Did you see an important story on Spectrum News 1 that told you to visit us online?
Here's where you'll find links containing important websites, phone numbers and other information that you may have seen in a segment on our station.
April 24
Butterfly Garden
Short 6’’ to 15’’
Ajuga, Armeria, Aster, Ceratostigma, Chrysanthemum, Coreopsis, Dianthus, Gaillardia, Geranium, Heuchera, Iberis, Lavandula, Nepeta, Oenothera, Salvia, Scabiosa, Stokesia, Veronica, Viola
Medium 16’’ to 36’’
Achillea, Agastache, Aquilegia, Asclepias, Caryopteris, Centranthus, Chelone, Crocosmia, Dicentra, Digitalis, Hemerocallis, Leucanthemum, Liatris, Lilium, Lobelia, Lupine, Origanum, Rudbeckia, Sedum
Tall 36’’ and above
Aconitum, Aruncus, Baptisia, Buddleia, Echinacea, Eupatorium, Heliopsis, Helianthus, Hibiscus, Lonicera, Monarda, Phloax, Verbena
April 23
Vegetable gardening ideas
(Courtesy of Balet Flowers and Design)
Start-up garden
Seeds for planting from late April through mid-May: Spinach, carrots, radishes, beets
Other seed ideas as the soil warms up through May: Lettuce, beans, cucumbers, zucchini/summer squash, winter squash/pumpkins
Read the seed packets for planting depth. Generally cover the seeds with an amount of soil the same diameter of the seed; water just after seeding for optimum germination.
For plants, till or cultivate the garden area, and remove debris. If planting in a container, choose a container large enough for the crop, add compost or fertilizer to potting soil, plant and water as needed. Fertilize every 2-4 weeks.
Buy plants that are already started for quicker growing time. Plant in a sunny location for best production; water and fertilize as needed.
Plants worth buying: Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, or any plants you want to get a head start on
April 22
Growing/companion planting tips
(Courtesy of Balet Flowers and Design)
Companion planting favorites
Best practices for containers: Start with a good potting soil mix; fill the container 3/4 of the way up; dig a hole and place the plant in loose soil, then fill soil around the plants; leave a reservoir of a 1/2-inch for smaller pots and up to an inch for larger pots; fertilize, either mixing organic fertilizer into the soil or using a liquid feed.
February 13
— New RCSD middle schools
New high school
Renaming of existing elementary schools
January 24
— According to the Health Resources and Services Administration, 55 out of New York’s 62 counties don’t have enough psychiatrists, psychologists or social workers.
January 10
— Each FAFSA event includes food, drinks, and the opportunity to win prizes.
FAFSA FEST events schedule:
September 16
— For more information on the Genesee RiverWatch and the Genesee Waterways Center's series of guided paddles on the Genesee River and Erie Canal, click here.
September 15
— For more information on Fall Fest, click here.
September 10
— For more information on the Flower City Comic Con Sept. 16-17, click here.
September 9
— All Rochester spray parks are set to close for the season on Sunday.
But if you're looking to take a dip, you're in luck. The city is opening its indoor pools.
The Adams Street R-Center is opening its pool for the season at 4 p.m. Monday .
The pool at the Trenton and Pamela Jackson R-Center will open too, but not until later this month because of repairs.
The pool schedule provides times for open swim and swim lessons for children and adults. The pool is home to the Rochester Rapids swim team and lifeguard certification courses will be offered this winter.
Open swim hours at the Adams Street pool are: 4 to 6:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays; 4 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays; 4 to 5 p.m. Fridays; and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays. Two lanes are designated for adult lap swim from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays.
More information can be found here.
August 31
— For more information on the Drum Corp Associates World Championships Weekend in Rochester, click here.
August 18
— This Saturday marks the return of annual Clarissa Street Reunion in Rochester. The reunion is making a return to the Old 3rd Ward, bringing back jazz, gospel, soul music and more to the neighborhood. This year's reunion will run from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. More information can be found here.
July 23
— The New York State Department of Transportation is advising motorists of nighttime ramp closures along State Route 390 in the towns of Gates and Greece, Monroe County, between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., beginning Monday, July 24, and ending early the morning of Friday, July 28.
Here's the full anticipated ramp closure schedule:
Monday, July 24
Tuesday, July 25
Wednesday, July 26
Thursday, July 27
July 2
— For a complete list of scheduled activities during the Irondequoit Fourth of July celebration, click here.
June 9
— List of streets that will be closed to accommodate the CGI Rochester International Jazz Festival:
· Gibbs Street (from East Avenue to E. Main Street):
Closed from 7 a.m., June 13 to midnight, July 4.
· East Avenue (from Scio Street to E. Main Street):
Closed from 4 p.m. to midnight each night from June 23 to July 1
· East Main Street (from Chestnut Street to Gibbs Street):
Closed from 4 p.m. to midnight each night from June 23 to July 1
· Chestnut Street (from East Main Street to East Avenue):
Closed from 6 a.m. to midnight on June 24
· Chestnut Street (from East Avenue to Broad Street):
Closed from 4 p.m. to midnight on June 24
· Elm Street (from South Clinton Avenue to Chestnut Street):
Closed from 10 a.m. to midnight each night from June 28 to July 1
· Cortland Street (from East Main Street to Elm Street):
Closed from 2 p.m. to midnight each night from June 28 to July 1
· Andrew Langston Way (from Elm Street to East Main Street):
Closed from 2 p.m. to midnight each night from June 28 to July 1
· Euclid Street (from Chestnut Street to Andrew Langston Way):
Closed from 2 p.m. to midnight each night from June 28 to July 1
· Atlas Street (from Euclid Street tot Elm Street):
Closed from 2 p.m. to midnight each night from June 28 to July 1
June 1
— For more information on the Nitrate Picture Show, click here.
April 14
— For more information on Rochester Community University, click here.
February 3
— R-Connect Community and Employment Fairs will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the following locations:
January 31, 2023
— The New York Department of Public Service will hold two virtual public hearings Tuesday where it will field comments from RG&E customers who say they have issues with the power company including overbilling, inaccurate meter readings and other customer service troubles.
It's too late to sign up to comment, but you can listen in on the forum. They will be held at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Tuesday.
An in-person meeting is scheduled for next week.
To access one of the virtual forums, click here.
September 8, 2022
— For more information on the Nutcracker auditions, click here.
September 23
— Wegmans is hosting a virtual hiring event for both part-time and full-time Customer Service Team Members at its Great Rochester stores on Thursday, September 23 from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
For more information, click here.
— The U.S. Postal Service is hiring more than 400 seasonal workers.
Part-time and full-time holiday clerk assistants, mail handler assistants and city carrier assistants will be hired for the Rochester area.
A job fair at the distribution center on Jefferson Road in Henrietta runs until 6 p.m. on Thursday. Applications are also being accepted online at USPS.com/careers.
— The ARC of Monroe is hosting a job fair from 9 a.m until 6 p.m. on Thursday.
The event is offering a wide variety of careers in inclusive and developmental environments. There is an opportunity for on-the-spot interviews, background checks, discussions for all open positions and sign-on bonuses for many jobs.
For anyone interested, the event will be located at 2060 Brighton-Townline Road. Registration is not required, but those in attendance are required to wear a face mask and social distance.
To see all open positions, visit ARCMonroe.org/careers/.
June 30
— Flower City Food Tours, who have been on hiatus due to the pandemic, are resuming operations.
Tours will be offered on Park Avenue on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Each 3-hour walking food tour features tastings at several establishments, while historical, cultural and architectural points of interest are highlighted along the way.
Tours begin July 7 and will take place every Wednesday and Thursday through November 11. Tickets and more information at www.flowercityfoodtours.com.
June 5
— Your blood or platelet donation could help a patient with cancer. Find an American Red Cross donation opportunity near you to give blood or platelets. Dedicate your donation to someone affected by cancer after your donation.
June 4
— Stop the Violence rallies and marches are taking place around Rochester on Saturday. For more information, click here.
June 3
— If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, you can find a list of outreach partners you can contact on this website.
June 2
— As of June 1, the state began taking applications for the rental assistance program in New York. The $2.7 billion-dollar program is being made available for those who are behind on their rent and have suffered financially from COVID-19.
For more information or to apply, click here.
May 24
— May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. To learn more about the disease, the ticks that transmit it and how you can avoid it, click here.
May 18
— The first Black man to serve Rochester as a police officer has died. Capt. Charles "Charlie" Price lived to be 98. Price left Kodak for the RPD in 1947. He went from undercover to detective to the rank of captain. He retired in 1985.
Click here for our story on Price and how he reflected on his life and career.
May 7
— To register for next weeks vaccine clinics in Genesee and Orleans counties, visit https://orleanscountyny.org/covid-19-vaccination/ or call - Genesee at 585-815-7168 Orleans at 585-589-3170.
April 29
— Tickets for the Rockin' the Downs Summer Concert series are on sale.
The series kicks off on June 11 with Almost Queen. Other groups in the series include Puddle of Mudd, Skid Row, Molly Hatchet and wraps up with a performance by The Spin Doctors on August 27.
Tickets are available at www.BataviaConcerts.com.
— The Irondequoit Police have introduced a new way to crack down on illegal dirt bikes and ATVs. You can access You can access a new tip form on Irondequoit Police's Facebook and Twitter accounts.
April 20
— A COVID-19 vaccination clinic is taking place on Tuesday, April 20 at the Ontario County Highway Office.
To register for an appointment, click here.
April 4
— It's up to us to protect the environment around us. You can start by helping in this year's I Love My Park Day.
It' the largest single-day volunteer event in the state, with thousands of volunteers rolling up their sleeves to help clean up parks, beaches, plant trees, gardens, and more.
This year marks its 10th anniversary. It will be held May 1 and 2. To sign up, visit this website: https://www.ptny.org/events/i-love-my-park-day
April 1
— The city of Rochester is now accepting special event applications again.
Each applicant will be required to review and adhere to the governor’s COVID-19 executive orders and guidance from the Department of Health.
Applicants can complete the permit form at cityofrochester.gov/eventpermit.
March 8
— Appointments for vaccination clinics in Wayne County in Tuesday and Wednesday are still available and can be made using the registration links at https://web.co.wayne.ny.us/index.php/publichealth.
March 6
— More than a dozen Rochester women are coming together to create a space for people to feel safe and unified. They are taking part in the Comm-UNITY Arts and Wellness Festival online this weekend.
For more information, click here.
February 27
— The city of Rochester is holding a phone town hall on police reform Sunday at 6 p.m. If you want to participate, you can sign up here.
February 26
— The city of Rochester is extending the ice skating season at the Genesee Valley Sports Complex. It will now close at the end of the day on April 11.
January 26
— Cards for St. Bonaventure President Dr. Dennis Deperro, who is currently on a ventilator as he battles COVID-19, can be sent to the president’s office, where they will be collected and sent to him.
St. Bonaventure University
3261 West State Road
President| P.O. Box A
St. Bonaventure, NY 14778
January 19
— To see if you are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in New York State, click here.
January 11
— Five Wegmans stores will give COVID-19 vaccines to people 75 years or older in our area. Those stores include the Pittsford, East Avenue, Eastway, Chili-Paul, and Mount Read locations.
You have to schedule an appointment either by visiting Wegmans.com or by calling 1-800-207-6099.
January 10
— Starting Monday, small businesses struggling to pay employees during the COVID-19 pandemic can start applying for the second round of the paycheck protection program. For more information, click here.
January 8
— The Town of Irondequoit today announced that it will offer a property tax rebate to businesses that have been negatively impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, in an effort to assist locally owned businesses during these unprecedented economic times.
This grant opportunity, which will refund up to 100% of Town property taxes, represents the third phase of the Revitalizing Irondequoit’s Small business Economy (RISE) Program.
For more information about eligibility requirements and program details, please visit the Town’s RISE Program website.
January 7
— More than two dozen local restaurants will receive some help in providing outdoor dining through the winter months of the pandemic.
Roc Holiday Village is partnering with the city of Rochester to provide free greenhouse rentals this winter to 25 restaurants chosen in a lottery. The 8'x8' greenhouses are framed with aluminum and have clear walls that withstand snow and wind.
The winter greenhouse project is part of the city's Jumpstarting ROC reopening plan.
For the application to enter the lottery, click here.
January 5
— New dietary guidelines are out from the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services.
More information can be found here.
December 29
— You can sign up for Lollypop Farm's Text from Pets program to get a text message from different shelter pets every day during the month of January. To sign up, you can text "lpftexts" to the toll-free number (833) 535-0911 or visit: lollypop.org/textsfrompets
December 28
— Rochester City Hall has announced expanded funding options for small businesses struggling through the pandemic. For more information, visit www.cityofrochester.gov/BusinessResources.
