Ratchet (G1)/toys
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Ratchet is the quintessential Autobot ambulance.
The Transformers
- Accessories: "Static Laser Gun", gun connector, 3 missiles
- Known designers: Jeffrey Mangiat (packaging artist)
- Part of the initial assortment of Autobot Cars in the original The Transformers toyline, Ratchet was originally a Onebox Ambulance Type toy from Takara's Diaclone line, transforming from a Nissan Cherry Vanette SGL Coach ambulance to a robot and gun-station. Ratchet and his retool/redeco buddy Ironhide, like all Diaclones, were designed to be piloted mecha, which is why he has a seat instead of a head. The Transformers version applied a face sticker to the back of the seat in lieu of a real sculpted noggin. Unusually for toys of this period, the Static Laser Gun can actually store when Ratchet is in vehicle mode, plugging into his undercarriage (although the missiles for his launcher and the peg required to attach the laser don't go anywhere).
- A variant of the toy includes red crosses on the top and sides of the vehicle. It is currently unclear how rare either version actually is.
- Though he was discontinued at normal retail after 1985, he was made available as a mail-away item in 1986 in multiple offers, including the "Digital Doom on the Highway to Destruction" flier packed with most boxed Transformers toys. He cost $8 and two Robot Points.
- In Japan, Ratchet was originally only available as a S.T.A.R.S. mail-away, costing 1700 yen and 4 robot points.
The Transformers mold: Ironhide/Ratchet | ||
Version 1 (Ironhide):
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Collector's Edition
- Ratchet (2001)
- ID number: 99
- Accessories: "Static Laser Gun", gun connector, 3 missiles
- In 2001, Ratchet was reissued in Japan as part of the Collector's Edition series. It was exclusively available through e-HOBBY, paired with Ironhide. As with his packmate, this version of the mold is the first to use metal pins for the shoulder connection rather than screws (something that all future reissues of this mold would adopt). This release also adds a rubsign above the vehicle mode windshield.
The Transformers mold: Ironhide/Ratchet | ||
Version 1 (Ironhide):
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- Autobot Ratchet & Flareup (BotCon 2005 Souvenir two-pack)
- Accessories: Lightbar/blaster
- One of two "souvenir" packages exclusive to BotCon 2005, Ratchet is a retooling of the Energon Autobot Tow-Line with a new head, transforming into a large utility van. In robot mode, his lower vehicle portion becomes a mobile battle/repair platform. Ratchet can fold his legs back and up over his shoulders (wow!) and re-attach to this platform for a "battle mode". In this, ahem, position, Ratchet can also form the top half of a two-robot "Powerlinx combiner" with any Energon Deluxe Autobot, and any of them can also use his platform for their own combination.
- The mold's standard "receiver dish" weapon was not produced; instead, he came with a new "light bar" that pegged onto his roof in much the same manner.
- He could only be purchased in an at-show "souvenir" two-pack along with Flareup. This mold was also used to make Ironhide for the same convention.
- In mid-December 2007, Ratchet was reissued again as part of TakaraTomy's Encore line. This particular version came with an illustration on one box flap depicting Ratchet's cartoon-design head and chest windshield. By punching out the image along the perforated edges, folding it just so and tucking it in behind the toy's windshield, one could give the toy a "real" head, just like in the TV series, instead of using the Diaclone-original windshield face sticker. Sort of. This version of the toy was retooled to add a pair of "clips" to the mobile platform's gun-base, designed to keep Ratchet more securely attached when riding it. However, these clips are right where a pair of decals normally go.
The Transformers mold: Ironhide/Ratchet | ||
Version 1 (Ironhide):
| ||
- Ratchet Emergency Green (April 2008)
- ID number: 06
- Accessories: "Static Laser Gun", gun connector, 3 missiles
- A redeco of his Encore reissue which homages the live-action movie Ratchet, Ratchet Emergency Green (ラチェット エマージェンシーグリーン) is a Japanese mail-away exclusive available with a purchase of the book Transformers Visualworks. After the book release on December 4, 2007, purchasers could mail in a ticket from the book and purchase either one (5200yen) or two (10,000 yen) of the item. Ratchet shipped to customers in April 2008. He comes in the same packaging as the regular Encore release, including packaging images, instructions, and the same white-headed cardboard torso punch-out.
- He's totally awesome.
- This toy inspired the separate character Oil Slick.
Henkei! Henkei!
