
Shuttle Services

  1. Buffalo State offers on-campus and overnight shuttle buses as well as an off-campus neighborhood shuttle. Shuttle Services

Parking Services Office

Moot Hall 260
SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222

Contact Us

Phone: (716) 878-3041

Fax: (716) 878-3384

Email: [email protected]


Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Permit Information

All vehicles parked on campus, except those in metered areas, are required to display valid university parking permits according to permit instructions. A vehicle may not display more than one permit at a time. 

  • The permit is connected to a “primary vehicle” at the time of purchase. The primary vehicle must be registered to the permit purchaser or someone in their household. If this primary vehicle changes, please share that information with Parking Services to update our information.
  • Temporary use of the permit by the permit purchaser on a vehicle other than the primary vehicle is allowed and does not need to be communicated to Parking Services. 
  • The permit is for the use on the vehicle operated by the permit purchaser. The permit is not valid for any individual other than the permit purchaser or on any vehicle other than the one brought to campus by the permit purchaser. The permit CANNOT be transferred/lent/borrowed or otherwise used by someone other than the permit purchaser. 
  • Any citations written for an alleged violation with a permit displayed will be attributed to the permit purchaser not the vehicle’s registered owner.  Permit purchasers will be held responsible for any violation that is documented while their permit is displayed in a vehicle. 
  • Any citations written for an alleged violation with no permit displayed will be attributed to the vehicle’s registered owner. 
  • Parking violations may be appealed within 30 days of an issued summons. Attempts to appeal summonses later than 30 days of issue date will not be processed. 
  • Ignorance of an issued summons due to a permit being used by an individual who did not purchase the permit will not be considered justification for dismissal of a summons. 
  • If a permit is lost, stolen, or damaged the permit holder must contact Parking Services immediately and pay for a replacement permit. 
  • If a permit holder forgets to put their permit in their vehicle, they must come to Parking Services upon arrival on campus for a one-day temporary permit.
  • Failure to display, or improper display of, a parking permit is not an acceptable defense for parking violations. 
  • Falsification of information to obtain a parking permit or report one as lost or stolen is punishable by disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution. The registered permit owner also may be held liable for any infractions attributed to his or her parking permit, even if the permit has expired. 


All registered students who meet the proper eligibility criteria must purchase a Buffalo State parking permit if they wish to park a vehicle on campus.

Student Parking Permit: Annual Fall/Spring Parking Permits are priced at $70 (this price decreases incrementally as the year progresses). 

  • Permits will be on sale beginning August 1, 2024. Individuals must be registered for Fall 2024 classes and will have the cost placed on their student account until September 4, 2024. After this date, the cost of the permit will not be eligible to be placed on a student account.
  • Permit applications received on/after December 17, 2024, will be placed on a student account until February 4, 2025. Incoming students must be registered for the Spring 2025 semester prior to submission to have their application approved. 

Freshman and Sophomore Resident Parking (Policy to be rescinded starting Fall 2025)

First-year (freshman) and second-year (sophomore) students who reside in Buffalo State residence halls are not permitted to register or park a vehicle on campus, but can apply for a medical, employment, academic, or Destination Buffalo exemption. First-year and second-year residential students should apply for an exemption first before applying for a permit. First-year and second-year resident students who have been granted exemptions to the resident parking ban are subject to vehicle towing after their first violation. First-year and second-year students who reside off campus may register a vehicle for on-campus parking.

Summer Parking Permits

Student summer 2024 parking permits are available online with a $10 charge for the permit.

Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff parking permits may be purchased online (Purchase date for the 2024-2025 permit will be advertised in the Daily Bulletin).

Login to the system with your campus username and password.

All faculty and staff parking passes for 2024–2025 purchased online have the option to have the permit delivered via U.S. mail to employees’ address of record. Faculty and staff members are encouraged to register for the permit early to allow ample time for it to arrive in the mail. If your permit is not received in the mail by September 4, you will need to go to Parking Services to obtain a temporary permit.

Apply for Parking Permit

Temporary Parking Permits

Temporary permits are available for staff who have a paid permit on record but need to bring an alternative vehicle to campus. Please obtain your temporary permit in person at Parking Services.

