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JoJo's Venture

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Title Screen

JoJo's Venture

Also known as: JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (JP)
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Platform: Arcade (CP System III)
Released internationally: December 1998

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

JoJo's Venture is a fighting game based on the manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Hirohiko Araki's much-influential, now largest-running Shueisha publication ridden with pop culture references, posture-deteriorating poses, and eye-catching action. It's not based on the manga overall though, only its third arc "Stardust Crusaders", due to the fact that it was the most popular arc.

This game was rushed, which is no surprise why it's now mostly overshadowed by its re-release.

To do:
  • Add how to access the Development Menu.
  • Rip more graphics from the Development Menu.
  • Add information about Grey Fly sprites.
  • Add more information about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure content found in this game.

Unused Graphics

Note that much of the graphics in this game can also be found in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future update, but exceptions will be pointed out.



Jotaro's feet lifting off the ground as he initiates the Blazing Fists duel mechanic. In-game Jotaro uses his jumping attack pose instead of this one. It should be noted that both Old Joseph and DIO have a special animation for Blazing Fists that resembles this one. This animation references the beginning of the battle between Jotaro and DIO and would've been a nice small detail have they decided to use it.


Unused sprite with a weird mark on it, most likely a placeholder.

Jojos-Jotaro-0064.png Jojos-Jotaro-0065.png Jojos-Jotaro-0066.png Jojos-Jotaro-0067.png Jojos-Jotaro-0068.png Jojos-Jotaro-0069.png Jojos-Jotaro-006A.png Jojos-Jotaro-006B.png Jojos-Jotaro-006C.png Jojos-Jotaro-006D.png Jojos-Jotaro-006E.png Jojos-Jotaro-006F.png

Early, unfinished sprites for a jumping animation.

Jojos-Jotaro-00A5.png Jojos-Jotaro-00A6.png Jojos-Jotaro-00A7.png Jojos-Jotaro-00A8.png Jojos-Jotaro-00A9.png Jojos-Jotaro-00AA.png Jojos-Jotaro-00AB.png Jojos-Jotaro-00AC.png Jojos-Jotaro-00AD.png

Unfinished sprites that show Jotaro assuming a pose unlike any of his complete sprites.

Jojos-Jotaro-00F2.png Jojos-Jotaro-00F3.png Jojos-Jotaro-00F4.png Jojos-Jotaro-00F5.png

Silhouettes that resemble some of the unfinished sprites above. They repeat several times in the sprite viewer. Seems like they were used as placeholders.

Star Platinum

Jojos-SP-StandCrash-1.gif Jojos-SP-StandCrash-2.gif

Early, unfinished versions of Star Platinum Guard Break/Stand Crash animation. Standing and crouching variations.


Early, unfinished smear effect for one of Star Platinum's attacks.

Jojos-SP-009C.png Jojos-SP-009D.png Jojos-SP-009E.png Jojos-SP-009F.png

What appears to be barely modified sketches converted into sprites for Star Platinum.

Jojos-SP-018D.png Jojos-SP-018E.png

Some unfinished sprites.

Jojos-SP-01D4.png Jojos-SP-01D5.png Jojos-SP-01D6.png Jojos-SP-01D7.png Jojos-SP-01D8.png Jojos-SP-01D9.png Jojos-SP-01DA.png

There are a set of unfinished frames that seem to show a kind of anti-air punch for Jotaro's Stand ON. No move like it exists in the final game.

Jojos-SP-0245.png Jojos-SP-0246.png Jojos-SP-0247.png Jojos-SP-0248.png Jojos-SP-0249.png

A really awkward looking low punch. This looks like an alternate version of Jotaro's Stand On crouching attacks.

Jojos-SP-022A.png Jojos-SP-022B.png Jojos-SP-022C.png Jojos-SP-022D.png Jojos-SP-022E.png Jojos-SP-022F.png Jojos-SP-0230.png Jojos-SP-0231.png Jojos-SP-0232.png

Unfinished version of Star Platinum's close heavy attack.

Hierophant Green


Hierophant Green has unique animations for neutral jump light and heavy attacks. This would be the medium attack version but for whatever reason it is unused. It has all the data in the game to make it functional, hitboxes and attack properties. In Heritage For The Future update, sprites from this animation are reused as New Kakyoin's standing medium attack.

Jojos-HG-00A0.png Jojos-HG-00A1.png

Two unused sprites that resemble a blocking stance. It's hard to tell where these would fit as they're not a part of any animations.

