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Predacon (BW)

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The name or term "Predacon" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Predacon (disambiguation).
You know they're evil because their insignia could poke out an optic.

Combining brute strength and bestial cunning, the villainous Predacons seek power at any cost. Driven by resentment and hatred for their Maximal and Autobot foes, they aim to usurp their enemies and claim what they see as their rightful place in the universe. Though some of them hold to a strange sense of honor, others have no qualms with lying and cheating to claw their way to the top.

While their origins vary across the multiverse, the Predacons are often the descendants of the Decepticons, sometimes taking their moniker from a sub-group of that faction. As their name suggests, they often take on beast modes in times of conflict, typically reptilian or arthropod in nature; this is not a strict rule, however, and they have taken forms ranging from sea creatures to military vehicles to even mythical beasts.

The adjective for "of or pertaining to the Predacons" is Predaconial,[1] though it is extremely common to simply substitute 'Predacon'.

You do not know the Predacons. We—they live for the glory of conquest.

Dinobot to Tigatron, "Law of the Jungle"



Generation 1 continuity family

Beast Wars toy bios

Active on Earth in the present day, Ultra Class Megatron toy bio, the Predacons viewed "prosper or perish" as their way of life, and planned to drive the Maximals into extinction. Basic Class Megatron toy bio Using the DNA of Earth's most vicious life forms, the Predacons took on beast modes thanks to the technology housed within their genetics lab, the Fusion Building; however, when Optimus Primal and the Maximals found the lab and threatened to take the secrets found within, Megatron had the building blown up. Optimus Primal vs Megatron!

Beast Wars cartoon continuity

BW Predacons.jpg
The Beast Wars and Beast Machines cartoons are part of multiple different continuities with multiple contradictory origins and events. For simplicity, the cartoons are here listed first, followed by the events of the various side continuities they are part of.

The Predacons were the descendants of the Decepticons, led by Tripredacus Council and represented in some sense by the Predacon Alliance. The Agenda (Part 1) While the Maximals and Predacons held an uneasy peace, the Autobots' victory in the Great War meant that Predacon leadership was subordinate to that of the Maximals; Megatron, in particular, saw the Maximals as ruling over the Predacons, treating them as "slaves". Code of Hero The Agenda (Part III) Officially, there was peace between the two factions and has been for three centuries, but a number of Predacons chafed under this status and wished to raise the banner again; the Tripredacus Council was seen as kowtowing too much to the Maximals. Beast Wars (Part 1) The Agenda (Part 2) What most Predacons were unaware of is not just that the Tripredacus Council was preparing its own war plans, but that they were not Decepticon descendants in the same way as the average Predacon, instead having some mysterious different origin all of their own. Other Victories

Transformers could change their faction simply by changing their activation codes, Beast Wars (Part 2) Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1), but Maximals could also be reprogrammed into Predacons via shell programs. Dark Designs The effects of these varied; Rhinox became a highly aggressive schemer and sadist under the effects of Predacon programming, while Blackarachnia remained much the same after her shell program was removed. Crossing the Rubicon (Meanwhile, Quickstrike was just a nasty piece of work from the start, with no need for a shell program.) Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1)

Beast Wars cartoon

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Megatron recruited a crew of Predacon criminals to steal the Golden Disk under cover that it led to energon deposits that would allow them to reignite the Great War. What he (and Dinobot) knew it contained was information on how to alter the timeline, to ensure the Great War never ended with Autobot victory. Beast Wars (Part 1) The Agenda (Part 2) His theft pissed off the Council something fierce: it caused them severe diplomatic repercussions. The Agenda (Part 1) They clearly intended to make use of the Disk's information themselves, however, as they had Tarantulas snuck into his team and when the spider got the chance, he tried twice to destroy the ancient Ark and change time in the Council's favour. Master Blaster Other Victories

Beast Machines cartoon

The Predacons,[2] along with the rest of Cybertron's populace, fell victim to Megatron's transformation virus, Forbidden Fruit enabling him to extract their sparks and store them. The Siege

After discovering that Tankor had been created from Rhinox's spark, Rattrap sarcastically commented that it was fortunate that he hadn't been recycled from a Predacon. Apocalypse

Following the defeat of Megatron, the captured sparks—presumably including those of the Predacons—were released to inhabit new technorganic bodies. Seeds of the Future

