

78 ratings
Guide Phasmophobia v0.6.3.1
By Iwo and 1 collaborators
Guide Phasmophobia
Some of the most important information is gathered in one place.
From maps, item mechanics, to dealing with difficult situations while hunting for ghosts.

Guide Includes:
• Maps-Room names
• Cursed Possessions Items Spawns
• Information about - Music Box
• Information about - Tarot Cards
• Information about - Summoning Circle
• Information about - Haunted Mirror
• Information about - Tortured Voodoo Doll
• Information about - Ouija Board
• Voice commands for the Ouija Board
• Voice commands for the Spirit Box
• Information about - Fingerprints
• Strengths & weaknesses of Ghosts
• Ways to deal with different Ghost Types
Maps-Room names, Cursed possessions spawns
Cursed Possessions
Haunted Mirror - Mirror lets you see through ghosts eyes,its used to locate current ghost room however it will drain your sanity by 10% for each second of using it.
Dont hold it for too long or else it will break and start a hunt with no grace period.
Dropping it while active causes it to break aswell.

Music Box - Music box well as you guessed plays music but unlike its normal counterpart it causes ghosts to sing along with it.
I don't recommend approaching the ghost when it's active, because if the ghost comes within 5 meters, it will try to take it away from you. And when it gets too close, the music box will close, which will annoy the ghost and start a hunt with no grace period.

Its activated it by rightclicking you can hold it while its active,it can be placed on floor aswell however
Do not drop it or it will start a hunt with no grace period.
Listening to it causes you to lose sanity up to 73% if you hear it from start to end of melody.
It cant be used multiple times.

Summoning Circle - Activate by lighting 5 candles that take 16% of sanity each for a total of 80% if youre the one to activate all of them.
Lighting all candles will summon the ghost to the middle of the circle traping him for time from 1 to 6 seconds after that the ghost will start a hunt from the circle.
The item can be used once.
Also if your facing twins there is a chance that the twin will hunt resulting with the ghost teleporting away from the circle.
And i almost forgot i advice you not to activate it during a hunt or else your going to die

Tortured Voodoo Doll -It lets you bully the ghost instead of ghost bullying you.
However as with all of the cursed items there are consequences to be had aswell.

Interacting with it will pull one of the 10 pins causing the ghost to do an interaction however as with all of the possessions there are consequences to be had if the pin that you pull ends up being a heart pin you'll get suprised by a hunt with no grace period.
Sanity drain:
Normal pin: 5%
Heart pin: 10%

Ouija Board
Ghost Location
Hide and seek
Number of people in the room, Bone Location

  • Location
  • Location (non-specific)
  • Age
  • Death
  • Room count
  • Sanity
  • Method of death
  • Bone location
  • Yes or no
  • Hide and seek
  • Feeling
  • Purpose
  • Joke
  • Shyness

Note that if a question does not get a response, it is not considered a valid question. A few example questions:

  • "Are you from [Country/State Name]?"
  • "Are you [single/married]?

The location given will be the currently occupied room of the ghost.
Early in the game or immediately after a hunt, using the Ouija Board
may give a rough idea of where the Ghost Room is, but this is not guaranteed,
especially if the ghost decides to roam far away at the start.
• "Where are you?"
• "What is your favorite room?"
• "Where is your room?"
• "What is your room?"
Location (non-specific)
Instead of providing the ghost's current room, this simply answers whether
the ghost is in the same room as the person asking the question.
• "Are you here?"
• "Are you close?"
The age of the ghost is a randomly generated number between 2 and 90 years
that is predetermined at level start.
• "How old are you?"
• "What is your age?"
• "Are you old?"
• "Are you young?"
The length of death of a ghost is a randomly generated number
between 50 and 1000 years that is predetermined at level start.
• "How long have you been dead?"
• "How many years ago did you die?"
• "How long have you been here?"
• "How long ago did you die?"
• "When did you die?"
Room count
It is unknown how the answer is determined, though the answer
is believed to be at least partially influenced by the number of people
in the room, including the ghost itself.
• "How many are in this room?"
• "How many people are in this room?"
• "How many people are here?"
• "How many ghosts are in this room?"
• "How many ghosts are here?"
• "Are you alone?"
• "Are we alone?"
• "Who is here?"
• "Who is in this room?"
• "How many ghosts are present?"
• "How many people are present?"
These questions can give the player a rough estimate of their current sanity
level. This is especially useful on large maps or on Nightmare difficulty
where the Sanity Monitor will be unavailable. Note that all answers are of the player's sanity after the sanity deduction has occurred.
"What is my sanity?"