December 21
— Dapper Moose Entertainment is making their "Accordion Man" t-shirts available to the public. They cost $20, with $2 of every purchase being donated to the Music Therapy Department at Golisano’s. The t-shirts can be purchased here.
December 15
— A GoFundMe to support the family of a Nazareth College music professor after his unexpected passing has been started.
The link can be found here.
— Steuben County is offering free rapid COVID-19 testing at Corning Community College starting Tuesday.
Residents can get a test at the school's health education center on Denison Parkway Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
To register for a test, click here.
December 12
— A GoFundMe has been organized for the family of a woman who died in a fatal accident on Dewey Avenue in Greece on Friday.
The link can be found here.
December 11
— The City of Rochester has partnered with RTS to provide free shuttles to asymptomatic testing sites in the city.
Find shuttle dates and times here.
December 8
— More information on the Rise Program: Phase II, which offers financial assistance for independent and locally owned businesses in Irondequoit and are forced to close or modify operations as a result of an "Orange Zone," can be found here.
November 26
— A consent form for Greece schools for rapid testing of students can be found here.
— East Irondequoit School District will host drive-thru weekend testing for students this Saturday, November 28, from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm at Laurelton-Pardee School and Eastridge High School, and again on Monday, November 30, from 7:30 am – 6:00 pm at Laurelton-Pardee and the Middle School. Families must sign up for a designated time slot to get tested. You can sign up for your testing time here:
Eastridge: Saturday, November 28: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040C4AAFA72AA1FE3-covid
Laurelton Pardee: Saturday, November 28: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040C4AAFA72AA1FE3-covid1
EIMS: Monday, November 30: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040C4AAFA72AA1FE3-covid2
Laurelton Pardee: Monday, November 30: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040C4AAFA72AA1FE3-covid3
November 22
— Donate to the GoFundMe for Julia Resto and her family here. Julia was nearly 7 months pregnant when she was hit by a drunk driver in Bergen on November 17.
November 16
— Find out more information about Operation Christmas Child, including a list curbside drop-off location options, here.
November 11
— The Adult Educational Opportunities Center (AEOC) and other staff and faculty at Genesee Community College have collaborated to prepare a special honor celebration for Veterans Day.
This year the AEOC and GCC have prepared a video recognition that will be accessible to all on GCC's website at any time on Wednesday, November 11, 2020.
To watch online, click here.
October 30
— For information on the Saturday RIT COVID update, click here.
October 23
— If you're interested in serving on the Irondequoit Commission Advancing Racial Equity (ICARE), a form can be found online or in person at the town hall reception area. That can be handed in starting Monday until November 20.
October 8
— Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives inviting Monroe County students to imagine what Anna Murray Douglass, Frederick Douglass' wife and partner in the Underground Railroad, looked like in portraits made during different stages of her life.
A link to contest rules can be found here.
September 28
— You can check your local school's coronavirus statistics on the New York State's COVID report card website. The state says the COVID-19 positive data reported on the site includes enrolled students, teachers, and staff on-site and off-site. According to the state, schools say any positive case information has been validated by the local health department.
September 25
—The Steuben County Public Health Department in conjunction with the New York State Department of Health is offering free COVID-19 testing on Friday, September 25 from 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, September 26 from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Victory Highway Wesleyan Church located at 150 Victory Highway in Painted Post.
Testing is free and open to New York State residents. Participants should pre-register in order to be tested at https://tinyurl.com/steubencovidtest.
September 15
— Through the fall, Ontario County residents can take part in a community-wide drive-thru coronavirus assistance program. More information can be found here.
September 12
— The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation is hosting a bike ride to remember the 343 firefighters who died on 9/11. The bike ride will raise money, to the end of the year, will support the families of fallen firefighters and the FDNY Counseling Services Unit. For more information, click here.
September 11
— The M&T Bank Clothesline is going virtual this year. Organizers are running it from Saturday, September 12 to Friday, September 18. More information can be found here.
September 4
— The City of Rochester, Foodlink, and the Rochester City School District continue to provide free meals to city students starting Wednesday, September 9. More information can be found here.
September 3
— The Little Theatre’s “Little in the Lot” series returns September 12 with a tribute to the late actor Chadwick Boseman. More information can be found here.
August 21
— For more on the Frontier Field “Grab a Seat” fan cutout pack, click here.
August 20
— Virtual, public meetings for the RG&E and NYSEG rate case will be held on Wednesday, August 26 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. and Thursday, August 27 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Learn more about how you can give your feedback and register by clicking here.
— A GoFundMe fundraising page has been created for a family who was struck while on their horse-drawn buggy in Penn Yan earlier this month. To donate, click here.
— New York State is encouraging farmers to register for free COVID-19 testing opportunities.
The state is offering free, on-farm COVID-19 testing to agricultural workers in five counties that see the highest number of out-of-state workers during harvest season.
Those counties include Wayne, Orleans, and Genesee.
For more information, click here.
August 19
— The Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart and William Smith Colleges is asking for help in removing the invasive water chestnut from Salmon Creek and Long Pond in the Braddock Bay Wildlife Management Area. If you would like to help, please respond to the email address below.
WHAT: Water Chestnut Pull
WHERE: Braddock Bay Wildlife Management Area, specifically Long Pond and Salmon Creek
WHEN: Friday, August 21st, 9:30am - lunch
WHAT TO BRING: Clothes that can get dirty, gloves if you have them, sunscreen.
RSVP: Hilary Mosher, [email protected]. If you need a boat, let me know! Our starting point will be at Long Pond, parking on the side of the Lake Ontario State Parkway heading east.
August 18
— To fill out the Genesee Transportation Council's survey for their long-range transportation plan, click here.
— The Cornell Cooperative Extension Monroe Co. U-Pick Farms List can be found here.
August 17
— More information on RCSD School Reopening Parent Forums can be found here.
August 14
— An export company has issued a recall on several brands of cooked and frozen shrimp that were sold under various names at Tops, BJs and Costco, among other places.
Kader Exports says there is the potential for salmonella contamination in one, one and a half, and two-pound bags distributed from late-February to mid-May, under the brand names Aqua Star Reserve, Censea, Fresh Market, Kirkland, Tops, Unistar, and Wellsley Farms.
For more information, visit the FDA's website here.
— There's a cleanup effort at Durand Eastman Beach this Sunday, hosted by sustainable clothing company Zeyba.
The event is from 9:30 a.m. to noon at the beach. Volunteers will be split into two teams, and the team that gathers the most garbage will win prizes.
Check out the company's Facebook page for more information, or sign up here.
August 13
— All 64 SUNY campuses have developed plans to resume on-campus activities and in-person learning for the Fall 2020 semester. Each campus plan was developed to meet the guidelines set by the Higher Education Guidelines and New York Forward Phase 4 guidelines.
To see the plans for a specific SUNY college, click here.
August 11
— The Village of Fairport Local Development Corporation has announced the Local Investments for Fairport's Transformation (LIFT) Grant Program to assist Village businesses as they adapt to operating during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The program will provide reimbursement for COVID-19 expenses related to keeping staff and customers safe as businesses reopen or continue to operate during this pandemic.
For more information, click here.
For the application, click here.
August 10
— For a list of cool sweeps locations, click here.
August 5
— Rochester is one of 20 communities in the country to receive a $100,000 Healthiest Cities grant. It will help bring fresh and healthy food to those who need it most as part of a new Food Policy Council created by the city of Rochester.
The city will hold three virtual meetings to provide more information on the initiative. Click on a link to register.
Thursday, August 20th. 5:30-6:30 PM.
Wednesday, August 26th. 5:30-6:30 PM.
Thursday, August 27th. 5:30-6:30 PM.
— If your kids are feeling cooped up this summer - Monroe County has fun learning activities going on all week. it's part of 4-H STEM-stravaganza Week and its free on Zoom. Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. is Welcome to Space Wednesday - Build a Mars Base.
For information on events happening the rest of the week, click here.
To register for an event, click here.
July 31
— Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren announced Friday that the city's Cool Sweep program will be active on Saturday as a way to beat the heat.
You can learn more here.
— Starting on Monday, three DMV branches will begin taking appointments for all DMV services. Those locations are the Henrietta, Irondequoit, and Downtown Rochester branches.
The drop boxes in Monroe County will now only accept license plate surrenders.
The Greece location will continue to serve as a testing hub for commercial driver's licenses
Residents who wish to continue remotely can mail transactions into the Henrietta branch, but officials say it may take three weeks to be completed.
Click here for the DMV's online portal.
July 30
— The Rochester City School District released its reopening plan at a school board meeting Thursday evening.
The full plan can be found here.
— The Pittsford Central School District is hosting an online forum for parents with a look at the district's plans for the new school year. The meeting is taking place from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 30.
To join the meeting, click here.
To submit a question during the meeting, click here.
July 29
— The deadline to apply for the COVID-19 rent relief program is Thursday. The program allows New Yorkers to apply for up to four months of rent payments that do not need to be paid back. The one-time rental subsidy will be sent directly to the household's landlord.
You can find the application online here.
July 27
— RIT has released quarantine guidance for resident students coming from COVID-19 "hot spot" states. That information can be found here. The University of Rochester has similar guidance on its website.
— The SUNY system is now accepting Excelsior Scholarship applications. Click here to apply.
— While this pandemic has disrupted major milestones for many, one local business is coming to the rescue. Curated Love is helping those whose weddings have been impacted by the pandemic.
— The Avon Rotary Club is getting creative with how to make up for the loss this year after its annual Corn Festival was canceled for the first time in 33 years. Instead, it will hold a "Cornantine" event, which includes a road rally and scavenger hunt around Livingston County on Saturday, August 8.
July 26
— The Rochester chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a nonprofit organization who build beds for kids who are sleeping on the floor, are looking for volunteers. To get involved, you can donate and register for builds on their website.
July 25
— Leadership Rochester's graduating class held a diaper drive Saturday.
The organization helps train people to be better leaders, and they collected baby wipes and diapers at the Healthy Baby Network on East Avenue.
Members of the class collected those items during the drive-thru event.
If you couldn't make it out to the event and still would like to donate to the Healthy Baby Network, you can click here for more information.
July 23
— Good news is being reported from the initial data released from the ROC COVID-19 symptom tracker.
Officials say symptom reports remain at 1 percent, down from 2 percent in early May when the daily survey launched.
More than 23,000 residents in the Finger Lakes region have signed up, submitting more than 900,000 daily screens.
The purpose of the program is to detect COVID-19 hotspots before the virus spreads.
Officials say the low level of reported symptoms indicates that people are doing all the right things in our region.
The tracker can be found here.
— The Rochester and Genesee Valley Railroad Museum is reopening this weekend.
The museum wasn't able to open in the spring because of the pandemic. But on Saturday, it will reopen to the public with an open house from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There are new health safety guidelines to follow. Visitors must exercise social distancing and wear a mask at all times. The museum has hand sanitizing stations located across the grounds.
Guests are also asked to purchase tickets in advance. You can do so on the museum's website.
July 16
— The COVID Rent Relief Program will provide eligible households with a one-time rental subsidy that will be sent directly to the household’s landlord. Applicants will not need to repay this assistance.
For full details and the application, click here.
July 15
— A Cool Sweep will be in effect for Wednesday.
Seven R-Centers across the city and the playground at Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Park will be open from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The Genesee Valley Park Pool will be open from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Pools at Adams Street R-Center and the Trenton and Pamela Jackson R-Center will be open from 12 pm. to 6:30 p.m.
July 14
— A total of 65 law enforcement officers have died in the line of duty in the United States since the beginning of 2020. That's according to the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum, which releases the mid-year numbers annually.
For the full report, click here.
— Tax Day is Wednesday, July 15. The date was pushed back because of the pandemic. The easiest and cheapest way to file is online. People who make less than $69,000 per year can file for free on the IRS website.
July 13
— More people hit the road during the Fourth of July weekend than did for Memorial Day weekend. That's according to "Cuebiq," a private company the CDC uses to track general movement in the United States. It's been looking at cell phone data in ten coronavirus hotspots.
To see that data, click here.
— The City of Rochester Bureau of Recreation is offering a number of free swim classes for all ages through its Swim Academy. For a complete list of classes, dates, times and information on how to sign up, click here.
July 12
— For more information on weeklong community opportunities from the Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester, click here.
July 11
— The Monroe County Sheriff has started a podcast.
Sheriff Todd Baxter began hosting "Behind the Badge with MCSO" in June.
The MCSO says this comes as an effort to be "as transparent as possible with the public and share the great work that the MCSO sworn and non-sworn staff does on a daily basis."
The podcast can be found by clicking here.
July 9
— Friday is the last day apply to be a part of the Rochester and Monroe County Commission on Racial and Structural Equality. Monroe County residents 16 years and older may apply online. You'll also need to submit a physical application.
