Psychology & Sociology

Violence can change generation to generation

The traumatic experiences of war, for example in Syrian refugees, are also passed on with the generation of follows. © dinosmichail/ iStock Stress has consequences...

Parenthood keeps the brain young

Children hold young - our brain too. © Skynesher/ iStock Children hold young. This thesis is also confirmed when looking into parental brain: the more...

Screen time

How does the media use of children and adolescents affect their brain and linguistic development - and when is there a risk of addiction?...

Ancient money fenders on the trail

Cheap alloy instead of silver: Researchers from the University of Tübingen have...

Milestone of the earth exploration

25 years ago, a Space shuttle mission revolutionized our picture of the...

Depression change food preferences

People with depression often also have a changed eating behavior. © Farknot_Architect/ iStock Depressive people prefer food other than healthy people. This shows a study...

Played people suffered less from pandemi -stress

Studies show that adults with a high degree of playfulness are more resistant than those with a lower level of playfulness. © Oregon State...

How to move human crowds

Human crowd at the San Fermìn festival in Pamplona in Spanish. Researchers have discovered a law on their example. © Bartolo Lab/ Ens de...

How money wins wars

Money and war successes are closely related. © M-Production/ iStock Anyone who has...

Parents do have favorite children

Do parents have favorite children? © fizkes/ iStock Parents often say that they love all children equally and do not favor any one. A meta-study...

Research for better indoor air

What properties does the air in classrooms have and to what extent...

Which body parts are most important to us?

Drawing derived from the "Vitruvian Man" by Leonardo da Vinci. © Producer, CC-BY 3.0 Whether it's an arm, foot or eye, most people rate some...

Who is the better furniture mover – human or ant?

A group of ants solving a geometric maneuvering puzzle, the "piano transport". © Ofer Feinerman Ants are known for their collective, coordinated carrying behavior and...

How the number of siblings shapes personality

The study confirms that there is a connection between growing up with siblings and personality development. © jarenwicklund / iStock ...

Even six-year-olds have gender prejudices

Even before they start school, children internalize outdated stereotypes and prejudices. © BrianAJackson/iStock Are girls or boys more competent? Children often ask themselves this...

Alpine speleology

A research team from Innsbruck is exploring the mysterious ice caves of...

A service robot for satellites

This image was taken in a test chamber at the US Naval...

Honey bees as symmetry artists

For this picture, biologists arranged honeycombs in a circle to create a...

Artificial intelligence

Since generative AI requires huge, state-of-the-art data centers, the amount of e-waste could grow significantly by 2030, a study shows... more In Great Britain, a...

How music in toy advertising shapes gender stereotypes

Stereotypical colors and toys reinforce traditional role models in children. The same applies to the music used to advertise such toys. © YakobchukOlena/ iStovk Dolls...

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