Faculty/Staff Parking Lots

Certain lots or portions of lots are reserved for faculty and staff use only. These lots are appropriately marked at their entrances. Only vehicles with valid faculty/staff or vendor permits are authorized in these lots; valid permits must be properly displayed at all times. With the exception of Lot I-33, faculty/staff permits also are valid in students lots. They are not valid in metered areas.

Student use of faculty/staff parking permits is prohibited. Violation will result in ticketing and/or towing of the vehicle, confiscation of the permit, and possible disciplinary action against the faculty or staff member who obtained the parking permit.

Find a parking lot


Buffalo State emeriti are eligible for one free parking permit valid in any of the faculty and staff parking lots on campus.

Rules and regulations for faculty and staff will also apply to emeriti. If you are interested in obtaining a parking permit, please email [email protected] with your name, address, and vehicle information and the office will mail your complimentary permit to your submitted address. These parking permits are valid for one academic year and must be renewed annually.

Guests and Visitors

Parking meters are available in Lots R-3, R-4, G-24, G-25, and I-30 and are enforced until 7:00 p.m. Visitors can obtain a one-day temporary permit from Parking Services for use in any student parking lot. The pay station in Lot G-24 sells a day pass for $5 that is valid in any student parking lot.  Parking services sells a week-long pass for $10 that is valid in Lot G-22. Individuals invited to campus by a campus department or office are required to display a temporary permit when parking on campus. Inviting departments need to submit a request for temporary guest permits in advance of arrival.

Temporary permits are valid only in lots specified on the permit. Temporary permits are not valid in reserved spaces, those designated for maintenance vehicles, or metered areas.

Parking for Persons with Disabilities

Municipal parking permits for persons with disabilities are not issued by the university. The university honors all valid municipally issued parking permits for persons with disabilities to be displayed along with a valid Buffalo State parking permit. Only those with both municipal parking permits for persons with disabilities and Buffalo State parking permits may park in areas designated for persons with disabilities.

Municipal permits displayed with a valid Buffalo State permit will allow an individual to park in any legal staff or student space. Municipal permits are not valid in reserved spaces or at meters. Municipal parking permits for persons with disabilities must be used by the individual to whom they are issued.

Students with temporary disabilities may obtain a temporary staff parking permit, valid in any staff or student parking area for up to two weeks, provided the student parking fee has been paid in full. A municipal parking permit for persons with disabilities is necessary for longer periods. A certificate of need must be obtained from the student's physician and submitted to Parking Services for consideration and appropriate action.

Parking in a space designated for persons with disabilities without the properly issued municipal permit will result in significant fines.

SmartWay Elite

Buffalo State is piloting a program that can offer a 20 percent discount to faculty, staff, and students off of the regular SUNY Buffalo State parking permit cost if you commute to campus in a vehicle rated as SmartWay Elite. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created the SmartWay Elite certifications as a way to rate vehicles based on their emission levels and fuel economy values. The Elite status holds the highest standards and is earned by those vehicles that score 9 or better on both the Greenhouse Gas Score and Air Pollution Score.

By implementing the SmartWay Elite program, SUNY Buffalo State hopes to reduce the environmental impact of vehicles used to drive to and from Buffalo State.

IMPORTANT: Your application will not be processed until the Parking Services office receives your documentation verifying your SmartWay Elite status. Documentation must be received by Parking Services prior to applying for your parking permit. No refunds will be issued for documentation submitted after the permit has been issued.

The EPA's Green Vehicle Guide will determine if your car qualifies as SmartWay Elite. To check the guide: 

  1. Select the Model Year, Make, Vehicle Class, and State. Click search.
  2. From the list of vehicles click on the option link that matches your vehicle.
  3. Select the Energy and Environment Tab and scroll to the bottom to make sure your state of purchase is selected. If your vehicle qualifies it will display the USEPA Smart Way Elite Logo. Please note that only Smart Way ELITE vehicles qualify. 
  4. Make a screen capture of the page showing your vehicle information and the SmartWay Elite logo or print to PDF.
  5. Submit the online application


In Person

Cash and check payments are accepted in-person at Student Accounts, Moot Hall. You must have either the original parking summons or a printout from Parking Services in order to make payment. Checks will only be accepted for amounts less than $100. Credit card (MasterCard or Visa) payments are accepted in-person at Parking Services, Moot Hall.

