the stream use case set to CROPPED_RAW, the test takes two captures over the zoom range, a full field of view (FoV) RAW image and a cropped RAW image. The test converts the images to RGB arrays, downscales the full-sized cropped RAW image to the size reported by SCALER_RAW_CROP_REGION, and calculates the 3D root mean square (RMS) difference between the two images.

APIs tested:

Pass: The 3D root mean square (RMS) difference between the downscaled cropped RAW image and the full FoV RAW image is less than the threshold set in the test.


Tests the camera zoom behavior. Takes captures over the zoom range and checks if the circles get bigger as the camera zooms in. For each format (YUV, JPEG), the same camera capture session is used to converge 3A and take captures.

APIs tested:

Pass: Relative size of captured circle is accurate against requested zoom ratio to ensure camera is zooming correctly.


test_zoom to find the contour of the circle closest to the center.


Tests the camera low latency zoom behavior. Takes captures over the zoom range with android.control.settingsOverride = 1 (SETTINGS_OVERRIDE_ZOOM), and checks if the circles in the output images match the zoom ratios in the capture metadata. The same camera capture session is used to converge 3A and take captures.

APIs tested:

Pass: Relative size of captured circle is accurate against the zoom ratio result metadata.


Tests that while recording and zooming, video preview and video output display and record the same output. Calculates the size of the circle closest to the center at different zoom ratios and checks whether the size of the circle increases as the zoom ratio increases.

APIs tested:

Pass: Relative size of captured circle is accurate against requested zoom ratio in video and preview.


VGA_640x480_key_frame.png (before zoom)


preview_640x480_key_frame.png (before zoom)


VGA_640x480_key_frame.png (after zoom)


preview_640x480_key_frame.png (after zoom)


Tests that the zoom ratio of each preview frame matches the corresponding capture metadata. The test takes preview frames over the zoom range and finds the contour of the circle closest to the center. The test then checks that the selected circle gets bigger and that the center of the circle moves away from the center of the image as the camera zooms in.

APIs tested:

Pass: The relative size of the selected circle is accurate for the reported zoom ratio of the corresponding capture result for all of the preview frames. The relative distance of the selected circle from the center of the image is accurate for the reported zoom ratio of the corresponding capture result of all the preview frames.


test_preview_zoom images showing selected circle closest to the center


Tests the zoom ratio range for all supported session configurations listed in CameraCharacteristics#INFO_SESSION_CONFIGURATION_QUERY_VERSION. For each of those configurations, if CameraDeviceSetup#isSessionConfigurationSupported returns true, the test verifies that the zoom ratio range returned in CameraDeviceSetup#getSessionCharacteristics can be reached.

APIs tested:

Pass: Both the minimum and maximum zoom ratios can be reached for each supported SessionConfiguration listed in CameraCharacteristics#INFO_SESSION_CONFIGURATION_QUERY_VERSION.


Scene7 is a rectangular frame divided into four equal quadrants, each filled with a different color. In the center of the rectangle is a slanted edge chart for sharpness checks. Four ArUco markers are aligned with the four outer corners of the rectangle to assist in obtaining accurate coordinates of the main rectangle frame at varying zoom ratios.




This test verifies that during preview recording at varying zoom ratios, the switch between the ultrawide (UW) and wide (W) lenses results in similar RGB values.

The test uses different zoom ratios within the predefined range to perform a dynamic preview recording and identify the point at which the physical camera changes. This point marks the crossover from the UW to the W lens.

The frames captured at and before the crossover point are analyzed for auto exposure (AE), auto white balance (AWB), and autofocus (AF).

The AE check ensures that the luma change is within the expected range for both UW and W lens images. The AWB check verifies that the ratios of R/G and B/G are within threshold values for both UW and W lens images. The AF check evaluates the sharpness estimation value based on the average gradient magnitude between UW and W lens images.

APIs tested:

Pass: For the test to pass, the AE, AWB, and AF checks must all pass. The following are the criteria for each check:

  • AE check: The luma change between the UW and W lens images must be less than 0.5%.
  • AWB check: The difference between the R/G and B/G values for the UW and W lens images must be less than 0.5%.
  • AF check: The image sharpness change between the UW and W lens images must be less than 2%.


Scene8 is a rectangular frame divided into four equal regions, each containing a portrait taken with a different exposure or overlaid with a different color shade (blue shade, increased exposure, decreased exposure, yellow shade). Four ArUco markers are aligned with the four outer corners of the rectangle to obtain accurate coordinates of the main rectangle frame.