A resume is a good thing to submit, but if you don't it won't disqualify you. Those not picked for the commission can contribute to the effort in other ways.
The application can be found here.
— Foodlink is recruiting for its fall career fellowship.
The organization is inviting anyone in the Rochester area with a passion for cooking to apply for the culinary training program. Foodlink is accepting applications all summer for the Class of 2021, which begins its yearlong journey in September.
For full details on the program, click here.
July 8
— The Corn Hill Arts Festival will have all of its art for sale online this year.
Starting on Saturday, shoppers can browse all of the unique merchandise that would have been on display at this year's festival.
More than 300 artists are taking part.
For more information, click here.
— The Rochester City School District has created a brief survey to help better understand the concerns and/or questions you may have regarding the reopening of schools this fall.
To take the survey, click here.
— The state-appointed monitor for the Rochester City School District wants to hear from you at its virtual public hearing Wednesday evening. Dr. Shelly Jallow will take public comments and questions. She reports to the state about the district's academic and financial struggles. You have to sign up in advance to take part and get a Zoom Conference Meeting number.
More information can be found here.
— Red Cross Disaster Team is in need of volunteers after responding to dozens of fires and helping hundreds of people locally this season. It is also preparing for hurricanes and wildfires around the country.
Because of COVID-19, the Red Cross is also looking for volunteers, especially those in the health care field, who can help in shelters if hotels are not available.
Head to this website if you would like to get involved.
— The International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board will be part of a webinar next week addressing the water levels on the Great Lakes. It's taking place Friday, July 17 at noon. Anyone who is interested can attend.
To register, click here.
July 7
— The Dalai Lama marked his 85th birthday with the release of his first-ever album. The Tibetan spiritual leader created "Inner World" — an album of mantras and Buddhist teachings with the hopes that it will provide tranquility amid the chaos of the coronavirus pandemic and global protests sparked by the death of George Floyd.
To listen or download the album, click here.
July 6
— The city of Rochester's Cool Sweep is in effect Monday and Tuesday.
July 4
— Outdoor swimming pools at New York State Parks are open this independence day weekend. For a full list, click here.
July 2
— Testing for COVID-19 has been expanded in New York State. To find a testing site near you, click here.
July 1
— Permits to Rochester city lodges and community centers have been suspended until further notice. Any cancelations from March to August will be refunded by the permit's office.
For any questions, you can email [email protected], call 585-428-6794, or click here.
— The Colonial Belle in Fairport begins cruising along the Erie Canal on July 4.
Click here for information on making a reservation.
June 30
— The Churchville-Chili Central School District is asking for input from parents on reopening schools.
The district shared a survey on its website for parents.
It says the results of the survey will help the district's advisory committee as it prepares to announce recommendations on July 23. District officials ask that each adult in your family fill it out by July 8.
To fill out the survey, click here.
— The University of Rochester has released what they are calling "a comprehensive plan for a safe restart and recovery this fall."
U of R officials say they plan on following state and county guidelines.
They also say the school plans on testing all students living in campus housing, and that classrooms will now have dedicated entrances and exits.
As for employees, U of R says that any work that can be done remotely, should be done remotely.
For a full rundown of the plan, click here.
June 29
— The GoFundMe created by the Latino Voter Protection Organization can be viewed here.
June 28
— The Fairport Little League summer league is officially open for registration. To register, click here.
June 26
— The summer swimming season will begin on Saturday, June 27 at the Genesee Valley Park Sports Complex outdoor pool.
The GVP pool will be open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. for open swim and from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. for lap swim.
Weekday pool hours will begin June 29 and last until Labor Day on September 7.
Swim lessons are available starting on July 6. For more information on lessons, click the link here.
For a complete pool schedule visit, the city of Rochester's website here, or call 428-7888.
— Rochester area museums are reopening now that the region has entered Phase 4. Click here for details on reopening dates and the new health and safety requirements for guests.
— Six Flags Darien lake is now hiring as the park prepares to reopen.
The Thrill Capital of New York is looking to fill more than 1,000 positions in various departments. Interviews will be done virtually and new employees will be screened. You must be a least 14 years old to apply.
You can do that online. Just follow this link.
June 25
— The New York State Department of Health has released additional information on quarantine restrictions for travelers arriving from out of state.
"The requirements of the travel advisory do not apply to any individual passing through designated states for a limited duration (ie. less than 24 hours) through the course of travel," the Department of Health said in a statement. "Examples of brief passage include but are not limited to: stopping at rest stops for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel or train travel."
There are also exemptions in place for first responders and essential workers.
Click here for the full statement.
— Starting on Thursday, the ROC'N Drive-In pop-up movie theatre at Frontier Field will be showing its first films.
Mission Impossible: Fallout and Casino Royale will be screening at the stadium starting at 6:30 p.m. on June 25.
How to Train Your Dragon: Hidden World and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone will both be showing Friday and Saturday evening,
Tickets are $25 per car and they can be purchased ahead of time online here.
June 23
— Community garage sales are coming back to the City of Rochester Public Market.
Vendors will be spaced out in every other shed space and masks will be required.
Garage sales start on July 12 and run most Sundays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Click here for more information.
— Parents in Brighton can now register their children for summer camp.
Camp starts July 6 and runs until August 14. Most activities will be outdoors and kids won't be in groups larger than 10. Children are encouraged to wear masks.
To register, follow this link.
June 22
— Wayne County Public Health, with support from Finger Lakes Community Health, will be hosting a drive-thru COVID-19 testing event for Wayne County residents on Saturday, June 27, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The testing will take place at Wayne County Public Health at 1519 Nye Road, Lyons, NY 14489.
Pre-registration is highly encouraged as testing is limited. Please use this link to complete your pre-registration.
— All City of Batavia playground equipment will be open for use Monday June 22, 2020.
“The City of Batavia is also encouraging sports organizations, including youth baseball and softball, to submit their event application and insurance paperwork if they would like to utilize City playing fields this summer,” said Rachael Tabelski, Assistant City Manager.
To apply, visit this link.
June 20
— Starting today, you can visit The Strong National Museum of Play in Minecraft.
The Museum and the World Video Game Hall of Fame are having a Minecraft themed week in honor of the games induction into the video game hall of fame.
You can visit friends and interactive exhibits at Minecraft museum.
Participants must register for the event. For more information, visit this link.
June 16
— A limited number of seats remain for another weekend of the Red Wings' "Dinner on the Diamond" event. Fans jumped at the chance to eat on the field, and tickets for last week's dinner sold out in a few hours. Right now, there are still some tables available for Thursday, Friday, and Sunday.
To make a reservation, click here.
June 15
— The YMCA's new procedures for reopening can be found on their website.
— About 43,000 pounds of beef are being recalled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture with concerns about E. Coli contamination. A New Jersey company — Lakeside Refrigerated — produced the beef on June 1 and distributed it nationwide. The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service says the meat might contain E. Coli.
For more information on this recall, click here.
June 14
— The annual Roc Juneteenth 5K Run/Walk will be held virutally this year on June 19. For more information, click here.
June 12
— The 2020 Lifetime Assistance Airport Games have been rescheduled.
The annual 5-K and CrossFit 5-K will be held on August 28. Both races will start at 6 p.m.
You have until the day of the race to register. Click here to sign up or for more information.
June 11
— New York State has available an online resource to search for COVID-19 testing sites. The website also provides guidelines to follow to see if you qualify for diagnostic testing.
Click here to find out more.
— Rochester's fourth annual Make Music Day will play on this year. We will hear it virtually. It's calling for performers for the celebration of the summer solstice Sunday June 21. The full day of performances features free live music and opportunities to make music all day. Performances will be streamed live online.
For full details, click here.
June 10
— Bristol Mountain Aerial Adventure has been given the green light to reopen this weekend. Adventure Park will open for the season on Saturday at 9 a.m.
There will be new health and safety procedures for guests to follow. Reservations are required in advance to attend.
For more information, click here.
June 9
— A Go Fund Me has been organized to help the Harmon family, after their Rochester apartment building caught fire Tuesday morning.
To donate, click here.
June 1
— Guidelines for outdoor dining and the form restaurants need to submit can be found here.
— Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives, a Rochester-based non-profit, will reward young people who express practical remedies to racism. The organization is holding an essay contest. Submissions must be between 500 to 800 words. They will be accepted through June 19.
Seven winners will receive prizes ranging from $1000 to $2000.
For contest rules, click here.
May 31
— The Brighton Farmers Market is now allowing on-site purchases starting Sunday, May 31.
Customers may continue to pre-order products. Market hours are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. with the first hour reserved for pre-orders, seniors, and vulnerable individuals.
For more, check out their website here.
May 28
— Voting for the 2020 American Hero Dog is open, and a Hilton dog is up for the award! You can vote for MacKenzie here.
— Here are the 15 YMCA locations affected by the furloughs:
May 27
— The Town of Greece is premiering 'Drive-In Family Movie Night' at the Greece Town Hall Campus with a screeeing of Pixar's "Onward." Pre-registration begins Friday, May 29 at 8 a.m. Click here to register.
— The Town of Irondequoit has chosen five finalists for the naming of the new Irondequoit Senior Housing Development, which will be constructed at Skyview of the Ridge.
The link to the voting can be found here. Voting will run from May 26 to June 1.
May 22
— The Town of Gates will be hosting a Memorial Day Virtual Ceremony.
It will be streamed starting Monday, May 25, at 9:30 a.m., on the Gates Recreation and Parks Facebook Page.
The Town of Perinton will be hosting a Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony.
The stream starts Monday, May 25, at 12:30 p.m., on the VFW Post 8495 Facebook Page.
The Town of Greece produced a virtual Memorial Day Ceremony available now on Youtube.
A link to that video can be found here.
The City of Hornell is holding a Memorial Day Parade in accordance with the governor's decision to allow vehicle only parades.
The parade kicks of at 10:30 a.m. on Bank St. and will go from the East Main St. bridge to Broadway.
Spectators are asked to social distance while viewing, or watch from their yards or homes.
— In response to the closure of City Hall due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rochester City Clerk’s Office today announced that couples seeking to obtain marriage licenses will now be able to do so through an online application process. Click here to file an application.
As an additional service, the Clerk’s Office is also offering virtual civil wedding ceremonies online via Zoom. Online civil wedding ceremonies will be performed by the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk and can be requested at this website.
— Livingston County will be handing out hand sanitizer and disinfectant sprays for businesses on Saturday, May 23. The event runs from 9 a.m. to noon from the County Highway Department on Gypsy Lane in Mt. Morris.
Pre-regisration is required, and you can do that by clicking here.
May 21
— The following 13 Rochester schools will be closed for pack-and-go meal service on Memorial Day:
May 18
— There are more than 700 locations where New Yorkers can get diagnostic testing for COVID-19. Head to this website and enter your address to find the testing sites near you.
— The Fairport school district says Food Service will be providing a double day meal distribution on Friday, May 22. This means two breakfasts and two lunches will be distributed. The District will not provide meals on Monday, May 25 due to the Memorial Day holiday. Click here for more information on Fairport Food Service.
May 17
— The New York Forward Business Reopening Lookup Tool will help you determine whether or not your business is eligible to reopen, and the public health and safety standards with which your business must comply. To learn more, visit this link.
— St. Bonaventure University is inviting people to attend its virtual commencement this afternoon. For more information, visit this link.
May 16
— You'll want to keep your eyes to the skies today as the National Warplane Museum will be doing a series of flyovers across the region to show its thanks to the frontline workers. Find more information here.
— Community Fighting COVID, a volunteer effort to disrupt COVID-19's impact in communities of color in Rochester, is holding prescreening sessions at the following locations this week:
Times and locations may change based on the availability of personal protective equipment and volunteers. For up-to-date information, visit https://www.facebook.com/CommunityFightsCOVID.
May 15
— The Monroe County executive announced Friday “low-risk recreational opportunities” in county parks are now available.
They include:
Tennis – Singles Games ONLY
Beaches – Swimming and Mass Gatherings are PROHIBITED
For more information about Monroe County Parks, please click here.
— "Operation Thanks From Above" is taking place on Saturday, May 16. During the flyover, a Douglas C-47 known as the Whiskey 7 will soar over Western and Central New York to salute frontline workers and their efforts during the pandemic.
For more information, including a map of locations, click here.
— The Urban League of Rochester has launced a $100,000 small business fund in a partnership with Keybank. Minority and women-owned businesses in Monroe County can aply for up-to $7,000 in aid.
Click here for more information.
May 14fund
— A handful of organizations serving some of our community's most vulnerable are splitting nearly $500,000 in grants from the Golisano Foundation. It's part one of the foundation's effort to support agencies that work with those with disabilities and pet welfare during the pandemic.
The Golisano Foundation is accepting applications for the second round of grants. For more information or to apply, click here.
