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Questions tagged [forecasting]

Prediction of the future events. It is a special case of [prediction], in the context of [time-series].

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Plausibility of results for PCR/PLSR daily stock return forecasting

I'm working on a project for my master's degree and, I am not sure, whether the results I'm getting are plausible or not. I am basically trying to create a model for forecasting S&P 500 return ...
Lucas Barbosa's user avatar
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Identifying Poorly Forecastable Time Series Using tsfeatures

I am working on a problem involving the identification of poorly forecastable time series using features extracted with the tsfeatures library by Rob J. Hyndman. Below are the key details about my ...
Leon Vallender's user avatar
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Difficulty in Deriving a Estimator Using Survey Means from Individual Forecasts

I would like to clarify a doubt regarding the paper Testing the Rationality of Price Forecasts: New Evidence from Panel Data (by MICHAEL P. KEANE AND DAVID E. RUNKLE) that presents an estimator ...
user346624's user avatar
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AIC from sarima vs arima functions in R

I am doing a report of time series, and while analyzing the time series in R, I noticed the using the sarima function ...
Ana Branco's user avatar
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How should I input and output feature and target timeseries to timeseries transformer

I am trying out PatchTST timeseries transformer (paper, code) on a timeseries data that I have. The way PatchTST handles data is as follows: Note that on line 78-79, the repo does following: ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
4 votes
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How to approach time series forecasting

I am working on a time series forecasting problem involving high-frequency data (hourly or every 10-15 minutes), such as energy consumption or other IoT device metrics. My goal is to predict the ...
pato's user avatar
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Cointegration when one variable is seasonal and another is not

I have two variables: one has a seasonal 12-month pattern and another is seasonally adjusted. I need to make a long-term forecast for 10 years. To do this, one can try out an Error Correction Model if ...
Evg's user avatar
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How to best forecast a time series showing level changes and square wave kind of behavior with noise

This is AC power data measured at 1 min interval from March-Dec 2019. I want to model the time series but the out of sample forecast is essentially constant. I found the following from EDA: Power is ...
bbt_wb's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there a way to forecast by subgroup without forecasting each subgroup separately?

I am trying to find an appropriate model to forecast the number of applications received at the end of a recruitment cycle based on previous recruitment cycles and the number of applications received ...
Richard Manser's user avatar
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Forecast optimality for categorical dependent variable

I am familiar with several criteria of forecast optimality for variables on a ratio scale. E.g. Diebold Forecasting in Economics, Business, Finance and Beyond introduces the unforecastability ...
Richard Hardy's user avatar
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ML approaches to pricing in industry?

This is a very vague question. I’m curious how pricing is done in industry, specifically at large tech companies. I know that Amazon does not price discriminate based on user, so price experiments are ...
jbuddy_13's user avatar
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How to Forecast Sales for Sub-Locations Without Historical Proportion Data?

I have a time series dataset of total sales for a product in a store over time. This product is available in two different locations within the store: one stand near the checkout and another stand in ...
Raheshi Knuwga's user avatar
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Under which conditions does PCA consistently estimate latent factors in a Dynamic Factor Model?

Consider a dataset of N time series and T observation periods. Assume each series $x_t$ is generated from a single (unobserved) common factor $f_t$ following this model: $$ X_t = \Lambda f_t + \...
NicGeraci's user avatar
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Making forecasts based on cyclical data

I am trying to develop a more robust methodology for a forecast model. This attempts to project the final number of recruits for this cycle based on comparing the current recruitment cycle to previous ...
Richard Manser's user avatar
2 votes
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Fitted values of initial observations in auto.arima for non-stationary models

If I understand correctly, the fitted values returned in the auto.arima of the forecast R package are the one-step ahead forecasts given by the model, once the ...
Carlos Sáez's user avatar
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Cannot reproduce Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) from Python package

The Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) is given by: \begin{equation} \mathrm{CRPS}(F, x) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \left( F(y) - \mathbb{1}(y - x) \right)^2 \, dy \end{equation} I am trying to ...
Oliver Angelil's user avatar
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Forecast calibration with a general explanatory factor

I'm thinking of making a set of probability-based prediction for the coming 2 years of the Trump administration. The prediction will be a set of propositions like: There will be a federal ban on ...
Vilgot Huhn's user avatar
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Predicting a jobs cost based on monthly payments (Timeseries forecasting)