Tests that the RGB and luma values differ when preview recording at different auto exposure (AE) and auto white balance (AWB) regions.

The test records an eight second preview recording, performing AE and AWB metering on each quadrant for two seconds each. The test then extracts a frame from each region's preview recording, and uses the extracted frames to perform the following AE and AWB checks:

  • AE check: Verifies that the frame metering the region with decreased exposure has an increased luma value of more than 1% than the frame metering the region with increased exposure. This verifies that images are brightened when metering a dark region.
  • AWB check: Verifies that the ratio of red to blue (of the image's average RGB values) in the frame with the blue metering region is more than 2% higher than the frame with the yellow metering region. This verifies that images have a balanced RGB value when metering a yellow (warm) or blue (cool) region.

APIs tested:

Pass: The AE and AWB checks both pass.


Scene9 consists of thousands of randomly sized and colored circles to create a scene with very low repeatability to stress JPEG compression algorithms.




Tests that camera JPEG compression works on scene9 with high entropy and the JPEG quality factor set to 100%. The zoom factor is increased to ensure the scene displayed on the tablet fills the camera field of view.

APIs tested:

Pass: JPEG file is compressed properly, written, and read back from disk.


Tests the camera JPEG compression quality. Step JPEG qualities through android.jpeg.quality and ensures Quantization Tables change correctly.

APIs tested:

Pass: Quantization matrix decreases with quality increase. (Matrix represents the division factor.)


Pixel 4 rear camera luma/chroma DQT matrix averages vs JPEG quality

test_jpeg_quality failed

Failed test example

Note that for very low quality images (jpeg.quality < 50), there is no increase in compression in the quantization matrix.


The scene_video scene is a video scene. It consists of four different colored circles moving back and forth at different frame rates against a white background.



Tests that the requested preview frame rate is maintained with a dynamic scene. This test runs on all cameras that are exposed to third party apps.

APIs tested:

Pass: The preview frame rate is at the maximum of the requested frame rate range, and the average variation between consecutive frames is less than the relative tolerance set in the test.


The scene_extensions tests are for camera extensions and must use Camera ITS-in-a-Box, as they require precise control of the testing environment. Additionally, all light leakage must be controlled. This might require covering the test rig, DUT, and tablet with a drop cloth as well as eliminating light leakage from the front screen of the DUT.


The scene_hdr scene consists of a portrait on the left and a low-contrast QR code on the right.




Tests the HDR extension. Takes captures with and without the extension enabled, and checks if the extension makes the QR code more detectable.

APIs tested:

Pass: The HDR extension reduces the number of contrast changes needed to detect the QR code or reduces the gradient across the QR code.


The scene_low_light scene consists of a grid of squares of varying shades of gray against a black background and the grid of squares are bound by a red outline. The squares are arranged in a Hilbert curve orientation.




Tests the Night extension. Takes captures with the extension enabled, and performs the following:

  • Detects the presence of 20 squares
  • Computes the luma bounded by each square
  • Computes the average luma value of the first 6 squares according to the Hilbert curve grid orientation
  • Computes the difference in luma value of consecutive squares (for example, square2 - square1) up to squares 5 and 6 (square6 - square5), and finds the average of the five computed differences.

APIs tested:

Pass: The average luma value of the first 6 squares must be at least 85, and the average difference in luma value of consecutive squares up to squares 5 and 6 must be at least 17.

The following luminance plot shows what a passing test result looks like.



Tests the Low Light Boost AE mode. If Camera2 supports low light boost AE mode, then this test is performed for Camera2. If the night mode camera extension is supported and the extension supports low light boost AE mode, then this test is also performed for the night mode camera extension. This test sets the AE mode to low light boost, takes a frame from the preview, and performs the following:

  • Detects the presence of 20 boxes
  • Computes the luma bounded by each box
  • Computes the average luma value of the first 6 squares according to the Hilbert curve grid orientation
  • Computes the difference in luma value of consecutive squares (for example, square2 - square1) up to squares 5 and 6 (square6 - square5), and finds the average of the five computed differences.

APIs tested:

Pass: The average luma value of the first 6 squares must be at least 70, and the average difference in luma value of consecutive squares up to squares 5 and 6 must be at least 17.