Parking summonses also serve as a return payment mailer. These payments return to a bank lockbox and are processed with Parking Services 24-48 hours after payment is received.

By Mail

Check and money order payments may also be mailed to (do not mail cash payments)
Parking Services Office
Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Ave.
Moot Hall 260
Buffalo, NY 14222. 


Payments for parking summonses issued by University Police may be paid online by Visa or MasterCard. The license plate of the vehicle parked in violation, or the summons number is necessary to process the transaction. Please allow up to one business day for the transaction to be processed and for any student delinquency hold to be removed. To ensure that all outstanding summonses issued to your account have been paid, please contact Parking Services at (716) 878-3041.

Pay Parking Summonses Online


Violators of campus traffic and parking rules and regulations are subject to the issuance of a summons, returnable to Buffalo State. Fines must be received within 30 calendar days. Fines not paid in full within the prescribed period are assessed late fees. 

Unpaid fines may be deducted from the wages of an offending university employee. Student registration may be placed with delinquent holds until all fines are paid. Vehicles with outstanding parking summonses are subject to immobilization or towing.


The university may authorize the towing of any vehicle that violates parking rules and regulations. Expenses incurred from vehicle immobilization, towing, or storage are the responsibility of the vehicle's registrant. 

Any vehicle parked anywhere on campus with outstanding parking summonses is subject to towing at any time.

A vehicle parked in persistent violation of campus policies is subject to towing at any time.

Student Holds

Student registration may be placed on hold if they carry an outstanding delinquent balance with Parking Services. 

Parking accounts must be paid in full in order to clear the hold and allow the student to conduct school business.

Appeal requests must be directed to the Buffalo State Parking Services office within 30 days of summons issuance. Attempts to appeal summonses later than this date will not be processed.

Appeal Parking Summons

You will receive notification of the hearing date and time via a letter mailed to the address that you stipulate on the parking summons/appeal form.

The decision of the hearing officer is final. Therefore, it is imperative that you are prepared for your defense. All documentation must be submitted to the hearing officer at the time of your appeal. It is solely your responsibility to provide any necessary documents. 

You have 15 days from your hearing date to comply with the judgment of the hearing officer. If you are found guilty, additional penalties will be incurred after 15 days.

Cancellation and rescheduling an appeal may only be made one time. Parking Services must be notified of the cancellation before the close of business on the Friday before the hearing date.

Appeals based on the following will not be successful:

  • Ignorance of the regulation.
  • Inability to find a permitted parking space.
  • Operation of the vehicle by another person.
  • Failure of the University Police to ticket previously for similar offenses.
  • Inability to pay fine.
  • Disagreement with the parking rules and regulations.
  • Failure to display current parking permit, vehicle registration, or inspection.
  • Improper display of the parking permit.
  • Expired meter offenses other than a defective meter

The vehicle's registrant is responsible for any and all penalties and fines for violation(s), and for any and all liability or damage claims resulting from the possession, operation, or parking of the vehicle on the premises of Buffalo State. Individuals affiliated with Buffalo State through a parking permit are held accountable for violations.

Any vehicle found on campus whose license plate is registered to an individual with the same last name and address as a Buffalo State student is presumed to belong to that student and is subject to student parking rules and regulations.

Penalties and Fines

Violators of campus traffic and parking rules and regulations are subject to the issuance of a summons, returnable to Buffalo State. Fines must be received within 30 calendar days. Fines not received within 30 calendar days are assessed late fees.

Unpaid fines may be deducted from the wages of an offending university employee. Student registration may be placed on hold if they carry an outstanding delinquent balance with Parking Services. Vehicles with outstanding parking summonses are subject to immobilization or towing.


Hearing requests must be directed to the Buffalo State Parking Services Office within the time specified on the summons. Parking violations upheld at hearings must be paid within 15 days of appeal date. Fines not paid within 15 days are assessed late fees.

