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Richard Marcej

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The name or term "Richard" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Richard (disambiguation).
A painting based on one of Marcej's layouts: Powermaster Optimus Prime.

Richard Marcej (1961-) is a graphic designer formerly at Hasbro responsible for the packaging design for a healthy chunk of the original The Transformers franchise, including many of the Predacons, Headmasters, Targetmasters, Powermasters, Seacons and Pretenders (Marcej handled the overall layouts while the finished, painted artwork was often done by artists in Japan, such as Hidetsugu Yoshioka). He is also entirely responsible for the exclusive "comic book style" battle scene package art found on 1989 toys, such as the Classic Pretenders and the Micromaster Anti-Aircraft Base, as well as the comic-style art for Hasbro's Battle Beasts line, which Takara would use for their Beastformers tie-in series.

Marcej graduated from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, and began working for Hasbro in the fall of 1983. While working at Hasbro, he also did work for G.I. Joe, My Little Pony, Inhumanoids and Army Ants, the last of which featured products primarily of his own design. He was also credited as a "Technical Advisor" on The Transformers: The Movie, the exact details of which are unknown.

He is currently employed as an art director at tech mega-conglomerate Siemens where his work goes into hospitals, schools, warehouses, etc etc. The next time you go shopping for a dishwasher, know that there's a little G1 in there somewhere.


Known packaging art

The Transformers




  • Mindwipe
    (w/ Vorath)
  • Skullcruncher
    (w/ Grax)
  • Weirdwolf
    (w/ Monzo)
  • Headmaster Horrorcons Headmaster Bases
  • Kup
    (w/ Recoil)
  • Misfire
    (w/ Aimless)
  • Pointblank
    (w/ Peacemaker)
  • Scourge
    (w/ Fracas)

  • 1988

    Seacons Targetmasters Headmasters Powermasters Powermaster Autobot Leader
    Pretender Beasts Pretender Vehicles


    • 1989 back-of-box murals
    Pretender Monsters Pretenders Classic Pretenders Mega Pretenders Ultra Pretenders


    Extended Richard Marcej gallery

    External links


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