August 25
From Transformers Wiki
- 19?? — Takayasu Usui (Japanese voice of Wing Saber, Dirt Boss and others in Cybertron) is born.
- 19?? — Mika Ishibashi (voice of Stampy) is born.
- ???? — Yukako Kiuchi (Japanese voice of Sam) is born.
- 1945 — Catherine Lafond (European French voice of Moonracer in the original cartoon) is born.
- 1950 — Giovanni Battezzato (Italian voice of Road King, Denny Clay, Thermidor and Doctor Morocco) is born.
- 1951 — Ikuya Sawaki (voice of Fortress/Fortress Maximus, Grand/Grand Maximus and Ratchet) is born.
- 1957 — Kai Taschner (German voice of Armada Thrust, Kremzeek and other Generation 1 roles) is born.
- 1961 — British comic artist Kev Hopgood is born.
- 1963 — Brianne Siddall (Doctor Bridget and additional voices in the 2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon) is born.
- 1965 — Masato Obara (Japanese voice of Aerobolt and The Last Knight Bumblebee) is born.
- 1967 — Nobuyuki Hiyama (Japanese voice of Rampage, Energon Jetfire and Shockwave) is born with the Triforce of Courage in hand.
- 1973 — Rossella Acerbo (Italian voice of Beast Machines Blackarachnia) is born.
- 1977 — Masumi Asano (Japanese voice of Energon Arcee, Sally Jones and more) is born.
- 1986 — Internet personality Vangelus is born.
- 1991 — The Victory episode "Combat in the Meteorite Zone" premieres in Malaysia.
- 1993 — Ernesto Cronik (Mexican voice of Starscream and Laserbeak) is born.
- 1998 — Lee Gunther, executive producer of the original Transformers cartoon (and other Hasbro cartoons), dies of a stroke at age 63.
- 1999 — The Beast Wars Neo episode "Unicron Revived!?" premieres in Japan.
- 1999 — Beast Wars Neo — ACT. 3 and ACT. 4 are released on VHS in Japan by Pioneer LDC.
- 2000 — The Beast Wars: Transformers DVD BOX is released in Japan by Pioneer LDC.
- 2001 — Ginzō Matsuo (voice of Commercial director) dies at age 49 from an acute subarachnoid hemorrhage.
- 2004 — "Infestation" is released in the US by Dreamwave Productions.
- 2005 — Takara releases Galaxy Force EZ Collection Galaxy Convoy, Master Megatron, and Starscream.
- 2005 — Galaxy Force Dark Ligerjack is released as a Toys"R"Us exclusive in Japan.
- 2005 —The 15 Go! Go! chapter "Kup Volume" is published in the October 2005 issue of Dengeki Hobby.
- 2006 — The 15 Go! Go! chapter "Starscream? Volume 2" is published in the October 2006 issue of Dengeki Hobby.
- 2012 — TakaraTomy releases Prime Swerve and Airachnid, AMW Arms Microns Pral, Sise and Jaze, and Masterpiece MP-11S Sunstorm.
- 2012 — Neil Armstrong, US astronaut to be the first man to step on the Moon, passes away at age 82 due to complications from heart surgery.
- 2012 — The Vortexx block starts its run on the CW.
- 2012 — The Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Prime episode "Friendship Transformation! My Bulkhead" premieres in Japan.
- 2015 — The Transformers: Rescue Bots: "Dinobots!" compilation DVD is released in the US by Shout! Studios.
- 2016 — "Intersectionality" is released by Fun Publications.
- 2018 — TakaraTomy releases Masterpiece MP-34S Shadow Panther (Beast Wars) and Power of the Primes PP-20 Quintus Prime, PP-21 Terrorcon Rippersnapper, PP-22 Terrorcon Cutthroat, PP-23 Terrorcon Blot, PP-24 Terrorcon Sinnertwin, PP-25 Terrorcon Hun-Gurrr, PP-26 Elita-1, and PP-27 Optimus Primal.
- 2020 — "Virtually Reality" is uploaded to YouTube.
- 2021 — Beast Wars #7 and Shattered Glass #1 are released by IDW Publishing.
- 2022 — A 30-second Transformers: EarthSpark teaser trailer is uploaded.
- 2023 — The Paint Master for Transformers Bishoujo Starscream is revealed at Megahobby Expo 2023.
- 2023 — Last day of Fortnite's Chapter 4, Season 3 which had introduced Transformers to the game.
- 2024 — The EarthSpark episode "Shockwave! Shockwave!" premieres in Japan.