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Gaia Guardian

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Gaia Guardian is an Autobot from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Gaia Guardian (G (ガイア)ガーディアン Gaia Gādian) is an Autobot super robot who fights the evil of the Decepticons!

His components are:

The various components of Gaia Guardian can combine with Hot Spot to form Defensor or God Guardian.


Gaia Guardian

  1. Streetwise (Candy toy, 2012)
  2. First Aid (Candy toy, 2012)
  3. Graze (Candy toy, 2012)
  4. Groove (Candy toy, 2012)
  5. Skyfeather (Candy toy, 2012)
  6. Heatrock (Candy toy, 2012)
Kabaya's Gaia Guardian can only be assembled by purchasing all six of his components individually. Each component is a snap-together model kit sold with a piece of (awful) gum. A hole in each box allows the buyer to get a look at the number of the kit inside.

Let's see what you can see...

This article is in need of images.


  • "Gaia Guardian" is an alteration of Defensor's Japanese name, Guardian. As such, his name could be localized as "Gaia Defensor".
  • Interestingly, almost all individual components of Gaia Guardian manage to avoid the partforming that's commonly associated with Kabaya kits, with the only small exception being Heatrock's small tank drills. You'd expect this to be an engineering improvement that'd carry over to Gaia Scramble, the next 'Gaia-type' Kabaya combiner to be released a year after Guardian, but no: all six individual components of that combiner require partsforming instead. Go figure...
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