Jojos-HG-0220.png Jojos-HG-0221.png Jojos-HG-0222.png Jojos-HG-0223.png Jojos-HG-0224.png

One of Hierophant Green's arms while he performs his signature Emerald Splash special attack. Seems like at some point this may have been used to overlay the arm in front of other sprites, but since Hierophant Green is usually in full view during his attacks, this seems to be completely redundant and therefore, unused.



An unfinished animation most likely intended to be a pose used during a Super Move.


An unfinished animation of Avdol shaking on the ground, most likely from an impact. The first two frames have an onomatopoeia that says "Shindo" (しんどう) that translates to "vibration" or "rumbling".


A very rough animation made out of placeholder sprites located in the middle of other animations where Avdol takes damage. A lot of characters in Jojo's Venture have these in their spritesheets. Seems like early versions of Old Joseph's sprites were used as a base for a lot of hurt poses for other characters. All of them were removed in Heritage For The Future update.

Magician's Red

Jojos-MR-UnusedAttack-1.gif Jojos-MR-UnusedAttack-2.gif

An unused Stand Off heavy attack where Avdol would call upon Magician's Red to perform a strike that looks similar to his Uppercut/Guard Cancel move. When hacked into the game the move creates a flame effect similar to Avdol's Guard Cancel, however the pillar is much smaller and animates differently. The move has a functional hitbox and attack property and creates a heavy attack hit sound when hitting the opponent, which means that at some point this may have been intended to be one of Avdol's strong command normals.

A very peculiar animation, most likely intended for a cutscene featuring a cut character, Cameo. It can be found within Magician Red's sprites. What is even more interesting is that despite appearing in both arcade releases, the PSX version which features Cameo and Judgement as a CPU exclusive opponent uses a completely different, less animated lead pipe.


An alternative version of Avdol's ghost after his death during Vanilla Ice's fight. The one seen in-game includes a ghost of Iggy clinging to his back.

Jojos-MR-0057.png Jojos-MR-0058.png Jojos-MR-0059.png Jojos-MR-005A.png Jojos-MR-005B.png Jojos-MR-005C.png Jojos-MR-005D.png Jojos-MR-005E.png

An alternative, unused variant of Magician's Red blocking an attack. There is no animation data associated with it. This would most likely be used when blocking standing attacks on the ground, instead Magician's Red assumes the same blocking position that he does while blocking jumping attacks.


A cut frame from Magician's Red idle pose.

Jojos-MR-0151.png Jojos-MR-0324.png

Placeholder graphics found together with Magician's Red sprites. Two boxes, one with thicker lines.


A weird orange silhouette that could surround Magician's Red at some point during one of its poses.


Some crudely-drawn text reading "Kurae! Reddo Baindo!" (くらえッレッドバイーンド!!). It translates to "Take this! Red Bind!". Red Bind is the name of Avdol's grab, and this was likely supposed to be used with it. This graphic appears right before the sprites for the grab in the sprite viewer.


Jojos-Polnareff-016B.png Jojos-Polnareff-016C.png

Two unfinished hurt frames for Polnareff.

Silver Chariot


An unfinished animation that seem to be Silver Chariot performing a quick jab. Interstingly enough, the attack has animation data, a functional hitbox and even its own attack property! These sprites were later finished for Heritage For The Future update and given to Anubis Polnareff. Despite this, the unfinished version still appears in the data for regular Polnareff and Silver Chariot.

Jojos-SC-0185.png Jojos-SC-0186.png

Two unfinished frames showing Silver Chariot with its armor removed while in the middle of attacking.

Jojos-SC-0049.png Jojos-SC-004A.png Jojos-SC-004B.png

Some unfinished frames that look somewhat like an idle or blocking animation for Silver Chariot.

Old Joseph (Stand Off)


A longer, unused version of Joseph activating his stand. This animation cannot be observed during normal gameplay as Joseph instantly switches to his Stand On version of this animation which uses different sprites. Despite being very similar, it completely skips the part where Joseph uses his hamon breath. While another version of this animation is technically used during his tandem attack super, only the first two frames of this animation can be seen while performing it due to the animation cancelling near instantly upon activation.

Jojos-Joseph-00BD.png Jojos-Joseph-00BE.png

Two leftover sprites from the animation mentioned above. While these are used in his Hermit Purple version of Stand activation, these duplicates are not used for anything in his Stand Off spritesheet.