• Healthy: >80%
• Good: 60%-80%
• Average: 40%-60%
• Bad: 20%-40%
• Awful: <20%

"How crazy am I?"
"How insane am I?"

• Not Very: >50%
• Very: 25%-50%
• Insane: <25%

"Am I insane?"

• No: >90%
• Maybe: 20%-90%
• Yes: <20%
Method of death
These questions relate to the way that the ghost died.
• "How did you die?"
Bone location
These questions will give the name of the room where the bone is located.
• "Where is the bone?"
Yes or No
Asking these questions typically yields Yes, No, and Maybe responses.
• "Am I pretty?"
• "Are we friends?"
• "Do you hate me?"
• "Do you like jazz?"
Hide and seek
These phrases or questions cause the Ouija Board to initiate a countdown
from 5 to 0, before breaking and starting a cursed hunt.
• "hide and seek?"
These questions tell the player how the ghost is feeling.
• "How do you feel?"
• "Are you okay?"
These questions tell the player why the ghost is present.
• "Why are you here?"
Some jokes can be used on the ghost, each resulting in the ghost giving a specific answer in relation to the joke.
• "Knock knock!"
• "Marco!"
These questions tell the player whether the ghost responds to people who are alone or to everyone when using the Spirit Box.
• "Do you respond to everyone?"
Tarot Cards
Burn Color
Draw Chance
The Sun (Yellow)
Fully restores sanity to 100%
The Moon (White)
Instantly drops sanity to 0%.
The Tower (Blue)
Causes an interaction.
The Wheel of Fortune (Green or Red)
The player gains 25% sanity if the card burns green, or loses 25% sanity if the card burns red.
The Devil (Pink)
Triggers a Ghost Event.
The High Priestess (Light Yellow)
Revives a randomly chosen dead person at their corpse. If no one is currently dead, it will revive the next player who dies.
The Hanged Man (White)
Instantly kills the player.
Death (Purple)
Triggers a cursed hunt.
The Hermit (Cyan)
Teleports the ghost back to its ghost room and traps it there for 1 minute.
The Fool (Light Purple)
17% or 100% during hunts
Will appear as another card at first, before turning into The Fool as it burns. No effect is applied when drawing this card.
Spirit Box
Questions type:

There are three types of questions that can be asked:
• Aggression
• Location
• Age

Aggresion Questions:
• "What do you want?"
•"Why are you here?"
•"Do you want to hurt us?"
• "Are you angry?"
•"Do you want us here?"
• "Shall we leave?"
• "Should we leave?"
• "Do you want us to leave?"
• "What should we do?"
• "Can we help?"
• "Is anything wrong?"
• "Are you friendly?"

• "Kill"
• "Death"
• "Die"
• "Hate"
• "Hurt"
• "Attack"

Location Questions:
The response you get from these questions depends on how far you are from the ghost and if they are in your current room or in a room adjacent.

• "Where are you?"
• "Are you close?"
• "Can you show yourself?"
• "Give us a sign."
• "Let us know you are here."
• "Show yourself."
• "Can you talk?"
•"Speak to us."
• "Are you here?"
• "Are you with us?"
• "Anybody with us?"
• "Is anyone here?"
• "Anybody in the room?"
• "Anybody here?"
• "Is there a spirit here?"
• "Is there a Ghost here?"
• "What is your location?"

The ghost will give you two types of responses, depending on if you are within 4 meters of the ghost and if it is in the same room as you, or an adjacent room.