3H comics

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The Predacons were founded by Razorclaw, leader of the original Predacons, following the defeat of the Decepticons at the end of the Third Cybertronian War. Razorclaw's Predacon Empire became the dominant opposition to the Autobots, and seemed to have a chance at achieving victory and conquest of Cybertron until Razorclaw was seemingly assassinated by the future Tripredacus Council. Timelines Razorclaw's bio card

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Following the Great Transformation and Megatron's death, Razorclaw—aided by Divebomb and the other original Predacons[3]—returned in a technorganic body at the head of a new Predacon army. Dawn of Future's Past

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

The Predacons originated as a subfaction of the Decepticons in the early 21st century; they replaced the Decepticons as one of the major Cybertronian factions following the final battle of the Great War in 2035, where the Tripredacus Council—combined into Predacus—killed Predaking, incapacitated the upstart Megatron, and surrendered to the Autobots and Maximals. Dawn of the Predacus The Hot Rod The subsequent Great Upgrade saw the majority of Decepticons become Predacons. Beast Wars Sourcebook

The Committee for State Affairs governing body was run by both Maximals and Predacons. The Gathering issue 1

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Wings Universe

The Predacons were founded in the aftermath of the Pax Cybertronia, a peace agreement signed between the Autobots, Decepticons, and the cloned Cybertronians created by Jhiaxus; the initial founders were the original Predacons and the former Quintesson agent Sky-Byte, who raided Jhiaxus's secondary laboratory for stasis pods containing clones with which they intended to create a new army. As they began to thaw out their new followers, Tantrum noted that four of the pods seemed to be different to the others, something that Sky-Byte was unable to explain. A Common Foe

Hundreds of years later, the Rodimus Major fell into a spacial anomaly at the Dark Nebula while trying to investigate a Predacon colony. Some time after this, Tornado—a member of the time-traveling crew of the Tidal Wave—discovered this from one of Apelinq's journals; he believed that, as the Tidal Wave was short on crew, its new captain would want to set out to the Predacon colony on a recruitment drive. Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

In 2039 on the Z Planet, protoform capsules imbued with Beast Power opened to reveal a new kind of Transformer that possessed beast forms and could scan organic life. Believing this new race to be their descendants that they knew would travel to the past to preserve the future, Wheeljack marked them with the insignia that he knew of—the Predacon and Maximal insignia. As products of Autobot and Decepticon cooperation, Wheeljack saw the Predacons and Maximals as symbols of everlasting peace between the factions. Epiloge

The Predacons took after their Decepticon forebears, taking on cultural memory such as the destruction of the Decepticon colony Dinosaur by Unicron. Illusion? Lio Convoy Three hundred years after the end of the Great War, Megatron's and Optimus Primal's crews would fulfill their fates by traveling back to prehistoric Earth and ignite the Beast Wars. Enter the Super Lifeform Transformers They would return, more or less, to their original time, where the Predacons were temporarily exterminated by Megatron's conquest of Cybertron with the Vehicons. Beast Wars Returns

After the birth of technorganic Cybertron, Vector Sigma created the Convoy-type Maximals, who quickly occupied the upper echelon of Cybertron's society. However, the Predacons were not content with this state of affairs, a situation that maverick Blue Big Convoy feared. Peace between the two factions was the only way forward, he believed. Bonus Edition Vol. EX The two factions would find themselves in open conflict throughout space, tens of thousands of years after the Great War. The New Forces Arrive!

The memory of Dinosaur's destruction still burning in their souls, the Predacons sought to gather Angolmois Energy so that they could defeat Unicron should he ever be revived. Illusion? Lio Convoy Emperor of Destruction Galvatron, having ambitions of his own, brought his unit of Predacons to Gaia—Earth in this time. He sought be able to use the planet's Angolmois Energy to conquer the universe and bring order through one singular will. He perished as Lio Convoy and his Maximals defeated him aboard Nemesis, and the collected Angolmois Energy was contained in capsules and released into space. Farewell! Lio Convoy Magmatron would succeed Galvatron as Emperor of Destruction and used his own unit of Predacons to gather Angolmois Capsules across space so that he could prevent Unicron's revival. Illusion? Lio Convoy Unicron was nevertheless revived, Unicron Revived!? but was ultimately defeated by cooperation between Magmatron and the Maximals. The Final Battle In the aftermath, both Maximal and Predacon factions joined to rebuild Cybertron. Graduation Ceremony!!