The operation of a motor vehicle on Buffalo State property is covered under New York State Education Law, Section 360, which authorizes the State University to adopt and make applicable to its campuses any and all provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law. The following regulations have been developed and are enforced to provide for the safety and convenience of students, faculty, employees, and visitors while on the Buffalo State campus.

There is a fee for use of campus parking facilities. Additional restrictions and regulations may be found in the official Compilation of Codes, Rules, and Regulations of the State University of New York, Section 560. Regulations are strictly enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 12 months a year.

Parking Permits

All vehicles parked on campus, except those in metered areas, are required to display valid parking permits according to permit instructions. A vehicle may not display more than one permit at a time. Failure to display, or the improper display of, a parking permit is not an acceptable defense for parking violations.

A fee is assessed for replacement permits.

Falsification of information to obtain a parking permit is punishable by disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution. The registered permit owner also may be held liable for any infractions attributed to his or her parking permit, even if the permit has expired.

Student Parking

Student parking is by permit only and is valid only in areas designated as student parking. A fee of $25 will be assessed for replacement student
parking permits.

Freshman and Sophomore Resident Parking (Policy to be rescinded starting Fall 2025)

First-year (freshman) and second-year (sophomore) students who reside in Buffalo State residence halls are not permitted to register or park a vehicle on campus, but can apply for a medical, employment, or academic exemption. First-year and second-year residential students should apply for an exemption first before applying for a permit. First-year and second-year resident students who have been granted an exemption to the resident parking ban are subject to vehicle towing after their first violation. First-year and second-year students who reside off campus may register a vehicle for on-campus parking.

Faculty/Staff Parking

Certain lots or portions of lots are reserved for faculty and staff use only. These lots are appropriately marked at their entrances. Only vehicles with valid faculty/staff or vendor permits are authorized in these lots; valid permits must be properly displayed at all times. With the exception of Lot I-33, faculty/staff permits also are valid in student lots. They are not valid in metered areas.

Student use of faculty/staff parking permits is prohibited. Violation will result in ticketing and/or towing of the vehicle, confiscation of the permit, and possible disciplinary action against the faculty or staff member who obtained the parking permit. Terminated employees must remove parking permits from their vehicles.

Guest and Visitor Parking

Parking meters are available in Lots R-3, R-4, G-24, G-25, and I-30 and are enforced until 7:00 p.m. Visitors can obtain a one-day temporary permit from Parking Services for use in any student parking lot. The pay station in Lot G-24 sells a day pass for $5 that is valid in any student parking lot.  Parking services sells a week-long pass for $10 that is valid in Lot G-22. Individuals invited to campus by a campus department or office are required to display a temporary permit when parking on campus. Permits should be obtained through the inviting department in advance of arrival.

Temporary permits also are available for students and staff who have a paid permit on record but need to bring an alternative car to campus.

Temporary permits are valid only in lots specified on the permit. Temporary permits are not valid in reserved spaces, those designated for maintenance vehicles, or metered areas.

Vendor Parking

Vendor parking permits are required for vendors that service university facilities and operations. Vendor permits are valid in faculty/staff or student lots. They are also valid in load zones for a half hour maximum. Vendor permits are not valid at meters. There is a fee for vendor permits. Vendor permits may not be used, under any circumstances, by faculty, staff, or students of Buffalo State. To apply for a vendor permit, please visit the Parking Services window in Moot Hall.

Overnight Parking

Overnight parking (1:00 a.m.–6:00 a.m.) is prohibited on the Buffalo State campus except for Lots R-14, G-22, and I-39. Violators will be ticketed and/or towed. Fines incurred for vehicles towed from unauthorized areas are the responsibility of the vehicles’ registrants and/or users.

Parking Permit Refunds

Students may receive a parking permit refund only if they withdraw from the university or will not register for the second semester of an academic year. Requests must be made in writing to the Parking Services Office, Moot Hall 260, or [email protected].

Parking for Persons with Disabilities

Municipal parking permits for persons with disabilities are not issued by the university. The university honors all valid municipally issued parking permits for persons with disabilities along with valid Buffalo State parking permits. Only those with both municipal parking permits for persons with disabilities and Buffalo State parking permits may park in areas designated for persons with disabilities. Municipal permits displayed with a valid Buffalo State permit allow an individual to park in any legal staff or student space. Municipal permits are not valid in reserved spaces or at meters. Municipal parking permits for persons with disabilities must be used by the individual to whom they are issued.