Imagine theres a company that hires a cleaning crew each month. Payments are made in the following months, bit by bit. As depicted below: In Jan the company paid the cleaning crew ...
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Name for Heidke skill score with model-free reference model

The Heidke skill score is a popular measure for quantifying forecasting skill. It follows the general definition of a skill score (SS): $$SS = \frac{l_m-l_r}{l_p-l_r},$$ with $l_p$ the loss of a ...
Knarpie's user avatar
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Recursive one-step forecasting in timeseries model

I am trying to implement a recursive one-step forecasting approach for a Random Forest model. The idea is to get a 12-months forecast in an iterative way where each prediction becomes part of the ...
seralouk's user avatar
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Deriving a multiple based on actuals and forecast values

For context, we are using the DeepAR model for demand planning forecasting. Currently the forecast often underrepresents actual demand. It was suggested that we use a higher quantile to overestimate ...
Wolfy's user avatar
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Forecasting for Multivariate Time Series on Multiple Subject

Let's imagine I have time series data for 50 users and 20 features per user: User1_ts(F1,...F20), User2_ts(F1,...F20), ...User50_ts(F1,...F20). F20 is my target variable, and the goal is to apply to ...
Carlo Allocca's user avatar
4 votes
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Huge Bounds on Forecast Interval for ARIMA model

I'm working on a financial forecast and trying out a simple SARIMA model to try and forecast the year of 2025. I think the predicted values and fit of the model are fine, and I've tested out many ...
Wyatt M.'s user avatar
8 votes
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Should out-of-sample validation also be out-of-time for time-series?

Introduction When training a model a "sample" usually refers to the data used to fit the model, so... Sample: Data used for training model Out-of-sample: Data not used for training model Out-...
Esben Eickhardt's user avatar
3 votes
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Arima function in R incorrectly including an additional MA term

When fitting an ARIMA model (with Arima function from the forecast package) there is an additional hidden MA term. ...
Juan SB's user avatar
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Is it possible to train Neural networks for time series forecasting using elastic distances (such as dtw) as a loss function?

Normally, elastic distances are used as ways to tell how similar two time series are. Examples of these are dynamic time warping and move-split-merge and many more. And I read some researches such as ...
Mike Bukowski's user avatar
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Predicting Sales Volume for Complex Customer Base with Time Series Data

I'm working on a time series problem and would appreciate advice from the community. My goal is to predict the sales volume ordered per customer, per product family, for the next 2-4-6 weeks. The data ...
szuszfol's user avatar
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Predicting the Next Event's Timestamp Based on Historical Data with Possible Patterns?

I'm working on a personal project where I aim to predict the time of the next event based on a series of historical timestamps. The dataset I have consists of around 400k timestamps of past events. ...
Mycroft_47's user avatar
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The Notion of "Predictability" (in Forecasting)

Looking for thought partners to help me clarify a shower thought. Let's assume I'm a forecaster, and I have in front of me several events with binary outcome–– e.g. a bent coin toss, a two-candidate ...
spencer wilson's user avatar
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Is there away to compute Index values (base 100) from Year-over-Year % change (YoY) of the variable?

Let's assume I have a time series like this : Time period YoY Change (%) Y2024 _ Q1 7.00 Y2024 _ Q2 4.85 Y2024 _ Q3 5.77 Y2024 _ Q4 5.66 Y2025 _ Q1 6.54 Y2025 _ Q2 6.48 Y2025 _ Q3 6.36 Y2025 ...
Johannes Konrad's user avatar
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Can we apply Fourier transform on non stationary data?

Hi, I'm trying to predict US inflation rate. The unit is in percentage change from a year ago. Would it be possible to use Fourier transform on the independent data to create a new feature, knowing ...
Briefbreaddd's user avatar
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Decomposing forecast errors into shape and scale components

I'm working on a time series forecasting problem where I predict hourly demand values for each day (24 hours in total). I measure the error of my predictions at the day-level using the Mean Absolute ...
VeeKay's user avatar
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Why is exponential smoothing forecast the median of the forecast density?