— The 5Miler virtual run is taking place this Sunday. Anyone interested in donating to Team Dugan can click here.
May 12
— The Wyoming County Chamber & Tourism office is holding a contest inviting everyone to "Dine-Out in Wyoming County!" This month-long contest encourages consumers to "dine-out" at Wyoming County restaurants offering take out options between May 18 and June 21, 2020, and enter to win $100 in restaurant gift cards.
For more information on the contest, click here.
For a list of restaurants open for takeout, click here.
May 10
— Back by popular demand, the Red Wings will be offering a limited concessions menu for pickup only on Thursday, May 14 and Friday, May 15 from 4-7 p.m.
For more details, click here.
May 9
— The four baby peregrine falcon at the Times Square building in downtown Rochester hatched - and now you have a chance to name one of them. Click here for more information.
May 8
— You can sign up for the Pink Ribbon Walk & Run here.
May 7
— Where to find Foodlink’s Emergency Food Supply Boxes
— Virtual meet and greets will help an Ontario County Animal Shelter find homes for two dozen pets. Nine cats and 13 dogs from Happy Tails animal shelter in Canandaigua would like to meet you.
If you're interested in adopting, click here.
— If you're looking for work, New York State is looking to hire and train workers to perform contact tracing for COVID-19.
To apply, you must be 18, have a high school diploma, be a New York resident, speak English and own a telephone and computer. The position is temporary with a one-year engagement expected, but there is the possibility to extend as needed.
You can apply online at this website.
May 5
— The 2020 Rochester Lilac Festival has officially been canceled, but you can still get some of your favorite festival goodies.
You can safely buy exclusive producs at the Lilac Festival Pop-Up Shop.
Contactless pick-up will be on the original weekend dates of the Festival, May 8 - 10 and May 15 - 17 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. at The Distillery Restaurant parking lot, 1142 Mt Hope Ave, Rochester, NY 14620.
Head to this website for more information.
— Wyoming County has started "re-imagining" its business landscape so it can reopen. The county surveyed residents about employment status, who's applied for financial aid, and their biggest concerns about reopening. It also asked for reopening plans from businesses.
The survey will be done Monday. Click here to go to the survey website.
May 1
— In the midst of the pandemic, Governor Andrew Cuomo said Friday that domestic violence reports in New York have increased 15 percent in March and 30 percent in April.
If you need help, the state now has a text program and confidential online service to make it easier for victims to reach out and get help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Just text 844-977-2121 or click here.
— Coronavirus testing begins Friday at the MCC main campus in Brighton.
Anyone seeking a test will have to make an appointment with the state health hotline.
Tests will be administered to people who meet one or more of the following requirements:
You can make an appointment by calling 888-364-3065 or online at this website.
— Extra $12 million for HEAP: A list of offices by county can be found here. For more information on HEAP, click here.
April 28
— The nation's top credit reporting agencies are offering a free service during the pandemic. You can get your credit report weekly through Equifax, Experian and Transunion. The service includes your credit score as well as debt and bill payment history. To get started, click here.
April 27
— The Bivona Child Advocacy Center's website can be found here.
April 24
— Essential Workers Can Obtain Free Child Care Through State Scholarships.
To qualify, families of eligible workers must have an adjusted gross income at or below 300 percent of the federal poverty level, which amounts to an annual income of $78,600 for a family of four. Essential workers using a licensed or registered child care provider will receive a scholarship for the cost of care while New York state is on PAUSE, as long as the funds to support it are available.
Eligible essential employees can apply for a scholarship by contacting Child Care Council at [email protected] or (585) 654-4720.
April 23
— For information on the Monroe County Tax Exemption application for businesses, click here.
— Experts at the University of Rochester School of Nursing and Strong Memorial Hospital have teamed up to create a refresher course (Nurses STAT!) for nurses re-joining the workforce amidst the pandemic.
For more information click here.
— If you'd like more information on donating food supplies to Rochester Family Mission, click here.
April 22
— More information on RIT's virtual celebration for the Class of 2020 can be found here.
— Blue Cross Blue Shield has launched a new tool that allows people to screen themselves for COVID-19. It asks a series of questions about symptoms, medical history, and recent exposure to help a person decide the best course of action.
Depending on your score, you'll have the option to schedule a tele-health visit with a doctor, be asked to monitor your symptoms, or be told to get emergency care.
You can access the tool at www.bcbswny.com/coronavirus.
April 20
— The city of Rochester is holding a virtual Youth Town Hall this week to help children and families cope during this coronavirus pandemic. A panel of four experts will be available to answer questions and dispel rumors about the virus. You can also learn about community resources and services.
The town hall will be held Wednesday at 4 p.m. via Zoom.
To participate in the Youth Town Hall virtual forum, participants will need access to the Zoom mobile app, desktop app or website at Zoom.us and follow the prompts to join a meeting.
— The Rochester Housing Authority (RHA) announced Monday that residents and participants whose income has been affected by Coronavirus/COVID-19 may apply to have their rent payments temporarily reduced by up to 100%.
Those currently enrolled in public housing or rental assistance programs through RHA can visit this website to learn more about submitting a change of income request.
— During this time of need, Extended Stay America is actively seeking candidates to fill job openings within its hotel operations team at Extended Stay America locations in the greater Rochester area.
Job openings include positions such as housekeepers, laundry associates and guest service representatives, and candidates can apply directly by visiting this website.
April 18
— Agape Black Belt Center in Pittsford is taking donations to help provide senior living centers with KN95 masks. Click here to donate.
April 17
— You can order an Abbott's Make Your Own Sundae Kit here.
— Drive-thru coronavirus testing officially is underway at the Rochester Walmart on Hudson Avenue.
Quest Diagnostics will conducting the testing from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Those who are showing symptoms - along with healthcare workers and first responders will be tested.
To sign up for testing, click here.
April 16
— GSWNY cookie donor buy-out form can be found here.
— These RCSD schools will continue to serve as meal distribution sites from 8:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Monday to Friday:
Meals continue to be served at theese R-Centers from 8:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday:
April 12
—The Diocese of Rochester is hosting livestreams this Easter Sunday for those who wish to attend mass. For more information, click this link.
April 9
— For delivery options at the Rochester Public Market, click here.
April 8
— Mayor Lovely A. Warren has announced that the Rochester Financial Empowerment Center (FEC) is accepting new clients and will serve as a resource to help community members navigate financial challenges due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
To schedule an appointment, call (585) 252-7110 or emai [email protected]. To learn more about the Rochester Financial Empowerment Center, visit cityofrochester.gov/fec or rochesterfec.org.
April 2
— The New York State COVID-19 'New York on PAUSE' Enforcement Task Force Violation Complaint Form can be found here.
April 1
— Doc Donuts are now at all Salvatore's locations.
March 31
— An updated Monroe County COVID-19 Dashboard can be found at this link, which provides information on the cases in the county by zip code.
March 26
— Monroe County Executive Adam Bello has announced the creation of an Emergency Small Business Assistance loan program to help businesses affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Program instructions and applications are available here. Applications can be sent via email to [email protected] or mailed to MCIDC, 50 W. Main Street, Rochester, NY 14614.
March 25
— For a look at the lates job postings in Monroe County head to this website.
March 24
— Are you looking for a way to help during the pandemic? Foodlink needs volunteers to pack 250 tons of food headed to the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. Head to this website to find out how you can sign up.
March 20
-- For purposes of Executive Order 202.6, "Essential Business," means:
1. Essential Health Care Operations, Including:
2. Essential Infrastructure, Including:
3. Essential Manufacturing, Including:
4. Essential Retail, Including:
5. Essential Services, Including:
6. News Media
7. Financial Institutions, Including:
8. Providers of Basic Necessities to Economically Disadvantaged Populations, Including:
9. Construction, Including:
10. Defense
11. Essential Services Necessary to Maintain the Safety, Sanitation and Essential Operations of Residences or Other Essential Businesses, Including:
12. Vendors that Provide Essential Services or Products, Including Logistics and Technology Support, Child Care and Services:
March 18
— The American Red Cross says blood donation drives that were forced to be cancelled have led to a severe shortage. Blood banks are taking extra precautionary measures and screening patients — plus spacing out beds to follow social distancing. Please donate if you are able. To find a blood drive near you, head to this website.
March 17
-- You can file a UI Benefits claim here.
March 12
— Tickets are limited for the Freestyle Aerials U.S. National Championships at Bristol Mountain this weekend. To buy tickets or for more information about the competition, click here.
March 11
— You can donate to the students who are quarantined on the Brockport campus by dropping off snacks and entertainment, like books and magazines, to the Allen Administration Building at 350 New Campus Drive. For more information, including a list of prohibited items, head to this website.
March 10
— For more information on the Build4Scale small business grants, click here.
— The Rochester Housing Authority (RHA) announced on Tuesday that Public Housing waiting list applications will now be accepted online at this website. Public Housing is a program in which qualifying applicants live in a unit owned and operated by the Rochester Housing Authority.
March 6
— The Wayne County Sheriff's Office is hosting a free Narcan training session on March 6 at Wayne Behavioral Heath Network on Nye Road in Lyons. To sign up or for more information, click here.
March 3
— If you'd like to donate to Joshua Honebrink's GoFundMe, you can find more information here.
March 2
— Lowe's is looking to hire more than 200 people in the Rochester area. Candidates can apply online here.
— Coronavirus Resources and Updates from the University of Rochester.
— Coronavirus Information and Updates from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
— Six Flags Darien Lake is hiring. Positions are available for anyone who is at least 14 years of age. Hiring events are taking place on March 7 and March 14 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the theme park's on-site hotel. Candidates are asked to apply online at sixflagsjobs.com prior to the event.
February 28
— A GoFundMe page has been set up for Renee Morris' four daughters. If you wish to donate, click here.
— Chris Lillis of Pittsford took first in the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup on Thursday. Chris and his brother Jon have both skied international world cup events in honor of their brother Mikey, who died in his sleep at the age of 17. Read more about the Lillis family here.
February 27
— More than a dozen Rochester area restaurants are looking to win the this years Battle of the Brunches at Arbor at the Port. Proceeds benefit the Junior League of Rochester. For more information, click here.
February 26
— Find more information about Fairport on the Rise here.
February 25
— Local muralist, artist and activist Shawn Dunwoody created a coloring book for adults that is full of all things Rochester. It features 32 pages of familiar scenes from around the flower city. To check it out, click here.
February 21
— Opening Ceremonies for the Special Olympics are Friday, February 21 at 8 p.m. at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. The ceremony will feature the Parade of Athletes, entertainment, and the lighting of the Special Olympics Cauldron. For a schedule of events, click here.
February 19
— The Town of Hamlin is holding an informational meeting Thursday night about the town's plans for state grant money aimed at protecting the Lake Ontario shoreline. For full details head to the town website.
— Students who want to apply to be part of the ROC Music program at local R-centers can fill out an application at rocmusic.org or you can email [email protected] for more information.
February 18
— Winterfest 2020 is here, and the whole family is invited, free of charge. Find more information here.
February 17
— A local theater is hosting a week-long Bronze Collective Theatre Fest. It features African-American performances at the MUCCC on Atlantic Avenue. For the full lineup of performances, click here.
— April 1 is Census Day and the state needs help making sure everyone is counted. Thousands of census workers go door to door to help people fill out their information. To be a census worker you must be at least 18 years old and able to work in the United States. To apple, head to this website.
February 14
— Valentine's Day is also National Organ Donor Day. According to U.S. health officials, more than 113,000 American men, women, and children were waiting for transplants last year. Learn more about becoming an organ donor here.
— Genesee Beer is looking to its loyal fans and racing fans alike to name its first-ever Watkins Glen-themed beer to be released and available only at Watkins Glen International and surrounding bars and restaurants this summer. To see the names and vote for your favorite, click here.
— There will be wedding bells at the Belhurst Castle soon, but this time it'll be free for one lucky couple. Belhurst Castle announced its wedding contest Friday, giving away one all-expenses paid wedding. Couples interested can enter here.
February 13
— Governor Cuomo says the state will use $15 million from the REDI program to start dredging harbors from Oak Orchard to Sodus Bay in an effort to prevent lakeshore flooding. Dredging will begin in April. For a list of sites where dredging will take place, click here.
— For the New York State Flu Tracker, click here.
February 6
— Get the latest info on snow plowing operations in the city of Rochester using PlowTrax! It's a web-based map activated during snow events. It uses GPS to track the progress of approximately 150 snow plows and show their current locations. The map is updated every five minutes during snow events.
— For more information on the Rochester Freedom Trail, click here.
February 5
— Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren is hosting an essay contest asking kids what they would do if they were mayor for a day. The top three essay writers get to have lunch with Mayor Warren and first place gets to be honorary mayor for a day. For information on how to enter, click here.