Students with temporary disabilities may obtain a temporary staff parking permit, valid in any staff or student parking area for up to two weeks, provided the student parking fee has been paid in full. A municipal parking permit for persons with disabilities is necessary for longer periods. A certificate of need must be obtained from the student’s physician and submitted to the Parking Services Office director or designee for consideration and appropriate action.
Staff permits are not valid in spaces designated for persons with disabilities on campus.

Motorcycle and Moped Parking

Motorcycles and mopeds must be parked in the designated motorcycle parking areas of Lots R-12, I-37, or R-5 along Rockwell Road. Motorcycles and mopeds parked elsewhere will be ticketed and/or towed.

Parking Lots

Parking lot regulations and restrictions are posted at lot entrances and must be observed by all motorists on campus.

Parking is restricted to areas designated as motor vehicle parking lots or spaces. Parking in all lots is restricted to vehicles displaying valid parking permits. Motor vehicles may park only in areas assigned by permit to the registrant or visitor. University Police may grant special parking provisions in extraordinary circumstances.

For the purpose of snow removal and the repair and maintenance of lots and roadways, overnight parking (1:00 a.m.–6:00 a.m.) is generally prohibited on the Buffalo State campus. Overnight parking is permitted in Lots R-14, G-22, and I-39 only. Violators will be ticketed and/or towed.

Additional Restrictions

Vehicles may not park near fire hydrants or in fire lanes or other emergency zones; create any hazard; or interfere with the free and proper use of roadways, walkways, driveways, or parking areas.

Parking is prohibited:

  • on campus roads, except where permitted by sign.
  • on sidewalks, walkways, and pedestrian areas.
  • on lawns and grounds.
  • in load zones.
  • in areas posted with signs or pavement markings that prohibit or restrict parking.
  • in areas not clearly designated as parking spaces.
  • in parking lot aisles, entrances, or exits.
  • on or over painted parking lines.
  • in areas of the campus specifically restricted by barricades or other traffic-control devices.

Disabled Vehicles

If a vehicle becomes disabled and is in violation of parking regulations, the driver must make immediate arrangements to have it removed. Vehicle breakdown is not accepted as an excuse for illegal parking.

A reasonable amount of time to remove a disabled vehicle is allowed when University Police is notified immediately. Parking disabled or unregistered vehicles on campus is prohibited.


The university assumes no responsibility for motor vehicles and/or their contents. Do not leave valuables in sight in your vehicle. Always lock your vehicle.

Vehicle Immobilizers and Vehicle Tows

Buffalo State may authorize the immobilization or towing of any vehicle that violates parking rules and regulations. Expenses incurred from vehicle immobilization, towing, mini-towing, or storage are the responsibility of the vehicle’s registrant.

Any vehicle parked anywhere on campus with outstanding parking summonses is subject to immobilization or towing at any time. A vehicle parked in persistent violation of campus policies is subject to immobilization or towing at any time.

Abandoned Vehicles

Abandoned vehicles will be disposed of in accordance with New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, Section 1224.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Access to electric vehicle charging stations is an important consideration for owners of alternative energy vehicles. Buffalo State provides 240-volt EV charging stations for use by students, employees, or visitors, free of charge in five parking lots. Charging stations are located in Lot R-3, adjacent to the Burchfield Penney Art& Center, Lot R-04, at the entrance to Cleveland Circle at Rockwell Road, Lot R-12, Lot I-34, and Lot I-37. Vehicles must display the proper parking permit for the lot in addition to being actively charging in order to park at a charging station.

Safe Escort Services

Safe escort services, available free of charge to all students, faculty, and staff, provide a walking companion or a safe ride on campus.

A personal escort to your car or residence hall can be requested by calling University Police (716-878-6333) or extension 6333 from a campus or blue-light phone.

Walking patrol hours during the fall and spring semesters are Monday through Thursday, 6:00–10:00 p.m.