- Ratchet (February 26, 2009)
- ID number: C-14
- Accessories: Converting Cannon
- Known designers: Naoto Tsushima (packaging artist)
- A redeco and retool of the 2008 Universe Ironhide toy, Henkei! Henkei! Ratchet transforms into an "emergency" SUV. He has a red Japanese-style emergency lightbar, is cast in bright white plastic, and has a deco resembling Ratchet's appearance in the original cartoon series, down to his dark gray head crest. Like all Henkei toys, he features vacuum metalized plastic, specifically his headlights and taillights, as well as his "Converting Cannon" weapon. Unlike his Universe counterpart, the license plate is blank. The lightbar was also used for Henkei! Henkei! Alert.
- Like Ironhide, Henkei! Henkei! Ratchet also carried a couple of flaws from the base mode; Due to a combination of three places on the figure having too much plastic, Ratchet's head assembly does not have the clearance to properly look up. However, with some heavy tinkering, the head can be raised to a more level, straight position [1].
Universe (2008) mold: Ironhide | ||
Universe (2008)

No, not that Universe Ratchet.
- Autobot Ratchet (Deluxe, 2009)
- Series: Generation 1 Series
- Accessories: Medical Dispenser/Combat Blade
- Known designers: Alex Androski (deco artist)
- Like Henkei Ratchet, Universe Ratchet is a redeco and retooling of the Universe Ironhide toy, and transforms into an "emergency" SUV, cast in pearlescent white plastic with a rather generic "Ratchet" deco. He sports the American-style emergency lightbar previously used for Universe Prowl (and later used again for Generations Red Alert) cast in translucent blue plastic (as opposed to Henkei! Henkei! Ratchet's differently sculpted red Japanese-style emergency lightbar).
- While similar in execution, there are a great many changes from Henkei Ratchet to Universe Ratchet. The red paint detailing on Universe Ratchet is different than that of Henkei Ratchet in color and layout. The Henkei version's stripes resemble those of his original toy, while the Universe version more resembles his Animated counterpart. Henkei Ratchet uses chrome paint on his weapon and both sets of lights while the Universe version leaves them unpainted. Gray paint covers Henkei Ratchet's gun barrel and silver on his upper chest (behind the chest window), these parts remain unpainted on Universe Ratchet. The paint used for the windows of Universe Ratchet is a light blue while Henkei Ratchet uses a deeper metallic blue paint. Universe Ratchet has black forearms and upper thighs, while the Japanese version uses a pure white (different from the white used throughout the rest of the figure). Universe Ratchet has a yellow license plate (which reads H3L PU2) and red head crest, while Henkei Ratchet has a blank gray plate and gray head crest. Universe Ratchet features a blue blade on his weapon, while Henkei Ratchet features a red blade. Universe Ratchet also features a lighter red plastic than the Henkei version.
- Like Universe Ironhide, the blue paint used for his opaque windows matches really, really badly with his translucent blue plastic windows. Also, several of his parts are cast in unpaintable red plastic, causing Ratchet to have a rather conspicuous red patch on his otherwise-white roof.
- This mold was also retooled into BotCon 2012 Sir Soundwave.
Universe (2008) mold: Ironhide | ||
- Autobot Ratchet (2011)
- Set number: 30662
- Pieces: 197
- Kreons: Ratchet, Medic
- Accessories: Pistol
- Part of the first wave of Kre-O figures, Ratchet can be built in either G1-inspired robot mode or an ambulance (with decals inspired by his Animated incarnation). He comes with two Kreons to drive the ambulance, one of himself and one of a human medic.
- Kreon Class of 1984 (Kreon figure set, 2014)
- Set number: B0090
- Voted: Class Fixer
- Accessories: Andorian blaster, syringe
- This version of Ratchet, part of the Kreon Class of 1984, has much more detailed toy-based tampographs than his prior version, though he keeps the cartoony head, of course. Oddly, he also has a Wheeljack-style wing-pack, despite neither the toy or cartoon version of Ratchet having wings. But hey, who can complain about extra parts in a customizing-heavy play pattern, huh?
- He was only available in a San Diego Comic-Con 2014 exclusive pack of 30 Kreons dubbed the "Kreon Class of 1984". Remaining stock was to be sold at Hasbro Toy Shop online, only there was no remaining stock after the show.
- Autobot Ratchet Vs. Soundwave (Battle Changer 2-pack, 2015)
- Set number: B1507
- Accessories: Cobra Commander pistol
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro)[1]
- Battle Changer Ratchet uses a modified Kreon torso and pelvis, that is then built up with bricks to form a larger robot that can transform into an ambulance mode without needing to be disassembled and reassembled. He seems to be equal parts based on the original Ratchet and Prime Ratchet.
- Also, by this time, the "Ratchet" helmet had been retooled to widen the opening for the face, so the crest no longer completely obscured a Kreon's eyes.
- Ratchet was only available in a "Vs." pack with Soundwave, who also came with Frenzy, Rumble, Laserbeak and Ravage.