January 31
— Other proposals during the town hall with Rep. Joe Morelle include:
Reauthorizes the Older Americans Act and implements critical updates to respond to new challenges facing a growing generation of aging adults.
Will help make it easier for seniors and individuals with disabilities to access federal home modification resources that would enable them to age safely and live independently.
Will help eliminate barriers that prevent charitable organizations like Meals on Wheels from reaching more individuals.
With Social Security set to become insolvent by the year 2034, this legislation takes common-sense steps to increase benefits and ensure the system is financially secure through the year 2100 and beyond.
Will rein in skyrocketing costs of medicine, create competition in the market, and cap out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs.
Will raise the income limits for eligibility under the Medicare Part D low-income subsidy program, which will help low-income seniors and individuals with disabilities afford life-saving medications by lowering copays and premiums for Medicare Part D.
Will eliminate deductibles, co-payments, and coinsurance for Insulin and any medical supplies needed to inject insulin covered under Medicare Part D or Medicaid.
Will protect patients from unnecessary delays in care by streamlining prior authorization under the Medicare Advantage Program-providing much-needed oversight and transparency of health insurance for America's seniors.
Will direct the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to enact strong consumer protections for authorized calls and empower the FCC with strong enforcement tools to rein in robocallers.
January 29, 2020
— Here is the link to the Frederick Douglass newspaper collection by the Library of Congress.
January 23, 2020
— The Greece Central School District is holding advance registration for children who will be 5 or older this fall. It begins the week of February 4. For full details visit this website.
— The Rochester Fire Department is hosting its 36th Community Emergency Response Class covering everything from fire safety and first aid to indicators of terrorism. You can sign up by contacting the CERT coordinator at (585) 428-1363 or by sending an email to Battalion Chief Joseph Luna at [email protected].
January 22, 2020
— Pittsford CSD announces security upgrades. To view the video, click here.
January 21, 2020
— 2020 ROC/FLX Craft Beverage Trail Passports Now Available. The trail weaves through Monroe, Ontario, Wayne, and Livingston counties - and features more than 35 wineries, breweries, brew pubs, distilleries, and hard cideries. Passports can be purchased here.
January 16, 2020
— Tickets for the Batavia Downs Concert Series go on sale Friday, January 17. Tickets for all eight shows will be available. To buy them, click here.
January 14, 2020
— The deadline to submit an application to be considered for an Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Community Health Award is Friday, February 14. For additional information and the online application, go to this website. Award recipients will be announced in March.
January 13, 2020
— Here is a link to the “Evan Strong” t-shirts for Holley CSD student fighting cancer.
January 9, 2020
— The Seneca Park Zoo is asking for donations to the Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund to help wild animals impacted by the bushfire crisis in Australia. To contribute, click here.
January 6, 2020
— To donate to the four families displaced by a house fire in the Village of Holley, click here.
December 26, 2019
— For a list of locations in Monroe County where you can recycle your christmas tree, click here.
December 24, 2019
— A local fraternity is launching a calendar to raise money for organizations that support the youth. The men of Kappa Alpha Psi are calling their 2020 calendar "The Melanin Achievement Calendar.” It’s aimed at motivating and inspiring the community to invest in youth. Calendars can be purchased online for $19.99.
Black Boys Coding, CTC Changing the Community, B+ Healthy Foods and The Passport Society are some of the organizations featured in the calendar. All funds will go to two of the 11 organizations featured. Winners will be announced next spring.
December 19, 2019
— Family members can call 585-241-2100 to find out about the status of their loved ones living at Wesley Gardens apartments on North Goodman Street in Rochester. A sprinkler pipe burst there on Thursday morning.
December 13, 2019
— Trillium Health is taking its services on the road, literally. It will open the doors of its new clinic on wheels Friday. More information can be found here.
December 10, 2019
— The Geneva City School District wants your help finding a new superintendent. You can share your desired qualities in a candidate with the board of education online.
— Constellation Brands has a new chief financial officer. Garth Hankinson has been promoted to executive vice president and CFO of the international beverage producer and distributor. Hankinson joined Constellation back in 2001. He succeeds David Klein, who's leaving the role to become the new CEO at Canadian Marijuana company Canopy Growth.
— Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren has selected Albert Gauthier as the city's new chief technology officer. Gauthier previously held positions of chief information officer for the Oregon State Police and chief information officer for the city of Coppell Texas. If city council approves his appointment, Gauthier will direct and manage all information technology automation services for city departments.
December 9, 2019
— To apply for a Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher in Rochester, submit an application on Rochester Housing Authority’s website. Those who are unable to access the site can receive assistance through partner agencies by calling RHA’s Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List call center at (585) 697-6206 or emailing [email protected].
December 8, 2019
— If you have a child that you would like to refer to the Dream Factory, click here.
December 3, 2019
— To choose an organization to donate to for RocThe Day, click here.
December 2, 2019
— Trader Joe's has announced some of its Sushi supplied by Fuji Foods may be contaminated with Listeria Monocytogense. Here is a list of the products.
December 1, 2019
— Ever wonder what it was like to bring in the new year in an igloo? Rochester Holiday Village is opening up its reservations for those cozy winter igloos and igloo inns on Monday. Online sales start at 10 a.m. and you can click here for more information.
November 27, 2019
— Lollypop Farm adoption programs can be found here.
— To adopt a letter to Santa and help a child in need, head to the U.S. Postal Service's Operation Santa website.
November 26, 2019
— Geva Theatre's production of A Christmas Carol opens tomorrow night. For a full list of showtimes and ticket prices, click here.
November 25, 2019
— To learn more about the promoter position for the Park Ave Fest, click here.
— To learn more about volunteer opportunities with REACH, click here.
November 24, 2019
— Shop Spangled is an online store selling goods made by active duty service members, military spouses and veterans. You can visit that website here.
November 22, 2019
— The 2020 Rochester Lilac Festival will be held May 8 through May 17 in Highland Park. Registration for the Lilac Run 5K and 10K is now open. For more information, click here.
November 21, 2019
— Tickets for Baby Shark Live! can be purchased here.
November 17, 2019
— A petition aimed at renaming International Plaza on N. Clinton Avenue after Rochester Police Officer Manny Ortiz is gaining popularity. To sign the petition or learn more, click here.
November 15, 2019
— The Canandaigua City School District phone system is down and unable to make or receive external phone calls. The district is aware of the issue and the phone carrier is currently working on fixing it. If there is an emergency, call (585) 472-5603
November 14, 2019
— Foodies, listen up! There’s a benefit tonight that will support breaking ground for Rochester’s first kitchen incubator. Fueling The Fire gives you a chance to eat and drink some of the best new foods made in our area. It’s from 5:30 -8:30 p.m. at Sibley Square on East Main Street. Tickets are $50 dollars.
November 13, 2019
— For information on the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), click here.
November 12, 2019
— For a list of flight delays and cancelations at the Greater Rochester International Airport, click here.
— Get the latest info on snow plowing operations in the City of Rochester using PlowTrax!
November 11, 2019
— Due to bad weather, RIT has canceled its event to show people Mercury passing in front of the sun. You can still watch it live online.
— People whose secondary homes were damaged by historic flooding this year can now apply for some of the $8 million available. Applications for the 2019 Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Flood Relief and Recovery program will be accepted through December 10.
November 7, 2019
— If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, click here for resources to help.
November 6, 2019
— Panasonic is now occupying office space in Rochester's First Federal Building. There are several job openings for both software and hardware engineers as well as sales and support roles. Go to this website to find out how to apply.
November 4, 2019
— The Rochester police officer who died in a crash this weekend was a father and had a fiancée. The Rochester Police Foundation Inc. is collecting donations to support Manny Ortiz's family during this time. Donations can be submitted to a GoFundMe.
October 25, 2019
— Fairport’s Haley Grogan will sing in the national Celebration of Music talent show on PBS November 3 in Hartford. She needs your votes to keep going! You can show your support here.
— Thursday might be Halloween, but it’s also the last day of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. iV4 is offering a free webinar for IT professionals, sharing technologies and licensing that Rochester businesses can use to keep hackers away. More information is available here.
— It’s not too soon to think about Christmas! And it’s certainly not too soon to think about getting some tickets to next year’s CGI Rochester International Jazz Festival for the jazz fan on your list. Club Passes are on sale now and can be purchased here.
October 23, 2019
— The Locust Club "Denny Strong" t-shirts, to support Officer Denny Wright, can be purchased here.
October 22, 2019
— The Monroe County Health Department is warning residents about blue green algae spotted in Irondequoit Bay. The algae have been reported at Ides Cove. A map showing active alerts for the algae can be found here.
October 21, 2019
— USPS is looking to hire 350 seasonal workers at local processing and distribution centers. There are openings for holiday clerk assistant and mail handler positions. Pay starts at $16 an hour. For more information or to apply, click here.
October 18, 2019
— A new fashion collection debuting at Rochester’s Fashion Week was inspired by the late Rep. Louise Slaughter. More information is available here.
— For information on dates, times and locations for early voting in Monroe County, click here.
October 16, 2019
— For more information about volunteering at Special Olympics New York events, click here.
October 15, 2019
— If you're rebuilding after this summer's devastating flooding, you should make sure you follow National Flood Insurance regulations. It makes sure buildings in flood-risk areas are built to stay safe when waters rise. For more information, click here.
— The ROC Holiday Village returns to downtown again this year. For more information about attractions and hours, click here.
October 8, 2019
— A new dog park has officially opened in Pittsford. For more information on how to register your dog, visit the Monroe County website.
October 5, 2019
— For more information about ROC the Riverway events, click here.
October 2, 2019
— It's not just wine tours that'll test your taste buds this fall in the Finger Lakes— Wayne County's Orchards invite you to sample the apple crop all this month. Collect a stamp at 12 different farms and markets, and you'll qualify for gift baskets worth hundreds of dollars. If you want to download the tour passport and learn where you can take a bite out of the apple crop, click here.
October 1, 2019
— October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Rochester’s Willow Center has a series of events on the calendar throughout the month. A full list is available here. The center also offers two 24 hour hotlines: 585-222-SAFE (7233), or a text line, 585-348-SAFE (7233).
— Monroe County Board of Elections is looking for more people to work the polls on Election Day. The position pays $12/hour in addition to a $25 three hour training. For more information on how to apply, click here.
September 24, 2019
— Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo has launched a petition calling on Gov. Cuomo and other state leaders to fix recent changes to the enhanced STAR program. The petition can be signed at the offices of state senators Joe Robach and Rich Funke, in addition to the county office building or online. More information on the petition is available here.
September 22, 2019
— BOCES and Monroe County is now accepting applications for a commercial driver's license training program. For more information, click here.
September 16, 2019
— Flu season is just around the corner and UR Medicine Thompson Health is holding several public flu clinics over the next several weeks. For more information about times and locations, click here.
September 15, 2019
— To donate to the Trevor Irby Memorial Scholarship, you can head to click here, select other under the "Please use my donation to support..." tab, and type in "Trevor Irby Memorial Scholarship."
— KRS Global Biotechnology is recalling several unexpired human and animal drugs. To learn more about what products are impacted, click here.
September 13, 2019
— Interested in visiting the Field of Honor? More information can be found here.
— New York officials have teamed up to offer free child seat inspections through September. To learn more about other inspections taking place in your area, click here.
September 12, 2019
— The Catholic Diocese of Rochester Bishop Salvatore Matano wants to assure parishioners that all parishes are separately incorporated, and services and ministry will continue as normal. A website has been set up to help parishioners with questions.
September 9, 2019
—InterVol, a not-for-profit humanitarian relief organization, is accepting donations for those affected by Hurricane Dorian. The organization has partnered with the Sands Family and Constellation Brands, Rochester Regional Health, UR Medicine and the Rochester community for the effort. For more information, click here.
September 9, 2019
— Hurricane Dorian forced the closure of blood donation centers and the cancellation of blood drives in its path, causing blood and platelet donations to go uncollected, according to the American Red Cross. If you'd like to make a donation, set-up an appointment on the Red Cross Blood Donor App or visit a local blood drive.
— Tickets are on sale now for Disney's The Lion King. The show returns the Rochester Broadway Theatre League in December. The popular show has been on Broadway for more than two decades and toured in 100 different cities. Tickets are available now online or at the box office. The Lion King starts December 19.
— Getting into the Christmas spirit early? So is Geva Theatre. Its annual production of A Christmas Carol are just a few weeks away, and tickets are now on sale for its one day sale. Tickets are available online, by phone, or at the box office from 8 a.m. to midnight.
September 8, 2019
— If you want to create your own Rochester run in honor of 9/11 first responders who lost their lives, there's a virtual run where participants can choose their own location to run or walk a 5 or 10K. You can sign up and share times here.
September 6, 2019
— A Western New York Boy Scout leader is facing sex abuse charges. Ronald Rowcliffe is accused of having inappropriate sexual contact with several victims between 12 and 14-years-old who attended the Massawepie Boy Scout Camp.