Recognizing Your Escort

University Police officers wear gray uniforms with name badges; University Police Student Assistants (UPSA) wear bright red jackets, red shirts, and ID tags. Each UPSA carries a police radio to stay in touch with the university police dispatch center.

Emergency Phones

Blue-light emergency phones at various outdoor locations on campus and red phones in Upton Hall and E. H. Butler Library provide an immediate, direct link to University Police.

Find blue-light phone locations

Buffalo State's shuttle service features a 16-passenger minibus operated by Charter Linkz. This mode of transportation for the campus services all persons and is ADA compliant. 

The Day Shuttle operates 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. on days that classes are in session. The shuttle runs around the perimeter of the campus. Schedule subject to change.  

Download the Trip Shot app for iOS or Android (service name: Buffalo State) to see the stops and shuttle tracking.

The Overnight Shuttle operates from 5:00 p.m.- 2:00 a.m. seven days a week while school is in session. The shuttle runs around the perimeter of the campus. 

Download the Trip Shot app for iOS or Android (service name: Buffalo State) to see the stops and shuttle tracking.

The Wegmans/Tops Shuttle operates 5:00-9:30 p.m. on weekdays and 1:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, when classes are in session. The shuttle operates on a grocery route picking up students from stops near the Towers, the Student Apartment Complex and Cleveland Hall and going to Tops and Wegmans and back again.  

Download the Trip Shot app for iOS or Android (service name: Buffalo State) to see the stops and shuttle tracking.

The shuttles only runs when classes are in session.  The shuttle times are adjusted on holidays and the shuttle does not run over school breaks. 

Track the Shuttle

Download the TripShot app (available for iOS and Android) to track the location of the shuttle and receive timing on upcoming departures. Use Service Name: Buffalo State. You can select Sign Up and enter your email address or select Continue without login.

As previously announced, Buffalo State University no longer includes NFTA Metro Bus and Rail (MetGo) passes as part of the broad-based undergraduate transportation fee, which was reduced for fall 2024. MetGo Passes are now available for purchase at the Buffalo State Bookstore. 

Acknowledging that some students with financial needs may still require MetGo passes for transportation, one-time funding has been identified with the aim to address the most pressing needs until a long-term solution is established. 

To this end, the university has instituted a Bus Pass Appeals Committee that will oversee a process of accommodating such transportation needs during this transitional period.

This process will allow students to present information or documentation demonstrating their genuine need for transportation assistance.

Current undergraduate students can request assistance in acquiring a MetGo Pass by completing the Bus Pass Appeal Form, providing comprehensive details about current financial standing, academic commitments, employment status, or any other relevant factors that the student may wish to be considered. 

Each application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and the decisions will be communicated to you within 30 days of submission. The committee’s primary objective is to ensure equitable access to transportation for all students. 

  • What is a bus pass appeal?

    It allows students or users to provide additional information or clarification to support additional cases.

  • Who is eligible to submit a bus pass appeal?

    Any undergraduate student who needs transportation to and from the university or any university-stationed activities (internship, student teaching, etc.)

  • How do I submit a bus pass appeal?

    Appeals can usually be submitted online through the transportation services website. You must fill out an appeal form and provide any relevant documentation supporting your appeal.

  • What documents are required for the appeal process?

    Required documents may include financial aid information, transportation information, or any other materials demonstrating your need for a bus pass or your eligibility under the program’s guidelines.

  • What is the deadline for submitting a bus pass appeal?

    It’s essential to check the specific dates on the transportation services website or in your appeal instructions.

  • How long does it take to process a bus pass appeal?

    Processing times can vary, but appeals are usually reviewed within 10-15 business days of submission. Once the review is complete, you will receive a notification regarding the decision.

  • Will I be notified of the appeal decision?

    You will be notified of the appeal decision via email or the communication method specified on your appeal form.

  • What should I do if my appeal is denied?

    If your appeal is denied, you may have the option to submit a second appeal or provide additional information for reconsideration. Contact the transportation services office for details on further steps.

  • Who reviews the bus pass appeals?

    A committee generally reviews appeals. The decision is based on the information provided in your appeal and relevant policies.

  • Can I check the status of my bus pass appeal?

    No, the committee will contact you once a decision has been made.