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Farah (feat. Pipi Gogerl)


00:00 / 06:28
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Deathmetal is all about balance. Between insane speeds/technicality and still maintaining enough musicality to tell a story.
This song is all about balance, of magnificent brutality and the beautiful moments in between.
Like in the PoP videogames, a balance in overcoming insane obstacles and ruthless fights. Between the Prince's developing love for Farah and his growing paranoia against her.
A balance between stopping evil or fully commiting to it.
This probably the closest I've gotten to writing a love song.
It's a loveletter to life.
Keep your balance my friends!


Descend through the dawn

True beauty awakens
Only daughter of royalty
Injected with life once again
Over the edge she fell
For the best of time would still prevail
Through tribulations, the lust into love
And the treachery behind Deceit
Oh the fairest
And the words that you would cherish
Stand and cripple as you lose it
In the end

Hold close your medal
The prophecy is sung
The will of the sands become


You sing like insanity inside the eyes of the prince
Waking decision
To come forth the vision of you on the crucifix

Holding close your medal
The prophecy is sung
The will of the sands become

In the catacombs call to me again

You were betrayed
Trust handed down through the future he made
You start to witness persuasion through sickness in loop of time you remain

Centered in the loop
Pivoted in the mind of one being
Your form unknowingly exists
Your blistering beauty
The conflict ensuing
To save you from the turmoil
Yet the memories end

In the madness you awaken, captivated royalty
Prisoner by the spineless Zurvan
Over the edge he fell deep into your eyes
Full circle in time

The aberrations, the rage turns to peace
And the gut wrenching memories

Silk wrapped heiress
Through the memory perish
Stood in awe
Recollection of the end

And the premonition still haunts him
Your embrace it cost him
Yet he still finds you again

Hold close your medal
The prophecy is sung
There will of the sands become


released April 22, 2022


all rights reserved



SPIRE OF LAZARUS Vienna, Austria

Spire of Lazarus sets out to deliver brutal yet atmospheric songs. Combining different
aspects of modern Death Metal and Deathcore into highly technical storytellings of
magnificent savagery. Welcome to the glorious house of shreds.

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