Ai'm new here and new in programming as well. I'm sorry if this question is really childish but i'm having some trouble using return type in a simple c# program. Here is my code file, at d == 2 in AccountTest class, I want the withdrawal process to start over again but this time not asking the user to enter the account balance. A friend advice to use while loop but I have no idea how to use while loop over here. Thanks in advance. :)
using System;
public class Account
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Enter your account balance: ");
int AccountBalance = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
public static void Debit(int AccountBalance)
Console.Write("\n\nEnter the amount you want to withdraw in Rs: ");
int WithdrawalAmount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
AccountTest.DebitTest(AccountBalance, WithdrawalAmount);
And my Account class
public class AccountTest
public static int DebitTest(int AccountBalance, int WithdrawalAmount)
if (WithdrawalAmount > AccountBalance)
Console.WriteLine("\n\nDebit amount exceeded account balance.");
return 0;
else if (WithdrawalAmount <= 0)
Console.WriteLine("\n\nError. Incorrect amount.");
return 0;
int newBalance = AccountBalance - WithdrawalAmount;
Console.WriteLine("\n\nWithdrawal was successful. Thankyou for using our services.\n\nPress 1 to exit, 2 to withdraw again, 3 to check your account balance.\n");
int InputNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (InputNumber == 1)
return 0;
else if (InputNumber == 2)
return WithdrawalAmount;
else if (InputNumber == 3)
Console.WriteLine("\n\nYour remaining account balance is: {0}", newBalance);
return 0;
return 0;