The alleged abuse happened during the summers of 2017-2019. Anyone with information or who believes they may be a victim, can call New York State Police at (518) 873-2750.
September 4, 2019
— The Junior League of Rochester is hosting a Bossing Up event this Saturday at the Strathallan on East Avenue from 11 a.m. The event is designed to help develop leadership skills in women. Tickets are $40; VIP tickets are $90 and include a meet and greet with Emilie Aires, the founder and CEO of Bossed Up. More information is available here.
— If your kids need any last minute vaccinations before heading to school this week, there are extended hours at Monroe County's Immunization Clinic. Now through October 2, the clinic on Westfall Road will be open Wednesdays between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Thursday hours are also available on September 12 and 19.
Under new state law, unvaccinated kids will not be allowed in school unless they get their first shot within the first 14 days of school. Families must also show documents within the first 30 days that they have appointments for follow-ups.
August 29, 2019
— Aquinas, McQuaid will play week one at Frontier Field. Kickoff is scheduled for 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7. General admission tickets are available for $6, suite options are being offered through the Red Wings box office. Gates will open at noon.
August 28, 2019
— You can visit the Unither Pharmaceuticals website here: https://www.unither-pharma.com/en-us/career/welcome-to-unither
August 27, 2019
— The Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce released its top 100 list of fastest-growing businesses in the area. Here's the list: http://bit.ly/2019Top100List
August 26, 2019
— Winter is just around the corner, and the New York State Department of Transportation is hiring for the season! It's looking to fil 60 in the Finger Lakes region. For more information, click here.
— Lake Ontario homeowners whose property was damaged during this year’s flooding can apply for financial assistance to help pay for repairs. Applications will be released soon, but homeowners can sign up now to get on the list.
August 24, 2019
— An Albany professor is walking 2800 miles to raise awareness for struggling veterans. He walked 22 miles a day to represent the 22 suicides a day statistic.
There are several local charities with the same mission:
August 15, 2019
— Donations for dogs being held at the Ontario County Humane Society can be sent here.
August 12, 2019
— A local artist's work will be on display at Disneyland's biannual D23 fan convention in Anaheim, California. Brenda Killackey-Jones, of Penfield, is an art teacher at Nazareth Elementary School. She's also a small business owner who specializes in mythical creature creations. You can find more of her work on Etsy and on her website.
August 11, 2019
— New funding is available to help income-eligible Monroe County homeowners renovate their homes. Homeowners could get up to $20,000 in loans and grants. Applications are first-come, first serve. For more information about the program, click here.
August 8, 2019
— The Erie Canalway Photo Contest is up and running. The winning images, taken along the 524 miles of the canal, are used each year by the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor for its calendar. Photos must be submitted horizontally and are due by August 30. More information is available here.
August 7, 2019
— The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s NetzSmartz YouTube channel can be found here.
— More money is now available to help guardians in Monroe County pay for childcare. Income-eligible households could save up to $800 on yearly care costs thanks to a $3.1 million increase in a federal-state grant. To learn more about affordable child care programs in the county, click the below links:
August 5, 2019
— Six Flags Darien Lake is starting to hire for its annual Fright Fest. Open auditions and interviews to fill multiple postions for the halloween-themed event are Tuesdays from 2-4 p.m. and Saturdays from 10-12 p.m. until September 21.
— To make up for lost business during the floods along the Lake Ontario shoreline, the state is offering some discounts all month long. Fishing license requirements are waived, allowing anyone to fish along Lake Ontario, the St. Lawrence River and the lower Niagara River.
You can also get 50 percent off state campgrounds and entrance fees along the lake and river through Labor Day.
— The DEC and Department of Health have launched a new website about the health of our water resources. The "Know Your Water" website has information on the quality of drinking water and the health of New York's lakes, rivers, and streams. It features a map that lets you search by location.
July 31, 2019
— This fall, Rochester residents will vote on whether a police accountability board should be formed. Ahead of Election Day, city leaders released the language that will appear on the ballot. The referendum will appear as follows:
"This proposal would amend the Rochester City Charter to authorize the creation of the Police Accountability Board (PAB). The PAB would consist of nine unpaid Rochester residents: one appointed by the Mayor and eight appointed by the City Council; four of the Council’s appointees will be nominated by a coalition of community organizations. The PAB would have the power to independently investigate civilian complaints, subpoena information for its investigations, and determine whether individual officers have committed misconduct. The PAB will also create disciplinary guidelines, with an opportunity for input from the Chief of Police and the police union. If the PAB finds, after a hearing, that an officer has committed misconduct, the Chief of Police would be required to impose discipline consistent with disciplinary guidelines. The PAB would also recommend changes to the Police Department’s policies, practices, and training."
July 29, 2019
— GoFundMe pages have been set up to pay for funeral expenses the four teens killed in a crash in the town of Burns.
— A GoFundMe has been set up for the Keuka College graduate who was killed in a shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. You can make a donation here.
July 26, 2019
— Want to keep cool this weekend? Full list of city fire hydrants, pools and spray parks can be found here.
July 25, 2019
— Equifax will be paying out millions to those affected by a 2017 data breach. Go here to see if you’re eligible for a settlement.
July 23, 2019
— The Irondequoit Police Department is looking to partner with homeowners and businesses who have installed privately-owned security camera systems such as Nest, Ring and Arlo. More information on the Surveillance, Mapping and Reporting Technology (SMART) Program can be found here.
July 17, 2019
— The Webster Central School District's website, with information on new start times and bus schedules, can be found here.
July 16, 2019
— Do you have an idea on how to make the Erie Canal better? You can share them with boating experts from Boat U.S., the country's largest recreational boaters advocacy group, and the New York State Canal Corporation. You can post your thoughts here.
July 15, 2019
— Climbing Vines in Chili is offering a new drop-off camp for the summer. The cost is $30 per child for a three-hour session including snacks, water and crafts. There are discounts available for families who need care for multiple children.
July 9, 2019
— Those wishing to help the family of Tammy Shears, the Wayne County woman killed in an ATV crash last week, have two ways to provide support: A Go Fund Me page has been created for the family, and friends are setting up an online wine and bourbon auction. Proceeds from both will go toward medical care for her daughter, Bailey, who was seriously injured in the crash.
— The American Red Cross has less than a three-day supply of blood available after donations were down last week due to the holiday. More information on how and where to donate can be found here or calling 1-800-733-2767.
July 8, 2019
— Thinking of getting a motorcycle license and starting to ride? Take a safety course first. Find more information, along with class listings, here.
July 3, 2019
— Tickets for the Great New York State Fair go on sale July 8. Anyone looking to purchase them can click here.
June 28, 2019
— For a limited time the Rochester Public Market is allowing people to purchase custom engraved bricks for the wall. To order a brick of your own, click here.
June 27, 2019
— Big changes are coming to public transportation in and around Monroe County, as the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the final plan for Reimagine RTS. For more information on how these changes will affect your transportation, click here.
June 26, 2019
— East Irondequoit Central School District has named its new superintendent.
Mary Grow was approved by the board of education on Monday. She's been serving as interim superintendent since Susan Allen retired in January. Grow began her career with the in 2002 as a social studies teacher at East Ridge High School.
—The future of the former Irondequoit Mall may be decided in a little more than a month. On July 30, voters will decide whether they want the town to move forward with plans to develop what is now-Skyview On The Ridge. Angelo Ingrassia purchased the property in 2016 and envisions a mixed residential and commercial space.
Voters will decide whether the town should borrow $7.25-$8 million for the project. Town hall information sessions on the project will take place July 10 and 25.
June 25, 2019
— The Livingston County Sheriff's Office has launched a new service to help you get to, from and around some of the biggest events in the region. Event-Reach can give you event details, traffic issues, weather delays, cancellations, venue changes and emergency situations. To get updates text the event code to 618-589-1337. Once the event is over you'll automatically be deleted.
Event Codes:
Balloons2019: New York State Festival of Balloons, September 1-2
June 24, 2019
— Anyone interested in Thursday's job fair at CDS Monarch can head to their website for a look at open positions.
— A GoFundMe has been set up for the family of the 3-year-old who went missing, and was later found dead in Casey Park. If you'd like to make a donation to help cover funeral expenses, click here.
— Five RIT professors are among the 33 finalists for the National Science Foundation Big Ideas Competition. Finalists are competing to set the agenda for science, engineering and STEM education research. You can weigh-in on which entries will advance towards the $26,000 grand prize.
RIT's video pitch is on Integrated Human Machine Intelligence.
The winners will be announced this fall.
June 22, 2019
— If you're not sick of the water after all the heavy rain this week— it's opening weekend at Roseland Waterpark.
The summer season kicks off with a discount on tickets. It costs $20 now but the price jumps to $30 in July. The park is now open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and will stay open until 7:30 p.m. starting July 1.
For more information, click here.
June 19, 2019
— For more information regarding hours for the Genesee Valley Pool, click here.
June 18, 2019
— It's almost summer! That means it's time to get ready for summer camp season. More information on the city's Art Smart and Youth Sports camps is available here.
June 17, 2019
— For more information on the proposal to designate a portion of Lake Ontario as a national marine sanctuary, click here.
June 13, 2019
— For more on community garage sales at the Public Market, click here.
June 11, 2019
— A new app promises to help travelers with vision issues navigate the Greater Rochester International Airport. Blind and low-vision travelers can download the Aira app and have access to agents who can help give them information.
June 10, 2019
— The operators of Regional Sports Center in Henrietta are expanding to another facility in Irondequoit. Officials say they will revitalize the former All-Star Sports facility on East Ridge Road with close to a $1 million renovation. It will ultimately be called the Irondequoit Sports Center and plans include a new parking lot, new turf field, LED lighting systems as well as new insulation and heating.
June 8, 2019
— Summer is a crucial time as students in need lose out on regular breakfasts and lunches when they're not in school. That’s why the U.S. Department of Agriculture has launched an anti-hunger initiative.
To find the nearest locations offering free healthy meals for children, text “Summer Meals” to 97779. You can also call 1-866-348-6479.
June 5, 2019
—A 13-part TV-series featuring our state's craft beer boom was recgonized at the New York Emmy's.
"Brewed in New York" took home two Emmys for its writing and production. The show features a number of breweries across the state, including Rochester's Genesee Brewery. You can watch the series online.
June 4, 2019
— Windstream is moving all of its employees to one building, meaning about 350 employees will go from their former office building on Monroe Avenue to the Seneca Building on South Clinton Avenue in downtown. Officials say the move doesn’t mean any job losses yet while the company begins bankruptcy proceedings.
June 3, 2019
— If you're trying to find a safe way to discard of your unused medications, Monroe County officials and Wegmans have the perfect solution. You can drop off medications during upcoming collection events at the following Wegmans stores from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
You can also drop off medications at police departments in Fairport, East Rochester, Greece, Brighton, Ogden, Webster, Irondequoit and Gates anytime. The Monroe County Ecopark is also a drop-off location. It's open on Wednesdays from 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
— In Rochester the average cost of a gallon of gas is $2.87, dropping a penny since last week. AAA officials say drivers can expect the prices decline to continue for another week or two. The average cost of a gallon of gas this time last year was $3.09.
May 31, 2019
— If you're interested in helping Guilian Farms rebuild, click here.
May 30, 2019
— Zweigle’s Hots unveiled its new JUMBO hot dogs. The local company says these quarter-pound dogs will be available on Wegmans’ shelves this week, and in Rochester tradition, they’ll be available in both the red and white variety.
May 29, 2019
— Scam warning from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies say scammers using local phone numbers are calling people and threatening to arrest them if they don’t pay a fine. Police say one victim reported the scam after purchasing $900 worth of Google Play cards and giving them to the solicitor. Sheriff’s office officials remind residents that it does not solicit money, nor threaten arrest over the phone.
— Shakespeare’s The Tempest is among the shows taking the stage at Nazareth College for its 2019-2020 Art Center School Series. There will also be a stage adaptation of Charlotte’s Web and several Eric Carle favorites, including The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The shows are put on by professional threatre companies exclusively for K-12 students.
May 28, 2019
— After a nationwide search, the University of Rochester appointed Mercedes Ramírez Fernández its first Richard Feldman Vice President for Equity and Inclusion. The new position is named in honor of president Feldman— who is stepping down at the end of june. Fernández is coming to U of R from Virginia Tech, where she is a leader in the college's Office of Inclusion and Diversity.
— Want to become a lifeguard? The Rochester Recreation and Youth Services department offering lifeguard training courses. Sessions take place through Friday from 5:30-9:30 p.m. There are also classes on Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon at the Adams Street R-Center. For more information, click here.
May 24, 2019
— Friday marked the opening of spray park season in Rochester! For a full list of spray parks in the city, click here.