Within 3 meters:
• "I'm here"
• "I'm close"
• "(I'm) behind you"
• "Next to you"

In the same room but more than 3 meters away:
• "Away"
• "Far"

Age Questions:
Note: The ghost model used and the age are both randomized, and are not correlated to each other.

• "How old are you?"
• "How young are you?"
• "What is your age?"
• "When were you born?"
• "Are you a child?"
• "Are you old?"
• "Are you young?"

• "Old"
• "Young"

Due to the nature of the game's voice recognition, sentences that are partially recognised may be interpreted as a full question, even if it is one that the game would otherwise not answer, including silly ones. Use of silly questions for the Spirit Box is less reliable; conventional questions have a much higher chance of working.

• "Are you French?"
• "Are you hungry?"
• "What do you want to eat?"
• "Do you want to build a snowman?"
• "Do you want to watch Spongebob?"

• "Are you Casper?"
• "Yourself?"

• "Are you bored?"

New voice recognition system
During update a new speech system was implemented into the game,
it no longer relies on the Windows speech system. Now it is enough in the game settings
choose your microphone that we use without installing additional content.
Fingerprints - one of the evidences that ghosts can have.

When a ghost with fingerprints as an evidence does an interaction with certain surfaces he may leave behind an evidence (they have 100% chance on nightmare if they arent the hidden evidence,however this doesn't apply to Obake) that can be found through use of UV flashlight,Glowstick.
All of fingerprints dissapear after 2 mins excluding Obake who can cut the time in half.
Fingerprints can be taken as a photo.

Ghosts will leave fingerprint while interacting with:
- Doors
- Lightswitches
- Windows
- Keyboard
- Prison Cells Doors (Prison)
- Lanterns in tents (Maple Lodge Campsite)
- Edges of doors in tents (Maple Lodge Campsite)
- Picnic Benches (Maple Lodge Campsite)
- With poles and lightswitches (Maple Lodge Campsite)
- Toilet Iron Doors (Asylum, Highschool, Maple Lodge Campsite)

Special Fingerprints are exclusive to Obake so its easy to tell if your dealing with Obake.

Special fingerprints can appear on:
- Doors
- Windows
- Prison Cells Doors
- Keyboards
- Lightswitches

And the changes in fingerprints between normal and Obakes are:
- Obake leaves 6 fingers instead of 5 on doors and windows
- Obake leaves 2 fingers instead of 1 on lightswitches
- Obake leaves 5 fingers instead of 1 on PC keyboards & prison cells doors

Note: Special fingerprints have around 16.6% to appear

Normal Fingerprints:

Special Fingerprints [Obake Fingerprints]:
Strengths & Weaknesses of Ghosts
Ghost Type
Will target only one player at a time
Has a distinctive wail on the Parabolic Microphone
Can initiate hunts more often
Crucifix effectiveness is increased to 5m against one
Can only be seen interacting with D.O.T.S. through a camera when nobody is nearby
Tends to wander away less from its ghost room
Lower temperatures allow the Hantu to move faster
Warmer areas slow the Hantu's movement
Travels at faster speeds if its victim is far away
Cannot use its ability if the site's fuse box is off
Has an increased chance to attack in the dark
Turning the lights on will reduce the chance of an attack
Has quieter footsteps during a hunt
Produces paranormal sounds more frequently
May leave fingerprints that disappear quicker
Has a small chance of leaving special fingerprints
Increased activity and ghost events
An Oni's increased activity makes them easier to find
A flame extinguishing can cause an Onryo to attack
The presence of flames reduces the Onryo's ability to attack
Looking at a Phantom will lower the player's sanity considerably
Taking a photo of the Phantom will cause it to briefly disappear
Capable of throwing multiple objects at once
Becomes powerless with no throwables nearby
Moves faster near electrical devices
Disrupts electronic equipment from further away when it hunts
Can travel significantly faster if a player is spotted during a hunt
Moves very slowly when not chasing a player
Being shy makes it more difficult to locate and obtain evidence
Less likely to hunt if multiple people are nearby
Spirit does not have a strong side like other ghosts.
Smudge sticks are more effective, preventing a hunt for longer
The Mimic
Can mimic the abilities and traits of other ghosts
Will present Ghost Orbs as a secondary evidence
The Twins
Either Twin may start a hunt, though not at the same time
Will often interact with the environment at the same time
Does not leave UV footprints after stepping in salt
Will become more active if it steps in salt
Talking near the Yokai will anger it, increasing the chance to attack
Can only hear voices close to it during a hunt
Has a stronger effect on sanity
Smudging the Yurei's ghost room will reduce how often it wanders
The weaker their victims, the stronger the Moroi becomes
Moroi suffer from hyperosmia, weakening them for longer periods
Deogen constantly sense the living, You can run but you can't hide
Deogen require a lot of energy to form and will move very slowly
Upon entering the location, Thaye will become active, defensive and agile
Thaye will weaken over time, making them weaker, slower and less aggressive
Ways to Deal with Different Ghost Types
Ghost Type
An easy way to identify banshee is to during a hunt: one person has to run away from ghost if it has agro on you and the other person has to start speaking to change ghosts agro and if its a banshee it will result with ghost ignoring the other player(normally ghost would change its agro onto player that started speaking).
Also the ghost hunts depending on targeted player sanity wich means that if target has for example: full sanity and the rest of the team has 0 the ghost wont hunt unless the target is outside the building than the ghost will change its target for the period.
Banshee is also known for having a special sound on paramic which is a high pitch scream.
Demons aren't the hardest ones to find because they are early hunters (hunts from 70%sanity which results with them hunting more often) also its nice to know that demons now are affected by crucifixes more (range went from 3 meters to 5).
Back in the days demons weakness was reducing the sanity drain from cursed possessions.
Also they have a very small chance to hunt from any sanity
Goryo is easy to recognise because his dots can only be seen through a camera.
Hantu is very temperature dependant by which i mean that if you keep lights on which should result with rooms being 13C plus the ghost will be very slow however it the lights are of and the room temperature drops low hantu can be very deadly.
Turing off the breaker disables his ability.
If the lights are on the chance of a hunt from mare is close to nothing however if they are off she can early hunt (70% sanity). Also mare has an ability to instantly turn the light switch off after player gets it on.
Myling's foot steps cant be heard further than 10 meters away.
Obake has unique fingerprints.(check fingerprints category for more inforamtion)
Oni is a very active type of ghost that can do powerful throws hes also an early hunter(70%sanity)
Onryos are fire dependant ghosts by which i mean that if there is fire close to him he cannot hunt however if he extinguishes the fire and there isnt anymore fire nearby he gets the ability to early hunt from any sanity.
Taking a photo of phantom will make him disappear for a moment
Poltergeist is the only ghost in the game that's capable of throwing multiple objects
Raiju leeches power from electricity (D.O.T.S,Flashlight,Cameras)to gain movement speed also he is capable of early hunting (70% sanity)
Be careful with them if you respect your life.While hunting as long as they see you they become the fastest ghost in the game however great strength comes at a great cost.If they dont see you they become the slowest ghost in the game.
They are very shy which makes them do close to none interactions.
If you're in a group the chane of a hunt is decreased.
Also his ghost event chance is increased by 2% when for each 1% of sanity depleted.
Use the weakness
The Mimic
Mimic has fake orbs so i advice not to mark them instantly and look for other evidences.Also pay close attention to what the ghost does because mimic is capable of using the abilities of diffrent ghosts for example mimic can change to revenant during a hunt at charge at you with speed of 3 m/s.
The Twins
They can do twinteractions wich are basically 2 interactions at the same time,also twins are capable of twin hunts which are hunts from the location of the twin.
Fun fact if you have a summoning circle and the ghost type is twins upon activation of the circle there is a chane to get a hunt from the twin which will result with the ghost teleporting away from the circle
Wraith doesn't leave footsteps after stepping on salt
Talking near him may result with a hunt.
During a hunt yokai can hear from a very short distance,this also applies to your equipment.
Yurei has a bigger impact on your sanity.
Using smude sticks in his room disables him from changing rooms for a period.
Ways to Deal with Different Ghost Types 2
Ghost Type
Moroi is able to "curse" targets by talking through the Spirit Box or when we hear paranormal sounds from a parabolic microphone, the curse is to passively destroy the sanity of a player who has been cursed.
Candles do not prevent you from losing sanity during a curse, but the curse itself can be removed with sanity pills.
[We can stop the curse when we leave the location, but it doesn't remove it]
[Using Smudge Sticks spiritually during a hunt takes about 12 seconds instead of 6 seconds.]
[Moroi starting a hunt is based on % average sanity of the entire team.]