In an unknown time, the Destrongers (デストロンガー Desutorongā) were an elite unit of the Predacons, made up of "Metal Beasts" led by Gigatron. Gigatron bio They travelled to Earth in 2000 through a dimensional fissure so that they could conquer both it and Cybertron. They were opposed by Fire Convoy's Autobot Dimensional Patrol from the same era. First Deployment! Fire Convoy To build up their forces, the Destrongers would take protoforms (time-displaced from several decades later into the future Ruination Chapter, Part One) and convert them into Combatrons. Foe? Friend!? Black Convoy Ultimately, Gigatron's plans were foiled and the Destrongers taken into custody, with the exception of Gelshark. Final Battle! Fire Convoy Gigatron and his Destrongers would eventually join up with the Dimensional Patrol, while the Combatrons still fought on behalf of evil. Epiloge

Beast Wars: Uprising

The Predacons were one of two factions of the proto-races on a post-war Cybertron ruled by the autocratic Builders of Cybertron, given life by the Energon Matrix Cerebros managed to acquire from the Human Confederacy, the Autobot feeling that the Decepticons deserved a future just as much as his kin. Head Games Their name derived from Preditron, one of the earliest proto-formers, and his philosophical work, the "Predacon Manifesto". Preditron wrote the work after the demise of his fellow proto-former and friend, Maxima, intending it to supplement her own works, rather than factionalize Cybertronians further. However, this is exactly what happened, especially once the Predacus Council usurped Preditron and "reinterpreted" his works. Safe Spaces The Predacon Manifesto The Builders only saw a means of continuing their war, and encouraged the division, seeing a united front of Maximals and Predacons as a threat to their hegemony. However, with Cybertron badly depleted by eons of war, actual warfare proved impractical, and once energy supplies dwindled enough, the Builders set gladiatorial games to facilitate a proxy of war instead. On the very few spaceships Cybertron still possessed, Predacon workers were watched over by Maximal officers and vice versa, with both parties overlooked by Micromaster political officers, just to be sure. Broken Windshields Head Games Intersectionality As a sign of this division, some towns and cities on Cybertron were seen as either Maximal or Predacon; in Peptex, one such town, the Maximal law enforcement was barely tolerated at the best of times. Burning Bridges

When the Grand Uprising kicked off, a third of the Predacon population simply hunkered down and declared they wanted no part of the fight. Another tenth declared themselves loyal to the Builders, while the remainder joined up with the Resistance. Broken Windshields

With the advent of the Beast Upgrade, the Predacons under the Tripredacus Alliance carved out their own autonomous state, the Independent Predacus States. Though they claimed neutrality, their borders were very unclear and they tended to attack Builder forces often. Safe Spaces

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Transformers Vs. G.I. Joe

Predacons existed alongside Autobots, Decepticons, and Maximals in the 21st century CE. In the aftermath of the Earth / Cybertronian war, they co-habitated the plains of Uranus with the Maximals. The War Never Ends

Of Masters and Mayhem

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You left a piece out!

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War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material

The Predacons traveled across time to find the Allspark and change the fate of Cybertron. While battling the Maximals on pre-Ice Age Earth, both sides were joined by the Autobots and Decepticons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies forever. Kingdom webpage[4]

Multiple possible futures for the Predacons were recorded on the Voyager Golden Disk. In one, Dinobot led a cross-factional alliance, while in another, Blackarachnia ascended to become the leader of the Predacons. In other futures, both Dinobot and Blackarachnia left the Predacons and became Maximals! Kingdom Golden Disk cards

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

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2021 Beast Wars comic

Enough time had passed between the end of the Great War and the present day that the original Decepticon leader Megatron had been almost forgotten by successive generations; Savage Landing Part 3 the Predacons and their Maximal counterparts ostensibly cooperated under the terms of the Pax Cybertronia, which mandated a certain level of intergovernmental cooperation between the Tripredacus Council and their Maximal opposites. Savage Landing Part 4 The Predacon Dinobot cheerfully admitted that the Predacons were a warrior race—temperamental, aggressive and confrontational. In times of peace, they would throw themselves into whatever conflicts they could find and readily tackle new challenges—these included science, athletics, law, and peacekeeping operations. Savage Landing Part 5

Unbeknownst to the Maximals, the Tripredacus Council privately supported a number of armed dissidents, Predacon separatists who wished to form their own independent state. Savage Landing Part 1 One such agent, the ambitious Galavar, would go on to defy the Tripredacus Council and strike out on his own after stealing the Golden Disk from the Maximals. Savage Landing Part 1

2001 Robots in Disguise continuity family

In the Japanese Car Robots cartoon, the villains were referred to as the "Destrongers" (rather than the "Destron" name that the previous Japanese "beast era" cartoons had used for the Predacons), though they still used the Predacon insignia. When the cartoon was dubbed as Robots in Disguise, the faction used the Predacon name.