- Autobot Ratchet (Deluxe Class, 2012)
- Series / Number: 1 / 006
- TakaraTomy release date: March 31, 2012
- TakaraTomy ID number: AM-04
- Accessories: Dual Battle Blades (Hasbro only), "R.A." Arms Micron (TakaraTomy only)
Prime Ratchet was repurposed as Generation 1 Ratchet in The X-Files: Conspiracy: The Transformers.
- Part of the second wave of Prime: Robots in Disguise Deluxe Class toys, this larger-scale version of Ratchet has a "dramatic head reveal" gimmick, with his robot-mode head being spring-loaded to pop up once his "backpack" is pulled down. He features 5 mm peg-holes for his hands, a pair on his front bumpers/shins, and a pair on his vehicle roof.
- He comes with a pair of battle blades that can mount/be held via 5 mm post, and his hands can be swung down at the wrist to give the appearance of the blades sprouting out of his wrists, as seen in the cartoon. The blades can mount into the peg-holes on his front bumper, creating a battle mode, and the blades can store on tabs underneath his vehicle.
- His instructions depict an alternate head apparently intended for an as-yet-unreleased Gears. The sculpt was used as the basis for Prime Swerve.
- The Japanese release of Ratchet, part of the very first assortment of TakaraTomy Prime toys, omits an incredible number of paint operations, replacing them with customer-applied foil stickers. (On the other hand, this does give him his "lifeline" decoration missing from the Hasbro version.) As part of the "Arms Micron" gimmick, six 5mm peg-hole attachment points have been glued onto him (as opposed to having existing parts specifically retooled to include them like many other toys in the line) on his vehicle-mode roof, doors, and side-panels, which respectively end up on his legs, forearms, and shoulders. The Hasbro version's twin blades have been replaced by the Arms Micron, R.A., who transforms into a considerably larger version of one of the blades, and can still work as a "wrist-mounted" weapon.
- Ratchet was redecoed into 2014 Transformers Protectobot First Aid and retooled into BotCon 2014 Cannonball.
Bot Shots
- Autobot Ratchet (2012)
- Series: 1
- Number: B006
- Fist strength: 720
- Blaster strength: 290
- Sword strength: 630
- Part of the second wave of Bot Shots Series 1 single-packs, "Autobot Ratchet" is a teeny little emergency-response SUV with a spring-loaded automatic transformation to robot mode triggered when his front bumper is pressed. He has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. His robot body and elements of his vehicle mode are based on the live-action movie Ratchet, though his colors and head are based on the original Ratchet.
- This mold would also have been used to make the unreleased Bot Shots Protectobot First Aid.
- Ambulance (Ratchet) (2012)
- ID number: B02
- BeCool "Ambulance" is a slight repaint of Ratchet's Bot Shots toy, featuring silver paint on his grill. Instead of game stats, his chest stickers display images of a syringe, a lightbar and a stethoscope.
- Highway Patrol Car (Patrol Ratchet) (2013)
- ID number: B13
- "Highway Patrol Car" is a yellow redeco of the Ratchet toy with identical paint details, including the BeCool-only grill. His stickers now depict a traffic cone, a street sign and a picture of his vehicle mode racing to the rescue.

Someone's going to envy my toys.
- Rescue Car and Rescue Base (Rescue Ratchet) (2013)
- ID number: BS02
- "Rescue Car" is a redeco of the Ratchet toy in red with white and silver paint details. He comes with the Rescue Base, a red redeco of the Ironhide Launcher, which can attach to him as a trailer or open up into a base with a spring-loaded vehicle launching ramp. It also has a pair of articulated buzzsaw-arms and comes with a sticker sheet for decorating it as you please.
- Ratchet (March 19, 2016)
- ID number: QTF-09
- Q-Transformers Ratchet is a retool of Ironhide which transforms from a licensed super deformed Toyota HiAce with a lightbar to a cute little robot.
- Autobot Warriors (Multi-pack, 2014)
- Accessories: Gun/front spoiler
- Universe Ratchet was re-released in a three-pack with Generations Sergeant Kup and Reveal the Shield Perceptor, available from Hasbro Asia and TakaraTomy Mall. All three Autobots feature new metallic paint decoes. Ratchet, in particular, features considerably more red in his vehicle mode compared to both his Universe and Henkei! Henkei! versions. He retains the latter's Japanese-style emergency lightbar.