Additionally, the speed of the ghost while hunting increases for each 5% of the average sanity of the players,
Below is an example of the developers of the game:

50% average sanity = ghost speed [1.5 m/s]
25% average sanity = ghost speed [1.875m/s]
0% average sanity = ghost speed [2.25m/s]

When Deogen starts a hunt and away from players, the spirit speed is high at 3m/s, but when he spots any player, his movement speed drops sharply to 0.4m/s.
Deogen always knows where each player is while hunting and chooses the closest target to attack.
[Hunt Range Deogen = 0-40% average sanity]

Deogen has a unique response when using the Spirit Box, that response is heavy breathing, which we hear in response. For the sound to be activated, the player must be at least 1 meter within from the ghost.
Below we put a link to a YouTube video that shows probably the unique sound of Deogen:
At the beginning of the game, Thaye seems to be a very energetic and active spirit, making a huge amount of interaction as time passes, ghost becomes less and less active and acts like a shade.
Thaye has an increased chance of D.O.T.S evidence and Ghost Writing
Every 1-2 minutes Thaye will age, but for this to happen, the player must be in a location in the same room as the ghost, which will cause the ghost to age, but if this does not happen, 30s will be added to the timer and so on until the ghost will be successful and not grow old.

When Thaye takes the "age" forward, he will lose the following stats:
-6% average sanity to start a hunt
-0.175m/s Thaye speed during hunt
-15% chance for ghost events
-15% interaction rate
[Ghost can grow old 10 times]

Now we want to show Thaye's stats at the start of the game with on the maximum ghost "age" for comparison

Initial Thaye Stats:
Hunt Range Thaye = 0-75% average sanity
Thaye speed during a hunt = 2.75m/s
200% chance for ghost events
200% interaction rate

Ending Stats Thaye:
Hunt Range Thaye = 0-15% average sanity
Thaye speed during a hunt = 1m/s
50% chance for ghost events
50% interaction rate
Tarot Cards []
Ouija Board []
Map makers-1 []
Map makers-2 []
Cursed Possession items locations []
Ghost information []
Fingerprints-1 information []
Fingerprints-2 information []
We hope the tutorial has helped!
Good luck in the game!

The person who translated the guide from Polish to English - AlightGnat6682

Guide in a different language version:

Polish version:
English version:

- iwoDoge
- AlightGnat6682
clingfray3 Oct 19, 2022 @ 2:07pm 
I've tried left click, right click, E, Q, V, and T. Nothing works.
Iwo  [author] Oct 17, 2022 @ 12:55am 
Just click on luigi board
clingfray3 Oct 16, 2022 @ 4:31pm 
Ok but seriously, how do you turn the Luigi Board on?
Rizzelm8🔥 Jul 20, 2022 @ 1:42pm 
Just to note, the Tanglewood Utility Room door is in the wrong place.

Other than that, this is a fantastic guide!
xivoid Jul 5, 2022 @ 9:01pm 
DUCKODAS Jun 30, 2022 @ 1:56pm 
анаша Jun 25, 2022 @ 4:31am 
Wander Jun 22, 2022 @ 2:20pm 
.off Jun 21, 2022 @ 6:52pm 
Nice job! <3