Uniquely, the Predacons of the Viron cluster universes are not an offshoot of the Decepticons, but are instead the default version of their faction, sworn enemies of the noble Autobots for thousands of years.[5] Governed by the Predacon Council, these Predacons are ruthless conquerors from Cybertron, with Megatron having come to rule over many worlds in his service to the Council, ultimately aiming for universal domination.

The Decepticons, meanwhile, exist as a subgroup of the Predacons, first created on Earth from six stolen Autobot protoforms. More have apparently turned up since, while in certain universes another Predacon subgroup called the Destructicons share the Decepticon insignia.

2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Say "Cheese." Grrr...

There was a civil war on Cybertron, presumably (though not stated) between the Autobots and the Predacons. Ultra Magnus

The Predacons spread throughout the galaxy under Megatron's command, ravaging planets for their energy; time and again, Optimus Prime's forces clashed with them. Battle Protocol! The Predacon Council, however, became aware that the mighty Fortress Maximus was located on Earth, and Megatron was ordered to take a strike team and seize control of the monolith. Surprise Attack! As a cover story, however, Megatron claimed to simply be after Earth's energy. Battle Protocol!

Unfortunately, the Predacons really did need energy and a combination of that, The Hunt for Black Pyramid superior Autobot numbers, Spychangers to the Rescue the inability to get information out of the captive Kenneth Onishi, Secret Weapon: D-5 and the sheer incompetence of Megatron's men An Explosive Situation Secret Weapon: D-5 The Ultimate Robot Warrior saw them get stuck in a rut.

One has to wonder how a whole war was fought against these guys before the Decepticons showed up.

Megatron's fortunes changed after he found and reprogrammed Autobot protoforms into the brand-new Decepticons The Decepticons, which left his old Predacon forces as second-class villains in fear of losing their jobs. The two groups of henchmen would constantly clash, with the Predacons sometimes trying to undermine the Decepticons and usually being forced into the crap jobs. Commandos Volcano

The discovery of Fortress Maximus Fortress Maximus finally got the mission on track for the villains, and when the Decepticons tried to usurp Megatron and failed, the Preds were put back on time! Surprise Attack! Unfortunately, that was immediately followed by a big final battle where Galvatron (the upgraded form of Megatron) eventually ignored them and they ended up captive. Only Sky-Byte remained at large. The Final Battle (RID)

Dreamwave Robots in Disguise comic

UltraMagnustotheRescue DecepticonsPredacons.jpg

While Megatron himself set himself up as a distraction (attracting the attention of the Autobot Brothers), the Predacons participated in an Arizona raid on a human research plant, looking to steal an experimental nuclear generator. Unfortunately, the Decepticons were also part of the raid, and the bickering between Scourge and Sky-Byte put the two groups at odds with each other. When Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus arrived, a battle broke out, but Scourge forced a stalemate by threatening some innocent humans. The Predacons managed to stop him from hurting innocents, and successfully acquired the generator. Ultra the Rescue?

Shell Game

In Viron 704.31 Epsilon, Megatron died at the hands of Omega Prime during the final confrontation on Earth. In his absence, the monstrous Megazarak rose to power over the combined Decepticon / Predacon alliance, killing Scourge when he contested the position. Megazarak would augment his forces with robo-smashed Autobots, their personalities replaced with new Shell Programs derived from those of veteran Predacons. Sky-Byte was appalled by Megazarak's actions, and risked his life to smuggle the trio to safety. When the time came for the final confrontation, the four Predacons helped Defensor slay the mad tyrant. Ask Vector Prime, 30/07/2015

Ask Vector Prime

In at least some Virion universal streams, the ruling body of the Predacons is the Predacon Council, a mysterious trio whose identities and agendas are unknown to the average Predacon. Shark Sonnets, 25/10/2015

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Animated continuity family


In the Malgus cluster universes, the Predacons are a group of technorganics lead by Blackarachnia. Back on Cybertron, she recruited Inferno and Antagony. The Complete AllSpark Almanac

Cyberverse continuity family

Blackarachnia is the only known member of the Predacons.

