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Energon weapon

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This article is about the weapons created by the Omnicons and Terrorcons in Energon. For other Energon weapons, see Energon weapon (disambiguation).
Let me axe you this.

Though nominally a fuel source, if not the very lifeblood of the Cybertronian race, energon can also be fashioned by bots skilled in its use into extremely powerful energon weapons. Though potentially volatile, these weapons can be extremely devastating in battle.

Most famously, the Omnicons and Terrorcons are capable of processing raw energon ore and fashioning it into weapons other bots can safely use, stored in and powered by small energon stars. Once the user uses up the star's energon, the weapon fades.



Energon cartoon

Skyblast and Strongarm supplied Optimus Prime and Ironhide with energon weapons to help them defend against a Terrorcon attack on Desert City. Ironhide complained that it wasn't a cannon but Optimus was pleased with the extra weapon. Ironhide used his once before he ran out of energon and it disappeared. Later, he used another energon star to summon another weapon and used it to destroy several Divebomb drones. Scorpinok

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Energon / Super Link

What, no energon Frankenstein rakes?

Each Omnicon and Terrorcon mold came with a unique weapon, made up from multiple parts to serve multiple purposes. Autobots have red-hued Energon weapons, while Decepticons have green/yellow ones.

In Japan, Takara took the molds for these weapons and produced numerous special redecoes for promotional purposes, often available for free with the purchase of larger toys. They also packaged new-color versions with the "powered up" redecoes of different characters in the normal retail line. Hasbro would later create some exclusive energon weapons of their own, but in a much more limited capacity.

In addition, other toys included their own energon-based weapons... and a few even transformed into one!

Most exclusive Omnicon/Terrorcon energon weapons did not come with energon chips. Any that did are specifically shown below. The weapons from the Battle Ravage and Arcee molds were not made into special redecos, as not only did they require spring-loaded assembly, but their missiles and triggers were part of a different mold-sprue.
Also, many larger toys came with clear-plastic weapons, but these have not been called out as energon weapons on packaging or in-fiction, so they are not included here.


Omnicon / Terrorcon energon weapons
These weapon names all come from the Takara Super Link releases. The Hasbro versions did not give them any special Proper Noun names, with the exception of the OTFCC exclusives.
Combiner energon weapons
Other energon weapons


Some characters in the Legacy subline of Generations possess translucent "Energon-infused weapons"[1] which can either be wielded or stored on their owner's alternate mode. Autobot Energon-infused weapons are blue, while Decepticons possess purple weapons. However, this kind of fizzled out after the first wave of product.



  • The "Energy Cutter Daylight Attack Edition" and "Energy Blade Night Phantom Edition" weapons had a... weird release. Reportedly, as part of July 2004's "Summer Holiday Energon Weapon Campaign", they were to be available in about 1500 different stores across Japan on July 7th, given to the first 10 customers who bought SC-01 Grand Convoy Super Mode or SC-17 Wing Saber, with 5 getting the Cutter and 5 getting the Blade. However, apparently none of the information about this campaign was released beforehand, not even that it was happening in the first place, leaving fans to discover the promotion about a week later and sent scrambling to obtain the items. To this day, it's unclear which stores actually participated in the campaign. What little information we do have come from Takara customer service after the fact.[2]

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Energon weapon (エネルゴンウエポン enerugon uepon, エナジョンウエポン enajon uepon)

See also


  1. Pre-reveal of Legacy on the Transformers Facebook
  2. "Summer Holiday Energon Weapon Campaign" information at Autobase Aichi (Japanese language site)

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