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Please observe to your left the ancient ruins and olive trees, but please ignore the blurry robots.

Greece, officially the Hellenic Republic, is a NATO member and nation in southeastern Europe, with a multitude of attached islands that we can't be bothered to list here.

It had a very colourful mythology in ancient times, much of which has turned out to be true after all!



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Not pictured.

The ancient Greek myth of Atlantis was based on a real sunken city. Atlantis, Arise!

Maps from the mid-'80s indicate that Greece has been conquered and absorbed into Bulgalia. Trans-Europe Express

Super Spy Changers catalog

In 2002, Junko was having a vacation in Greece when the Mutant Burnout attempted to kidnap her! The attempt was thwarted by Super Eagle Killer. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/01

The Headmasters cartoon

By 2010, Greece had escaped the Bulgalian tyranny and was an independent state. It also suffered a minor Decepticon incursion, as they used Athens as a launch ground for a satellite. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 1)

Super-God Masterforce cartoon

The Decepticon Pretender Dauros rampaged throughout Ancient Greece, leading to the myth of the minotaur.

Victory cartoon

The ancient Greek myth of Atlantis was based on a real sunken city. Probably the same one. The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves

Unicron Trilogy cartoon continuity

Armada cartoon

The ancient Greek myth of Atlantis was based on a real sunken city. Again. Ruin

Cybertron cartoon

The ancient Greek myth of Atlantis was based on a real underwater spaceship. Also, the Sirens? Based on an ancient Decepticon. United

Unite for the Universe

Starscream operated out of a hidden base on the Greek island of Delos in the Aegean Sea as he worked to steal the results of NEST's Project: Unite. Bludgeon's Revenge

Prime cartoon

Better than nothing, we suppose.

At some point Cybertronians visited ancient Greece and left an Energon Harvester there. When Bulkhead and Miko paid a visit to check out an energon trace, they found an ancient fresco among ruins at a construction site, which featured the device. At some point the Harvester had been relocated to a museum in the U.S. and the Decepticons got their hands on it. Starscream took it back to Greece to test it out on the energon deposit there, however Bulkhead managed to break it, and it exploded in the sky over the site. Deus ex Machina

Ask Vector Prime

In some universal streams, the Thirteen visited ancient Greece. Because technology had not yet advanced to the point where the Thirteen could disguise themselves as machinery, they interacted with humans using holomatter avatars, which caused them to be interpreted as gods. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/20

2005 IDW continuity

In 2016, the Dire Wraiths attempted to procure a cache of Ore-13 from Mount Olympus, but Baron Karza's simultaneous unstable transport of the ore into Microspace caused a massive explosion. Concorde Hymn Shortly thereafter, Kup and Aileron arrived to investigate and were assaulted by M.A.S.K. in Athens, with Kup winding up captured. The Divine Source of Liberty Action Man Programme agent Terrence Salmons recovered footage of the incident from a surveillance camera, prompting Action Man to head to Governor's Island. The Modern World

A group of Dire Wraiths formed an anarchist movement in Greece under the Cobra banner, which Lady Jaye and Gung-Ho were sent to deal with. G.I. Joe vol. 5 #3


  • Local company El Greco held the license to manufacture and distribute Generation 1 Transformers in Greece. In 1985, El Greco produced a series of Mini Vehicles with subtle color variations and head sculpts that were unique to the Greek market.

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