Universe (2008) mold: Ironhide | ||
- Ratchet (April 23, 2016)
- ID number: MP-30
- Accessories: Missile launcher, missile, static laser gun, 2 laser pistols, x-ray blaster, repair beam emitter, repair beam effect, 2 cyber spanners, magno-wrench, laser scalpel, arc-welder, repair bay, 2 faces, cardstock EKG image
- Transforming from a licensed Nissan Cherry Vanette SGL Coach ambulance to a robot, Masterpiece Ratchet is a retool of Masterpiece Ironhide, with a new head, skirt armor, and lightbar.
- Ratchet shares several accessories with Ironhide: a pair of generic Autobot pistols (prominently dual-wielded by Ratchet in The Transformers: The Movie), a static laser gun and missile launcher based on those included with his original toy (though, unlike Ironhide, not used by Ratchet in the cartoon), and an extra face. He also comes with multiple new accessories, mostly various kinds of medical tools he used in the show, including a "repair beam emitter" that plugs into his forearm (used occasionally throughout the series, but first seen in "Transport to Oblivion") complete with an attachable beam light effect, an "arc-welder" that replaces his hand (Ratchet used a tool like this regularly in the series, but this accessory is specifically based on the detailed one seen in "Dinobot Island, Part 2"), a pair of "cyber spanners" (used in "Attack of the Autobots"), a "magno-wrench" (from "The Autobot Run"), a hand-held laser scalpel (also from "The Autobot Run") and an "x-ray blaster" (from "Microbots"). Similar to how Ironhide included a cardstock image of dinosaur bones, Ratchet includes a cardstock image of an EKG reading that fits behind his windscreen.
- Ratchet has two options for his red cross stickers–placed on his shoulders, and the sides and top of his vehicle mode–both of which sidestep the trademark issues involving the Red Cross organization: one set places an Autobot insignia over the center of the cross, whilst the other adds a red square into each corner of the cross. You didn't hear it from us, but you can totally cut the squares off the latter set to give Ratchet his original plain crosses.
- If purchased from a seller supplied by Hasbro Asia, Ratchet includes a collector coin mounted in a card which resembles the front of his van mode.
Combiner Wars
- Autobot Ratchet (Deluxe Class, Botcon 2016 Customization Class)
- Accessories: Combiner hand/foot, axe
- Exclusive to BotCon 2016's customization class, Combiner Wars Ratchet is a redeco of Deluxe Class First Aid with a previously-unused pretooled head. Like all Combiner Wars Deluxe toys, he can become an arm or a leg for any compatible Voyager-class figure (including Unite Warriors figures) or into one of Legends Godbomber's legs. His G2 bio invites you to use him as a member of the Combiner Wars G2 Defensor that doesn't exist, or as a member of Modulus who possibly exists.
- Class participants were given four deco options for the Ratchet head (Marvel G1, cartoon G1, G2, and Shattered Glass Ratchet), and a fifth deco option for the automatically-included-in-the-sprues First Aid head as Medix. Four sticker sheets were available (with the two G1 decoes sharing a sheet), and class participants were given the G1 sheet and one other of their choice. Additionally, three stickers could be used on Ratchet's combiner peg, allowing you to recreate the sticker face of his original toy.
- Class participants who finished creating their toy in-class were given an exclusive Enigma of Combination accessory that can be either held by Ratchet/Medix or fit into Ultra Prime or Optimus Maximus's chest. Unpainted/unstickered versions of Ratchet with the Ratchet head were offered for sale during registration and at the convention, whilst the G1 sticker sheet was later offered for sale at the online club store, bundled with either a set of autograph cards or a pair of sunglasses.
- In 2017, the unpainted Ratchet was sold at the Club's site in very limited quantities.
Combiner Wars mold: Offroad | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
Unite Warriors
- Lynxmaster (giftset, October 29, 2016)
- ID number: UW-EX
- Accessories: Clamp weapon, double-barreled gun/fist/foot
- Released as part of the Lynxmaster box set, Ratchet is a redeco of his BotCon 2016 customization class figure, making it the very first Japan-only release of the retool itself. Even though the set includes two versions of the axe weapon of the Offroad sculpt, one of them is assigned to Trailbreaker (another retool of Offroad), and the other to Hound, while Ratchet's official weapon is instead the clamp weapon that was originally included with Rook and other figures reusing his version of the sculpt.