Jojos-Joseph-00BF.png Jojos-Joseph-00C0.png Jojos-Joseph-00C1.png Jojos-Joseph-00C2.png Jojos-Joseph-00C3.png

A rather unique set of sprites depicting Joseph deactivating his Stand. What's interesting is that Hermit Purple and Joseph are two separate entities, rarely sharing the same sprite aside from very few exceptions. Hermit Purple's vines appear to be shaded unlike any of its other sprites. Those graphics would be used during the startup of Stand's deactivation sequence, then leading into the animation that is normally used by the game.


Joseph always plays his standing Guard Break animation upon blocking a hit that would result in a stand crash, making this animation go unused.


Intended for a cutscene. This would most likely be used during the rooftop chase with DIO.


Another cutscene animation. Where this could be used is a mystery.


Same as above.

Jojos-Joseph-03BB.png Jojos-Joseph-03BC.png Jojos-Joseph-03BD.png Jojos-Joseph-03BE.png Jojos-Joseph-03BF.png Jojos-Joseph-03C0.png Jojos-Joseph-03C1.png

These would appear at the end of previous animation have the developers put them in it.


Joseph leans forward to catch a breath and talk to his opponent. Could have been intended for a win/time out pose or a taunt.

Jojos-Joseph-026D.png Jojos-Joseph-026E.png Jojos-Joseph-026F.png Jojos-Joseph-0270.png Jojos-Joseph-0271.png Jojos-Joseph-0272.png Jojos-Joseph-0273.png Jojos-Joseph-0274.png Jojos-Joseph-0275.png Jojos-Joseph-0276.png Jojos-Joseph-0277.png Jojos-Joseph-0278.png Jojos-Joseph-0279.png Jojos-Joseph-027A.png Jojos-Joseph-027B.png Jojos-Joseph-027C.png Jojos-Joseph-027D.png Jojos-Joseph-027E.png Jojos-Joseph-027F.png Jojos-Joseph-0280.png

Duplicate sprites for Joseph's Stand On crouching sweep attack in his Stand Off spritesheet. None of these sprites are used in any of his animations in Stand Off.


Unused sprite from the startup of Joseph's heavy attack where he performs a kick. Its copy is used in his Stand On animations as well as during Alessi's transformation, meaning that it missing from the Stand Off animation is most likely a mistake.

Jojos-Joseph-0296.png Jojos-Joseph-04E6.png

Unused sprite from the startup of Joseph's crouching heavy attack where he performs a hammer punch. This frame is also unused for the Child Mode version of his attack.

Jojos-Joseph-04A8.png Jojos-Joseph-04A9.png Jojos-Joseph-04AA.png Jojos-Joseph-04AB.png Jojos-Joseph-04AC.png Jojos-Joseph-04AD.png

Joseph under the influence of Alessi's Stand using his hamon breath during the startup of a medium punch attack. Normally Joseph only uses hamon breath for this animation during his Super move. Since Joseph cannot use supers while transformed by Alessi, this goes unused.


Placeholder graphic that's in place of many cut sprites, mostly located between frames for Joseph's attack animations. It seems like at some point developers really wanted to smooth out Joseph's graphics but ended up removing a lot of them. Still, there are some unused leftovers that made it in like some of the sprites above.

Old Joseph (Hermit Purple)


A quick horizontal chop. This may have been intended to be his standing light attack but eventually was changed. It has a proper hitbox.

Jojos-HP-02A7.png Jojos-HP-02A8.png Jojos-HP-02A9.png Jojos-HP-02AA.png Jojos-HP-02AB.png Jojos-HP-02AC.png

Unused sprites for Joseph's Stand activation animation and his Stand On standing heavy attack. Once more, his hamon breath is not used during these. The fourth sprite is exclusive to his Stand activation animation...


...while this one is exclusive to his Stand On heavy attack. The only difference is a couple of missing pixels at the end of the cloud of air that he creates with his breath, wow.

Jojos-HP-0456.png Jojos-HP-0457.png Jojos-HP-0458.png Jojos-HP-0459.png Jojos-HP-045A.png Jojos-HP-045B.png

Hamon breathing sprites for Joseph's Hermit Web special move. These also go unused, however...

Jojos-HP-Unused-Hermit-Web-1.gif Jojos-HP-Unused-Hermit-Web-2.gif

...two unused animations of Joseph performing his Hermit Web attack. Those may have been intended for a cutscene at one point. It should be noted that these animations use the unused sprites mentioned above.