May 23, 2019
— This Friday, the Genesee Brewery, in collaboration with the City of Rochester, will kick off Memorial Day weekend with their first ROC the Falls event! The event will celebrate the Genesee Brewery’s 141st Birthday and include a 100 percent all New York state beer — a first for the state's oldest brewery.
May 21, 2019
— Seneca Park Zoo's popular 21+ happy hour event is back for summer 2019. Zoo officials announced the dates and details for this year's Zoo Brew events. The first Zoo Brew is this Friday, May 24. Gates open at 5:30 p.m., close at 7:30 p.m. and guests can stay on zoo grounds until 9 p.m. The event features animal experiences, live music, unique food, and, of course, some brews. Tickets are $8 in advance or $10 at the door and can be purchased online.
— The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has started training its newest group of aspiring officers and forest rangers. There are 58 recruits from 31 NY counties and they train in everything from combat, to swiftwater rescues, and wild fire response. If you're interested in joining their ranks, visit these websites:
May 20, 2019
— Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo announced summer employment opportunities for seasonal and part-time positions available in various county departments, including Monroe County Parks, and the Seneca Park Zoo. With close to 90 positions still available, those interested in applying are encouraged to visit this website for more information, or to request an application by emailing [email protected].
— The four baby falcons who hatched on the Times Square Building need names! Click here to submit your choices.
May 17, 2019
— Seabreeze Amusement Park opens for the season with all of it's famous staples and an updated Soak Zone attraction that has a new pipeline water slide. To see all of the rides and attractions, plus pricing, visit this website.
— Interested in what firefighters do? You can see and hear directly from them tomorrow as part of the City of Rochester’s Imagine Your Future series. It starts at City Hall tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. and runs until 1:15 p.m. If you or your child is interested, call 585-428-7192.
May 15, 2019
— The family of Louise Slaughter is donating her Congressional papers to the University of Rochester. The River Campus Libraries’ Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation will house the archive. Slaughter served in the House of Representatives from 1987 until her death in 2018.
May 14, 2019
— The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Rochester kicks off their annual fundraiser sale tomorrow, with an exclusive shopping day for donors and early admission ticket holders. The early sale session is tomorrow from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Skyview on the Ridge, and the sale opens up to the general public Thursday, May 16, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the former Medley Centre. All proceeds benefit families and children supported by the organzation's programs and services. For more info, visit this website.
— An equestrian therapeutic program in Mendon is helping to make a difference in veterans and horses' lives. Mission Mustang connects wild mustangs from Wyoming and Nevada with local veterans at the EquiCenter. The program's six horses are paired with 10 veterans. For more information about suicide prevention resources available to veterans, click here.
May 13, 209
— MCC is seeking nominations for its Alumni Hall of Fame. Nominations may be submitted online by Saturday, June 1. Nominees must have completed at least two semesters at MCC and "demonstrated professional achievement" to be considered.
— A State of Emergency has been declared in the town of Kendall. It comes as water levels on Lake Ontario continue to rise amid continued calls for rain in the forecast.
Kendall residents can protect their property with sandbags made available by the town highway department. For more information, call (585) 659-2650.
May 10, 2019
— Rochester's peregrine falcon family is growing! Three of four eggs have hatched as of this morning. You can watch their interactions from the top of downtown's Times Square Building 24/7, thanks to R-Falcon's livestream.
— Two Hochstein School of Music recital competition winners will perform a free concert this evening. Sam Reeder of Pittsford and Andrew Guo of Brighton will take the stage inside the Hochstein Performance Hall at 7 p.m.
May 7, 2019
— The Livingston County Department of Health says a fox in Mt. Morris has tested positive for rabies. DOH officials say they offer free rabies clinics for dogs, cats, and ferrets, every year and the next clinic is Wednesday, May 15 in Caledonia. Pre-registration is available on the county’s environmental health website.
— Need help spring cleaning? One local entrepreneur has you covered. Lynne Maher of Supportive Organizing Solutions helps folks declutter their homes, and guides them on a path to keep it that way. Call 585-413-4348 or visit this website for more information.
— This evening, residents in Farmington have a chance to learn more about a proposed solar farm project. Staff from Delaware River Solar will be at Farmington Town Hall from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. tonight to answer questions about Yellow Mills Solar Energy Systems. The plans are still under review by the planning and zoning boards.
— If you feel your property is overtaxed, there is something you can do about it. For most towns, Tuesday May 28 is Grievance Day, the deadline to submit Form RP-524 and the day when you can present your case to the Board of Assessment Review. Most appointments are about 15 minutes, but check with your town’s website in advance. For more information, visit this website.
May 6, 2019
— Rochester Institute of Technology will soon have a new resident on campus. School officials have ordered a statue of Frederick Douglass to be placed in a prominent location on campus. It will celebrate the abolitionist's 200th birthday and the 50th anniversary of RIT students establishing the Black Awareness Coordinating Committee.
May 3, 2019
— The George Eastman Museum revealed the list of films that will be showcased at this weekend’s Nitrate Picture Show, which features 18 full-length feature and short films dating back to the 1930s. The fifth annual event is happening all weekend at the Dryden theatre, staring today at 4:30 p.m.. Click here for a schedule of film showings.
— City of Rochester is currently accepting applications for all three of the city’s uniformed public safety departments: The Rochester Police Department; the Rochester Fire Department and the Department of Emergency Communications (911). All three jobs require applicants to take a written exam and successfully complete a background check. The police and firefighter jobs also have physical fitness requirements. Each job has a different residency requirement. Deadlines for applications are:
Applications can be filled out online.
May 2, 2019
— You’ll once again be able to take a swing of Rochester’s favorite flower. Black Button Distillery is set to release another batch of its Lilac Gin next Friday to mark the start of the Lilac Festival. The distillery first released the floral-flavored spirit four years ago. Distillery officials say the gin is made from locally sourced ingredients.
— Town of Greece is hosting a public discussion to talk about money available for homeowners looking to make improvements to their properties. HUD finances the Greece Residential Improvement Program (GRIP), that offers income-eligible homeowners up to $4,800 to make repairs and improvements. Tonight’s public discussion is for those who live in Greece’s first and fourth wards and gets underway at 6 p.m. at the Greece Public Library.
— cityofrochester.gov/publicsafetyjobs/
May 1, 2019
— St. John Fisher College is hosting two weeks of overnight camp on the campus. More than 200 spots are open for high school students entering their sophomore, junior, or senior years this fall. Select students will be able to choose from 10 different academic camps to participate in during their stay, which will be July 22 through August 2. Find more information on pricing and scholarships by visiting this website.
April 30, 2019
— Hunters will hit the woods tomorrow morning for spring turkey season. The State DEC estimates some 90,000 hunters will take to the field during the month-long season. Hunters can take two "Tom" turkeys through the season, but not on the same day. Hunting hours run from 30 minutes before sunrise until 12 p.m. everyday in May.
— $4.3 million is on the way to Steuben and Yates Counties to fund Head Start programs there, according to Senators Chuck Schumer and Kristen Gillibrand. The money will go to Pro Action of Steuben and Yates Inc. to support child care and other services for low income families.
— St. John Fisher College is hosting a free webinar about fraud in family business. Experts from the Bonadio Group will present information and answer questions about cybersecurity fraud risks that family firms face. The webinar is next Tuesday, May 7, from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Participants must register online and can do so by visiting this website.
April 26, 2019
— New York State is offering free first-time camper weekends throughout the summer. NY families that have never camped before will have the opportunity to see if they enjoy the great outdoors before investing in their own gear by registering in a lottery drawing for a fully stocked campsite at select campgrounds. All you need to do is register online. Lottery runs May 10-12.
April 23, 2019
— The Martin Road Bridge in Henrietta will be closed for the next month as the state DOT works on road repairs. A detour is in place for traffic to use Middle Road, Erie Station Road, and West Henrietta Road.
April 22, 2019
— The Inner Loop will be closed to all traffic from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today for an Earth Day cleanup. On-ramps to the Inner Loop will be closed in both directions and New York State Department of Transportation officials say detours will not be posted.
— NYS Canal Corporation is closing the bicycle and foot path that runs under the 390 overpasses at the Erie Canal today. It will stay closed most of the summer due to repair work on the bridge, but is expected to reopen on Labor Day. Cyclists will have to take a detour down Trolley Boulevard and then cross Lee Road to get back on the path.
— Open house tonight at RIT’s observatory to show the community how to identify constellations. The free event goes from 8:30 to 10 p.m. at the observatory on John Street. Those attending are asked to bring pencils, crayons, and a flashlight.
— The Irondequoit DMV office at Titus and Hudson Avenues will be closed this week for renovations. Customers are being redirected to the Greece and Henrietta locations. Additional appointments will be added to those branches to make up for the influx.
April 19, 2019
— A reminder that city offices will be closed today in observance of Good Friday. City Hall, Neighborhood Centers, and administrative offices are closed. City branch libraries will be open regular hours today and tomorrow, but closed for Easter Sunday. Garbage and recycling pickup will not be affected. Rochester residents can call 311 for more information.
April 17, 2019
— $4 million will be spent to rehabilitate Empire Boulevard, starting at Helendale Road in Irondequoit through Penfield, and ending at Gravel Road in Webster. DOT officials say they will resurface the road, add new turning lanes, and pedestrian accommodations. Construction is expected to last through the fall. Next spring will begin phase two of the project and will cover the Empire stretch between Helendale and Culver Road.
— Recruiting event tomorrow, tailored for young adults between the ages 17 and 24. The “Recuriting on the Road” event at East High School takes place Thursday from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Open positions includes places like Target, YMCA, Lifetime Assistance, and US Census 2020.
— Doing a little spring cleaning? Monroe County’s second annual “Free for All” is scheduled to take place Saturday, May 4 at the Thomas P. Ryan Community Center on Webster Avenue. The event offers community members a chance to share items with one another for free. Those who hope to give way items must RSVP. To do so, email [email protected].
— Operation Transform Rochester is hosting a job fair this evening with multiple employers in our area. It’s happening from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Rundel Memorial Building at the Central Public Library on South Avenue in Rochester. Employers representing fields like health care, landscaping, and government, among others, will be there.
April 15, 2019
— The Autism Council of Rochester is holding its fourth annual career and job fair tomorrow. The University of Rochester, Highland Hospital, and Wegmans are among the employers who will be there. The fair runs tomorrow from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the M&T Ballroom of the Memorial Art Gallery on University Avenue. Registration is free.
— The Densmore Road bridge over the Erie Canal in Albion will close today as part of an ongoing bridge rehab project in Orleans County. Repairs are expected to last up to six months. No detour will be posted, however drivers can access canal bridges to the east and west.
— A new performing arts center in Canandaigua is taking shape and the general public is invited to start booking the space prior to their 2020 opening. For more information regarding booking, visit this website.
April 12, 2019
— Say "yes" to the dress for less next week at Heart to Heart bridal clearance sale. The sale runs from April 15 to April 20. Appointments are required. Hundreds of dresses will be on sale for as little as $99. Dresses range from size 2-32. Check it out at its Main Street, Webster location, or visit this website for more information.
— Seneca Park Zoo is celebrating with special programming for Spring Break when kids are out of school. From Saturday, April 13 through Sunday, April 21, the Zoo will have special programming four times a day, every day. Feedings, keeper chats, and enrichment experiences are a great way to learn more about the animals at the Zoo and their counterparts in nature. The special programs are daily at 10:30, 11:30, 1:30 and 2:30. For more information or details regarding the schedule of events, visit this website.
— Looking for fun Spring Break activities? The Memorial Art Gallery is offering free admission to anyone 18 years old or younger from April 16 through April 21. The museum is usually closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, but will open Tuesday for Spring Break.
April 11, 2019
— The RBTL is holding a digital lottery to sell of 40 tickets for each performance of “Hamilton” later this month, and lottery winners will only have to pay $10 each for tickets. To get in on the lottery, all you need to do is download the “Hamilton” app. The lottery opens on April 21, two days before opening night.
April 10, 2019
— Lollypop Farm’s Kitten Shower is this Saturday. Consider donating things like food, toys, litter pans, and other kitten necessities as Lollypop prepares for the influx of kitten arrivals. To learn more about the Kitten Shower, visit this website.
April 9, 2019
— The New York State DOT will begin construction on a $7.4 million improvment project along Mt. Read Blvd, from Buffalo Road to Lyell Avenue in the city of Rochester. Crews will resurface and rehab that one-mile stretch, and build a new roundabout at the intersection of Buffalo Road. Sidewalks will also be re-done to meet current ADA standards. Work will begin this spring, and be completed by next fall.