The scene_flash tests require a dark scene in the sensor fusion box.


Tests that auto-flash is triggered in a dark scene for rear-facing and front-facing cameras. For front-facing cameras, auto-flash uses the screen to illuminate the scene, not a physical flash unit. The test verifies that auto-flash is fired by checking that the center of the tile image is brighter with auto-flash enabled. To trigger auto-flash, the lights in the test rig must be turned off. The lights can be turned off automatically with the Arduino controller. The scene must be completely dark for the test to work correctly. The Jetpack Camera App (JCA) must be installed on the device before testing. Auto-flash for rear-facing cameras relies on the AE state to be triggered, but auto-flash for front-facing cameras doesn't rely on AE and is always triggered.

APIs tested:

Pass: The center of the tile image with auto-flash enabled is brighter than the original scene image for all cameras.


Tests that flash strength control in SINGLE mode is implemented correctly.

Verifies that if the device supports flash strength control during camera use in SINGLE mode, the flash strength changes with different requested strength levels. Verifies that flash strength control works with different AE_MODES. For example, if the auto-exposure mode is ON or OFF, the flash strength level has an effect on brightness, and if the mode is ON_AUTO_FLASH, the flash strength level has no effect on brightness. To conduct the test, lights in the test rig must be turned off. The lights can be turned off automatically with the Arduino controller. The scene must be completely dark for the test to work correctly.

APIs tested:


When the auto-exposure mode is ON or OFF, the brightness of the image patches increases as the flash strength level increases from no flash to FLASH_SINGLE_STRENGTH_MAX_LEVEL. When the auto-exposure mode is ON_AUTO_FLASH, the difference in brightness of the image patches is within tolerance as the flash strength level increases from no flash to FLASH_SINGLE_STRENGTH_MAX_LEVEL.


Tests that the LED snapshots don't saturate or tint the image.

This test adds a lighting controller to the sensor fusion box to control the lights. With the lights set to OFF, the test takes a capture with the AUTO_FLASH mode set to ON. During this capture, the test runs a precapture sequence with the aePrecapture trigger set to START, and sets the capture intent to Preview to take the capture with flash.

Because the capture has a distinctive hotspot due to flash, the test computes the flash image mean of the entire capture and verifies whether the value is within the (68, 102) range. To check if the image is reasonably white-balanced, the test calculates the R/G and B/G ratios and verifies whether the ratios are within 0.95 and 1.05.

APIs tested:

Pass: The R/G and B/G ratios are within 0.95 and 1.05. The flash image mean is within the (68, 102) range.


Tests that the preview frame rate decreases correctly in a dark scene. For this test to work correctly, the lights in the test rig must be turned off by the controller or manually by the test operator.

APIs tested:

Pass: The preview frame rate is at the minimum of the requested frame rate range, and the variation between frames is less than the absolute tolerance set in the test.


Tests that flash strength control in TORCH mode is implemented correctly.

Verifies that if the device supports flash strength control during camera use in TORCH mode, the torch strength changes with different requested strength levels. Verifies that flash strength control works with different AE_MODES. For example, if the auto-exposure mode is ON or OFF, the flash strength level has an effect on brightness, and if the mode is ON_AUTO_FLASH, the flash strength level has no effect on brightness. Verifies that the torch strength stays the same throughout the duration of a burst, simulating a video capture session. To conduct the test, lights in the test rig must be turned off. The lights can be turned off automatically with the Arduino controller. The scene must be completely dark for the test to work correctly.

APIs tested:


When the auto-exposure mode is ON or OFF, the brightness of the image burst patches increases as the flash strength level increases from no flash to FLASH_TORCH_STRENGTH_MAX_LEVEL. When the auto-exposure mode is ON_AUTO_FLASH, the difference in brightness of the image burst patches are within tolerance as the flash strength level increases from no flash to FLASH_TORCH_STRENGTH_MAX_LEVEL.


Sensor fusion tests require specific phone movement in front of a checkerboard pattern and ArUco markers. For optimum results, ensure the test chart is mounted flat. Charts that aren't flat affect the rotation calculations for many of the tests. The chart must fill the back of the sensor fusion box by printing at 17"x17" (43x43 cm). The sensor_fusion tests can be automated with the Sensor Fusion Box.

