Next fall semester will see the launch of a pilot program designed to increase the availability of feminine hygiene products across campus.
On Friday, April 28 at 11:30 a.m., President David Wippman sat down with Immigration Attorney Ben Casper Sanchez to discuss Hamilton College’s ongoing response to President Trump’s Immigration policies.
The 14th Annual HamTrek Triathlon and walk took place on Friday, April 28. All together the event had over 200 participants, most of which were students.
In October 2016, Reuters published a series of investigative journalism pieces questioning the integrity of Chinese admission service company, Dipont.
As we wind down the spring semester, we reflect on a year that has been extremely challenging for many members of our community. From local hardships to national adversity, the 2016-2017 academic year has been atypical in numerous ways. Despite our individual challenges and differences, we remain a united community here on the Hill.
With the clashing of cultures in our increasingly globalized world, the need for understanding is as relevant as ever. Historically, religion has been one of the most important and sometimes controversial areas of culture. It is one thing to understand where a person is from, but what about understanding his or her most fundamental religious beliefs?
At the beginning of the semester, the role of an Opinion Editor was foreign territory for us.The first task in taking on this new position was developing an understanding of what makes an effective opinion piece and how to communicate these standards to the eager writers whose minds are filled with ideas about issues ranging from politics to campus clothing trends.
The end of a school year is a good time for reflection and crafting goals for the year to come, assuming you have another year of school ahead of you. In my first year at Hamilton, I have had the pleasure of writing two previous Op-Ed pieces for The Spectator and have largely been pleased with the articles and subsequent responses to them. I am, however, troubled.
Dorothy Atkin-Mapes ’17 from Rochester, NY and Becca Gorlin ’17 from Minneapolis, MN
Emily Yong '19, Paige Pendergrast '19, and Giovanna Petta '19
In an age where technology is booming and always seems to be expanding or pushing its boundaries, it’s fascinating to see new devices constantly released one after the other.
As the end of the semester approaches, the College must find replacements for faculty who are retiring.
In the wake of Hamilton student Annalise Curtis’s unexpected death last week, the Hamilton Community has come together in a variety of venues to celebrate and remember her life.
The Untitled-at-Large production of Haven took place on April 27 at 7 p.m. in the Chapel.
The Hamilton College Orchestra performed its annual spring concert on Friday, April 28 with a diverse selection of symphonic music at no cost to the Hamilton community.
This past week, the Career Center hosted a talk by Hamilton alumnus Justin Tyler ’01 in the Sadove Conference Room.
On April 24, Holi, a festival of colors, came to Hamilton. With its origins in India, Holi celebrates the end of winter and the arrival of spring.
The men’s and women’s track and field teams headed North this past weekend to compete at the NESCAC Track and Field Championships at Bowdoin in Brunswick, ME.
The 2016-17 year has been, and continues to be, an exciting year for Hamilton sports. Several teams jumped into the top tier of the NESCAC and competed for titles.
As the academic year comes to a close, so does the spring athletic season. Over the past two weekends, both men’s and women’s golf wrapped up their seasons.
The Spectator Sports editors make their picks for the best Hamilton individual athletes of the 2016/17 sports season.
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