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    Grade 8 Open House

    Thursday, November 28, 6:30 - 8:30 pm:  SAVE THE DATE

    For details please hit the link below.


    South Spirit Wear

    Click on the photo above to view south lions spirit wear and shop online!

    South Spirit Wear

    South's spirit wear in collaboration with 519 Clothing Inc. Items will ship within two weeks and will be shipped directly to your home. Use the discount code LIONS15 



    south newsletter

    Click on the photo above to view our weekly updates!

    Week at a Glance- South's Newsletter

    What's up at South this week? Check out our weekly news letter for information on what's going on at school! Here you can find updates on school activities/dances/shows, spirit days, sports games and more!



    Click on the videos below for helpful tips!

    myBlueprint School Tips for Parents

    SHSM School Tips for Parents