Combiner Wars mold: Offroad | ||
Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:
War for Cybertron: Siege
- Ratchet (Deluxe Class, 2019)
- Hasbro ID number: WFC-S34
- TakaraTomy ID number: SG-EX
- TakaraTomy release date: January 20, 2021
- Hidden message code: ARCWELDER
- Accessories: "RT-15" laser cannon/robotic arm, "RT-5 Magno-Wrench", "RT-5 Laser Scalpel"
- Siege Ratchet is an extensive retooling of Ironhide, featuring a new head, grill, shoulders, and weapons that transforms from robot to Cybertronian van and back. Despite the mold being a retool of Ironhide, the mechanical engravings featured across the parts' surface have been largely changed, leaving very few parts from the original figure unchanged. His instructions also include a third "repair mode" vaguely evoking the original toy's medical sled. He features multiple 5 mm post-holes and 3mm hardpoints; the latter are to accommodate "Fire Blast" effects pieces from the Battle Masters assortment, which can be used to simulate blaster fire or explosions. Despite being classified as a Deluxe Class figure, Ratchet is actually a full head taller than the other Deluxe figures of the same line.
- Instead of the "W-35 LR Doomblast Forge Launchers" from his mold-mates, he features a set of all-new C.O.M.B.A.T. System accessories. The main one is a multi-jointed laser cannon/robotic arm, which forms the "RT-15 Protraction Magno Hoist" when combined with his "Magno-Wrench" (for use in repair bay mode), or the "RT-15 Protraction Laser Launcher" when combined with his "Laser Scalpel" pistol (attached to his back in robot mode).
- In an undocumented and possibly unintended feature, all of Ratchet’s accessories can be stored in a hollow compartment formed from his attached shins underneath his arms in vehicle mode, and the pistol and wrench can fit one each in either shin compartment in robot mode. This feature is retained by all iterations of this mold, should you choose to repurpose these accessories with any of those other figures.
- Due to the layout of his mold, Ratchet sports peculiar white wheels in his vehicle mode. Individual reports indicate he does not share Ironhide's leg panel problem, though some figures are reported to have warped molding in their ankle joints instead.
- Ratchet was a Walgreens exclusive in the U.S. (appropriate given it's a drug store), an EB Games exclusive in Canada, and a Toys"R"Us exclusive in Hong Kong and Malaysia. In Japan, it was released as a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive.
Siege mold: Ironhide | ||
Cybertronian vehicle mode:
Earth vehicle mode:
- Autobot Ratchet (Bravo, 2020)
- Released in the third wave of the "Bravo" assortment, Authentics Ratchet is a roughly Scout-sized mold that transforms from a robot into an ambulance and back. Due to his simple transformation steps, most of his ambulance kibble hangs on his entire body, making him a shellformer of sorts. His shoulder kibble leaves him with clearance issues during posing, and unlike most Bravo class figures, he lacks knee articulation.
Generations Selects
- Shattered Glass Ratchet & Optimus Prime (2-pack, 2020)
- ID number: WFC-GS17
- Accessories: Pistol, roof/shield, lightbar
This toy was repurposed as an Angolmois-corrupted form of Generation 1 Ratchet in Generations Selects Special Comic.
- Generations Selects "Shattered Glass Ratchet" is a redeco of Earthrise Paradron Medics Ratchet (see below), itself a retool of Earthrise Ironhide, featuring a BotCon-inspired color scheme with the delicious purple Autobot insignia.
- Ratchet is only available in a two-pack with Shattered Glass Optimus Prime, sold through multiple online retailers.
Siege mold: Ironhide | ||
Cybertronian vehicle mode:
Earth vehicle mode:
War for Cybertron: Earthrise
- Paradron Medics (Galactic Odyssey Collection, 2020)
- Known designers: AJ Piejko-Brown (packaging)
- Bundled with fellow medic Lifeline as Encounter 1 of the Earthrise "Galactic Odyssey Collection", Ratchet is a retool of Earthrise Ironhide, itself a heavy retool of Siege Ironhide, featuring a reuse of Earthrise Prowl's lightbar and a new head. Earthrise Ratchet is a faithful (deco aside) representation of Ratchet's appearance in the cartoon, transforming into an unlicensed Nissan-esque van. His roof piece converts to a shield or (non-firing) rocket launcher for his robot mode, and he has a small pistol that can be stored away underneath the roof/shield in either mode. His shield and pistol are also shown in his instructions to be able to combine together into some sort of hovercraft. As with Earthrise Ironhide, Ratchet has feet sticking out of his alt mode's rear. Like the rest of the "Galactic Odyssey Collection", he lacks an Earthrise ID number, and comes in a Selects-style box with a planet card featuring key details about Paradron. The roof/shield piece is the only part of the figure that has an Autobot symbol on it, leaving him completely devoid of any such symbols in robot mode.
- CG render and initially-released photos of Ratchet showcase his thighs and hip joints being cast in gray plastic, but the final release features them molded in white plastic.
- This two-pack was exclusive to Amazon in the United States but was available at general retail in Hasbro's Asian markets such as Hong Kong.