Jojos-HP-Unused-Overdrive-1.gif Jojos-HP-Unused-Overdrive-2.gif Jojos-HP-Unused-Overdrive-3.gif

Unused animations of Joseph performing his Overdrive special attack in Stand On, which normally can only be performed in Stand Off. Considering that the animation is not very smooth compared to the actual attack in Stand Off, those may have been intended for a cutscene as well.

Jojos-HP-0423.png Jojos-HP-0424.png Jojos-HP-0425.png Jojos-HP-0426.png Jojos-HP-0427.png Jojos-HP-0428.png Jojos-HP-0429.png

Unused hamon breathing sprites for one of Joseph's Stand On heavy chain combo attacks.

Jojos-HP-0081.png Jojos-HP-0082.png Jojos-HP-0083.png Jojos-HP-0088.png Jojos-HP-0089.png

Jojos-HP-0084.png Jojos-HP-0085.png Jojos-HP-0086.png Jojos-HP-008B.png Jojos-HP-008C.png

A whole bunch of unused sprites for Hermit Purple's vines. While animations for these exist in the data, they are unused. What their use would be is also unknown.

Jojos-HP-019B.png Jojos-HP-019C.png Jojos-HP-019D.png Jojos-HP-019E.png Jojos-HP-019F.png Jojos-HP-0157.png Jojos-HP-0158.png Jojos-HP-0159.png

Jojos-HP-01AC.png Jojos-HP-01AD.png Jojos-HP-01AE.png Jojos-HP-01AF.png Jojos-HP-01B0.png Jojos-HP-017C.png Jojos-HP-017D.png Jojos-HP-017E.png

Unused sprites for Joseph's Hermit Web special move. The Heavy version of this move would use diagonal vines for the animation where Joseph pulls the opponent closer after grabbing them but for whatever reason it uses the same sprites as the Light/Medium version, making these angles unused. It looks like at some point this attack may have had a different recovery animation. Whether the move connects or not, the same animation is used for all cases. Animation data for the unused angles and one version of the unused recovery exist within the ROM.


The same placeholder graphic also exists within sprites for Hermit Purple.



A sprite featuring Alessi recoiling after being hit. The red checkbox marks it as a placeholder.


Jojos-Sethan-0066.png Jojos-Sethan-0067.png Jojos-Sethan-0068.png Jojos-Sethan-0069.png Jojos-Sethan-006A.png Jojos-Sethan-006B.png Jojos-Sethan-006C.png Jojos-Sethan-006D.png

Alternative set of sprites for Alessi's stand, Sethan, making an appearance. They use brighter colors when compared to sprites used for his Stand On animation.

Jojos-Sethan-00A6.png Jojos-Sethan-00A7.png Jojos-Sethan-00A8.png Jojos-Sethan-00A9.png Jojos-Sethan-00AA.png Jojos-Sethan-00AB.png Jojos-Sethan-00AC.png Jojos-Sethan-00AD.png Jojos-Sethan-00AE.png

Unused sprites of Alessi's AX flying in midair and hitting the ground.


A very rough animation using the above sprites that is set to loop infinitely despite the fact that at the end of the loop the AX is visibly hitting the ground.

Used Unused
Jojos-Sethan-00BD.png Jojos-Sethan-00BE.pngJojos-Sethan-00BC.pngJojos-Sethan-00C1.png

Alessi receives a new outfit as a part of one of his winposes, dropping his old clothes and weapon on the ground while Sethan covers him up. There are several unused alternative versions of this graphic in the ROM that do not appear at any point in the game.

Chaka (Stand Off)

Jojos-Chaka-00CD.png Jojos-Chaka-00CE.png Jojos-Chaka-00CF.png

Unfinished standing high block sprites.

Jojos-Chaka-00D2.png Jojos-Chaka-00D3.png Jojos-Chaka-00D4.png

Unfinished standing mid block sprites.

Jojos-Chaka-00D7.png Jojos-Chaka-00D8.png Jojos-Chaka-00D9.png Jojos-Chaka-00DA.png

Unfinished crouching block sprites.

Jojos-Chaka-01B3.png Jojos-Chaka-01B4.png

Jojos-Chaka-01B5.png Jojos-Chaka-01B6.png

Unused sprites of Chaka being hit. Notice how he's holding the sword's sheath in different hands.

Used Unused
Jojos-Chaka-0214.png Jojos-Chaka-0216.png

A sprite of Chaka looking incredibly sad while losing a round by timeout. The sprite where he's not holding the Anubis sword is unused in both Stand Off and Stand On.

