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Category:Sega Master System games

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Sega's foray into the 8-bit world. The Sega Master System did not sell particularly well in Japan or the US (the former thanks to stiff competition and the latter thanks to Tonka of all companies struggling with the console), but was popular in Europe and mind-blowingly successful in Brazil, where the console is still manufactured to this very day.

The Sega Master System's Japanese counterpart is the Mark III, although the Master System came to Japan two years after the Mark III's launch with the cartridge slot being altered to fit Mark III and SG-1000 (the Mark III's predecessor) games. Do you like Sega games?

As the Mark III shares the same 8-bit hardware as the Master System, this category will also cover that system.


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "Sega Master System games"

The following 158 pages are in this category, out of 158 total.