Siege mold: Ironhide | ||
Cybertronian vehicle mode:
Earth vehicle mode:
Studio Series
- Autobot Ratchet (Core Class, 2022)
- Movie: The Transformers: The Movie
- TakaraTomy ID number: SS-99
- Accessories: 2 blasters
- Known designers: Evan Brooks (Hasbro), Mario Carreiro, Christina Murphy, and Amy Bence (packaging), Marcelo Matere (packaging artist)[2]
- Part of the third wave of Studio Series Core Class figures, Autobot Ratchet transforms from a robot to an ambulance van in 15 steps and comes with two blasters which can either be held or stored on the sides of his ambulance mode. There is ample space to store the guns inside the van's rear. Ratchet features cartoon-inaccurate "Autobot sign of life" shoulder decals due to the Red Cross symbol being a heavily enforced trademark.
- While handling the vehicle mode, be careful not to press down the upper and lower rear panels; doing so would likely disconnect its tabbing. Unfortunately, Ratchet's unpaintable parts are prone to slight photodegradation.
- Despite the Core Class lacking the backdrops included with all other Studio Series size classes, the outside and insert of Ratchet's packaging is decorated with the artwork of the first "Decepticon Shuttle Ambush" backdrop.
- This mold was retooled into Ironhide.
- Autobot Ratchet (Voyager Class, 2023)
- Movie: The Transformers: The Movie
- Hasbro ID number: 86-23
- TakaraTomy ID number: SS-117
- Accessories: 2 laser pistols, 2 lightbar halves, "Decepticon Shuttle Ambush" backdrop (1st version)
- Known designers: Mario Carreiro, Christina Murphy, and Amy Bence (packaging), Marcelo Matere (packaging artist)[2]
- Studio Series Ratchet is an inevitable retool of the same line's Voyager Class Ironhide, with a new head, new crotch, and a lightbar. Though he is a similar size to his Earthrise toy, the advanced transformation engineering means he doesn't have feet sticking out of the back of the vehicle mode and requires no partsforming. Like his moldmate Ironhide, Ratchet's signature stripes on the sides of his vehicle mode are present as molded detail, though unpainted. His shoulders use cartoon-inaccurate "Autobot sign of life" shoulder decals for the same reasons as the above Core class.
- Ratchet comes with dual laser pistols, which can be stored on his back or under the van mode as exhaust pipes. His light bar consists of two pieces that use the same connection ports on his roof and can also be stored on his back, although they do not secure very well.
- Like Studio Series '86 Jazz and Earthrise Wheeljack, Ratchet's white paint used on the translucent parts discolor in a slight yellowish tinge. This phenomenon is something that had not been observed on Transformers toys before the War for Cybertron Trilogy era, suggesting that a different form of paint has been used.
- Ratchet also includes a display backdrop depicting the scene from the '86 movie where he made his last stand against invading Decepticons aboard the Autobot Shuttle.
- Brawn / Autobot Ratchet (multi-pack, 2024)
- Series: Studio Series
- Movie: The Transformers: The Movie
- ID number: 86-28
- Accessories: 2 blasters, 2 lightbar halves, 2 large 3-part Fire Blast effects, "Decepticon Shuttle Ambush" backdrop (1st version)
- Known designers: Mario Carreiro, Christina Murphy, and Amy Bence (packaging), Marcelo Matere (packaging artist))[2]
- A redeco and partial retool of the above Voyager Class Studio Series Ratchet figure, Autobot Ratchet is a morbidly hilarious version of the character during his death in the 1986 movie. In addition to a new, distressed headsculpt, his chest has been retooled to include some rather nasty battle damage, including a 5 mm port for blast effects.
- Much like his moldmate Ironhide, Ratchet trades his transparent plastic for a uniform white color (and better color matching in both modes) and finally acquires his red stripes in van mode along with additional "Autobot sign of life" decals. The silver paint on his face is swapped for a cartoon-based gray.
- He was available in a 2-pack with a similarly morbid Brawn retool, along with two purple recolors of Siege Jetfire's Fire Blast effects and larger version of the first "Decepticon Shuttle Ambush" backdrop. It was properly unveiled on July 6, 2024, as a part of Target's Summer Geek-Out event. It went up for preorder on their website (with limited stock also made available on Hasbro Pulse) with a shipping date of July 21.
Siege accessory mold: Jetfire's Fire Blast effects | ||
- Cybertron Hero Collection 22 (Decoy multi-pack, 1985)
- In Japan, a red rubber mini-figure of Ratchet was available in part of a massive multi-pack of similar mini-figurines. The number etched into his back is the sum total of his Tech Spec ratings, as these figurines were used as game pieces for a variety of Transformers board games in which this number had some meaning to how the game was played or something.