It should be noted that duplicate sprites for Chaka's Stand On timeout win and losing poses both exist within his Stand Off spritesheet.

Chaka (Stand On)


Unused animation made out of unfinished sprites. It closely resembles Chaka's Stand On Medium attack. Interestingly enough, it comes with its own unique attack property and a set of hitboxes.


An unused animation for a completely unique special move which seems to reuse a bunch of sprites from other attacks. The animation has 3 versions. While they all appear the same, the special move itself has 3 different sets of unique attack properties, as well as a trail effect that is usually reserved for Chaka's Super moves.

Jojos-Chaka-013A.png Jojos-Chaka-013B.png Jojos-Chaka-013C.png Jojos-Chaka-013D.png Jojos-Chaka-013E.png Jojos-Chaka-013F.png Jojos-Chaka-0140.png Jojos-Chaka-0141.png

A whole bunch of Jotaro's unfinished sprites made their way into Chaka's Stand On spritesheet.

Other Graphics

Hol horse.png
A single frame of an idle animation for the unplayable character Hol Horse, one of the mercenaries in the manga that DIO sent to kill JoJo's group. This was later used when he became playable in Bizarre Adventure.

Hol Horse death Venture.png
A defeat portrait for Hol Horse. It's used and unchanged in Bizarre Adventure.

A defeat portrait for J. Geil, another one of the goons sent to assassinate JoJo's group in the manga.

JoJo's Venture JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Hol horse beta.png Hol horse jojoba.png

HUD icons for Hol Horse; these sprites look different from the ones used in Bizarre Adventure.

Enya sprite.png
Only found in this game is this single sprite for Enya Geil, the old hag who tried to take revenge on JoJo's group for the death of J. Geil, her son. It was meant for a cut minigame involving fighting hordes of Justice's zombies, just like in a chapter of the manga.

Enya death fix.png
Enya's defeat animation. The PlayStation version puts it to use, but scaled down due to memory constraints.

Enya portrait.png
In-game HUD icons for Enya; the palette shown is just a guess. They can't be found in Bizarre Adventure.

Zombie walking.gif Zombie falling down jojo.gif Zombie getting punched jojo.gif Zombie attacking jojo.gif Zombie being attacked some more jojo.gif Zombie turning around.gif
The sprites for the zombies that were meant to be summoned by Enya. They're clearly unfinished, lacking any shadows and details. None of these sprites can be found in Bizarre Adventure.

Petshop effect 1.png
Ice effects from X-Men: Children of the Atom that were used by, well, Iceman. They might've been temporary graphics for Pet Shop's ice effects. A single set of animations for his ice octagonal ball attack can also be found.

Judgement 1.png
A single, unfinished sprite for the Stand "Judgement", whose user in the manga is Cameo.

Kameo logo.png
A match victory text for Cameo, spelled Kameo to avoid legal issues just like with the rest of the characters with changed names in the non-Japanese sets of the game. This, along with the sprites for his Stand, indicates that he may have been intended to be a playable character. He eventually appears in the PlayStation port's Super Story Mode but as an npc opponent.

Judgement 3.png
A story mode next-fight Stand text for Judgement.

Judgement death upload.png
Defeat animation for Judgement.

Cameo portrait.png
HUD icons for Judgement. Not found in Bizarre Adventure.

Oh my god.png Ohmygod.jpg
Joseph Joestar's defeat catchphrase, familiar for those who read the manga, now in sprite form!

Holy shit.png Help me.png
Sprites for other, less famous things said by Joseph.

New kak.png
HUD icons for New Kakyoin. These seem to be the only assets found for him, and are not found in Bizarre Adventure.

Jojov trash1.png Jojov trash2.png

Jojov winners1.png Jojov winners2.png
The standard "Recycle it, don't trash it!" and "Winners Don't Use Drugs" screens can be viewed in the BG TEST, but they're not used in the US version of the game. They were both taken out of Bizarre Adventure, which had no US release anyway.

Regional Differences

Japan International



The Japanese version has multiple second player join-in messages depending on whether the active character is a hero, villain, or Midler. For heroes, the text essentially reads "A new stand user, huh!" (arate no sutando tsukai ka!). The text for villains (nanimono da!?) and for Midler (nanimono!?) are basically the same and both read "Who are you!?". International versions only have Capcom's standard "Here Comes a New Challenger" text for all characters.