Stevie Wonder Says — William II of England

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William II of England

Today let’s have a look at William II of England.

Did you know…?

Less than two years after becoming king, William II lost his father William I’s advisor and confidant, the Italian-Norman Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury.

one of the best pictures of William II of England

Moreover, William’s brother Henry was among the hunting party that day and benefited directly from William’s death, being crowned king shortly thereafter.

one of the best pictures of William II of England

Nothing decisive was achieved, but a series of castles were constructed as a marchland defensive barrier. 16 In 1096, William’s brother Robert Curthose joined the First Crusade.

one of the best pictures of William II of England

His younger brother, Henry, hastened to Winchester to secure the royal treasury, then to London, where he was crowned within days, before either archbishop could arrive.

one of the best pictures of William II of England

Robert did not return until September 1100, one month after William’s death.[ ] As regent for his brother Robert in Normandy, William campaigned in France from 1097 to 1099.

one of the best pictures of William II of England

That’s all for now. Have a great week!

Long live the queen,
William II of England

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#William II of England