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Phone Security

Boardroom Speech & Audio Suppressor


Protect your verbal discussions from unauthorized audio recording Covert and Overt Functionality Appears as a normal desktop speaker Remote Control Operation (Optional) Completely distorts audio recorders, makes all audio recordings inaudible Defeats...

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Microphone Suppression Kit


Prevent unauthorized audio recordings in meeting rooms and offices Specifically built for Russian Security Services – KGB 2 Ultrasonic Speakers for multi directional protection from audio microphones Two technologies onboard, ultra-sonic emission...

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Android Phone Data Recovery Stick

$199.00 $149.00

Phone Recovery Stick for Android based operating systems a powerful easy-to-use tool which allows anyone to investigate a wide range of Android cellphones and tablets using the same methods used by Law Enforcement. Reviewing any Smartphone thoroughly is...

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iRecovery iOS iPhone / iPad Data Recovery Stick

$199.00 $149.00

iRecovery Stick for iPhone is a powerful easy to use tool which allows anyone to investigate an iPhone using the same methods used by Law Enforcement. Reviewing any Smartphone thoroughly is a difficult process, the small size of screens, multiple...

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Cell Phone Investigation Kit

$399.00 $349.00

The Cellphone Investigation Kit equips investigators with tools which can complete digital discovery on over 1000 types of cellphone. Combining our cellphone investigation kits into one kit ensures investigators have the tools they need to perform...

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CMA-100 Countermeasures Amplifier


High Gain Audio Amplifier CMA-100 Countermeasures Amplifier is a high gain audio amplifier used to detect and identify certain types of surveillance devices attached to building wiring such as telephone wiring, LAN and server systems, AC power, and alarm...

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TALAN™ 3.0 Telephone & Line Analyzer


Efficiency: compares the results of multiple tests on multiple phone lines to quickly identify threatening anomalies Usability: combines several countermeasure testing capabilities into a single piece of equipment (voltage, current, resistance,...

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