Sensor fusion chart

Sensor fusion chart

Sensor fusion chart in Rig

Sensor fusion chart that fills the back of the sensor fusion box


Tests that the optical center of the lens intrinsic changes when the lens moves due to optical image stabilization (OIS). If lens intrinsic samples are supported, tests that the optical center of the lens intrinsic samples changes when the lens moves due to optical image stabilization (OIS).

APIs tested:

Pass: The optical center of the lens intrinsic changes by one pixel or more. If lens intrinsic samples are supported, the optical centers of the lens intrinsic samples change by one pixel or more.


Example of test_lens_intrinsic_calibration plot showing changes of principal points in pixels for each frame


Tests that frame timestamps captured by logical camera are within 10 ms by computing angles of squares within the checkerboard to determine the timestamp.

APIs tested:

Pass: Angle between images from each camera doesn't change appreciably as phone is rotated.


Tests that distortion is corrected throughout each preview frame taken at various zoom levels. For each preview frame, the test calculates ideal points based on camera intrinsics and extrinsics. In the example image, ideal points are shown in green; actual points are shown in red. The distortion error is calculated based on the root mean square (RMS) pixel distance between the actual points and ideal points. The green and red highlights on the image are used to visually detect the area of distortion error.


Image of checkerboard with ideal points as green and actual points as red

APIs tested:

Pass: The normalized distortion error of each preview frame is less than the threshold set in the test.


Tests that stabilized preview video rotates less than gyroscope.

APIs tested:

Pass: Max angle rotation over frames is less than 70% of gyroscope rotation.

The following are sample videos with and without stabilization.

  • Sample video with stabilization

  • Sample video without stabilization


Tests the timestamp difference between the camera and the gyroscope for AR and VR applications. Phone is rotated 90 degrees 10 times in front of the checkerboard pattern. Motion is about 2 s round trip. This test is skipped if no gyroscope is included or if the timestamp source REALTIME parameter is not enabled.

The test_sensor_fusion test generates a number of plots. The two most important plots for debugging are:

  • test_sensor_fusion_gyro_events: Shows the gyroscope events for the phone during the test. Movement in the x and y direction implies the phone isn't securely mounted on the mounting plate, reducing the probability of the test passing. The number of cycles in the plot depends on the write speed for saving frames.



  • test_sensor_fusion_plot_rotations: Shows the alignment of the gyroscope and camera events. This plot must show matching movement between camera and gyroscope to +/-1 ms.



APIs tested:

Pass: Camera and gyroscope timestamps' offset is less than 1 ms as per CDD section 7.3.9 High Fidelity Sensors [C-2-14].

Fail mechanisms:

  • Offset error: The camera-gyroscope offset isn't correctly calibrated to within +/-1 ms.
  • Frame drops: The pipeline isn't fast enough to capture 200 frames consecutively.
  • Socket errors: adb can't reliably connect to the DUT long enough to execute the test.
  • The chart isn't mounted flat. The plot test_sensor_fusion_plot_rotations has frames where the gyroscope and camera rotation vary considerably as the camera rotates through the parts of the chart that aren't flat.
  • The camera isn't mounted flat. The plot test_sensor_fusion_gyro_events shows movement in the X and Y planes. This failure is more common in front-facing cameras as the rear camera often has a raised bump to the rest of the phone body, creating a tilt when mounting the rear of the phone to the mounting plate.


Tests that stabilized video rotates less than gyroscope.

APIs tested:

Pass: Max angle rotation over frames is less than 60% of gyroscope rotation.

The following are sample videos with and without stabilization.

  • Sample video with stabilization

  • Sample video without stabilization


The feature_combination tests verify that features work correctly when multiple camera features are enabled at the same time. These tests use the same checkerboard image that is used in the sensor fusion scene.


Tests all combinations of different stream combinations, preview stabilization, target FPS range, 10-bit HDR video, and Ultra HDR that are supported by the camera device. This test is very memory intensive, so we recommend using a host with at least 128 GB of RAM.

For Android 15 and higher, the configuration file includes a log_feature_combo_support field, which defaults to False. When the log_feature_combo_support field is set to True, the test runs all combinations of supported features, and logs the results into a proto file without failing the test. For compliance testing, the log_feature_combo_support field must be set to False.

APIs tested:

Pass: For each supported feature combination:

  • The preview stream is stabilized if preview stabilization is on.
  • The preview frame rate falls within the configured AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE.
  • The recorded preview stream's color space matches what's set.
  • The Ultra HDR capture has a valid gain map.