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  +90 532 629 97 19

Disc Cutters

Disc Cutters

The disks which are manufactured and provided differently by our firm according to each type of surface, are delivered to the users with all analysis reports and certificates after the crack control has been done and all wearing tests have been completed for providing the control of hardness according to the types of surface.

TBM DISK CUTTERS are gathered and delivered with great care.

The disks which are exposed to modern heating processes are tested again after the heating processes and safely become ready for usage of customers with the cooperation of university and industry.

The manufacturing of rings is the same with the original not only for the quality but olso for the aerodynamic design.

The rings procured from the member countries of the European Union are exposed to analyses and crack control even if they have been procured from the member countries of the European nion and becomne ready for the reliable usage of our customers.