- Ratchet (Decoy, 1987)
- Decoy number: 6
- The Hasbro Decoy release of the Ratchet game piece is almost identical to the Japanese version, except the number on his back is a simple "checklist" number. Like all Autobot Decoys, he was a randomly-chosen pack-in available with the carded Throttlebots, Aerialbots, Protectobots, and Technobots.
Super Collection Figure
- Ratchet (2002)
- Act: 6
- Accessories: Stand
- A three-inch tall PVC figurine of Ratchet was available in "Act 6" of Takara's Super Collection Figure line, a slight retooling of the Ironhide figurine (despite the fact that their two character models have quite a few differences all over) with a new head, left hand and right-wrist-mounted welding tool he uses on several occasions in the cartoon. Like all the figures in the wave, it was available as both a standard full color figure and a metallic silver "pewter" version, one of each of which was available in a standard case of twelve blindpacked figures.
- The pewter version of the figure has a potential problem with connector peg breakage, due to said pegs often getting a layer of pewter paint before being forced into a socket, leading to sticking and tearing. Care should be used when moving or removing the arms; shaving down the socket interior with a thin hobby knife is usually sufficient to fix the issue.
- In eight out of ten cases, the pewter version of Ratchet came packaged with the left leg of the wave's Grand Maximus collectible "build-a-figure". This part could be either full-color or pewter, packed at a ratio of six color to two pewter.
- This Act was seemingly in shorter supply than the others before and since, and is not terribly common on the secondary market.
Heroes of Cybertron
- Autobot Ratchet (2003)
- Ratchet's Super Collection Figure PVC was released the following year by Hasbro as part of their Heroes of Cybertron line. Part of the fifth and final wave of Heroes of Cybertron, Ratchet was, unlike the Japanese figure, sold on an individual blister card and came packaged with the right leg of the Metroplex "build-a-figure".
- Like all the figures in the series, Ratchet was given an attempt at a light-piping gimmick by being cast entirely in translucent blue plastic then painted everywhere except on his eyes and the back of his head.
Transformers Mini-Bust
- Ratchet (2009)
- Released by Diamond Select Toys in 2009, Ratchet was sculpted by Mark Wong of Art Asylum and limited to 1000 pieces. The bust continues the tradition of giving all Ratchet merchandise (but not toys) the red cross insignia on their shoulders to better match the Animation model. Ratchet's Bio credits him and Wheeljack with creating the Dinobots; effectively making him the cartoon version but he comes packaged with two heads for do-it-yourself retconning. Comic accurate red helmet with white chevron, or the cartoon accurate white helmet with grey chevron. Fans of the Universe 2.0 version (white helmet, red chevron) will have to buy some red paint when they pick their bust up. Three tools are also included with the Bust. One slightly resembling the power booster rod, the other a Cybertronian version of an otoscope and the third is some sort of medical gear shaft. They are not sculpted on nor do they possess a magnet and are simply lodged in his hands for display.
Thrilling 30
- Ratchet (Collectible Figurine, 2014)
- Series / Number: 1 / #3
- Accessories: Collector's base
- A super-deformed Ratchet was released among the blindpacked Thrilling 30 Collectible Figurines by Goldie Marketing. He comes with a base to help him stand, a collector's card that doubles as a puzzle piece, and a checklist.
- Collectible Figurines (5-pack, 2014)
- Series: 1
- Accessories: 5 collector's bases
- The same Ratchet figurine was also available in a 5-pack alongside Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream and Soundwave.
Tiny Titans
- Autobot Ratchet (Tiny Titans, 2015)
- Series: 2
- Number: 10/12
- Part of the second assortment of Tiny Titans blindpacks, this version of Ratchet is a very small, soft-plastic figure of him in robot mode.
- He includes a collectible card that renders him in the 2015 Robots in Disguise styling. The card includes a scan-badge for the Robots in Disguise mobile game, which unlocks a random amount of Energon "currency" and a randomized bonus power-up item.
- This wave saw fairly minimal release at "big box" retailers, but unlike other waves, was not picked up by drug stores and the like later, making them particularly hard to find.
Mighty Muggs
- Ratchet (2019)
- ID number: 08
- Very subtly based on his evergreen design, Ratchet is part of the second wave of the 2018 Mighty Muggs relaunch. Surgically applying pressure onto his very white cranium will adversely affect his expression. He has three faces: party time, bar fight, and one too many drinks.
Transformers Trading Card Game
- Specialist Ratchet, Engineering-Rescue & Repair (2019)
- Wave 3: War for Cybertron: Siege I
- Rarity: UT
- Card Number: T48/T48
- Stars: 8
- Specialist Ratchet, Engineering-Rescue & Repair is one of forty-eight double-sided character cards available in Wave 3 of the Transformers Trading Card Game, War for Cybertron: Siege I.
