I'm having trouble when zooming in on a linear series that is on a logarithmic yAxis. What would be an easy solution?
Linear series is not rescaling correcly, those series should remain on same position relative to main series, is there any missing configs to those series that would adjust them to logarithmic axis?
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/bernardo0marques/dfqouLm5/30/
Code snippet:
Highcharts.stockChart("container", {
chart: {
type: "line",
zoomType: "xy",
series: [
data: [
x: -220924800000,
high: 63,
low: 56,
close: 62,
open: 56,
name: "01/01/1963",
color: "#F57350",
x: 1657670400000,
high: 18893.92,
low: 18159.03,
close: 18159.03,
open: 18593.15,
name: "13/07/2022",
color: "#297F0D",
dataGrouping: {
forced: true,
groupPixelWidth: 0,
units: [["day", 1]],
id: "main-series",
name: "Demo series",
type: "candlestick",
yAxis: "default",
color: "#C0C0C0",
data: [
[-220914000000, 369],
[1659236400000, 198817.91340815497],
dashStyle: "LongDash",
id: "upper-tendency",
tooltip: {
valueDecimals: 0,
xDateFormat: "%B %Y",
showInLegend: false,
yAxis: "default",
color: "#C0C0C0",
data: [
[-220914000000, 34],
[1659236400000, 16672.03531810569],
dashStyle: "Solid",
id: "lower-tendency",
tooltip: {
valueDecimals: 0,
xDateFormat: "%B %Y",
showInLegend: false,
yAxis: "default",
title: { text: "Logarithmic Zoom: Linear series" },
tooltip: { shared: true, split: false },
xAxis: {
dateTimeLabelFormats: {
second: "%d/%m/%y<br/>%H:%M:%S",
minute: "%d/%m/%y<br/>%H:%M",
hour: "%d/%m/%y<br/>%H:%M",
day: "%d/%m/%y",
month: "%m/%y",
year: "%Y",
type: "datetime",
yAxis: [
id: "default",
opposite: true,
type: "logarithmic",
title: { text: "" },
reversed: false,
offset: 50,
tickInterval: 0.4,
zooming, if I setchart : { zoomType: 'y' }
series scales correctly.