Live-action film series

Scourge, the fearsome leader of the Terrorcons, had about nine Predacon symbols welded onto his body, likely from Predacons he previously killed. At one point, the faction's own leader Megatron had disappeared quite some time ago, with Waspinator taking his place during his absence.[6] Otherwise, the Predacons are a group of differently-colored Scorponoks that serve Unicron.

In search of the Transwarp Key, Unicron sent his forces to besiege the Maximal homeworld, including three Predacon Scorponoks. Two successfully subdued Apelinq, the Maximal leader that carried the Transwarp Key, but they were quickly killed by the warriors Optimus Primal and Airazor.

When the Transwarp Key was activated on Earth, Unicron sent an army of Predacon Scorponoks through the transwarp portal as reinforcements for the Terrorcons and Sweeps. The Autobots, Maximals, and Noah Díaz held their own against the Predacon and Terrorcon army until the Transwarp Key was destroyed by Optimus Prime, and the enemy forces were sucked back into Unicron's galaxy. Rise of the Beasts


Transformers: Earth Wars

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars


  • Across the first two seasons of the Beast Wars animated series, the Predacons as a people underwent some major development changes: In the series' production bible, the Predacons were described as "a race of feral conquerors who believe they alone have the right to rule Cybertron (and any other planet they can train their lasers on)", with Megatron stated to be "the most feared leader of the Predacons."[7] This was very much reflected in the cartoon's first season, with Megatron often waxing poetic about acquiring enough energon to conquer the galaxy, and with treacherous Predacons like Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia speaking of overthrowing Megatron as the means to rule the Predacons as a whole (as if Megatron was the leader of all Predacons instead of just the few stranded with him on prehistoric Earth). In the second season, however, new concepts like the Predacon Alliance, the Tripredacus Council, and the Pax Cybertronia were all introduced, and reimagined the Predacons as merely second-class citizens to the greater Maximal government during a centuries-old peacetime, with Megatron instead considered a rogue criminal even by his own people. This depiction is how the Predacons would be presented in most Beast Wars spinoff media produced in the West.
  • Due to the pushed-back release of the second and third seasons of Beast Wars in Japan, the two Japanese-original spinoff series, Beast Wars II and Beast Wars Neo, evidently took inspiration from the first season's "galactic conquerors" depiction of Megatron and his crew. The Predacon leaders of both series—Galvatron and Magmatron, respectively—each sought to conquer the whole universe (and even had the resources to do so), both were well known by the general Maximal populace as an "Emperor of Destruction" who answered to no higher Predacon authority (which, initially, seemed to also be the case for Megatron in Season One of Beast Wars), and each captained their own crews aboard powerful space vessels that roamed the cosmos in search of great energy sources (likely inspired by Megatron's own quest for energon in Beast Wars Season One). However, Beast Wars Neo also showed the whole Predacon faction to be openly at war with the Maximals, in contrast to the Cold War-esque peacetime of the Pax Cybertronia. With the aforementioned changes made to Predacon society in Season 2 and 3 of the American cartoon, this depiction of the Predacons in the two Japanese series was suddenly at odds with their western depiction. So, to patch up this continuity issue (and a few others), the two Japanese series (and the Maximal-Predacon war depicted therin) were later repositioned to take place in the far distant future long after Beast Machines (and, consequently, long after the Pax Cybertronia).
  • International multilingual packaging used different names for the Predacons. Depending on the market, those names either were or were not used consistently throughout the Beast Wars and 2001 Robots in Disguise toylines' runs. European packaging was comparably straightforward:
    • The trilingual European Beast Wars packaging variant that featured texts in English, Spanish and Italian (easily identified by the double title "Beast Wars/Biocombat") consistently called the faction "Predacon", or "Predacons" for the plural form.
    • Meanwhile, the trilingual European Beast Wars packaging variant that featured texts in French, Dutch and German (easily identified by the double title "Beast Wars/Ani Mutants") consistently called the faction "Predator", or "Predators" for the plural form.
    • European Robots in Disguise packaging, which existed in two multilingual packaging versions alternatively featuring texts in English, French, Dutch and German, or in French, Spanish, Italian and German, called the faction "Predacons" for the English, Spanish and Italian portions, and "Predators" for the French, Dutch and German portions.
Canadian/Latin American packaging is where it gets really confusing:
  • For the 1996 and 1997 Beast Wars releases, the French Canadian name was consistently "Prédacon", or "Prédacons" for the plural form, with an accent above the "e". This name was still used for early 1998 releases such as the wave 1 Basic Fuzor Quickstrike, the wave 1 Deluxe Fuzor Sky Shadow, the wave 1 Deluxe Transmetal Tarantulas, and the wave 1 Mega Transmetal Megatron.
  • But then, in mid-1998, Hasbro decided to apply the French European faction name to the Canadian figures as well, but again spelled it with an accent above the "e", "Prédator". This spelling was used for the wave 2 Basic Fuzor Terragator, the wave 2 Deluxe Fuzor Injector, and the wave 2 Deluxe Transmetal Waspinator.
  • But then, for the late 1998 releases, Hasbro suddenly decided to spell the French Canadian name "Prédatore", with an additional "e" at the end. This spelling was used for the wave 3 Basic Fuzor Buzzclaw, the wave 3 Deluxe Transmetal Terrorsaur, the wave 2 Mega Transmetal Scavenger, and the wave 1 Ultra Transmetal Rampage.
  • By 1999, Hasbro had reversed that second decision, and all figures now consistently featured the spelling "Prédator", which was used for the remainder of the Beast Wars line, as well as the 2001 Robots in Disguise line.
The Spanish name for Latin America was similarly inconsistent:
  • Beast Wars toy packaging consistently indentified the individual figures as "Predacón", with an accent above the "o".
  • However, the Spanish translation of the franchise summary on the back referred to them by the plural form "Predacons", without an accent, just like on the trilingual European packaging variant that featured Spanish as one of its languages, even though the French translation of the franchise summary featured on the very same packaging did make heavy use of accents, so it's not like there was a problem with that particular font used that couldn't display accents.
  • The Spanish translation of the franchise summary on 2001 Robots in Disguise toy packaging, as well as Deluxe Bruticus and Ultra Megatron's bios and Megatron's Tech Spec card, then referred to the faction by the plural form "Predacones", with an additional "e", and no accents… but then Bruticus's Tech Spec card referred to the singular form as "Preacón", with an accent and misspelled without a "d".
  • The Japanese names of the Car Robot Destronger subordinates start with the first four kana of the voiced version of the ka row—ga (ガ, Gaskunk), gi (ギ, Guildo), gu (グ, Goosher), and ge (ゲ, Gelshark).

