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Shake Up

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Transformers: Rescue Bots ep 23
ShakeUp Heatwave protects Frankie.jpg
"Shake Up"
Season 1
No. in season 23
Production company Hasbro Studios
Airdate August 11, 2012
Writer Nicole Dubuc
Director Patrick Archibald
Animation studio Atomic Cartoons
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The Rescue Bots lead the rescue efforts when a series of earthquakes strike the island.



ShakeUp Rescue Bots in costume.jpg

Cody and the Rescue Bots have just been watching a classic comedy film, though Chase is confused by the whole concept of humor. When Heatwave points out they're supposed to be studying humans, Chase promises to research comedy. They're interrupted by the arrival of a small UFO which flies around the station before heading towards the newly-arrived Frankie Greene. Frankie yells "cut!", at which point the UFO lands, revealing itself to be piloted by Dither. She's creating a film for her school multimedia assignment. Kade, who wants to be in the film too, obligingly orders the bots to do everything Frankie says. She soon has them kitted up and demands they dance. Heatwave plays dumb. Doc Greene arrives to show off his dance moves, but according to Frankie, his moves are a bit rusty. As Frankie and the Doc leave so he can practice some more, Chief Burns reminds the Bots to keep their cover whenever Frankie is filming them.

"Danger? Pssh, I have a video-camera. Nothing hurts the director!"

Later, Cody is cycling along Lake Street when an earthquake strikes. He outruns the tremor, but Jerry's bus is trapped in a crack and Frankie is on hand with her video camera. As the team heads there, Chase shares his attempts at humor with the Chief. The Bots are hampered by having pretend to be robots, but they still manage to save Jerry. As Graham puzzles over the origin of the quake, another one strikes and Chase saves Cody and Frankie from being crushed by a dish, though it doesn't dampen Frankie's desire to film everything. A gas main breaks and catches fire, and the team works to put it out while under Frankie's watchful eye. The Chief finally has Dani and Blades take Frankie away to make it easier to work.

ShakeUp Rescue Bots carry subwoofer.jpg

Back at the station, the Bots are preparing to watch another movie when Frankie arrives to get her props. She's surprised to find the underground bunker and decides the tunnels leading out of it would be great in her movie. Luckily the rest of the team arrive, and Chief tells her they need the bunker. They're soon set up for a briefing and Graham tells the others that he's tracked the tremors to the tunnels under Griffin Rock. After another attempt at humor by Chase, the team heads into the tunnels to stop the tremors before something worse than a broken gas main happens. Frankie, returning to get her props, hears their voices in the tunnel and follows them in.

"I dance in the face of your 'how did she get that footage?!' questions!"

They soon reach what appears to be a dead end—which turns out to be a store room for extra technology from the Hall of Inspiration. They quickly find a huge subwoofer, which Graham realizes is responsible for the quakes. The speaker starts another quake, and Chief instructs the Bots to carry it above ground. As they do so, they hear Frankie's cries as she's caught in a caving-in tunnel, and Heatwave goes to find her. Finding her with her foot is trapped under rocks, he works on getting her free while continuing to act like a robot. He alerts the rest of the team, now outside, and Chief heads back in with the other Bots. Boulder attempts to use his sonar, but the vibrations cause more collapsing, and as Heatwave frantically tries to tell Boulder to stop, he breaks character. The dust clears, and he sees she's passed out. Chief and the other Bots arrive and save her.

Outside, the speaker starts again, and the three Burns siblings realize it's playing music. Graham tracks the signal back to the Hall of Inspiration where Doc Greene is dancing to a jukebox. Later on Frankie brings her completed movie to the station to show everyone. Luckily there's nothing incriminating on it, and it's just Frankie's music video. As she leaves, she thanks Heatwave by name and the others wonder how much she actually knows.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Then I will study Earth humor. But why the road-crossing habits of poultry provoke involuntary laughter, I will never comprehend."

Chase (who else?)

"Please tell me there's no such thing as a skyquake."

There is, Blades

"We all could use some laughs"
"Perhaps I may be of assistance. Two peanuts walked down the road. One had high sodium content." *drum take on Boulder's back* "Hahahahahahahaha!"

Boulder and Chase

"Ah, do you actually have a script? Because your film seems really random."



Real-world references

Transformers references

  • Blades ponders the existence of a Skyquake.


  • Griffin Rock has a rocket fuel reservoir.
  • Frankie's voice actor, Diamond White, later went on to be a contestant on The X Factor!

Foreign localization


  • Title: "Tremblements de terre" ("Earthquakes")
  • Original airdate: ?


  • Title: "Rúgd a port" ("Kick the Dust")
  • Original airdate: 1 March 2013


  • Title: "Tremori" ("Tremors")
  • Original airdate: 14 June 2017


  • Title: "Terremoto!" ("Earthquake!")
  • Original airdate: ?

Home video releases

All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted.

United States of America 2014 — Rescue Bots — "Heroes on the Scene" (Shout! Factory)
Australia 2014 — Rescue Bots — "Bot to the Future" (Beyond Home Entertainment)
Australia 2015 — Rescue Bots — "Complete Season 1" (Beyond Home Entertainment)

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