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Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf

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Title Screen

Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf

Also known as: Ozaki Naomichi no Super Masters (JP)
Developer: Sega R&D6
Publishers: Sega (JP/US/EU/AU), Tec Toy (BR)
Platform: Genesis
Released in JP: September 9, 1989
Released in US: 1989
Released in EU: 1989
Released in AU: 1989
Released in BR: 1989

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

To do:
There's an extra pose in the ROM.

Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf is a golf game released early in the Genesis' life. It's notable for starring a golfer so famous that a beverage is named after him... unless you live in Japan, where a respectable Japanese golfer is featured instead.

Fantasy Zone

Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf-Fantasy Zone.png

By hitting the ball 100 times in a single hole (or setting $FFF265 to 63 and making a shot), a game over screen appears. Pressing Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A at this screen brings you to a Fantasy Zone minigame. The point is to stay alive, as destroying the bases ends the game. The screen wraps around, with B shooting forward and C dropping bombs.

Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf-Japanese game over.png

The Japanese version has no minigame. Instead, a picture drawn by Toyonaka Ozaki displays instead of the game over screen and the game hangs. The message translates to "How about I help you quit while you're ahead."

(Source: Sega Retro (info), GlitterBerri (translation))

Developer Credits

R&D 6

After waiting at the title screen, a brief gameplay demo sequence will play. In the bottom-right corner of the screen, the standard player info box will appear for roughly three seconds. The name of the player will be filled in with 1 of 8 preset names. These names are actually subtle credits for the developers!

In the international versions, the eight names are as follows (in order of appearance):

  • R&D 6
  • BO

However, the Japanese version uses mostly different names. Compared to the pseudonyms used in the staff roll, these are likely the developers' real names. Presented again in order of appearance:

  • みなみ (Minami)
  • てらさき (Terasaki)
  • にしむら (Nishimura)
  • ささき (Sasaki)
  • みぞぐち (Mizoguchi)
  • あだち (Adachi)
  • わかばやし (Wakabayashi)
  • さとう (Satou)

Curiously, "Wakabayashi" doesn't appear until after 20 passes of the title screen. "Satou" doesn't appear until right after, on pass 21.

Regional Differences

Title Screen

Japan International
ArnoldPalmer-Title-JP.png Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf-title.png

The title screen was completely redesigned. The Japanese version stars Naomichi Ozaki, while the international versions feature Arnold Palmer instead.



This random guy who becomes your caddie at some point is actually Naomichi Ozaki himself. There's his portrait. It was removed from the international release.


Japan International
ArnoldPalmer-EndPortrait-JP.png ArnoldPalmer-EndPortrait-US.png

The ending portrait was redrawn to feature Palmer instead of Ozaki. It was also made a bit bigger.


After the ending, the Japanese version features a staff roll which was removed from the international versions for some reason. It features cameo appearances from Opa-Opa and Alex Kidd.