I am reading Hyndman & Athanasopoulos "Forecasting: Principles and Practice" 2nd edition (FPP2). (I am aware that 3rd edition exists.) In the chapter about exponential smoothing, section ...
Richard Hardy's user avatar
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Testing the predictive power of a time series signal

Given a signal from an unknown source/origins and some financial close price data, what are some straightforward ways to test for the signal's predictive power? Would I need to make both series ...
des224's user avatar
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Holt Winters with binary values

I have a question regarding Holt Winters method. I have an order history which contains at least the customers and the belonging time when the order was taken. We will skip the rest for now since it ...
raphael's user avatar
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Predicing next customers purchase dates (and possibly amount)

I have a dataset with simple list of customer, date of purchase, amount. I'd like to predict the next purchase date for each customer and possibly the amount. Customer Date of Purchase Amount A 05/...
Atim's user avatar
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Time-series forecasting problem in Python

I am working on a Python project where I have to predict the energy consumption in individual households. My dataset consists of several thousands of households each having a monthly value of the ...
shadowavez's user avatar
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ARIMA Model Forecasting - 95% Prediction Intervals

I'm currently learning about time series forecasting and ARIMA models. For this question, I'll just be using the AR(1) model example $X_t = \phi X_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t$ and say we are forecasting $X_{...
stats_learner's user avatar
3 votes
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Should Correlation Between Out-of-Sample Forecasts and Actual Values Be Included in Forecast Evaluation Alongside RMSE?

I'm currently evaluating the performance of a forecasting model using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) as the primary metric. I've noticed that some literature also includes the Pearson correlation ...
george1994's user avatar
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Time series Forecast

I’ve been meaning to ask an expert in the field of forecasting a burning question about a forecasting project am working on. I’m building a model to forecast groundwater thickness, and am tasked to ...
Azeez Liadi's user avatar
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Suggestions on what model to use (ARMA doesn't seem to be applicable)

My data looks like the following: The ACF and PACF plots look like the following: Although there is some dependence with some lags, I fear taking these too seriously is a form of overfitting. I don'...
sir.edward's user avatar
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Why do the simulations of my SARIMA model not resemble my original data?

I want to simulate a SARIMA model I obtained using the auto.arima function from the R package "forecast". My objective is to be able to do a lot of simulations in order to "predict"...
HP-12c's user avatar
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New to Forecasting -- Any tips for Proper Model to Use?

So I've done a ton of internet research and lost. I am trying to forecast dayrates for offshore drillships. and I have two exogenous variables that have close correlation with my historical dayrate ...
politics_economics's user avatar
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CausalImpact package in R - One-tailed probability

This is my first time using Bayesian statistics and the CausalImpact package in R. I'm a bit confused about whether this is using one-tail or two-tailed probability testing and was wondering if anyone ...
Blackbird's user avatar
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Why ARIMA on same data says data is white noise for one forecast duration while not indicating that it's not white noise on a different duration

I am running a ARIMA model on my data. I have weekly data from Jan 2021. When I run 12 weeks forecast, the ARIMA gives the best parameter values (0,0,0) indicating that the data is white noise. But ...
Karthik S's user avatar
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Direct Multi-Step Forecasting by each day of the week?

I am looking to create a daily 7 day forecast for a particular domain problem. Currently I have a recursive solution, which hasn't been performing too well. I have also looked into direct forecasting ...
noob's user avatar
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How to validate the predictions from the function forecast in the R?

Motivation We are often interested in evaluating a model's performance when it encounters previously unseen data. I am testing ARIMA models to analyze some data and want to ensure I understand the ...
Hugo's user avatar
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Using monthly data for yearly predictions

I need to predict a yearly quantity $y$ (water flowing into a reservoir). This is based on several factors, e.g. $x$ (amount of rain in the current year), and probably last years quantities (e.g., $...
Maverick Meerkat's user avatar
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How do I quantify the significance of a percentage ranked data set?

I'm considering seven different forecast models for a given data set, over a number of forecast iterations, and quantifying the number of times each forecast model was the most accurate overall. I ...
Kevin Burk's user avatar
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Prediction of a time series AR(1) vs AR(1) with exogenous variables vs Random Forest, why is the performance so different?

Extension of the previous question that only compare AR(1) vs. AR(1) with exogenous variables: I am currently working on forecasting a time series y using three models: an AR(1) model and an AR(1) ...
george1994's user avatar

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