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Ad units

Create a display ad unit

To create a new display ad unit that you can manage within your account, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Ads.
  3. Click By ad unit.
  4. Click Display ads.
  5. Give your ad unit a name. We suggest using a unique, descriptive name to help you find your ad unit later.
  6. In the "Ad size" section, choose the size of the ads that you’d like to show:
    • We recommend you leave Responsive selected. Responsive ads automatically adapt their size to fit your page layout and your users' devices. Learn more about the responsive behavior of display ad units.
    • If you prefer to specify the size of the ads that appear on your page, select Fixed and enter the required width and height. Note that fixed-sized ad units may have a limited pool of ads available, which might result in lower earnings than using responsive. For more information, see our guidelines for fixed-sized display ad units.
      Tip: See examples of the most common fixed ad sizes.
  7. Click Save and get code.
  8. Copy and paste the ad unit code in between the <body><body/> tags of your pages where you want ads to appear. If you're not sure how to do this, you might want to review our code implementation guide.
  9. Click Done.

    It usually takes a few minutes for ads to appear on the page but occasionally it can take up to an hour. If ads still aren't showing after an hour, check your site has a status of "ready" on your Sites page.

Tracking the performance of display ad units

You can track the performance of your display ad units by viewing the Ad units report on your Reports page. If you want to track the sizes of the ads that have been served from your ad units, view the Creative sizes report.

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