— East Rochester Police are warning folks about a phone scam where people are receiving phone calls identifying themselves as a member of the ERPD, and it even appears the call comes from the department to the people they dial. The call either tells the person that he she has warrants and needs to pay or face arrest, or the scammer says they are with the Social Security Administration and that the target’s credit cards were use in Mexico or New Mexico. ERPD officials say do not send any money if you receive a call like these.
April 8, 2019
—The Finger Lakes Tourism Alliance and Finger Lakes Opportunity for Tourism is hosting a panel to teach business owners how to get their message noticed by the media. The event takes place Tuesday, April 30 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
To register, click here.
April 5, 2019
— Map of Rochester City Council Districts
— Marcus Whitman Youth Baseball needs your help. They recently lost their practice and playing space due to a capitol project in the Marcus Whitman Central School District. They were able to secure a new location at a park in Rushville, but it needs renovations and the league didn’t budget for the unanticipated expenses. They will have to suspend their operations unless they can raise enough funds for the kids to play ball. If you’d like to contribute, visit this GoFundMe site. The league is also holding a BBQ fundaiser at the open field next to the Bagley Building on Main Street in Rushville. It's on Saturday April 20, and starts at 11 a.m.
— The Rochester area is performing worse than other regions in New York when it comes to economy, education, health and public safety, according to the ACT Rochester annual report card. However, our region is performing slightly better in state ranks when it comes to housing, community vitality, and children. If you’d like to read the full report, visit this website.
April 4, 2019
— Meigs Street will be closed both today and tomorrow for an emergency valve replacement. Northbound traffic will be stopped on Meigs at the south end of the 490 overpass. Closures are in place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. After 4 p.m. one lane on the bridge will open for each direction of travel.
April 3, 2019
— The City of Rochester is now accepting merchant, vendor, and restaurant applications for the second annual ROC Holiday Village. The event runs Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from December 6 through December 29. Companies interested in becoming a merchant or vendor can apply through this link. Restaurants interested in becoming a featured pop-up vendor can apply through this link. Deadline for applications is Wednesday, May 1.
— Good Luck, a popular Rochester restaurant at the Village Gate, is opening a new event space, adjacent to their current location on Anderson Avenue. It's called "The Jackrabbit Club" and is slated to open in May 2019. The space will be able to host parties ranging from 25-350 guests, with a full on-site kitchen. The menu will feature seasonal items from around the Finger Lakes region. For more information, visit this website.
— Rochester’s annual Clean Sweep Saturday will be held from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday May 11, beginning at Frontier Field. Volunteers will gather to collect a free Clean Sweep T-shirt, eat a light breakfast, and get their assignments before heading out to project sites in city neighborhoods. Volunteers participating will receive a free ticket to that day’s baseball game, a voucher for food and drink at the game, and free parking for those wearing Clean Sweep T-shirt. For more information, visit this website.
— The Wayne County Jail has a new centralized arraignment court so arraignments can now be held during off-hours with area judges assigned to the facility on a rotating basis. The idea is to cut down on suspects being held for longer than 12 hours. The seventh judicial district eventually wants to have centralized arraignment court in each of its eight counties.
April 2, 2019
— Bishop Kearney's presentation of "The Addams Family," the musical, is this weekend. Shows run on April 5 at 7 p.m. and April 6 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Performances will be held at the Bishop Kearney Auditorium, and tickets can be purchased online.
— Brockport police are warning residents of potential phone scams. If you fall victim, contact the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-382-4357 or online.
— Spectrum is looking to hire 500 outside sales positions across the country, and a hiring event will be held on Wednesday, April 3 to fill up to 15 of those positions locally. For more information about those positions, click here.
April 1, 2019
— A Rochester man is homeless after a fire claimed his wife's life and home. Family members are now raising money to help Michael Warney get back on his feet. To make a donation, click here.
March 31, 2019
— The Seneca Park Zoo celebrated frog conservation efforts this weekend. To learn more about how you can support the National Citizen Science's "Frog Watch USA" program, click here.
— Family members are raising money for funeral expenses following a fatal fire in Batavia. Robert John Sherman, Sr. died in the fire Saturday morning. You can support the effort by making a donation on the family's GoFundMe.
March 29, 2019
— A Rochester couple, away on their honeymoon, lost everything in an apartment fire on Monroe Avenue Thursday night. The blaze destroyed the home and claimed the life of one cat. The community is now coming together to support the newlyweds with multiple fundraisers. You can make a donation at the following links:
March 27, 2019
— The Boys and Girls Club of Rochester has begun accepting donations for Jamielath Kabba's memorial services on the family's behalf. The 8-year-old girl drowned at a Henrietta hotel pool last weekend. Donations can be brought to the Genesee Street location in Rochester, or made online in her memory. The center says all of the donations will go directly to the family.
March 26, 2019
— We're still eight months away from the holiday season, but the popularity of the first ever ROC Holiday Village has prompted city leaders to already start planning for this December's celebration. The 2019 ROC Holiday Village will open on Friday, December 6th and run all the way through Sunday the 29th. This year they added an extra day and extra hours and events. Organizers say some 120,000 thousand people came downtown last December to visit the holiday market, ice skate or meet Santa. Along with the events in leading up to Christmas, this year's holiday village will include a New Year's Eve party.
— Fairport School District leaders are considering merging Minerva DeLand and Fairport High School. Currently, only ninth graders attend Minerva DeLand. Two public meeting have been scheduled to discuss the matter: The first will be tonight at Fairpoirt High School and the second is set for next Wednesday, April 3rd, at Minerva DeLand. Both meetings begin at 7 p.m. The board is expected to make a final decision by the end of April.
March 25, 2019
— The Village of Seneca Falls plans to give its annual Antonio Varacalli Day Award to a good citizen and a hero. The award is named after an Italian immigrant who drowned while rescuing a woman in the canal there back in 1917. Each year a committee works to name a local hero who emulates his actions. If you want to nominate a hero, you can pick up a form at the Seneca Falls Visitor Center — nominations are due by April 10.
March 20, 2019
— Victor residents have voted in favor of establishing a new fire district. The measure passed late Tuesday night, 210-94. The district will be governed by a board of commissions initially appointed by the Town Board, and then voted in. It would also include a new tax.
March 19, 2019
— Rochester Fire Battalion Chief Jonathan Young is retiring. The 30-year veteran made the announcement yesterday. Young started his career in 1989 before he was promoted to a lieutenant six years later. He was then made battalion chief in 2007, working with the Fire Academy, overseeing the Health and Safety Division and more.
— Cub scouts will be heading across Rochester this week, collecting food for families in need as part ofthe organization's annual Scouting for Food Drive. One official says they hope to collect more than 100,000 pounds of food this year. The drive will last until 3 p.m. Saturday. If you want to donate, drop off your non perishable foods at Tops markets, Dibellas Subs, H&R Block, and Block Advisors.
March 15, 2019
— The Rochester Red Wings are looking for two bat boys or bat girls for this upcoming season. They must be at least 16 and available to work at least 40 games. The club is also looking for a club house assistant. Those applicants must be at least 18. Anyone interested can come down to Frontier Field March 23rd, that's next Saturday at 12 p.m.
March 14, 2019
— Rochester's A-list, which releases email lists of restaurants, events, and acitivies in town, says its time to sign up for its golf leagues. Spots are available for doubles or singles leagues, and for tee times after work at courses around the area. For pricing and league information head on over to Rochester A-List's website.
March 13, 2019
— The Chili's in Henrietta is shutting down by the end of the week. An employee said the owner sold the restaurant back to corporate, which will close the location on Marketplace Drive. The Chili's will be open for their regular hours through 9 p.m. Sunday.
March 11, 2019
— The Walworth community is mourning the death of a Gananda Central School music teacher. Kelly Joy Witter, 42 of East Rochester, had been a teacher at Gananda for 17 years. Family and friends are gathering Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Norman L Waterman Funeral Home in Newark. A Funeral Service will be held Thursday at one at Saint Mark's Church. Instead of flowers the family is asking for donations to Wilmont Cancer Center and Ovarian Cancer Research.
March 5, 2019
— Looking for a summer job? Darien Lake is hiring for more than 1,500 positions. The park needs employees 14 years and older for positions in admissions, food services, ride operators, and lifeguards for its 2019 season. Hiring events are going on both this Saturday and next Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the on-site hotel. Prospective employees are asked to apply online before scheduling an interview. The park opens Saturday, May 4th.
February 26, 2019
— A family day will be held at the Monroe County Correctional Facility today. The event is hosted by the sheriff's office, is open to the public, and runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Resources will be available for families of people transitioning back into the community and for those who have lost loved ones dealing with substance abuse. Food trucks will also be on hand until 1 p.m.
February 19, 2019
— State officials have outlined a bold agenda called the 2019 Women's Justice Agenda.
The detailed proposal includes plans to allow all employees, even those under non-disclosure agreements, to file complaints of sexual harassment and to allow them to participate in government investigations. It also eliminates statutes of limitations for prosecuting rape cases. The full list of proposals is available online.
February 18, 2019
— Tickets are on sale for the sixth annual Rochester Young Professionals Gala at City Grill. Attendees get to network, win prizes and even get their fortunes told with palm readers and tarot cards. The gala raises money for Junior Achievement, a group that helps students prepare for the workforce. It starts at 7 p.m. Friday night and runs until 10 p.m. You can buy tickets through the Rochester Young Professionals' website.
February 14, 2019
— How about some ice skating with your Valentine tonight? The city has open skate at the MLK Park ice rink from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m including music by a DJ. It's $3 for skate rental per person, but couples dressed in red pay just $2 each!
February 12, 2019
— Brighton Volunteer Ambulance responds to an average of 6,000 calls every year, and it needs volunteers. Officials are holding an open house this evening so you can go in person and see what volunteers do. That's at its headquarters on South Winton Road and it starts at 7 p.m.
— Tickets are now on sale for a major concert package going on this summer at Darien Lake that allows people to see multiple shows for one bundled price. You can buy your Ticket to Rock for $59 dollars. Each ticket gets you into either three, or four shows at Darien Lake. Bands include Slipknot, Breaking Benjamin, Alice in Chains and more. You can buy those tickets online.
February 8, 2019
— The Rochester Youth Sports Foundation will hold an event to get more children up and moving! A Youth Sports Expo will be help Saturday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Main Street Armory. The event will include a bounce house, obstacle course, a rock wall and demonstrations on a variety of sports.
February 5, 2019
— The longest running American musical in Broadway history opens tonight in Rochester. Chicago takes the state at the Auditorium through Sunday. Tickets range from $40 to $83 and can be purchased online.
— Hobart and William Smith Colleges will announce its new president on Friday. Officials say the incoming president was unanimously recommended by both the college’s presidential search committee and a board of trustees. The new president will replace interim president Patrick McGuire, who took over after Gregory Vincent resigned following accusations of plagiarism.
— The Rochester City School District has invited parents and community members to get in on the ground floor of a plan to help improve 12 schools.
The schools have been downgraded into state receivership at various levels, which means they need to show immediate improvement in the next school year or face increased state intervention.
Several meetings are slated to take place over the upcoming weeks.
February 4, 2019
— A four-time Pulitzer Prize winning photographer is speaking this Monday evening at RIT. Carol Guzy will be giving a free lecture as part of RIT's Charles Arnold Lecture Series.
The talk will be held in the Carlson Auditorium at the RIT Center for Imaging Science from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Anyone is welcome to attend.
January 25, 2019
— Hope Ministry in Webster is helping those affected by the government shutdown. They're offering food, clothing and other assistance to federal workers.
If you're in need, you're asked to bring proof of Webster residency and your federal ID. Also, as of February 7th, Hope Ministry is increasing their Thursday hours from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
January 15, 2019
— John’s Tex-Mex is moving, but not very far. The popular Rochester restaurant is leaving is 489 South Avenue spot and heading up the road to 429 South Avenue in March. The restaurant will close for a week to prepare its new home.
— The Irondequoit Town Hall Skating Rink is officially open. Town supervisor Dave Seeley says warm weather and New Year's wind delayed the opening. Anyone can skate from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. all week long, with dedicated hockey hours starting at 4 p.m.
January 14, 2019
— A Rochester restaurant is offering free meals for federal workers affected by the government shutdown. The Hideaway on Park Avenue is letting government workers who are not getting paid eat for free.
You must bring a valid form of government ID to receive the offer.
January 4, 2019
— Still got that Christmas tree in your living room? Monroe County’s tree recycling program helps residents dispose of the trees in an environmental fashion, with several drop-off locations throughout the area.
Details and drop-off locations.
January 2, 2019
— There is a boil water notice in the village of Albion. A ten-inch water main break is affecting the Main Street Business District, from north of the Erie Canal to Bacon Road South. People in the village should boil water for at least a minute before using it. Crews say it could be three or four days before the problem is fixed.
December 21, 2018
— Brighten up your night with a drive through the Rochester area’s most festive neighborhoods. Here’s a map of the holiday lights around the city.
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