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We will be closed July 4-8 Details
Artists Respond: Rural-Urban Solidarity
Artists Respond: Rural-Urban Solidarity
Springboard for the Arts Annual Report
Heartland, Heartwork: A Field Guide to Place and Possibility for Rural Leaders
A graphic with a white background and hand drawn black circles and lines
Basic Income Week, Illustration by Alicia Thao
A banner featuring the "Work of Art: Business Skills for Artists" logo
A photo of a corner view inside of an apartment overlooking main street in downtown Fergus Falls, Minnesota.
Vickie Benson Resource Center at Springboard for the Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Grid of artist images and the text: Here for artists making a living and a life

CSA: Community Supported Art

Community Supported Art is an exciting new model of art support and distribution for artists that establishes relationships with local collectors and patrons.

Pre-sales are open for 2025 CSA shares! Purchase yours today.

Rural-Urban Solidarity

Artists Respond: Rural-Urban Solidarity

Springboard is partnering with CultureSource, RedLine Contemporary Art Center, and Kentucky Rural-Urban Exchange to launch over 35 artist-led projects in four states that build solidarity between rural and urban communities.

Spring Impact Report

Our latest impact report, The Art of Environmental Stewardship, is a culmination of several years of work, programming, and artist-led projects. It offers a framework for how artists are key partners in environmental stewardship by connecting us more deeply to our environments and one another, facilitating community repair, and reimagining a more sustainable future.

Heartland, Heartwork

Heartland, Heartwork: A Field Guide to Place and Possibility for Rural Leaders

Developed in partnership with the Blandin Foundation, this comprehensive field guide is designed to empower rural leaders in planning and executing effective place-based projects centered in arts, culture and creativity.

Creative Change Coalition

We are delighted to introduce a national coalition of place-based organizations that center people, creativity, and equity working together to create a stronger ecosystem for communities and artists.

Guaranteed Income

Guaranteed Income Pilot for Artists Expands to 5 Years

Originally launched in 2021 as a “sidecar” to the City of St. Paul’s People's Prosperity Pilot, Springboard’s pilot has grown to support 100 artists across Minnesota, including 50 in Otter Tail County, and 50 in the Frogtown/Rondo neighborhoods for a total of 5 years, making it one of the longest running pilot programs in the nation.

Work of Art: Business Skills for Artists

"Work of Art" is a comprehensive curriculum designed to help you in building, and sustaining, your creative business through free in-person and virtual workshops. Visit our calendar of events to explore upcoming workshops to support your creative business!

Jobs & Opportunities Board

Springboard hosts a variety of resources for economic opportunities. We run a Job Board for jobs with arts organizations, or organizations specifically looking to hire artists and creative workers. We also have an Opportunities Board that lists open calls, RFP/RFQs, board service opportunities, studio spaces and volunteer opportunities. Start exploring today!

Resource Lab

Working on a new project? Visit a Resource Lab!

Our Resource Labs in Saint Paul and Fergus Falls, MN, offer individual artists and small organizations access to a full array of equipment, tools, and services in an informal, self-directed environment. Artists can use the Lab for artwork documentation, design, digitization and for general technical assistance on small projects.

Sign up for our Newsletter

Sign up for our Newsletter

Want to stay current on Springboard news, workshops, programs, and upcoming events? Sign up to receive our biweekly newsletter for the latest updates and offerings!


You make this work possible!

For 30 years, Springboard has helped make it easier for artists to make a living and for communities to benefit from the vitality and connectedness that is rooted in culture, and work for more vibrant and just local economies. Artists bring that meaning, joy, and connection into our lives, and if this is work you value, please consider making a tax-deductible gift to Springboard for the Arts.

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Upcoming Offerings


Find upcoming workshops, trainings, and community events from Springboard for the Arts. Learn more!

Job Board Graphic


Search artist-focused and creative jobs with organizations across the Upper Midwest. Learn more!

Artist Career Consultant Graphic


Connect with experienced artists across disciplines for career planning and project feedback. Learn more!

Resource Labs Graphic


Spaces in Fergus Falls and St. Paul with equipment, tools, and services for artists. Learn more!

Grant Resources Graphic


Resources for grants and funding opportunities for artists and organizations in Minnesota. Learn more!

Professional Services Directory Graphic


A directory of Minnesota-based professional arts-related services and resources. Learn more!

Incubator Fiscal Sponsorship Graphic


Fiscal sponsorship for arts organizations and individual artist projects in Minnesota. Learn more!

Minnesota Lawyers for the Arts (MnLA)


Connect to legal resources and consultations for your creative work. Learn more!

Ready Made Graphic


Discover beautifully crafted one-of-a-kind pieces by local artists and makers! Learn more!

Creative Exchange Graphic


Practical artist-created toolkits to spark change and stories to inspire connection. Learn more!

Springboard Books Graphic


Get the Work of Art: Business Skills for Artists and Handbook for Artists Working in Community! Learn more!

Art-Train Graphic


National training and technical assistance for communities and artists to work together. Learn more!

Saint Paul Site Info


Our St. Paul office and community hall, rentals, and site activation. Learn more!

Fergus Falls Office


Visit us in our Fergus Falls office and join in community events. Learn more!

About Us Graphic


Information about Springboard for the Arts, our mission, and community report. Learn more!

Springboard for the Arts' mission is to support artists with the tools to make a living and a life, and to build just and equitable communities full of meaning, joy, and connection. Founded as an independent nonprofit in 1991, Springboard for the Arts has an innovative 30-year history of supporting artists making a living and a life and artist-led community development work.


Together we
build the movement of

art and community.

Building professional skills for artists

From the Work of Art: Business Skills for Artists toolkits and workshops, to career consultations, Springboard for the Arts is dedicated to artists of all disciplines making a living and a life. We make resources and create opportunities for artists to learn entrepreneurial, business, and strategic skills.

Thrive as an artist

Artists working in community

Artists and communities thrive when they work together. Our goal is always to create projects that are adaptable to the the needs of individual communities; and to catalyze relationships and mechanisms that bring artists and communities together, and have lasting impact.

Connect to artists

We power Creative Exchange

Springboard for the Arts' national program is Creative Exchange, an online platform sharing stories of artists with impact and practical toolkits for you to create and run artist-centered projects in your community.

Visit Creative Exchange launch

Support Springboard for the Arts!

Our work builds creative people power – connecting artists to resources they need, and communities to their artists. Support us in the work we do together!

Donate today! launch

our offices

Saint Paul

262 University Ave West
Saint Paul, MN 55103
contact | directions

Vickie Benson Resource Lab
Please check availability
Visit the Resource Lab

Fergus Falls

201 West Lincoln Ave.
Fergus Falls, MN 56537
contact | directions

Fergus Falls Resource Lab
Please check availability
Visit the Resource Lab