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Destron (デストロン Desutoron), Destronger (デストロンガー Desutorongā)
  • Dutch: Predator (Beast Wars and Robots in Disguise toy packaging)
  • French: Predator (cartoon dub, European Beast Wars and 2001 Robots in Disguise toy packaging), Prédacon (Canadian 1996-1998 Beast Wars toy packaging), Prédator (Canadian 1998-onwards Beast Wars and 2001 Robots in Disguise toy packaging), Prédatore (Canadian late 1998 Beast Wars toy packaging only)
  • German: Predator (Beast Wars and 2001 Robots in Disguise toy packaging)
  • Hungarian: Predakon
  • Latvian: Predakoni
  • Mandarin: Yuánshǐ Shòu (原始兽, "Primeval Beast")
  • Polish: Predatony(Lector), Bestiozory(Beastzaurs Canal + Dubb)
  • Russian: Khishcherony (Хищероны, "Predatorcons")
  • Spanish: Predacón (America, Beast Wars toy packaging only)


  1. A [Maximal] strategic specialist, Stinkbomb is fascinated with the study of Predaconial psychology.Stinkbomb's bio, 1999
  2. Bob Skir FAQ from 6 November 1999: "We're trying to refer to Cybertronians as "Transformers", which includes *all* factions. We are avoiding terms like "Predacons" because the conflict between Maximals and Predacons doesn't factor into our current storylines, and we don't want to cause any confusion. But rest assured, Cybertron *was* populated by all four of the "species" you mentioned."
  3. Or their descendants, if you take authorial intent into account
  4. Kingdom webpage
  5. Robots in Disguise Series Bible, at TFRaw
  6. Recording of Optimus Primal voice clip, via David Willis on Twitter
  7. Beast Wars Series Story Bible "Backstory" excerpt at
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