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Crikey. Fair dinkum. Too right. G'Don ya, mate. Bonzer. Didgeridoo.

Australia is a nation-state on the planet Earth's Southern Hemisphere. The world's sixth largest country, the majority of it seems to consist of semi-arid or desert regions known as the Outback. The majority of the fauna and flora is unique to the country, and all of it deadly to humans, most notably the infamous and murderous dropbears.

In some continuities at least, the Australian accent is supposedly very similar to that of the inhabitants of the planet Nebulon, or vice-versa.



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

After the initial Decepticon threat was repulsed, Spike Witwicky wrote in his journal that "all of the world's governments" were assisting the Autobots' attempts to return to Cybertron. This would presumably include Australia. More than Meets the Eye, Part 3

Japanese cartoon continuity

Story of Binaltech
The events of this Binaltech story take place in a parallel universe that diverges off from the cartoon timeline.

Circa 2008 in an unnamed Australian city, Nemesis Prime planned an experiment in which he would extract the minds of the city's inhabitants to help him build his own synthetic Matrix. However, before he could set this plan into motion, the Autobots surrounded him and he faced off against Optimus Prime. Nemesis Prime initially gained the upper hand against his Autobot counterpart, but the Protector united with Optimus Prime, who was then easily able to reflect Nemesis Prime's attacks, resulting in the dark clone's destruction. Unfinished Business, Part 4

The Headmasters cartoon
Diamondbolt was here

The Decepticons built one of their 'Death Towers' under the capital city, Canberra. Bruticus was left there to watch over it and thereby treated the locals to a show of him kicking Defensor's skidplate. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1)

Super-God Masterforce cartoon

The Decepticons built an underwater base off the coast of Australia, their construction efforts causing increased volcanic activity and earthquakes that damaged the city of Sydney, which then drew the attention of the Autobot Godmaster Lightfoot. While the Headmaster Juniors performed rescue operations in Sydney, Ginrai and Lightfoot fought against the threat of King Poseidon. Escape!! The Underwater Volcano Erupts

2005 IDW continuity

After flying out of Tokyo, Arcee and Galvatron clashed in the high atmosphere before landing in the Australian Outback. ONoffON

Energon comic

The West Australian outback was the site of Alterenergy's 01 Source Exploratory Excavation/Drilling Operation, where both Dr. Brian Jones and his son Kicker worked. The mining drew both a group of protesters including Alexis Thi Dang, as well as a squad of Terrorcons searching for Energon. What Lies Beneath

Live-action film series

Transformers film

Based on her accent, NSA analyst Maggie Madsen originates from Australia. Why she's working for a foreign government is unknown; maybe she just wants to buy cheaper toys. Transformers

IDW movie comics

When Soundwave's forces arrived to Earth, Australia was one of the nations targeted by the second wave of Decepticons. Alliance issue 3

The Veiled Threat

Kickback, Tread, and Trample landed in Oobagooma, deep in the Western Australia outback, to mine the huge deposits of uranium there, which they hoped could be used as a power source to revive Megatron. However, Optimus Prime and Captain Lennox led a team of Autobots and NEST operatives Down Under and destroyed the Decepticons before they could carry out this plan. The Veiled Threat

Titan movie comics

When the Decepticon Sideways made a landing in the Northern Territory, Optimus Prime and Arcee were sent to capture him. This took a while, Sideways turning out to be quite the road warrior! Reversal of Fortune

Dark of the Moon Annual

NEST Satellite Orion detected energon signatures at Olympic Dam, suggesting that the Decepticons were deploying Pillars there. Transformers Dark of the Moon Annual 2012

Transformers Are Dangerous

We don't want their sort round 'ere!

After the sacking of Chicago, the Australian parliament held a symbolic meeting in solidarity with America. The Speaker of the Lower House condemned the Transformers as a threat and legislation was already being drafted to criminalise anyone harbouring a dirty robot combatant. Naval yards were reported as ramping up construction. Transformers are Dangerous

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime claimed that Abraham Lincoln had once been president of the United States of Australia, though it's not clear if this is a result of his fuzzy knowledge of Earth history or some kind of alternate history. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/07

Spacewarp's Log

In the 31st century, Australia became part of the global island-based United Kingdom, the only Earth nation to not be overrun by Inhumanoid/Darkling Lord conquest. Spacewarp's Log (2), 2015/12/05

Rescue Bots Academy cartoon

Brushfire spent time in the Australian outback on her own, however she had to call in the Rescue Bot recruits to help her deal with unruly mobs of kangaroos that were threatening to overrun a town. They were able to help her put out the fires that were scaring the kangaroos. Brushfire Whirl later returned to the outback to pick up Brushfire for help with preventing Citadel Secundus from crash-landing. Crash Of The Titan


Revenge of the Fallen

Power Bots

  • Sideswipe (Power Bots, 2009)
Power Bots Sideswipe has a North Americanised stereotypical Australian accent!


  • Everything costs considerably more in Australia than it does in America, including Transformers toys, which are usually twice or even thrice as expensive.
  • In 1985 Milton Bradley released a set of G1 Action Cards in Australia. However the set was limited to 100 cards while the U.S. received the full set of 192.
  • Scott McNeil, Peter Kelamis, Rachael Taylor, Isabel Lucas, and Shane McCarthy are all Australian natives who've been involved with the Transformers franchise. Only Shane still resides there. We'll trade him if we can get Scott McNeil back.
  • Australia is also home to Madman Entertainment, who release Transformers Generation 1, Beast Wars, and Prime DVDs to the Aussie and New Zealand markets. They give the Aussies more DVD features than we get, the bastards.
  • The first live action movie also premiered Down Under almost a month before it did in the United States.
  • For some reason, the first and second waves of the Transformers (2010), Power Core Combiners, and Generations toylines were available at mass retail in Australia several months before their scheduled release date elsewhere in the world.
  • "Transformers are Dangerous" gets the title of Australia's Speaker of the House of Representatives wrong. That's a minor mistake but the bigger one is they're taking a public stance on security/foreign policy in the House: the Speaker in Australia is meant to be impartial and not do that.
  • The characters Falcatron and Torque were created in 2012 by Ford Australia and High Moon Studios, as a promotion for the Fall of Cybertron video game.

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