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Baseball Stars (NES)

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Title Screen

Baseball Stars

Also known as: Baseball Stars: Be a Champ!, Base Ball Star: Mezase Sankanou!! (JP)
Developer: SNK
Publisher: SNK
Platforms: NES, Arcade (PlayChoice-10)
Released in JP: May 19, 1989
Released in US: July 1989

RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Regional Differences

Title Screen

Japan US
Baseball Star - Mezase Sankanou!! (Japan) nes title.png Baseball Stars (NES)-title.png

Title Animation

If you let the game sit on the title, the top of the screen will show different things between regions. In the Japanese version, it just shows an English version of the title. In the US version, it shows several baseball players.

Japan US
Baseball Star - Mezase Sankanou!! (Japan) nes animation.png Baseball Stars (U) nes animation.png


Cacti may speak Japanese, but do they speak it well?
...But does it make sense?
The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary!
Notes: The text is already translated, but needs to be double-checked for correctness.

Super Team

Select the "Make Team" option from the main menu. Then, press Down, Right, Left, Down, Down, Right. Doesn't matter what team strength you select after that, so just let it be at the "?" option by default. Press A to enter the team name edit screen. A team name will be displayed:

Japan US

Change it to:

Japan US

Then select "END". Now, enter a real team name and complete the team making procedure. The team will have far more power than any other team.

The Japanese version's passwords translate to "What is Emperor Sutoku's verse?" and "Even though we are parted, I believe we will meet again someday." This is from Emperor Sutoku's poem in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.

Women's Team

Select the "Make Team" option from the main menu. Now, move the cursor to the "Veterans" strength option, then select any other option. Repeat selecting and deselecting "Veterans" three more times, so this should be a 4 times in total you've selected this option. You can now select anything other than "Veterans" strength to your new team, just don't select the "Veterans" option anymore. Press A to enter the team name edit screen, where this name will be displayed:

Japan US

Change this to:

Japan US

Then select "END" and now enter a real team name. Complete the team making procedure. Now, the team will consist of women instead of men.

The Japanese version's cheat translated to "What is Ono no Komachi's verse?" and "As my good looks wither, I worry about love and the world." This is from Ono no Komachi's poem, also from the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.

Super Women's Team

Combining the two cheats above will give you the Super Women's team. First, you need to enter the Super team cheat sequence. Note that while you are doing this, you need to have selected the "Veterans" team once already. When done, do the same procedure as in the second cheat of selecting deselecting the "Veterans" option 3 more times. Press A to enter the team name edit screen. First, you'll be asked the women's team cheat; write the correct answer, and select "END". Then, you'll be asked the super team cheat; write the correct answer again, and select "END". You'll be finally asked for the real team name. When you complete the team creation process, you'll obtain a women's team with maxed out parameters.


If you finish the game with a custom or hidden team, you'll see a special celebratory image after getting the trophy.

Japan US
Baseball Star - Mezase Sankanou!! (Japan) nes ending.png Baseball Stars (USA) nes ending.png