- The card's art reuses line-art from the Transformers Legends mobile game. The artwork is recolored seemingly to match the aesthetic of the Siege toyline's packaging art.
- Transformers Gen-1 Chess Set (
- In the planned Transformers Chess Set by Eaglemoss, a relatively large and very well detailed statue of Ratchet was slated to be one of the Rook pieces on the Autobot side.
- A Kickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds for this project was launched, but failed to meet its goal by September 24, 2021 and the whole thing was canceled.
Magic: The Gathering
- Ratchet, Field Medic / Ratchet, Rescue Racer (2022)
- ID number: 002/015
- Set code: BOT
- Color identity: White
- Casting cost: {2}{W} (front), {1}{W} (back)
- "Ratchet, Field Medic" is part of the 2022 Magic: The Gathering Universes Beyond Transformers card set, found in Set Booster and Collector Booster packs of Magic's The Brothers' War set. It can be reversed to become "Ratchet, Rescue Racer", representing Ratchet in vehicle mode.
- A variant of this card was available solely in Collector Booster packs, depicting Shattered Glass Ratchet.
Galaxy Version
- Ratchet (2023)
- Series: Galaxy Version 01 - Roll Out
- Accessories: 2 pairs of hands (Weapon-holding/fists, open-palm), Pistol, Blast Effect, spare peg-and-ball piece, spare ball-and-ball piece, black stand, 1 pair of White Autobot/Decepticon symbols
- Released in the First Wave of the Galaxy Version line of blind boxes, Blokees Ratchet is a four-inch-tall, articulated, and non-transforming snap-on model kit of the Autobot Ambulance. Like many other Blokees figures, Ratchet uses a "Standard Body" as a skeleton, in which pieces are then attached to make them look like different characters.
- Like many other Blokees figures, Ratchet includes a stand with four studs that he can connect to for posing via four studs.
- A rare inclusion on Ratchet merchandise & toys is the Red Cross logos on his shoulders from the original Generation One cartoon, which surprisingly ends up on this toy. For reference, his latest Generations toy from Studio Series 86 opted to go for a fictional Autobot Medic insignia.
Shining Version
- Ratchet (2024)
- Series: Shining Version 01 - Shining Roll Out
- Accessories: 2 pairs of hands (Weapon-holding/fists, open-palm), Pistol, Energon Cube, yellow stand, 1 pair of White Autobot/Decepticon symbols
- Released in the first wave of Blokees' Shining Version line, this edition of the original Galaxy Version mold now features new color-coded face parts with translucent eyes, and a torso frame that lights up upon shaking (or at least just lightly tap some areas on the torso), causing the eyes and the translucent chest window to glow for a limited time. In addition to his identical accessories from the Galaxy Version release, Ratchet also comes with a single Energon Cube, and a larger figure stand.
- In later years, toys sporting the name "Ratchet" require an additional "Autobot" prefix for trademark reasons, hence making the official name "Autobot Ratchet".
- Ratchet's original toy is part of a matrix of cross-referencing redecoes:
- In 2008, the original 1984 Ratchet mold got a green redeco as "Ratchet Emergency Green" in obvious reference to his movie counterpart.
- Meanwhile, the movie counterpart's toys got a red and white "Rescue Ratchet" redeco... based on the original colors of the 1984 toy.
- Elsewhere, Animated Ratchet includes elements from both characters, including Generation 1 Ratchet's chevron crest and coloration. (Animated Ratchet later got a movie-based "Rescue Ratchet" redeco, to boot.)
- The Decepticon character Oil Slick combines elements of "Ratchet Emergency Green" and Aligned Ratchet's Go! toy.
- ↑ Interview with Hasbro designer Evan Brooks on the Triple Takeover podcast, from their YouTube channel
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Transformers Panel at Hasbro Pulse Con 2024 with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks, Mark Maher, Marcelo Matere, and Nate Purswell.
- Articles in need of images
- Unreleased toys
- Amazon exclusives
- Bot Shots Autobots
- BotCon exclusives
- Customization class toys
- Combiner Wars Autobots
- Decoys
- E-HOBBY exclusives
- Encore
- Mail order exclusives
- Generation 1 toy Autobots
- Henkei! Henkei! Autobots
- Kre-O Autobots
- Kreons
- Masterpiece
- Multi-component Transformers
- Q-Transformers characters
- TakaraTomy Mall exclusives
- Timelines characters
- Repurposed toys
- Studio Series Autobots
- Unite Warriors Autobots
- Universe (2008)
- Walgreens exclusives
- War for Cybertron: Earthrise Autobots
- War for Cybertron: Siege Autobots